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Everything posted by acdcbelmar

  1. thanks for the help stgatilov, i can't compile the 2.07 version of the code for now because my visual studio 2013 only compiles 2.06 or below so i need made some changes in my pc programs. I will test the item dropping code tonight, maybe the script that i use for drop the item is not functional. About the code of the projectile, if it cause problems for the game or players, can be added a function in weapon.cpp called "launchprojectile2" or "launchprojectileold"?, so the actual code for the arrow will be no affected for this and it will only works for custom weapon and testing. That is all, i will write the results later and maybe i will upload the pack of weapons in moddb, i think that more people wants make missions with a custom ambientation, (medieval, cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic, etc) and they can use my work ///////////////////// this is the change that i was made in the weapon.cpp based in the d3xp code ////////////////////////// // event defs const idEventDef EV_Weapon_LaunchProjectilesEllipse("launchProjectilesEllipse", EventArgs('d', "num_projectiles", "", 'f', "spreada", "", 'f', "spreadb", "", 'f', "FuseOffset", "", 'f', "power", ""), EV_RETURNS_VOID, "no description"); // class defs EVENT( EV_Weapon_LaunchProjectilesEllipse, idWeapon::Event_LaunchProjectilesEllipse ) // code void idWeapon::Event_LaunchProjectilesEllipse( int num_projectiles, float spreada, float spreadb, float fuseOffset, float power ) { idProjectile *proj; idEntity *ent; int i; idVec3 dir; float anga, angb; float spin; float distance; trace_t tr; idVec3 start; idVec3 muzzle_pos; idBounds ownerBounds, projBounds; if ( IsHidden() ) { return; } // if ( !projectileDict.GetNumKeyVals() ) { // const char *classname = weaponDef->dict.GetString( "classname" ); // gameLocal.Warning( "No projectile defined on '%s'", classname ); // return; // } CInventoryWeaponItemPtr weaponItem = owner->GetWeaponItem(weaponDef->dict.GetString("inv_weapon_name")); if (weaponItem == NULL) return; // Retrieve the currently active projectile def name from the inventory item const idStr& projectileDefName = weaponItem->GetProjectileDefName(); if (projectileDefName.IsEmpty()) { gameLocal.Warning("No projectile entityDef defined on '%s'", name.c_str()); return; } const idDeclEntityDef* projectileDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDef(projectileDefName); if (projectileDef == NULL) { gameLocal.Warning("Projectile entityDef %s not found.", projectileDefName.c_str()); return; } // avoid all ammo considerations on a client if ( !gameLocal.isClient ) { CInventoryWeaponItemPtr weaponItem = owner->GetCurrentWeaponItem(); // check if we're out of ammo or the clip is empty int ammoAvail = weaponItem->HasAmmo(); if (!ammoAvail || ((clipSize != 0) && (ammoClip <= 0))) { return; } weaponItem->UseAmmo(ammoRequired); if (clipSize && ammoRequired) { ammoClip -= powerAmmo ? (int)power : 1; } } // set the shader parm to the time of last projectile firing, // which the gun material shaders can reference for single shot barrel glows, etc renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY ] = gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat(); renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET ] = -MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ); if ( worldModel.GetEntity() ) { worldModel.GetEntity()->SetShaderParm( SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY, renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY ] ); worldModel.GetEntity()->SetShaderParm( SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET, renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET ] ); } // calculate the muzzle position if ( barrelJointView != INVALID_JOINT && projectileDef->dict.GetBool( "launchFromBarrel" ) ) { // there is an explicit joint for the muzzle GetGlobalJointTransform( true, barrelJointView, muzzleOrigin, muzzleAxis ); } else { // go straight out of the view muzzleOrigin = playerViewOrigin; muzzleAxis = playerViewAxis; } // add some to the kick time, incrementally moving repeat firing weapons back if ( kick_endtime < gameLocal.time ) { kick_endtime = gameLocal.time; } kick_endtime += muzzle_kick_time; if ( kick_endtime > gameLocal.time + muzzle_kick_maxtime ) { kick_endtime = gameLocal.time + muzzle_kick_maxtime; } if ( !gameLocal.isClient ) { ownerBounds = owner->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(); owner->AddProjectilesFired( num_projectiles ); float spreadRadA = DEG2RAD( spreada ); float spreadRadB = DEG2RAD( spreadb ); for( i = 0; i < num_projectiles; i++ ) { //Ellipse Form spin = (float)DEG2RAD( 360.0f ) * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat(); anga = idMath::Sin(spreadRadA * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat()); angb = idMath::Sin(spreadRadB * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat()); dir = playerViewAxis[ 0 ] + playerViewAxis[ 2 ] * ( angb*idMath::Sin( spin ) ) - playerViewAxis[ 1 ] * ( anga*idMath::Cos( spin ) ); dir.Normalize(); gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( projectileDef->dict, &ent ); if ( !ent || !ent->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) ) { const char *projectileName = weaponDef->dict.GetString( "def_projectile" ); gameLocal.Error( "'%s' is not an idProjectile", projectileName ); } proj = static_cast<idProjectile *>(ent); proj->Create( owner, muzzleOrigin, dir ); projBounds = proj->GetPhysics()->GetBounds().Rotate( proj->GetPhysics()->GetAxis() ); // make sure the projectile starts inside the bounding box of the owner if ( i == 0 ) { muzzle_pos = muzzleOrigin + playerViewAxis[ 0 ] * 2.0f; if ( ( ownerBounds - projBounds).RayIntersection( muzzle_pos, playerViewAxis[0], distance ) ) { start = muzzle_pos + distance * playerViewAxis[0]; } else { start = ownerBounds.GetCenter(); } gameLocal.clip.Translation( tr, start, muzzle_pos, proj->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel(), proj->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel()->GetAxis(), MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, owner ); muzzle_pos = tr.endpos; } proj->Launch( muzzle_pos, dir, pushVelocity, fuseOffset, power ); } // toss the brass if( brassDelay >= 0 ) { PostEventMS( &EV_Weapon_EjectBrass, brassDelay ); } } // add the light for the muzzleflash if ( !lightOn ) { MuzzleFlashLight(); } owner->WeaponFireFeedback( &weaponDef->dict ); // reset muzzle smoke weaponSmokeStartTime = gameLocal.time; } Thanks again for the support , i love the dark mod comunity, make my first mission is like a dream. I was doing mods for Quake4 and Doom3, but TheDarkMod haves more interesting things/functions (water, enemy vision based on light, attach a lot of things to the weapon, doors, enhanced Graphics , etc) and keep improving more and more. -acdc
  2. in the two files that i was uploaded are my custom fix for the weapon problem, is another launchprojectile function that not replace the previous code, so actual weapons will be not changed, maybe needs a revision because i ' m not a expert coder, i am just beginning in this field. the changes are under the letters: // acdc Weapon.cpp Weapon.h
  3. Thanks for the reply. I understand the situation and i think that i can wait for the code fix, i was try to build the 2.06 version and i was fix the problem, but 2.06 get me a lot of crashes, so like i said, i can wait for that. Here is the that i was added, maybe can help: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// thanks /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is other thing, it's not essential but i notice that when i test some functions Another thing i had noticed is when you drop a item from the inventory that uses "inventoryDrop();" script (a custom player tool for example) the item is not dropped, the script runs but the item persist in the inventory, here is the code: this script is for use a item(playertool) for select a weapon like a inventory item, using "tdm_frob_weapon_selects_weapon" because the script that i made gives you a item, and if that is a weapon, you automatically select that item, so i can limit the amount of weapons, this is for my FM. object playertools_weapon_knifeb : player_tools { string weapon; string item; void inventoryUse(entity userEntity, entity frobbedEntity, float buttonState); void inventoryDrop(); // here is it the other thing, the script runs but the item is not dropped }; void