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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. Hehe, yeah I see what you mean Yes, but I don't know exactly what to add to break up the monotony... It's not a place you can reach (as for now) It's a noclip-photo as to speak.
  2. Some pics from the current project...This is some of the best looking pics I could get to try to render some boost... None of the images are from complete scenes. More details/junk/patches/crap will be added later...
  3. Okay, but even if the bug doesn't get more attention/fixing, aren't your small fix better than nothing?
  4. Hehe, some people are just more nitpicky than others Just that I wanted a gritty and dirty and unforgiving sewer with lots of the good, brown stuff, and it's a bit jarring that the water is totally clear at just the surface... Is your fix going to be included in any future updates?
  5. If I understand correctly, to create murky water you create a body of water, add a coloured patch on top, add a fog light in the water and then add underwater_gui guis/underwater/underwater_greengrey_thickmurk.guito the water body. The problem is that the "camera/eyes" of the player reaches under the water before the game recognize the player being submerged and the murky gui kicks in, so if the player just slightly dips his head in the water, the water is clear. Is there any workaround for this? I have tried to put several layers of the coloured overlay like 1-2 units below the surface, but the effect in unsightly at the water edges where you can spot the layers...
  6. Don't know if it's my wobbly fingers or anything but sometimes it's so frustrating to open the popup menu with the right mouse button; the work area just slides around like a scared rat with oily feet... A shortcut for 'Convert to func_static' would be much appreciated. Maybe it already exists??
  7. city_streets01_loop_z used on an ordinary green speaker - Slow bug sound city_streets01_loop_z used the zoning system - Slow bug sound city_streets01_loop used on an ordinary green speaker - Correct sound city_streets01_loop used on the zoning system - Correct sound (No popping what I've noticed) I think I'll stick to the shaders without the Z then Thanks
  8. Painfully beautiful, especially those interior parts! I guess you have built them in a "real" modelling software and not "just" DR? I particularly like the softness of the edges. Like the years and wear and tear have shaven off the clean edges.
  9. Now here we go again! Last night the high pitched sound was there again. I didn't record it but when I started mapping today I found yet another strange sound error. It seemed like the game didn't want to play certain ambient correctly. It sorta played it in a lower pitch/slower tempo... I have recorded proof This is the ambient city_night04_loop_z first played in darkradiant and then in game. What is going on?? https://ufile.io/f0121 And this is city_streets01_loop_z played first in darkradiant then in the map https://ufile.io/aa241
  10. It's so difficult and frustrating to create nice looking city sections!!!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. demagogue


      Open up good city sections in DR and study them.

      They're often angled skybox walls (making the area squashed polygonal) with portaled kiss points out, a surrounding layer of tall buildings, and on an angled z-axis ground. Those features alone will get it started off looking natural and lead to interesting architecture.

    3. DeTeEff


      I don't understand this: "making the area squashed polygonal"

      And "angled z-axis ground" Do you mean different heights of the ground?

    4. demagogue


      Sorry. For "squashed polygon", I mean if you're looking down at the street in DR, there are like 6-10 skybox "walls" of different lengths so it looks squashed into an oval. It instantly gets away from 4-wall boxy. And by the ground, yes I mean different heights, but mostly I mean the ground is sloped with patches & stairs. That's what I learned from looking at great city missions.

  11. Reminds me of the Arcane Sanctuary from Diablo 2 Needs more impossible geometry though...
  12. Using Darkmod as a guide to plan a scratch built IRL-shelf...

  13. The problem was solved for me when I found another update-file. Check (in the same directory as tdm_update.exe) for a file named _tdm_update.exe
  14. WOHOOOO! I read about the improvements of DMAP-time and A Night To Remember takes between 5-10 minutes on 2.03. (Strange since it's a relatively small map. BikerDude said bad monsterclipping could be to blame). I tried to DMAP it now and it took about 30 seconds! I was so happy I DMAP:ed it again with the same result
  15. I cannot get the update to work. The tdm_update.exe says a new updater needs to be installed and when I press Continue it just loops... Also the ingame updater says the most recent version is 2.03... I found another file; _tdm_update.exe and now it works! Thanks for all the effort you've put into this boys and girls! And also It's good to know that I'm ahead of the game
  16. I read about that after my post. Interesting stuff, that SEED...
  17. Demagogue, is that the ghost model from A Night To Remember?
  18. Is it possible to (sometime in the future), being able to merge func_statics made up of models? Say if you add a model table with model chairs, all in func_statics. Then merge it to save memory/entities? Or am I forced to learn Blender or similar modelling software?
  19. Are there any risks to merge vertexes on patches in one? Like, taking the corners of a square patch and make a triangle?

    1. nbohr1more


      Patches don't seal so even if you create a leak somehow, it would've leaked anyway. The only issue is shadows. If the patch casts shadows the leak would make shadow silhouette calculations more complex.

    2. Dragofer


      The only downside, minor, I've seen is that the polygon normals get a little glitchy (darkened) towards the fusion point. In terms of texturing, you'd need to paste from a brush to avoid massive distortion.

  20. THIS should give the creator a Nobel Peace prize!
  21. Graphics card crashed so I bought a new one...GeForce GTX 980 TI 6gb...Have tried to make TDM to lag by packing lights...it won't lag :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nbohr1more


      Have you tried enabling transparency AA and playing a mission with lots of foliage?

    3. Goldwell


      I have the same card as you and if you want the best performance (as I also get a little lag in certain TDM missions for some reason) I enable AA in the nvidia control panel and just have the game without AA.


      It runs really well and you still get the AA

    4. DeTeEff


      I haven't tried any real maps. Just stacked some thirty lights and fire particles in one room. Have ramped up as much res my monitor can handle and full antialiasing and technical mumbo jumbo and not a single framdrop below 55-60. But further testing will occur :)

  22. Yeah! It's so embarrassing I must have seen that door and instinctively thought it wasn't pickable and when I went past the door on my searches my brain just haf checked the box "this door is unpickable"... Looking forward to the bext installment
  23. Simply gorgeous mission! I love all the crevices and slums and different entryways!
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