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Tarhiel last won the day on April 25 2021

Tarhiel had the most liked content!


78 Excellent


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    Swimming, hiking, playing PC games, reading books

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  1. Now I feel really kinda (professional deformation) special
  2. Nice little mission I had only one problem, I assume somebody might have already report it before me:
  3. This was an aboslute blast to play! I did not expect anything less after other fms from you So far, my most favourite of missions from this contest, with imperial sword as a close second. Still have 3 more left to play. Again - I loved the setting (I always wonder how do you do this life-like level design, where you use a lot of sharp angles and symmetrical geometric shapes (i.e. the square with the warehouses and a statue in the middle), yet the levels doesn´t seem bland nor boring), whole middle-eastern aesthetic and setup of the story. Also lightning and whole lot of a new textures (?). And making a boat - a limited space of usually rectangular rooms not boring and monotonous and dividing it into sections, which are vastly different to have for a player something to explore - hats off. I also noticed some of the missions have this ability where if you take a loot, it does not just disappear, but it instead fly over screen to you - is that something you as a mission creator have to turn on? I find that effect cool. I absolutely enjoyed the shooting minigame - that was brilliant idea, as I find those targets underutilized in missions and this finally forced me to shoot something else beside rope arrows I was able to find 6 out of 8 secrets, 7th I had to help myself with , but I couldn´t find the 8th secret, although I have all the loot, so maybe some script didn´t execute properly? Can I have a list of secret locations (in a spoiler tag, of course)? PS: Oh, and I forgot to mention that beautiful intro animation - did you do that yourself? That was breathtaking - I love the original Thief (or Black Parade intros, for that matter, as they are homage to the original), but this was very nice upgrade and modernization over the traditional style.
  4. Congratulations, this looks fantastic!
  5. Ah, I like what I see here - good old grenade climbing
  6. New mission from bikerdude? Instadownload
  7. Congratulation on the release! This seems gargantuan by size!
  8. Since hightide obtained it, it must be Also, why is nobody mentioning the elephant in the room and that is - why does Jonathan Taylor Thomas have to move and why is there no poster of him in the game, yet on the main menu screen there is?
  9. Mondieu, this mission is magnifique!
  10. Finished. This mission is utter genius. Never change, kingsal, never change. Now I would be curious about how other people solved the creative limit of 45 seconds
  11. Just the FM I needed - and yes, the music is too loud where I live now
  12. I stand corrected
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