To get the script, the wiki page points to your 2013 forum post. However, you posted a minor update in 2016. I suggest you update the wiki page (ideally to get include a link directly to the download, without going through the forum; the forum could be referenced by a few "see more" links.) Other suggestions for changing the wiki page, based on the forum posts: Probably should talk about ".script" instead of "tdm_custom_scripts.script" Interesting values of "tolerance" are - 0 = direct look only - 0.1 (default) = up to about 29 degrees from cone axis (of direct view). - 1 = up to 90 degrees from cone axis, 180 degrees hemisphere total - 2 = no directionality (e.g., 360 degrees total) Add a brief caution - This script should not be used as-is to look at an AI, because the AI will have a scriptobject already. If you override it with trigger_look, then the AI behavior fails. Instead, merge trigger_look functions with the AI's script object. An example of such a merger script is given here [add link to ] Instead of "tolerance" and "distance", you must specify these parameters (which have no defaults): - tol_angle - the maximum value of the angle between the players viewing direction and the direction towards the ai to activate the script - tol_distance - the maximum distance between player and ai to activate the script Add a brief text commentary about script. Example: The heart of the script is the "processStim" function. It identifies the "inflictor", e.g. player1, and the object to be seen, e.g., a shield, and by substraction of their origins finds the vector from inflictor to seen-object. For a player-inflictor, the vector is adjusted in z to be "from eyes" instead of from origin at feet. If the length of that vector exceeds the "distance" parameter, nothing will be triggered. Otherwise, the unit vector in the direction of the inflictor's view is retrieved. A function call gives this in terms of Euler angles. This is then converted to a direct unit vector, representing the "forward" view (and ignoring the "right" and "up" vectors). A fuller explanation of the mathematics, see the video Finally, the first vector is normalized to a unit vector, and the "angle" (which is actually the cosine of the angle) between those 2 unit vectors is calculated. This is compared to "eps" (short for epsilon) which is 1 minus "tolerance", for triggering