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  1. Wasn't it that player's body and head are represented internally as two spheres, and leaning against a door would just clip the head-sphere through? I'm not 100% sure.
  2. As long as you don't apply subsurf modifiers, those millions of polys will still only take KBs of space. There are reasons to apply them, like if you're then sculpting on top, or if you're baking normal maps externally. But you'd generally want to keep your .blend non-destructive as long as you can, file size is a bonus.
  3. Those cutscenes, man, those cutscenes... Part of the charm, but I don't think so-bad-it's-good is the thing to aim for in TDM. I liked the game, but I liked its predecessor even more. "Afraid of Monsters", also a HL1 mod - managed to be more immersive despite much (much) lower production values. One thing AoM did that CoF abandoned is a degree of monster uniqueness. An enemy that you only meet once or twice is that much more effective than Generic Zombie #274 (even if it had plenty of those too). Even if it's just a reskin, even if it's just a slight tweak - you still won't quite know what to expect right away. It's surprising how rare it is in high budget commercial games, would've thought fear of the unknown is a common sense design principle. TDM achieves some of it naturally: an FM would have some single unique threat, which across many FMs translates to decent variety. Still, I don't think anything really caught me off guard, unlike AoM.
  4. Same, basically. Used Opera until it became Chrome. Then used Firefox until it switched to WebExtensions. Been using Palemoon since (a FF56 clone, just like Waterfox). Eventually some sort of extra-bloated website will probably make me migrate, just like in the Opera12 days.
  5. You can export those using the modified .ase exporter. With regards to lwo, I don't see vertex normals in the spec. Here's how TDM source code describes handling them: This seems to confirm what I assumed about lwo smoothing previously: with quads triangulated, smoothing gets skewed at the surface boundaries, since one of adjacent quads is counted twice.
  6. What other games even use .lwo? This whole idtech-compatible thing is a bit baffling to me. The "incompatible" files seem pretty compatible with TDM, meanwhile the Blender importer (that ships with it) chokes on them. So yeah, anyway, I just removed a couple lines and it works, with the added bonus of now being able to export "sharp" vert-per-face colors, like so. Another headscratcher. Downoad here for now, but I guess I'll probably eventually rewrite this one as well. I'm on 2.79b, can't reproduce. Are you saying it's actually inactive or that "none" is the only choice in the drop-down selection? Can you try it on another version (or same but fresh)? Just download a zip version, unpack and run, no installation required, won't ruin your configs.
  7. Preliminary stuff on lwo vertex colors: you have to export as "idtech-compatible" to have any blending show up in TDM. But it only seems to export boundaries between colors? Or something with the alpha? I don't know, it's weird, and the exporter has a bunch of vertex color-related code commented out. I'll get around to it by the end of the week, but it's not immediately obvious. Please elaborate on what needs to be done (I don't have access to the referenced thread btw). I've seen the issue and exchanged some PMs with @stgatilov, although I thought the issue was the same as this one. I've since learned the latter is called the "shadow terminator" problem and is a common occurence in a lot of engines. Maybe it is the same as the one on the tracker, maybe not.
  8. Exporter's on the previous page, this one's an importer. I only changed a couple of lines in the lwo exporter, it isn't mine. That said, you should be able to select any of your vertex color layers, like so. Make sure you have some data to export, I guess? I don't really know if the option works, I haven't tested it in lwo's personally (might test it later today) Edit: imported blend_ground.ase from "A House of Locked Secrets", selected vertex color layer, exported it back out as .lwo, seems to be working as expected. Keep in mind that your blend won't show up in DR, only in-game. Edit of edit: or not. what's up with the bricks showing through where they shouldn't? Will look into it.
  9. Nope, that's the main drawback. Generally, lwo is roughly 10 times smaller.
  10. Alright, so I've checked out the four existing .ase importers, and they all could probably work with minimal tweaking, but they're all fairly basic. So this time I decided to write one from scratch. Download Blender .ASE importer Supports: - Transformed meshes (position, rotation, scale) - Multi-materials / sub-materials - Smoothing groups (correctly converts to sharp edges) - Split vertex-per-face normals - Vertex colors - UV coordinates, multiple UV channels - Can turn tris to quads without disturbing split normals - Can import multiple files at once, grouping meshes per-file - Can look up textures if the path is the exact match - Adds image nodes for Cycles (if it's the current renderer) Limitations: - Static triangulated meshes only - Only imports diffuse and specular colors, not transparency, emission, etc. - Slow when importing hundreds of files with "to quads" and "group objects" checked - Doesn't use Blender's validate method on meshes, to avoid deleting two-sided surfaces This is a beta release of sorts. It seems to run smoothly on TDM models and synthetic tests, as well as vanilla D3 & Q4, but I want to run some more tests still. Specifically, I might add quad support and change some material import logic if needed. In the meantime I'd appreciate any reports of import failures. These would spit out some traceback info to Blender's info bar. I mean this thing (not "system console" or "Python console") - which will also print some non-critical errors encountered while parsing the file. Let me know if you can't explain some of those too.
