# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** #TODO: # Set vertex color to white instead of black so object appears properly lit in modeling programs # Remove duplicate materials # Set the command name so that DarkRadiant recognises this file __commandName__ = 'aseExport' __commandDisplayName__ = 'Export ASE...' # The actual algorithm called by DarkRadiant is contained in the execute() function def execute(): script = "Dark Radiant ASCII Scene Export (*.ase)" author = "Richard Bartlett" version = "0.2" # Check if we have a valid selection selectionInfo = GlobalSelectionSystem.getSelectionInfo() # Don't allow empty selections or selected components only if selectionInfo.totalCount == 0 or selectionInfo.totalCount == selectionInfo.componentCount: errMsg = GlobalDialogManager.createMessageBox('No selection', 'Nothing selected, cannot run exporter.', Dialog.ERROR) errMsg.run() return # simple linear triangulation of n-sided poly def triangulate(pointset): tris = [] for count in range(1, len(pointset) - 1): tris.append([pointset[0], pointset[count], pointset[count + 1]]) return tris # skin patch matrix with tris def skinmatrix(pointset, width, height): tris = [] for h in range(height-1): for w in range(width-1): tris.append([pointset[w+(h*width)], pointset[w+1+(h*width)], pointset[w+width+(h*width)]]) tris.append([pointset[w+1+(h*width)], pointset[w+1+width+(h*width)], pointset[w+width+(h*width)]]) return tris shaderlist = [] geomlist = [] class dataCollector(SelectionVisitor): global triangulate global skinmatrix global shaderlist global geomlist def visit(self, scenenode): verts = [] faces = [] if scenenode.getNodeType() == 'primitive': if scenenode.isBrush(): brushnode = scenenode.getBrush() numfaces = brushnode.getNumFaces() for index in range(numfaces): facenode = brushnode.getFace(index) shader = facenode.getShader() if not shader in shaderlist: shaderlist.append(shader) winding = facenode.getWinding() tris = triangulate([x+len(verts) for x in range(len(winding))]) for x in tris: x.append(shaderlist.index(shader)) faces.append(x) for x in reversed(winding): verts.append([x.vertex.x(), x.vertex.y(), x.vertex.z(), x.texcoord.x(), x.texcoord.y() * -1]) elif scenenode.isPatch(): patchnode = scenenode.getPatch() shader = patchnode.getShader() if not shader in shaderlist: shaderlist.append(shader) mesh = patchnode.getTesselatedPatchMesh() for x in mesh.vertices: verts.append([x.vertex.x(), x.vertex.y(), x.vertex.z(), x.texcoord.x(), x.texcoord.y() * -1]) tris = skinmatrix([x for x in range(len(verts))], mesh.width, mesh.height) for x in tris: x.append(shaderlist.index(shader)) faces.append(x) else: print('WARNING: non-primative node selected. Skipping.') geomlist.append([verts, faces]) walker = dataCollector() GlobalSelectionSystem.foreachSelected(walker) # split objects that do not share the same texture on all faces for x in geomlist: texlist = [] for data in x[1]: texlist.append(data[3]) if len(set(texlist)) > 1: temp = [] for texture in set(texlist): vertlist = [] facelist = [] for data in x[1]: if data[3] == texture: facelist.append(data) usedverts = [] for face in facelist: usedverts.extend(face[0:3]) usedverts = list(set(usedverts)) for index in usedverts: vertlist.append(x[0][index]) newfacelist = [] for face in facelist: newfacelist.append([vertlist.index(x[0][face[0]]),vertlist.index(x[0][face[1]]),vertlist.index(x[0][face[2]]),face[3]]) temp.append([vertlist, newfacelist]) del geomlist[geomlist.index(x)] geomlist.extend(temp) scene = '''\t*SCENE_FILENAME "{0}" \t*SCENE_FIRSTFRAME 0 \t*SCENE_LASTFRAME 100 \t*SCENE_FRAMESPEED 30 \t*SCENE_TICKSPERFRAME 160 \t*SCENE_BACKGROUND_STATIC 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t*SCENE_AMBIENT_STATIC 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000'''.format(GlobalMap.getMapName()) materials = str() for x in shaderlist: materials = materials + '''\t*MATERIAL {0} {{ \t\t*MATERIAL_NAME "{1}" \t\t*MATERIAL_CLASS "Standard" \t\t*MATERIAL_AMBIENT 0.5882\t0.5882\t0.5882 \t\t*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE 0.5882\t0.5882\t0.5882 \t\t*MATERIAL_SPECULAR 0.9000\t0.9000\t0.9000 \t\t*MATERIAL_SHINE 0.1000 \t\t*MATERIAL_SHINESTRENGTH 0.0000 \t\t*MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY 0.0000 \t\t*MATERIAL_WIRESIZE 1.0000 \t\t*MATERIAL_SHADING Blinn \t\t*MATERIAL_XP_FALLOFF 0.0000 \t\t*MATERIAL_SELFILLUM 0.0000 \t\t*MATERIAL_FALLOFF In \t\t*MATERIAL_XP_TYPE Filter \t\t*MAP_DIFFUSE {{ \t\t\t*MAP_NAME "{2}" \t\t\t*MAP_CLASS "Bitmap" \t\t\t*MAP_SUBNO 1 \t\t\t*MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000 \t\t\t*BITMAP "\\\\purgatory\\purgatory\\doom\\base\{2}" \t\t\t*MAP_TYPE Screen \t\t\t*UVW_U_OFFSET 0.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_V_OFFSET 0.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_U_TILING 1.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_V_TILING 1.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_ANGLE 0.