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Everything posted by hykao

  1. Finally I got it, THX! I finished with 2008 loots. Is it the first FM contains neutral AIs?
  2. (a bug: have to set to 1280x720 to get real 1366x768...)
  3. What about Lockdown Part 1 by GameDevGoro that we tested? It seemed like a near finished FM.
  4. Oh, I see! THX for helping to both of you! Melan: a Doom3 karakterkészletében vannak ékezetes betűk, a konzolba is beírhatók pl. - a magyarításban anno részt is vettem...azonban a TDM karakterkészletéből úgy tűnik kimaradtak...az FM-ek fordításán törtem a fejem, ám ékezetes karakterek nélkül nem az igazi a dolog... Amúgy jó kis küldetést hoztál össze! Grat! Remélem sikerül majd kiküszöbölnöd ezeket a visportál fedéseket.
  5. Shame on me, but I'm stuck too...I was upstairs and downstairs, got 1305, Anyway maybe this is the coolest FM so far, aside from visportal things. And I really lack a MAP!!! and weather effects for example rain, like in Thief's Den. Melan: nincs ötleted a magyar ékezetes karakterek megjelenítésére? Jó lenne magyarul játszani az FM-eket!
  6. ...and someone has asked about two stolen gemstone:
  7. nem kell pk4-gyé szerkeszteni, a doom3/darkmod mappában hozz létre egy maps nevű könyvtárat, és oda tedd be ezt az 1.map fájlt. ezután a menüben hozd elő a konzolt (Alt + Ctrl + 0), és írd be: dmap 1 ...várj míg lefut aminek le kell, aztán írd be szintén a konzolba: map 1

    sokmindenre ne szá...

  8. köszi, neked is!

  9. Could we use somehow specific non-english characters in texts? For example á é ő ú ü ö ó ű í etc...
  10. I have a similar problem. When I set the resolution to 1366x768 the resolution was 1280x720 in truth - and vice versa...not too big problem I have set to 1280x720 and I've got the needed 1366x768. Otherwise with 1280x720 (I thought it is 1366x768...) some texts - for example the longer inventory texts - slip out of the screen...not the all text, but some letters of it...
  11. Hi I tested the new version. Finally I got all the available loots, and found the "tavernownermessage2" letter too. I played on hard and easy too. I didn't find any bug or something.
  12. THX for the translation helps, men! ...but there is one more problem with special non-english characters... @GameDevGoro: Sure! I'd translate the final version of course! About FM: there is one letter I found in the Messages.xd, but I didn't find in game: tavernownermessage2 Otherwise I got the new version, I'll test on easy and maybe on hard.
  13. I found the "piece of ground in the air" in one of the tavern's corners too...here: CLICK Here is the questionable builder's place: There is no problem here I meant I found only 2360 out of 2410 available loots...and I found finally spyglass too... I'd try on easy difficulty level too, but maybe you can give the new fixed version, couldn't you? Oh, and it would be cool a map! About translation, yes, you are right, I'd like to translate to my mother language, for example your FM, if you give me permission of course... (I found the texts of briefing and letters - as you mentioned -, but where are the objectives?)
  14. Finally I've finished the FM on difficult. The wall at the builder's multidoor place is okay on my PC. I think this is a cool little mission, I'm looking forward to the sequel... Oh and how could I translate FMs and main texts of TDM?
  15. Hey! I play it on difficult and I can't find any bug or "game-breaking" so far. I've done all objectives except the last... There are some questions: Tomorrow I'll try it on "easy" too. I think this is a cool little FM, maybe there is some strange "town-planning", but the story and atmosphere are interesting and OK! Try it only on difficult! You can get all of objectives only on it!
  16. Üdv! Hát az FM készítés még azért odébb van nekem, na meg szabadidővel sem állok olyan jól, hogy el tudjak mélyülni a témában...addig is marad mások FM-einek élvezete... :)

  17. Hi! I'd like to be one of few! I've just played all of available 6 FMs, and I'm looking forward to see yours too!
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