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The Dark Mod Forums

Airship Ballet

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Status Replies posted by Airship Ballet

  1. I'm beginning to understand why people who aren't into social clubbing "don't last long" on this project, and why it's so full of holes. When moderators are siding with bullies, by closing down threads that they derail, then I start to wonder if I should support the platform to begin with.

    I'm sure that the core development is solid, but when you're constantly tone policed and bullied, and moderators are playing into it too, then the project will just drive away talent, and replace it with socialites instead. ...and without talent, you only end up with a small skeleton crew trying to do everything themselves.

    ...so Dragofer and Airship Ballet, and all you other socialites, you win. From now on I'll just keep to myself. You'll never be able to do my work, but at least you'll be happy together, and that's what matters to you.



    Actually, I have to revise my statement:
    I actually messaged greebo - the top dog, I gather - about nbohr1more's outburst of insanity below, and since I haven't even heard back from him, I just have to assume that there's not a single core programmer here, who's not backing nbohr's threats. ...and that's bad.

    ...so if you're a newbie reading this, or an honest soul like ZergRush, then just slowly back out of these forums, run, and don't look back. This is nothing more than a cult posing as a game development project, using Thief and IDTech4 to sucker hopefuls in, to do work for them, while trying to cajole them into something going on behind the scenes, which apparently - according to nbohr - is something that should be hidden from the state. These people aren't programmers - they don't even understand things like how to fix the simplest bugs. All they have, is an engine, and an IP, and some sort of fascist social cult. There was some other project I saw being made in the Unreal Engine. Try joining that project. ...or start a project of your own. Anything but this asylum.

    Hopefully that was "divisive" enough for a final post, because at this point I really want people to leave this place. This project is, on a management level, just awful garbage, run by garbage people, apparently from the top down, and I'm just glad that they have a garbage place to stay, together, and hopefully forever.


  2. I still play classic Doom (albeit with user-made mods and maps rather than the original campaign) on a regular basis. A game from the early 90's which has still got a healthy following in 2022. Pretty amazing.

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I think new levels are great! Some of the mods people have come up with are crazy, like whole new games for better or worse. Blood still getting content made for it is what I'm all about though.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. My guinea pig is cuter than your guinea pig https://i.imgur.com/r5VIdr0.jpeg


    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Aaaahhh! They start so smaaaaaaall! Mine fit in my palm at first, now I have to use both hands to lift the oldest because she's such a hefty potato.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Happy Birthday to me!
    I've already got a birthday gift, although indirectly, from @Airship Ballet, thanks lil' lady, you're great!

  5. It's a solar myth that without a space suit you'll go to nirvana with frostbite; in fact, you would get a nasty sunburn before your demise.

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Sunburn at below freezing temperatures sounds like your average Finnish winter; maybe I missed my calling.

  6. I always feel a little connected, in the rare case when I'm spying on the Online users list and someone else is there as well..

  7. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Is that what the bad guys in temple of doom wanted all along? Clean code? What were the kids mining for, semicolons?

    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  8. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I think we can all be grateful ya never propagated

    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  9. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      You bunch'a chads in your game dev discord, the coolest of clubs.

    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  10. So, how do any of you feel about "Map Ideas"? I have no time, motivation or big enough desire, sorry 'bout that, to make maps myself, but I do have a lot of ideas, maybe a good mapper would pick up and make it, or even make it up his own? Always loved giving some "artistic freedom".

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I think ideas are fantastic, and that as we age we're taught to either make something of them (i.e. monetisation) or they're worthless, but all great creators' pocket journals end up going for millions, and pancake recipes share pages with revolutionary notes. Basically write them down, and the ones that end up out there lend credence to the ones that remain doodles!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  11. I've been thinking alot about indentations in the last time.

  12. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      So a man walks into a bar and says "uniform code formatting is a good thing" and everyone nods, mumbles agreement, even invites him to sit down.

      Hearing of this wisdom, Nort rushes to the same bar, lights himself on fire and kicks in the door. "YOU GUYS ARE MORONS" he screeches, pitching a child through a window and ripping off his sweater vest, "DID U JUST CRAWL OUT OF THE SWAMP OR WHAT I CANT EVEN WITH THIS FORMATTING." He then sits down at the bar, still on fire, and asserts that everyone else there must be touched because they find his approach less than diplomatic.

      Don't be like Nort.

    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  13. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

  14. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Poor long-suffering Nort. If only the unwashed masses could see sense. Maybe shout more? Could be a hearing issue.

    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  15. This is a status update.

  16. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      The forum just wouldn't feel like home without a pretentious dork passive-aggressively waxing philosophical in the status updates; thanks for doing what you're doing, it's not an easy job but someone's gotta do it.

    2. (See 65 other replies to this status update)

  17. Listen, I'm not mad, scripters. Well, maybe just a little upset, but mostly bewildered.

    I'm reading all these script files, and their indentation, and I'm just picturing some sort of frat party going on, where everybody is plastered, and is sometimes just making out while sitting on the spacebar.

    I mean you have heard of indentation, right? ...like properly nested indentation?

    ...because the first time I looked at one of your script files, I was like "Oh! So this is a sort of indentation based nesting, that looks very complex now, but which I'm just going to have to learn.".

    ...but no. Apparently this is obfuscation that makes every script look like "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn".


    Just why?

  18. Guess who just got their first lock picking kit?

  19. The Black Parade is coming! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146501 Woo-hoo!

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Does the briefing start with "When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city"?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. Curious, I was wanting to make an animated avatar but does our site accept gif images for profiles as some do?

    1. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      Look at you, being all passionately nerdy about nerd things.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Curious, I was wanting to make an animated avatar but does our site accept gif images for profiles as some do?

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