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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/24 in all areas

  1. Version 2 of The Terrible Old Man has been released: Fixed misaligned piping in the kitchen that had its origin changed by the last TDM update. Fixed a wall decal inside the house that was inverted. Fixed some GUI issues + added a proper loading screen (special thanks to Nbohr1more for his help) Fixed the timing of the ending cutscene. It should no longer be possible to view the end of certain animations if the player's brightness + gamma is high enough. Fixed several LOD models that failed to render during the final cutscene. Fixed the capitalization on one of the name plaques inside the house. The front door of the old man's house has been changed. The door can still be opened slightly, but there is now more obvious debris blocking it that cannot be removed. A clearer side path has been added to help guide the player towards the actual entrance to the house. Version 2 is available via the Dropbox download link or the in-game downloader. Thank you once again for the incredibly kind reception of my first FM!
    5 points
  2. I'm back! Happy new years, TDM folks! I brought with me a quick update for my first FM that fixes up a lot of small issues that didn't get caught in beta testing. I didn't exactly expect it to take me nearly 9 months to release a patch, but it's been a wild year to say the least. Teaching, finishing up my Master's of Education, and all manner of other events forced me to drop out of the anniversary FM contest and ate up all my time, but I'm back again in a comfortable position to start catching up on all the new FMs. I may even start work on another spooky project of greater length and difficulty in the coming year. Thanks again for the warm welcome to the community and have a happy new year!
    2 points
  3. Vambrace: Cold Soul 100% off on GOG Offer ends in: 2d 18h 59m 40s https://www.gog.com/en/game/vambrace_cold_soul https://www.gog.com/giveaway/claim
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I forgot to add easiest option 0 to my list: Tell players to use the Fresnel mod https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dark-mod/addons/fresnel-mod-212 I usually pair with SSAO anyway so I guess it counts as option 1b.
    1 point
  6. TDM Modpack v4.6 This update makes the TDM Modpack compatible with the development version of TDM 2.13, in case you want to test or use 2.13 now or during the upcoming beta phase and miss some mods... This new version of the Modpack remains, of course, compatible with 2.12. Let's take this opportunity to introduce a new mod: FORWARD LANTERN MOD I think this image explains very well what this mod is about: The implementation of the player lantern light has always bothered me. And while I understand the idea behind it, and despite its long radius, it feels annoying and frustrating for some reason. I started thinking about it and I realized the problem had to do with how light is distributed on screen: most of the times all I want is to focus on what's right ahead of me but the light forces me to focus on the sides. These two images should make my point very clear: ~ CURRENT ~ ~ NEW ~ On the technical side it is worth noting I moved the origin of the light from the hip to the bottom of the spine. I did this because in some situations the light would clip through objects and disappear but now that the light is well buried into the body clipping is impossible. Let us know your opinion about this mod and the player lantern in general! This mod is available for all missions except Flakebridge Monastery, Hazard pay, Moongate Ruckus, Snowed Inn, Vota 1, 2 & 3., which come with their own tweaks to the lantern. --------------------------------------------------- THE LOOP SKILL GET ITS FIRST UPDATE In the initial release I explained I was very conservative with the approach and in order to avoid potential issues you shouldn't be too close to walls or objects when using the Loop. Well, you will be glad to know a workaround has been found and the Loop is as responsive as it gets now and you can use it almost anywhere. Almost? I still haven't figured out how to force the player to crouch and the exception remains when there isn't enough vertical space. I hope someday the developers allow mappers and modders to force the player to crouch so that this mod can be fully realized and mappers can start their missions in vents or tight spaces. - Whoops, I'm outta here! You will probably notice that the Loop feels like it takes a little longer now: I detected that when jumping to some locations the engine needs some lead time to render the new environment. The jump essentially takes the same time as before but I added an extra second right after the jump to allow the engine to render everything properly. --------------------------------------------------- FINAL REORGANIZATION Starting now each skill is presented in its own slot and the Shadowmark Tool has been removed from Core Essentials and it is presented separately as well: Such a nice set of Mods we have! I hope you have fun with this new version of the TDM Modpack! The download can be found in the opening post. Here is the full changelog: • v4.6 New release - Minor changes to make it compatible with the upcoming TDM 2.13. - FORWARD LANTERN: Initial release. - SHADOW MARK: Now in its own mod slot. - SKILL UPGRADE: Skills now presented in their own mod slots. - SKILL LOOP: More responsive. Update to allow the engine render the world timely. - SHOCK MINE: Description added to the shop. - CORE ESSENTIALS - MISC: Decreased brightness of the Objectives and the Inventory. - CORE ESSENTIALS - MISC: Decreased brightness of stock newspapers. - CORE ESSENTIALS - MISC: Removed two anticlimactic player dying sounds. Cheers!
    1 point
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