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Status Updates posted by Goldwell

  1. Has anyone else experienced this bug in 2.07, if you press escape or quicksave it mutes any AI who are in the middle of conversation.

    1. nbohr1more


      Spooks claims it was reproducible in 2.03:



    2. Amadeus


      Yes, and it also happened in 2.06 too. A specific mission that comes to mind is when I was playing grayman's The Warrens

    3. Goldwell


      Oh damn.. i've never noticed it before

  2. 137 bugs fixed. 58 remaining. Only 30% of bugs left until a beta build for Shadows of Northdale Act 2 is ready.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Goldwell


      No, luckily I have a computer that can count line entries for me ;)

    3. Dragofer


      My bug list always grows back once I've squashed them all.

    4. STiFU
  3. New year, new beginnings. Happy new year everyone!

  4. As I have been getting a few requests for vocals recently I just wanted to inform everyone that I am no longer doing vocals for any project regardless of whether it's related to thief/tdm. I plan on fulfilling my old agreements but after they're done then that's it from me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. chakkman


      Good to hear. I mean, that you will still do vocals on your missions. The Shadows of Northdale campaign is very promising.

    3. Bikerdude


      In lue of young GW stepping away from VA, and as I have a good mic and some semblence of acting skill (not as good as GW) I am happy to try and step in if my voice is suitable that is.

    4. grayman


      Thanks for your contributions. I guess I'm going to need to find the voice of "our friend" in William Steele's remaining missions elsewhere.

  5. How many floppy disks would it take to store the dark mod and all its missions?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Obsttorte


      The latest ones I remember could store a bit over 3MB. If Mr. Bohr is right with the size we would talk about 3600 disks.

    3. freyk


      and the drives van play music:

    4. peter_spy


      That's gonna be hell of a Christmas present.

  6. I wonder what the maximum amount of hours is to be considered a speed build? .... Asking for a friend.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. peter_spy


      Four hours it's a decent time... For texturing a model, or making a decent material :)

    3. demagogue


      Haha, actually I think it was 45 minutes. It's the opening room to the Chain Project for T2 if you want to see it. A bare small room with a locked door, table and plant, and an AI that immediately attacks. You kill him and the door opens. 4 hours is a bit more rational. How could you check anyway? Dromed saves the age of a map. I guess make a branch save when you start and then check the time stamp with the final save.

    4. stumpy


      no map size limit, 2 days, or 48 hours. And map to have at least 1/2 hour play time.

  7. There is a rough cut for the steam greenlight trailer i've made here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK4xJ_Lx9-U After watching please let your opinion be known on it here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18624-steam-greenlight-top-50-in-we-are/?p=401221

    1. Goldwell


      The polls are only open for 24 hours from the timestamp on that post.

    2. Bikerdude
    3. Goldwell


      Polls are closed now.

  8. Working on my rainy mission while it rains outside. The atmosphere is very inspiring, I just love rainy weather :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Springheel


      I'd love to hear rain right now...it's -12 Celsius.


    3. Vae


      Sounds great, Goldwell!

    4. SeriousToni


      Rain / Thunderstorm Maps are always so cool! Good luck with it! :)

  9. A rather familiar face showed up in Deus Ex: System Rift http://i.imgur.com/jRdBEKY.jpg

  10. Even though the description says not to use it, will replacing a coinpurse on an AI with "atdm:prop_empty" mess anything up? the game seems to be fine so far but the description for the prop_empty was vocal about not using it.

    1. Dragofer


      Could you replace the item name in the two spawnargs with a -? Iirc that's how I've been deleting props that are attached by default.

    2. Obsttorte


      If the engine doesn't recognize the attached entity it will post a warning in the console and not attach anything (that's what is happening when you use -). You can hardly mess anything up he. But if atdm:prop_empty is an entity that actually exists and you just want to remove it, you should better be using -.

    3. Goldwell


      Thank you both, i've replaced the spawnarg with just "-" to be on the safe side.

  11. Incredible.

    1. Bikerdude


      I remember this when the trailer first came out...

    2. Theothesnopp


      holy frick, heard this band(?) years ago, "the major cities..." it had like 200 views.

      this might be my lifes biggest hipster moment.

  12. So I found out a very cool piece of news today. My WIP is going to have a small voice acting cameo from an industry veteran. He has worked with Bethesda, Blizzard, Konami and he was even in Doom 3. But more on that later! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Goldwell


      He wasn't aware of the Dark Mod until we spoke however after checking it out he said "The whole Dark Mod project looks really cool". :)

    3. Bikerdude
    4. Tarhiel


      This sounds awesome and intriguing, not to mention praise for the whole Dark Mod must feel very appreciative :)

  13. Mapping todo list for tonight: do the four other todo lists

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bikerdude
    3. Epifire


      Is this the same project that contains some overpriced furniture?

    4. Goldwell
  14. Is it possible to place too many loot items in a room? I don't know if i've lost the joy because frequently obtaining loot loses its special feeling or if i've played this part of the map about a hundred times

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldwell


      That's a good analogy, I guess i'll just have to keep tweaking. The main issue I have is that I love to decorate with paintings but they are usually loot too. So you can enter a room (noble) with say a golden brush, a chalice, some wine and then 2 or 3 paintings... and therein lies my problem.