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_BLUR 1.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_BLUR_OFFSET 0.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_NOUSE_AMT 1.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_NOISE_SIZE 1.0000 \t\t\t*UVW_NOISE_LEVEL 1 \t\t\t*UVW_NOISE_PHASE 0.0000 \t\t\t*BITMAP_FILTER Pyramidal \t\t}} \t}} '''.format(shaderlist.index(x), x, x.replace('/','\\')) geomobjects = str() for x in geomlist: vertlist = str() for count, data in enumerate(x[0]): vertlist = vertlist + '''\t\t\t*MESH_VERTEX {0}\t{1: 10.4f}\t{2: 10.4f}\t{3: 10.4f}\n'''.format(count, data[0], data[1], data[2]) facelist = str() for count, data in enumerate(x[1]): facelist = facelist + '''\t\t\t*MESH_FACE {0}: A: {1} B: {2} C: {3} AB: 0 BC: 0 CA: 0\t *MESH_SMOOTHING 1 \t*MESH_MTLID {4}\n'''.format(count, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]) tvertlist = str() for count, data in enumerate(x[0]): tvertlist = tvertlist + '''\t\t\t*MESH_TVERT {0}\t{1: 10.4f}\t{2: 10.4f}\t0.0000\n'''.format(count, data[3], data[4]) tfacelist = str() for count, data in enumerate(x[1]): tfacelist = tfacelist + '''\t\t\t*MESH_TFACE {0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n'''.format(count, data[0], data[1], data[2]) cfacelist = str() for count, data in enumerate(x[1]): cfacelist = cfacelist + '''\t\t\t*MESH_CFACE {0}\t0\t0\t0\n'''.format(count) normals = str() for count, data in enumerate(x[1]): normals = normals + '''\t\t\t*MESH_FACENORMAL {0}\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t\t\t*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL {1}\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t\t\t*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL {2}\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t\t\t*MESH_VERTEXNORMAL {3}\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\n'''.format(count, data[0], data[1], data[2]) geomobjects = geomobjects + '''*GEOMOBJECT {{ \t*NODE_NAME "{0}" \t*NODE_TM {{ \t\t*NODE_NAME "{0}" \t\t*INHERIT_POS 0 0 0 \t\t*INHERIT_ROT 0 0 0 \t\t*INHERIT_SCL 0 0 0 \t\t*TM_ROW0 1.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_ROW1 0.0000\t1.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_ROW2 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_ROW3 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_POS 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_ROTAXIS 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_ROTANGLE 0.0000 \t\t*TM_SCALE 1.0000\t1.0000\t1.0000 \t\t*TM_SCALEAXIS 0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000 \t\t*TM_SCALEAXISANG 0.0000 \t}} \t*MESH {{ \t\t*TIMEVALUE 0 \t\t*MESH_NUMVERTEX {1} \t\t*MESH_NUMFACES {2} \t\t*MESH_VERTEX_LIST {{ {3}\t\t}} \t\t*MESH_FACE_LIST {{ {4}\t\t}} \t\t*MESH_NUMTVERTEX {5} \t\t*MESH_TVERTLIST {{ {6}\t\t}} \t\t*MESH_NUMTVFACES {7} \t\t*MESH_TFACELIST {{ {8}\t\t}} \t\t*MESH_NUMCVERTEX 1 \t\t*MESH_CVERTLIST {{ \t\t\t*MESH_VERTCOL 0\t1.0000\t1.0000\t1.0000 \t\t}} \t\t*MESH_NUMCVFACES {9} \t\t*MESH_CFACELIST {{ {10}\t\t}} \t\t*MESH_NORMALS {{ {11}\t\t}} \t}} \t*PROP_MOTIONBLUR 0 \t*PROP_CASTSHADOW 1 \t*PROP_RECVSHADOW 1 \t*MATERIAL_REF {12} }}\n'''.format('mesh' + str(geomlist.index(x)), \ len(x[0]), \ len(x[1]), \ vertlist, \ facelist, \ len(x[0]), \ tvertlist, \ len(x[1]), \ tfacelist, \ len(x[1]), \ cfacelist, \ normals, \ x[1][0][3]) # material reference from first face data = '''*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT\t200 *COMMENT "{0} v{1}" *SCENE {{ {2} }} *MATERIAL_LIST {{ \t*MATERIAL_COUNT {3} {4}}} {5}'''.format(script, version, scene, len(shaderlist), materials, geomobjects) # Test creating a new dialog dialog = GlobalDialogManager.createDialog(script + 'v' + version) # Add an entry box and remember the handle fileHandle = dialog.addEntryBox("Filename:") dialog.setElementValue(fileHandle, GlobalRegistry.get('user/scripts/aseExport/recentFilename')) # Add an entry box and remember the handle pathHandle = dialog.addPathEntry("Save path:", True) dialog.setElementValue(pathHandle, GlobalRegistry.get('user/scripts/aseExport/recentPath')) if dialog.run() == Dialog.OK: fullpath = dialog.getElementValue(pathHandle) + '/' + dialog.getElementValue(fileHandle) if not fullpath.endswith('.ase'): fullpath = fullpath + '.ase' # Save the path for later use GlobalRegistry.set('user/scripts/aseExport/recentFilename', dialog.getElementValue(fileHandle)) GlobalRegistry.set('user/scripts/aseExport/recentPath', dialog.getElementValue(pathHandle)) try: file = open(fullpath, 'r') file.close() prompt = GlobalDialogManager.createMessageBox('Warning', 'The file ' + fullpath + ' already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?', Dialog.ASK) if prompt.run() == Dialog.YES: overwrite = True else: overwrite = False except IOError: overwrite = True if overwrite: file = open(fullpath, 'w') file.write(data) file.close() # __executeCommand__ evaluates to true after DarkRadiant has successfully initialised if __executeCommand__: execute()