  11. One of the main reasons for writing the post is that this isn't exactly true. Even vanilla D3 shader looks like this: # modulate by the specular map * 2 TEX R2, fragment.texcoord[5], texture[5], 2D; ADD R2, R2, R2; MAD color, R1, R2, color;So it adds specular twice. Except not really, since the whole gamma thing skews it as well. Sure, you can tweak each material individually, but it would be much nicer to have a baseline (e.g. "colorize at 20% blend") that would apply across the board. For now, using "screen" instead of "add" to check it seems like a compromise. And the point is that it doesn't have to be this way: if the problem gets solve code-wise, grayscale specular maps can look perfect for every material. I like it when the surface 'plays' when hit by the light, and using the same details across diffuse/normal/specular always seems like a waste. It isn't necessarily dirt either: could be damaged varnish, dust on top, all sorts of hand- and finger-prints, etc. I've kind of thrown this together in an evening as well, these are 2k, usually I downsize them, and slightly harsher specmap helps retain the details. Good advice on components/groups for working with a single layered image. With multiple outputs in S.Designer it's a bit easier, but the general idea's the same: you first make a common-ground grayscale base (usually doubles as height to get your normal map from), then add details for color map and microsurface, some of these details overlap, some not. Substance Designer / Painter. But I'm sure other software, like Quixel and whatever else is out there, can get you similar results. You could do it manually too, but doing things like edge detect from the normal map by hand each time is way too much work.
  12. This is a post about (colored) specular maps and I don't have a better intro. If you're familiar with the issue and have read threads like this, feel free to skip right down to where the pictures end. The aim is to get a better understanding of systems currently in place in TDM renderer, and of possibility to change them. Some stuff has changed since vanilla idtech4, some stayed the same, it's not very clear and there seem to be some myths around it. I'll put it the way I see it, I expect to be corrected. Basics: According to iddevnet, specular map is "a gray scale image that defines how 'shiny' an object is". Immediately that's suspicious, since half of Doom 3 specmaps aren't grayscale at all. So, first we need to expand that: a specular map is an image that defines the color of the highlight on a given material. Like so: Alright, why would you use anything but grayscale? Well for one, metals have different physical properties from everything else. To mimic the way light would interact with them in reality, one would color specular maps the same color as diffuse maps: Most everything other than metals should have highlights matching the light that causes them. White light = white highlight, with a specular map tinting the highlight's color. If that were the case, why are all the organic specmaps colored as well? And why does this authoritative Quake 4 tutorial paint the specular of blood into bright blue? Well, there is no simple answer to that, it dives into tech talk right away. The engine should color the highlight white, but it doesn't. Instead, because of "black box" stuff with how the image textures go in, how they're processed, and how they end up on the screen, the contribution of a specular map gets skewed, and you end up with warped colors. Take cacodemon, for instance: One has the original textures, the other has its specular map desaturated. Even though the diffusemap isn't that colorful you can see the effect (if maybe not from afar / in motion). A grayscale specmap doesn't give us a white highlight, instead it gets reddish. Working around: We know the theory (somewhat), we have the examples straight from the horse's mouth, seems like problem solved. Not quite. If we just invert diffuse and colorize our grayscale with it, it's pretty unlikely we'll get a perfect result: (Actually, it's entirely possible it looks just fine to you if your monitor isn't calibrated, but completely different to someone else. That's a whole other can of worms - adjacent to the topic at hand, but too involved to include here) Alright, there's some advice online on how you can blend your specular in "linear dodge" mode, emulating the way the engine would do it, let's try that out: At this point it's harder to see it with a naked eye, but there's still a bluish tint. Well, let's try other modes, like "screen". Wouldn't make sense math-wise, but we're just looking for some baseline here. Hey, that looks alright. Getting reddish even. ...Except from any other angle. So, here we come to TDM specifics. On D3/Q4 this may have worked, but changes to the renderer since then might have made it impossible to get the "perfect" result. In particular, TDM has a universal Fresnel effect - surfaces get shinier the shallower the angle you observe them from. But it doesn't replace specmap, it intensifies it - which would mean a "perfect" specular color for one angle will be incorrect for every other angle. There may have been some other changes as well. D3 had a bit of a stigma for looking 'plastic-y' (partially because it even had specmaps), so who knows what else is different. I tried deciphering the current interaction shader to get at some "safe" value for color blending, but it seems a bit over my head for now. Fixing it: Maybe I got it all wrong, but to me it seems that no specular map can be technically correct in TDM (not talking "physically correct", just the stated purpose of such a map). Now, it's not that terrible an issue in the first place, and even less so in TDM - it being mostly torch- and candle-lit. But even so, while there doesn't seem to be a 100% solution to this on the art side, the possible engine-side solution seems well-defined. There's that NVidia article. There's RBDoom's gamma-correct implementation. And in general, while I can't into graphics code, it seems like converting colors from sRGB to linear and back at a couple of points is something largely engine-agnostic and not impossibly hard to implement. But I expect nothing is easy, and there may be pitfalls around every corner. For example, the soft gamma might play into this both at specular contribution point and at output-to-monitor point. One thing that shouldn't be much of a problem is existing assets: most TDM specmaps are grayscale already, meaning they "assume" the engine to be gamma-correct. So a change to renderer would only make them more correct, not break them. Even a couple of colored maps in e.g. Volta 2 don't rely on this "neutralization" hack. Worth mentioning that I've seen claims of gloss maps and HDR being in TDM, and I don't think either is true. On the other hand, I've also seen Fresnel effect as a wishlist item, even though we have that already. So, while I'd sure be glad to see the issue of specmaps fixed, even without that at least knowing what's there and roughly how it works would help quite a bit. Hopefully, this post has been of some help as well.
  13. Ah, that must be it, it didn't show up as an update in the downloader. Deleted the local copy and re-downloaded, now it's the archive with the 2018 files.
  14. Still seeing v1.1 (September 2015) in-game and on the missions page.
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