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Status Updates posted by lost_soul

  1. Isn't it funny when you take something apart, put it back together, and then find that you have extra screws?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lux


      Its like after doing laundry and you're one sock short. The Machine Gods require sacrifice!

    3. grayman


      My wife's uncle once put together a ridable tractor for my toddler son, using the mantra, "We don't need no effin instructions." The bag of unused parts when it was all over foreshadowed the difficulty my son had riding the thing around the property.

    4. pusianka


      I suggest RTFM. Ofc that is if you feel odd about having a few extra screws ^^

  2. If you wanted to do cycles-3D rendering on your laptop, but it got to over 90 degrees C and you didn't have a cooling pad, how would YOU solve the problem? (answer below!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bikerdude


      what laptop is it? have you looked at putting better heatsink paste on the CPU/GPU heatsink/cooler?

    3. PranQster


      If it's an HP, it might have thermal pad instead of paste on the GPU...possibly on the CPU itself. When re-greasing the CPU, you might consider putting a copper shim (also greased) to replace the thermal pad.

    4. pusianka


      Butter, bacon and eggs. Preferably coddled.

  3. This can't really be of help to TDM at all because we're already OpenGL, but its still pretty cool! http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTYyNjM

    1. GameDevGoro


      And a great reminder of how DirectX really dropped the ball. :) Lovely, so glad I decided to learn GL instead of DX back in the day.

  4. I've got a great idea. Let's create a mobile OS, allow external SD cards, and constantly change the default mount point. Today its /sdcard/sdcard, tomorrow it will be /mnt/external_sd, and heaven help you find it in the next version, because we don't ship with an actual file browser for you to find it!

    1. lost_soul


      Why can't people pick a name for things and STICK WITH IT? This is like the problems Grayman had trying to find the names of missions a wile back...

    2. Diego


      Every OS enjoys doing these things. how about Program files, program files (x86) and other languages like arquivos de programas...


    3. lost_soul


      The fun comes into play when you have a program that expects you to enter the path manually. If you don't, it errors out. So, you get to look up the new location because it isn't shown anywhere because its "too complex" for the average user to understand... lol

  5. Do you think the TDM guards play baseball in their off-duty hours? They're so good at nailing me with those rocks from far away! lol

    1. vvGarrettvv


      Play Assassins creed:The guards there seem to have scopes :-P


  6. I'm such an idiot: I spent the last half hour trying to get my Linux environment to boot on an old machine. The Linux is 64-bit and the machine is a P4.....

    1. lost_soul


      but to my credit, I was unable to see the messages from GRUB telling me the architecture was wrong.

  7. Tis always a nice surprise when you try to decompress a giant 7z archive of backed up files to find out that it is corrupt. An untested backup is a worthless backup!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lux


      Or just store everything on a 2TB internal drive and mirror changes to it with robocopy /MIR every night to another internal 2TB drive :)

    3. Lux


      I do want a Synology NAS though...

    4. Bikerdude


      If your not picky like me, then a DS213J is a bit noiser (no isolation mounts for the drives) but more importantly £75 cheaper!

  8. Just placed first in a FFA deathmatch in Urban Terror. (107 frags) I hadn't played this for a wile but I'm addicted to it again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      I haven't seen it anywhere. I got a copy for my original Xbox and it sucks, naturally, but I never got a chance to play it on PC.

    3. lost_soul


      The reason a lot of people were unhappy with UT2003 was because they took out Assault Mode.

    4. Xarg


      They could have just patched it in instead of releasing another version right after it, and taking a huge crap on people who bought 2003... hell it could have been an expansion. That's why I didn't buy 2004, because of what they did to 2003.

  9. I'm glad to say that the exploit where you run back while a guard charges you with his weapon and you can get out of the way has been fixed! Very well done guys, it is just right! (While the above is true, "run back" doesn't feel crippled.)

    1. Springheel


      Yep, the fix didn't involve changing the run speed at all.

    2. lost_soul


      I still remember in some old version of TDM, the player was able to hit himself with his sword by running forward and swinging at a particular angle. It cracked me up when I found it.

  10. *achievement unlocked* I made a GPU in a laptop reach over 100 degrees C! This was while compiling code. I imagine this laptop would live about twenty minutes if I ran blender on it... lol http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/256123-28-pavillion-dv2500-nightmares-heating-running

    1. lost_soul


      Raise your hand if you've ever made a component reach tripple-digit temps in celsius!

    2. Bikerdude


      er, so many times I can be considered Jaded... :-)

  11. I faked decent looking indirect lighting today in an ancient game engine. Does that mean my mapping skills have increased from complete n00b to novice? (I still CAN'T make a decent looking outside/terrain scene.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bikerdude


      got some screenshots?

    3. lost_soul


      I actually learned something new: You can use a PCX file to create terrain. Do you guys do that in TDM? I can't imagine building each bit of elevation by hand... What you do is have a file where pixels are interprited as height levels by the game engine.

    4. Sotha


      I suppose it is similar amount of work, dragging vertices by hand or drawing a heightmap. I would prefer the what-you-see-is-what-you-get type 3d viewport vertice dragging.

  12. Don't you hate it when you go to read a technical discussion, but the comments are full of sheeple saying "My OS of choice is WAY more secure than yours!!11one". If I had the ability, I would BAN all of these people...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldwell


      Yeah everyone has to turn everything into an argument. YouTube comments are the extreme version of this :/

    3. lost_soul


      How about writing a Firefox add-on that filters this stuff out of comments automatically? It consists of an AI which can parse coments for their PFF (product fanboy factor) and censor them automatically. :)

    4. GameDevGoro


      Firefox has that plugin called "comment snob", it can be used to filter out spelling and grammar errors so the tech exists- someone just needs to apply it. ;)

  13. Isn't winter time great? You can be rendering in blender and the machine will still be super quiet. In the summer time, it sounds like a jet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Candles are essential when playing TDM in winter.

