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Airship Ballet

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Airship Ballet last won the day on August 18 2022

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1039 Deity

About Airship Ballet

  • Birthday 02/13/1988

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    Oulujärven pohjalla

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  1. I just tabbed out while testing and died in an empty room with no entrances and no guards within hearing distance. I have so many questions.

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    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I've only ever experienced that spontaneous death from having my head wrapped too far around a doorframe while leaning. Just about die myself every time.

    3. Melan


      Tonight, in The Seven Sisters, night 2, I managed to SAVE over a SHAS point. That was awkward.

    4. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      At least you don't (I imagine) get that bone snapping sound with the yell. I swear they made the hitting sounds loud so as to scare people to death after making them tense with the ambience. Googling the name and reading about a plague curing mechanic, I'm looking forward to getting to the T2 FMs. The T1 ones are great (Lampfire Hills being my favorite) but the upgraded engine seems to have encouraged a lot of creativity in addition to the usual great level design.

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