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Everything posted by DeTeEff

  1. Yes, you can use func_portals to control when to open/close portals through triggers/scripts, but this "fog occlusion" thing takes precedence over that, meaning that the portal shuts close as the fog gets to dense, ie you reach the number in the spawnarg shaderParm3 on the foglight.
  2. Ah, of course! Thanks for moving me into the right forum as well I
  3. Is it possible to add more vertexes to a NURBS spline curve? Standard is three, but I would like to litter my like a patch so I can curve it as I want without the need to splice them/glue several together...
  4. Yes, the only difference is that the fog doesn't interfere with the portals in any way.
  5. No, I'm always building with bends and vision breaking visuals in mind so the mission will not get bogged down. This "portal function" gives me more control over when and why a portal stays open as I would like it to, when there is sections where there is stuff beyond the portal that pops in, when using the auto closing function.
  6. Working Thanks
  7. Hmm, don't know if this is related to the dev build, but as I take damage, the screen slowly transitions to a green/blue psycodelic hue. Is this intentional?
  8. Yes, the portal stays open now, when I'm looking at it, as normal and as it "should" be which means all the stuff beyond it renders fine.
  9. Ahh, installed and noPortslFog didn't work...so I spelled it noPortalFog and we are up and running! Thanks boys
  10. Okay, I have run the TheDarkModx64.exe. and the screen is black. I hear the menu music though... Where do I put the glprogs?
  11. I must be an idiot, but I only get a .7x-file...is it packed or should I change the file type?
  12. Lovely I can see stgatilov rushing to this, hammering away with his magic How will this be implemented? A switch/spawnarg on the foglight itself that prohibit the fog from closing portals, or will it be possible to put it on a func_portal to prevent just that visportal to close. The fogclosing is nice in itself and absolutely not a useless feature. It's only bad when the portal closes and make things inside popping in and out of view.
  13. For the record, it seems that ordinary omnidirectional lights (with volumetric 1) doesn't get shut off by a fogclosing visportal... So perhaps I can get around this "bug" by replacing the projected light to a omnidirectional one...
  14. https://easyupload.io/zfv54v The map file vislight.map
  15. Three more pictues that show how the portals opens at angles (when you turn 45%) and the fog boundary (that grey field on the floor) hits the portal.
  16. I'm sorry I'm not getting it. This def/name_attach is nothing I'm good at. I only use it to attach some random pouch to some guard and thats stuff that is defined and tweaked to fit the belt for example. The light in my misison that misbehaves is a spotlight in the sky. I don't get how I could attach this to some func_static? I could just use the old method of patches and tubeformed moon rays, but that would defeat the purpose of these volumetrick cones.
  17. I have built a dummy map to illustrate the issue...Note how the boxes in the room ahead disappears as the portal closes...
  18. Okay. I have created some caulk boxes, one in each leaf, turned them into one func_static and tried to def_attach that to the light or vice versa but I get an error; "Couldn't spawn '' to attach to entity 'func_static_621'" Should I use "name_attach" instead? It doesn't show any icon in the entity inspector so it doesn't seem to work.
  19. One way to make stuff to been seen through caulk/portals is to combine them with other func_statics. Like combining a rock-func_static on the ground in one visleaf with a huge tower in the background (within another visleaf) and if you can see the rock, the engine will render the tower as well. But that is func_statics. Is the method you're suggesting something along these lines?
  20. No, that only affects the skybox so it doesn't get fogged. The portal still closes as I move backwards... If there was a way to force the portals to stay open, then I could close areas the player has left with switches and func_portal-entities.
  21. Hello! I'm working on a fog heavy map and have encountered a problem regarding visportals. If I look straight into the visportal and back away, as the fog gets thicker the portal closes as the fog engulfs it, ie the fog gets so dense that the engine deems it to thick to be seen through. This sounds like a good thing, but the thing is, even if the fog is so dense, some stuff will still be visible through the portal, like light cones and hazy effects. But the engine lets the fog thickness take precedense and closes the portal anyway and this abrupt closure of the portal makes a jarring cut between a dark area and pop up of haze and stuff. I have tried func_portal on the visportal to try to override the standard range but it doesn't work. Any idea folks?
  22. Same here. I love that at least somebody else has my setup, with the 3D-view in the left corner and then all angles in the other three Sometimes I get the feeling that folks only work in one orto-view and use commands to turn it around...
  23. Bachelor Mapping Challenge!

    The girlfriend will be away to her mum's place for almost a week, which means more mapping time for me! I'm planning a speed build. Hope it will go my way :)

    I'm starting by downloading 2.11. Don't know if I'm going to use any fancy new stuff. Just want to crack those itching map muscles that has gone dry and dead since almost a year's worth of no-mapping :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wellingtoncrab


      Love your work so looking forward to whatever you got coming next whenever and wherever that may be!

    3. thebigh
    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Yes please, I remember playing your maps and they were amazing.

  24. It was some years since I finished that mission, but if I recommend correctly I created three different starting locations and used the "diff_N_nospawn 1" spawnarg on each to delete the ones not appropriate for that particular difficulty.
  25. Haha, I thought it would be more interresting with an intro with the little rascal. A mission in the vein of Little Big World perhaps
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