// Custom defenition entityDef func_mover_dragofer { "inherit" "func_mover" "spawnclass" "idMover" "editor_displayFolder" "Func" "editor_usage" "A custom func_mover by dragofer" "editor_var scriptobject" "Scriptobject this entity uses. Don't change." "editor_var frob_action_script" "Script to call when this entity is frobbed. Don't change." "editor_float time" "total time taken to move" "editor_float accelTime" "time taken to accelerate" "editor_float decelTime" "time taken to decelerate" "editor_var translate" "amount to translate" "editor_var rotate" "amount to rotate" "editor_bool invert" "should the mover invert after (invert_count) number of movements" "editor_float invert_count" "number of movements the mover should make before inverting movement direction" "editor_var damage" "How much damage to cause entities that block mover." "editor_bool solid" "Whether the mover is solid to other entities." "editor_bool nopush" "set to 1 to disable pushing objects that block the mover." "editor_bool nodraw" "If set to 1 this entity is not drawn in game, meaning it is invisible." "editor_bool is_mantleable" "If set to 1, this entity is not mantleable by the player. Defaults to 0." "editor_bool frobable" "If set to 1 the entity is frobable. It will use the default distance unless 'frob_distance' is set with a different value. frobable doesn't have to be set if 'frob_distance' is also set." "editor_int frob_distance" "Specifes the distance when the frob highlight should become active. This setting will override the default frob distance." "editor_bool frob_simple" "Set this to 1 to let the player interact with this entity even when frobbing of more complex items is forbidden (e.g., when carrying a body over their shoulder)." "scriptobject" "reusable_script" "frob_action_script" "move_mover" "frobable" "0" "frob_distance" "100" "frob_simple" "1" "time" "4" "accelTime" "1" "decelTime" "1" "translate" "0 0 0" "rotate" "0 90 0" "invert" "1" "invert_count" "4" "nopush" "0" "solid" "1" "damage" "0" "nodraw" "0" "is_mantleable" "0" //Stim/Response to call the frob_action_script when triggered. "sr_class_1" "S" "sr_type_1" "STIM_TRIGGER" "sr_state_1" "1" "sr_class_2" "R" "sr_type_2" "STIM_TRIGGER" "sr_state_2" "1" "sr_effect_2_1" "effect_frob" "sr_effect_2_1_arg1" "_SELF" }