    3. VanishedOne


      You don't like using func_static models for paintings? (I know it gives rise to the problem of identical-looking loot and non-loot, but that exists in plenty of existing maps.)

    4. Melan


      Agree with Springheel. See Thief 4 for why "trash loot" is a problem.

  15. When detailing a map there is a fine line between "that looks like it was there naturally" and "that looks like it was made to look like it was there naturally"

    1. Bikerdude


      heh, ah yes to detail or not to detail that is the ultimate mappers dilemma.

  16. An interesting read for those who believe Microsoft is invading your privacy with 10. https://www.petri.com/windows-10-privacy-concerns-are-overblown-but-perception-matters

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chakkman


      Well, at the end they figured out how their competitiors make money, and go the same way. Actually it's the only way MS will be able to compete against the likes of Google and Apple. They overslept the mobile OS thing quite a while, and have to catch up now. With a one time payment for the OS, there obviously isn't enough money to be made anymore. Tbh, also on the net, i rather have ads than having to pay for every website or service. Because that's the unfortunate alternative.

    3. chakkman


      And personalized ads is the way to go, whether one likes that or not. With the always increasing amount of ads, there's a need to make those more relevant to you, so they stand out.

    4. Bikerdude


      I'm beginning to wonder if someone is a corporate shill.

  17. I was going through the textures in TDM earlier when I found one called "Painting11" however I can't find any painting models that use it http://i.imgur.com/UuI5x9P.png does anyone know what painting model uses this?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Springheel


      What the hell is a Bob Ross painting doing in TDM? It's a good thing it's not used, since it's not only anachronistic but probably a copyright infringement as well.

    3. Springheel


      Looks like I replaced the original a long time ago, but forgot to replace the editor image.


    4. Sotha
  18. Preordered (like a dirty corporate whore) Deus Ex: MD, Fallout 4, Dishonored 2 and Hitman, 120 euro well spent though!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 7upMan


      I second AH: No ME2? Shame on you!

    3. STiFU


      They will all be excellent, I am sure of it. But still, I am just gonna buy them on demand, when I am in the mood for playing the specific game or I wait until there's a sale.

    4. SeriousToni


      Yes, and you won't end up with a list of games you bought but never had time to play. It's around 90% the case I think for me, haha :D

  19. The full Thief Gold HD texture mod is going to be released soon! Here's the trailer

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nbohr1more


      This is cool and all but I wish Gecko would've worked with the Canon Texture folks at TTLG rather than doing his own project. He's completely changed the look of some of the textures. I guess it's author's prerogative but when you market yourself as the "official" HD mod it's kinda shady, especially since there was already HD-ification happening elsewhere...

    3. SeriousToni


      Thank you Goldwell! @nbohr1more: Which do you mean? Those? They really look nice and I hope he can help these guys out now after 1.0 release! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140187&page=58

    4. fllood


      Agree with nbohr1more. These textures imo are too far from the look & feel of the original game. I switched back from "HD" beta to original textures.

  20. Pizza, Beer & Darkradiant... Yep this is what my friday nights consist of now days! Happy mapping all!

  21. I always see this error message "Flood control is enabled. Please wait at least 12 seconds before attempting to search again" can a forum admin please turn it off for members?

    1. Goldwell


      It's annoying if I search for something, realize I made a typo and then try to search again with the correct spelling and have to wait another 12-15 seconds

    2. SteveL


      Yes, it's annoying when you get punished for using 3 letter terms too. How exactly to search for AAS?

      I don't know whether it can be turned off, but I never use the built-in search any more. Google does a much better job, and searches both forum and wiki in one. You have to add site:thedarkmod.com to your search terms.

    3. SeriousToni


      Same problems I had everytime I wanted to search for something ^^ Wether it was too short or I wanted to correct a search

  22. So today I learned that if you hold the crouch button on a ladder/rope it causes the player to drop down from the current position saving yourself from hitting the jump key and hoping you land correctly. It might not sound like much but damn this is so great

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ERH+


      Maybe we need loading screen tips with such things?

    3. Springheel


      Some missions have those.

    4. Oldjim


      When I asked about that - other than getting the answer I was referred to The Dark Mod Gameplay wiki

  23. Anyone down for a Kingdom Come Deliverance beer? http://i.imgur.com/3C5vO0r.png quite curious to give these a try!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Goldwell


      Ha I had to double check that wasn't written there :P


      I've never had Czech beer myself so i'm curious how it will taste.

    3. Melan


      Daniel Vávra, ladies gentlemen. There are still cool people in game development.


      Also, Czech beer has a very high probability of being very, very good.

    4. Melan
  24. Has anyone tried running TDM and/or Dark Radiant on Windows 10 yet? I assume its compatible but I plan to upgrade to 10 when it comes out (this summer) so it would be nice to know beforehand

    1. Bikerdude


      It runs fine, just tested b10036

    2. AluminumHaste


      Yeah ran fine for me also, don't know about DR

    3. Bikerdude


      I should have said I tested DR.

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