playertools_weapon_knifeb::inventoryUse(entity userEntity, entity frobbedEntity, float buttonState) { entity knifeb = sys.spawn(getKey("def_weapon_select")); $player1.addInvItem(knifeb); } void playertools_weapon_knifeb::inventoryDrop() { weapon=getKey("def_weapon_select"); item=getKey("def_item_drop"); if ( $player1.getCurrentWeapon() == getKey("def_weapon_select")) { entity knifey = sys.spawn("atdm:weapon_unarmed_item"); $player1.addInvItem(knifey); $player1.selectWeapon("atdm:weapon_unarmed"); } $player1.changeInvItemCount(getKey("inv_name"), getKey("inv_category"), -1); // for some reason, this function dont work, i cant understand why /* // here is my script fix, but is better have a code function for this, $player1.replaceInvItem(getCurInvItemEntity(),$null_entity); entity projectiles = sys.spawn(getKey("def_item_drop")); vector viewAngless = $player1.getViewAngles(); vector directions = sys.angToForward(viewAngless); vector velocitys = directions; vector origins = $player1.getEyePos(); origins += directions * 30; projectiles.setOrigin(origins); */ } /*ANOTHER FORM FOR THE TOOL DROP CODE*/ object playertools_weapon_shortsword : player_tools { void inventoryUse(entity userEntity, entity frobbedEntity, float buttonState); void inventoryDrop(); }; void playertools_weapon_shortsword::inventoryUse(entity userEntity, entity frobbedEntity, float buttonState) { entity knife = sys.spawn("atdm:weapon_shortsword"); $player1.addInvItem(knife); } void playertools_weapon_shortsword::inventoryDrop() { if ( $player1.getCurrentWeapon() == "atdm:weapon_shortsword") { entity knifex = sys.spawn("atdm:weapon_unarmed_item"); // custom item for select the unarmed weapon, using tdm_frob_weapon_select_weapon that selects the weapon that you pickup $player1.addInvItem(knifex); $player1.selectWeapon("atdm:weapon_unarmed"); } $player1.replaceInvItem(getCurInvItemEntity(),$null_entity); entity projectile = sys.spawn("atdm:playertools_weapon_knife"); vector viewAngles = $player1.getViewAngles(); vector direction = sys.angToForward(viewAngles); vector velocity = direction; vector origin = $player1.getEyePos(); origin += direction * 30; projectile.setOrigin(origin); // holdEntity(projectile.getName()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// for this thing maybe the problem is in the player.cpp , in this part of the code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void idPlayer::DropInventoryItem() { bool bDropped = false; CGrabber *grabber = gameLocal.m_Grabber; idEntity *heldEntity = grabber->GetSelected(); idEntity *equippedEntity = grabber->GetEquipped(); // Dequip or drop the item in the grabber hands first if( equippedEntity != NULL ) { grabber->Dequip(); } else if(heldEntity != NULL) { grabber->Update( this, false ); } else { // Grabber is empty (no item is held), drop the current inventory item const CInventoryCursorPtr& cursor = InventoryCursor(); CInventoryItemPtr item = cursor->GetCurrentItem(); CInventoryCategoryPtr category = cursor->GetCurrentCategory(); // Do we have a droppable item in the first place? if (item != NULL && item->IsDroppable() && item->GetCount() > 0) { // Retrieve the actual entity behind the inventory item idEntity* ent = item->GetItemEntity(); DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Attempting to drop inventory entity %s\r", ent->name.c_str()); // greebo: Try to locate a drop script function on the entity's scriptobject const function_t* dropScript = ent->scriptObject.GetFunction(TDM_INVENTORY_DROPSCRIPT); if( dropScript != NULL ) { // Call the custom drop script DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("Running inventory drop script...