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Airship Ballet

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Everything posted by Airship Ballet

  1. I honestly don't think the simpler potion system is a bad thing, just different. I was dreading coming into the game knowing that I'd have to go through all that stuff again, and in a game world that was so much larger, meaning I'd have to do it so many more times. I don't think all the preparation would fit into this game, considering how many contracts and fights you get into. Speaking of, contracts were a let-down since they're generally just a case of using your witcher sense to follow some foot prints and then kill a regular enemy with a unique name and a boss' health bar. Since the preparation was done away with for the most part, it was just a case of swinging away and spamming Quen. I just beat the game last night at level 29 on the hardest difficulty, having only upgraded Quen, Axii (for conversation options) and quick attacks. I basically had 3 groups full of red skills with red mutagens, as well as the highest-tier Cat School armor. I can't see any real benefits from levelling anything else, especially that crappy-looking alchemy tree. Skills were disappointing (other than the awesome sword ballet stuff you do with the one skill that activates when you hold your quick attack button), but they always have been in this series. I abandoned randomers' side quests once I hit Novigrad, meaning I did all the important secondary quests, but none of the "my daughter fell down a well please help I'll give you some gwent cards" stuff that you run into all the time. Velen and Skellige were pretty much completely unexplored other than the scavenger hunts for the feline armor, just because I felt no need to explore all the question marks since I was overflowing with valuables and XP already. I didn't need their crafting materials, their money, their XP, so I didn't really see the point. The story was too engaging by that point to take time off from it anyway. The story tho. Hooh. Turns out I made like every single good choice you can that affects the ending, so I got a super idyllic one. I mean I won't spoil anything, but it shows you flashbacks towards the end, letting you know what all the pivotal choices were, and I made the right one in each of them. The majority involve being a good parent too. maybe i'm an awesome mother after all
  2. Well, I play him as an honorable man too, never one to say cool guy stuff and start fights! The alcohol pilfering is for the greater good and, considering I don't haggle up the pay and take up contracts from peasants for pennies, it's only fair! Besides, it's for their own good: alcoholism will solve nothing if I die to running out of Swallow.
  3. Playing on the hardest difficulty, I actually have way too much hard alcohol. It seems that every house has at least one random barrel or sack full of spirits, so I've never really had any use for food.
  4. Well there's the bottom line. I hear this with pretty much every recent release that I make the mistake of browsing discussion on before the initial clamour has died down. They promised this, they promised that. I don't know what causes that passion in people, or maybe even what causes the lack of it in me. I simply don't care. I don't care what the developers promise, don't even follow it: I check out gameplay once they're out and decide whether or not it looks good enough to buy. I don't feel lied to, cheated, anything: I simply buy it based on what I see. As far as I'm concerned, CDPR can slap me across the face and call me nasty names after putting out TW3. People promoting games have always over-hyped their products. Molyneux is infamous for it, but it's just always been the case. They're trying to sell you something, so they gild it as far as they safely can. I mean, just go and look at the magazine articles promoting Thief:TDP from over a decade ago. They make some ridiculous claims, talk mostly in half-truths and come out with some outright lies while promoting their stuff. Somebody selling you something is not your friend, no matter how friendly they are. They'll lie to you if it means they keep their job, that's simply how promotion works and has always worked, it's why I avoid it. While it being a good game doesn't change the fact that they went back on whatever they promised people, high-res textures or whatever, it shouldn't be the focus. People have their heads in the wrong place if they're seriously going to sit there and say "yeah it's an excellent game, but they said it would be fantabulously pretty and it's only super pretty. I feel lied to and cheated, and couldn't live with myself if I bought into their lies." I mean damn, where does that come from? Why is what the devs said more important than your own first-hand experience with it? Ask yourself "is it good? Is it my kind of game?" Not "how does Adam Kicinski like his steak" and "is this exactly the game they said they would release a few months ago?" Look at the product you're about to buy and decide if it's worth the asking price, that's as complicated as it needs to be. What the devs said at E3 has no bearing on how the game looks and plays now. Buy it for what it is. Stop worrying about the paratext and read the bloody book.
  5. No QTEs, absolutely gigantic free-roam map full of stuff to do. Difference between the countryside and the cities is like night and day: the tone of everything completely changes from you roaming the countryside dealing with village problems to dealing with more human problems in the cities. It's all huge, all free-roam. Pretty much my only complaints having played a lot of it is that it uses the witcher sense mechanic far too much, in that almost every job has you following glowing footprints through the countryside at some point, and also that the movement is clunky as hell. Otherwise, great fun, fiendishly difficult and mind-bogglingly large and detailed. Conversations are my favorite part, as in all Witcher games and recent Bioware RPGs. Writing's great, really easy to lose yourself, reads as well as the novels do. and dat slavic music... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qck-tdJFe6o
  6. A little bit of introspection and you might see where the lack of civility came from.
  7. I think the entitlement being off the charts is owing to the natural proximity between developer, whiner and consumer that the internet allows for. Nowadays, any demanding man-child can go crazy and have their ridiculously exaggerated rants heard by a bunch of people. They act like they're the vox populi in an oppressive society because they once again fell for embellished E3 marketing. I imagine they just feel dumb for being gulled for the nth time and throw a tantrum about how unfair it is rather than simply dampening their giddiness at E3. It's like people forget that nobody there is their friend and they're all up on-stage to sell you something. The irony there is that they then go out and call anyone buying it a sheep who perpetuates the dishonesty in the industry. Except the game is an amazing new standard for RPGs everywhere in terms of world design and writing. The combat's pretty simplistic and Geralt controls like a tank missing a track, but it's otherwise an impeccable and thoroughly 10/10 vidyo game. Probably best to save that spiel for Ubisoft and EA.
  8. Dmappin' super speedy like Speed of dmapping on an 11MB map probably doubled. I haven't timed it, but it's blatantly miles faster so there's no need.
  9. More than happy to be known across the lands for my Merigoldian snark. Whoo!
  10. Thanks for the lights! They look awesome.
  11. No this is the Doom reboot are you high?
  12. Parody:

    Actual Thing That Is Actually Happening: https://youtu.be/Lm46-envrHo WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. nbohr1more


      Oh I agree it's pretty dismal, but so was "Superman 90210" AKA Smallville. I guess they figured that audiences were used to seeing Superman go from an action hero to a soap opera protagonist so why not go all the way with Supergirl. The Prada-esq premise of the show would work better as villain fuel. Errand girl snaps and becomes Harley Quinn, etc.

    3. jaxa
    4. jaxa
  13. Thanks! The only thing stopping me from trying that out is the assumption that they'd rotate on the wrong axis after being attached, but I've never really played with def_attaching other than for sticking props on AI. By all means experiment! I added a moveable version of the leather tube and a wall version of the display case. All three parts of the tube are frobable, so you'll probably find that you can't pick it up without opening it and taking the scroll out first (they're prioritised, because otherwise it's impossible to do anything other than pick up the sealed tube). Still, if you wanted to throw around an open, empty leather tube, I gotcha covered. Oh, you'll also have to download the .ase and .cm in the assets .zip if you want to use it.
  14. I don't see why not! It'll be #11 in the .zip in a little while. I'll see if making one works out, could be glitchy owing to the confined interior and the abundance of patches on it. Yeah, but considering the number of these I'm making, I frankly can't be bothered going through 4x the monotony of moving them to the origin and saving them.
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