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Status Replies posted by freyk

  1. Just found out piped.kavin.rocks has a build-in audio-only for video's (great for music video's). Never thought something like this (including browser extensions) excisted. This would have saved me a lot of money on vacation, where I was camping without wifi.

    1. freyk


      Nice site.

      As an android user, i use newpipe. For ios devicesthere are also other apps/sites:


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. When someone cries for help on the wiki instead of the forum (I wonder how many people have read it, but I found it funny that it's still there):


    1. freyk


      Maybe the answer can be found on the wiki.

  3. I just dreamed that I was on a Dark Tranquility concert and then the vocalist took me out of the massive crowd on the stage just to leave it with me and the band together. We went to the back stage where they showed me a game they were developing with the crowd outside waiting for the next song. Then we went out for dinner and ice skating in an abandoned mall. lol

    1. freyk


      In the following dreamsymbols dictionary


      Search for keywords: concert, vocal, stage, etc.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. I just dreamed that I was on a Dark Tranquility concert and then the vocalist took me out of the massive crowd on the stage just to leave it with me and the band together. We went to the back stage where they showed me a game they were developing with the crowd outside waiting for the next song. Then we went out for dinner and ice skating in an abandoned mall. lol

    1. freyk


      Thanks for sharing this dream.

      In every dream, there is a message to yourself. To get this message use a dreamsymbols dictionary.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Boris Johnson's resignation does not change the fact that Australia is home to 29 million kangaroos and Wales has a population of just over three million.

    If the Australian kangaroos were to invade Wales, one resident would have to fight almost ten kangaroos at a time.

    1. freyk


      And It also doesnt bring the UK back to the European Union. 😔

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Be honest: Who of you have actually finished Cuphead? This game is freaking tough! It might even be harder than Sekiro. Dark Souls is a joke in comparison to Cuphead! :-D 

    1. freyk


      I didnt played yet, but i love the classic art-style.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. You know how there are these long videos which turn your TV into a fireplace on christmas?

    Well, can we make a video with just videos of happy, friendly farm animals? ...for dogs? I notice that they get really happy when there are animals on TV, and how bored they are just lying around the house most of the day. When we leave them alone, we could just turn on the TV and have them be happy all day instead. It'll be like ASMR, but for pets.

    1. freyk


      And from experience, turn the radio/tv on when you leave the house.
      If they are bored they will damage your house.
      How about listening to Shalebridge cradle ambience :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. You know how there are these long videos which turn your TV into a fireplace on christmas?

    Well, can we make a video with just videos of happy, friendly farm animals? ...for dogs? I notice that they get really happy when there are animals on TV, and how bored they are just lying around the house most of the day. When we leave them alone, we could just turn on the TV and have them be happy all day instead. It'll be like ASMR, but for pets.

    1. freyk


      do a youtube search for "tv for dogs".
      For myself, i keep with "ambience videos"

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Fiddling around with a new tdm-in-webbrowser project:  boxedwine 32bit and emscripten.

    1. freyk


      Because thats the only thing that the boxedwine-web package supports. And dont have the knowledge to create something like that. For more info see boxedwine site.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Fiddling around with a new tdm-in-webbrowser project:  boxedwine 32bit and emscripten.

    1. freyk


      Maybe i can remove the WINE-stuff from it en insert TDM 32 for linux
      Because the boxedwine container contains a very small linux distro with WINE.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Do we want fur in TDM? Like https://duzenko.github.io/webgl/

    1. freyk


      No, because it is possible to slow down older systems.
      But your browser demo is nice.
      It would be nicer to play a old version of TDM in the browser, see topic about D3Wasm.
      (would be a nice experiment)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. I've tried to update to 2.10 from 2.09 with the TDM updater but fails to update saying my installation is up to date, first time this has happened in many years of using the updater. So I guess I need to install a fresh new version which is unfortunate because of all the in game settings which will be lost with a new installation. There is a keybinds config file which I'll backup but don't know which files to back up for other in game settings

    1. freyk


      Please post your tech problems in ipur tech support forum. Config files are just textfiles. So just copy and paste parts for the keybinds.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. I started skateboarding again after a 20 year hiatus. Whish me luck I don't break anything. 😄

  14. Man, who needs parallax cubemaps when you could have RTX? But seriously if they got demos of Quake 2 running it, what would it take for RTX to run on something like TDM?

  15. Damn, Sekiro is way too addicting! :D Hopefully, I'll be done with it by the end of the week! ^^

  16. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

  17. So, New Zealand banned semi-autos. Not a long way from banning semi-auto handguns...

    1. freyk


      how about not giving weapons to people with mental ilnesses or crazy thoughts

    2. (See 53 other replies to this status update)

  18. Steam link anywhere is announced. I will test if we can play TDM anywhere.

    1. freyk


      yes. you and your system need to be online for this.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. When your free phone from the government comes with malware installed out of the box. https://forums.androidcentral.com/general-help-how/936458-why-does-google-chrome-open-up-scammy-game-page.html

    1. freyk


      and that topic, its a replacement phone. Maybe not factory resetted?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Steam link anywhere is announced. I will test if we can play TDM anywhere.

    1. freyk


      yes and you host the game, not a other gameprovider.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. When your free phone from the government comes with malware installed out of the box. https://forums.androidcentral.com/general-help-how/936458-why-does-google-chrome-open-up-scammy-game-page.html

    1. freyk


      then you go to xda and download and flash a clean rom (as possible) on the phone.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Steam link anywhere is announced. I will test if we can play TDM anywhere.

    1. freyk


      Its just steam link, but now you can stream the video and user input outside your personal network. TDM works with steam link, so steamlink anywhere should too.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. Is there a quick way to view the player model without decking the walls with mirrors?

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