\r"); idThread* thread = new idThread(dropScript); thread->CallFunctionArgs(dropScript, true, "ee", ent, this); thread->DelayedStart(0); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The dropScript changes the inventory count itself, so don't set // bDropped to true here. } // greebo: Only place the entity in the world, if there is no custom dropscript // The flashbomb for example is spawning projectiles on its own. else if( DropToHands( ent, item ) ) { //////////////////////// acdc start - here is my custom fix, i think that this form is better for call a script when a item is dropped, i dont know about coding but this works for me///////////////////// if ( ent->spawnArgs.GetBool( "drop_script" ) ) { const function_t *func; idThread *thread; func = ent->scriptObject.GetFunction( ent->spawnArgs.GetString( "drop_script_call", "drop" ) ); if ( func ) { // create a thread and call the function thread = new idThread(); thread->CallFunction( ent, func, true ); thread->Start(); } } //////////////////////////////////////// end of acdc //////////////////////////// DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Item was successfully put in hands: %s\r", ent->name.c_str()); bDropped = true; } else { // There wasn't space to drop the item StartSound( "snd_drop_item_failed", SND_CHANNEL_ITEM, 0, false, NULL ); DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Grabber did not find space in the world to fit entity in hands: %s\r", ent->name.c_str()); } // Decrease the inventory count (this will also clear empty categories) // This applies for both stackable as well as droppable items if( bDropped) { DM_LOG(LC_INVENTORY, LT_INFO)LOGSTRING("Item dropped, changing inventory count.\r"); ChangeInventoryItemCount(item->GetName(), category->GetName(), -1); } // Always update the HUD, the drop script might have changed the inventory count itself. inventoryHUDNeedsUpdate = true; } } } maybe the crashes are causes for this changes that i made, but with the 2.06 version without changes i get some crashes also, so i dont know, maybe this information can help to the darkmod team - thanks for all Acdc Weapon.cpp Weapon.h
  4. The mission is about slave traffic(horror), you must run away from your captors and decide if save the another persons. I have some monsters for the nightmare zones ( are zones in that the fear of the people manifests as monsters). I am learning how to use the darkradiant, because i was use the d3editor a lot of time, this summer i will release the mission i think, but the only thing that a want fix is the problem of the projectiles, the shotgun script and sound are very good, the model can change. In the weapon projectile i was test the "firealongplayerview" and "launchfrombarrel" keys, but they not fix the problem
  5. handgun works fine because uses iron sights, melee weapons are using the normal collision melee system, i want put a crossbow that can launch 3 arrows (enemies also can use the weapon, but for now only professional thieves can use the handgun ), in this mission the weapons are droppable, so you can clear your inventory of weak weapons. I think that add a weight for each special item can solve the unlimited inventory, so more items, more slow movement. what do you think?
  6. The weapon is a double barrel gun, in the fire function, here is the script void weapon_arrowz::Fire() { float ammoClip; ammoClip = ammoInClip(); entity playerOwn = getOwner(); if ( ammoClip == 1 ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire_last" ); } if ( ammoClip > 1 ) { playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" ); } launchProjectiles( 8, 8, 0, 1.0, 1.0 ); //here is the problem launchProjectiles( 12, 16, 0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // the spread is not working, first value "num of projectiles", second value "spread" waitUntil( animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, ARROWZ_FIRE_TO_IDLEX ) ); weaponState( "Idle", ARROWZ_FIRE_TO_IDLEX ); } i can post the full script of the weapon, but the problem is the launchprojectiles function, but here is it tdm_weapon_arrowz.script
  7. Hi, i start with a new fan mission but i get a problem, when i shot with a custom weapon that launch a lot of projectiles with a lot of spread,(like a shotgun) the projectile spread don't work, all projectiles are launched in to the same place (center view), it's very frustrating, maybe its a code bug, but in the weapon script "launchprojectiles();" the spread and the num_projectiles are not working. Please, if anyone knows how i can fix it, just leave a reply or any information about that. If someone works on the official code, maybe can fix that issue for the new release, that can be useful for people that wants improve the actual weapons. Sorry for my basic english, my mother language is spanish
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