    3. SeriousToni


      Yes - they warm my cold fingers on the mouse and even add much atmosphere :)

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I like using dining candles but instead of putting them in candle holders I put them in empty wine bottles so they can drip all over the bottle. They look bloody awesome!

  14. "snd_sewer", or "snd_keep", which is more awesome? They are both so great! "snd_commons" is used a bit too frequently though...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Xarg


      Is there any way the console could display that? For example, "playing snd_sewer (sewer.ogg)"?

    3. demagogue


      I think/hope so. Instead of printing out newAmbient, it'd print out getKey("newAmbient"). I'll try it for 2.02. There's a reason the mapper has to use a local name BTW, even though it's annoying, because the engine likes sounds to be pre-loaded in their speaker with a local name linked to the track... Otherwise I'd have just gotten the tracks directly from their markers.

    4. demagogue


      Update: Done. That was easy. Hopefully it gets into 2.01 even.

  15. Ever have a file that won't open? I did. I wondered why. I ran "strings" on the file to see what data was inside and got nothing. Then I opened it with a hex editor and had a look... all zeros...? Its nice to have an OS that ships with useful tools like this by default.

    1. PranQster
    2. AluminumHaste


      I can do all that with Dos......cause I rock.......shut up :(

  16. Holy crap batman! Its like some sort of spam-bomb went off in the off-topic forum... Why isn't there a restriction on the number of topics you can create as a new user?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Springs and Modetwo have been PM'd on this matter. And on the subject the spammers was using multiple IPs.

    3. jaxa


      make me admin ploz

    4. Springheel


      modetwo has disabled new registrations for the moment.

  17. So... is anybody making any scary missions for Halloween?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MacD11


      I would if I could.

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I plan to do a haunted manor FM once the final part of the Vengeance trilogy is complete. So maybe next years Halloween.

    4. PranQster


      I was going to, but siegeshop took up my time. Then I thought of upgrading my p.o.s. Samhain map, but decided to leave that quirky little mission alone. Next year, I suppose. Maybe an 'Garreth goes to Hel' type mission, inspired a bit by the game 'Rune', mixed with the strangeness of the "Constantine" mansion.

  18. Mapping... its surprisingly addictive! After you build something basic, you start thinking "What if I add on an area like this?"... and so you do it. Then you decide to tweak things and add some more...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PranQster


      LOL. It is rather addicting.

    3. Springheel


      Join us! Join us now!

    4. Obsttorte


      Just make sure you start with a small mission, or the addiction will show it's side-effects. ;)

  19. So, did you guys expect to become so popular today? I haven't been able to access thedarkmod.com all day! Hopefully we will be seeing (even more) new people around here. Welcome to all the new members.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Awesome! Congrats :D

    3. Diego


      Yeah, this place is crowded :)

    4. Springheel


      I can't wait to hear more feedback.

  20. I frequently hear people street racing in the middle of the night. Last night, I'm laying there at about 2 AM. I hear somebody go racing by again... but then I hear a siren blare and another engine rev up after them. All I was able to do was laugh. I hope the guy got busted...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lux


      Dawin will get them! :o


      Better watch out! :9

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I don't care if someone who drives carelessly kills themselves. Their life, their choice, deal with the consequences. What I do care about is some innocent who gets in their way and has to pay for someone elses carelesness.

    4. lost_soul


      On the subject of Darwinism, my brother lives on a huge hill. There are winding roads heading up and NO guardrails at all! I told him, "at least you don't have to worry about drunk drivers up here because they wouldn't make it this far". lol

  21. Goes to update his install of 2.0 beta. Starts to get annoyed that it is taking over an hour to do. Scrolls up and notices he accidentally typed keep-kirrors and is now DOWNGRADING to 1.8 as a result. Woops! This is why you keep backups, folks. I can just retrieve it from my external HDD...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I back up my external HD every month and lock it in my draw at work so if there is a break in or fire in my home all my data is safe at work. I also have a USB in my wallet whose sole function is to save the latest version of my TDM map onto once a week. Got all my bases covered :)

    3. Sotha


      The data is usually more valuable/priceless than the hardware it is based on...

    4. PranQster


      Yeah... I did '--keep_mirrors' one night. Glad I caught it soon because it was getting from too many mirrors and too many files.

  22. Its funny how the AI in most games are idiots when it comes to throwing grenades. They frequently blow themselves up instead of the target. Today in Deus Ex though, I was impressed when an AI chucked a LAM right into my hiding position.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lux
    3. Xarg


      Clear Sky on Master difficulty meant bandit pack = roving grenade launcher squad. Constant accurate grenade spam.

    4. Obsttorte


      When playing CS 1.6 against ZBot's, I always forbid them to use grenades. Can't count how often I was killed by my own teammates who "thought" it would be a good idea to throw some he-grenades at the starting point 8-|

  23. I installed Windows 95 the other day in DosBOX, but I cannot make the (experimental) 3dfx voodoo simulation work... darn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sotha


      Luckily for you, deliberate experimenting with malware is not illegal... ;)

    3. lost_soul


      Well, I did get lots of errors that "This program has performed an illegal operation and will close". Seeing that error again is like seeing an old friend you haven't seen for over a decade. Back in the day, that would come up, and if you clicked close, it just popped up again.

    4. PranQster


      LOL, the memories...

  24. *is playing .opus files (the brand new codec) on my hacked mp3 player that was released in 2007* My brand new tablet can't even play .opus, yet old hardware can thanks to the community.

    1. jaxa
    2. nbohr1more


      Well, hack your tablet and opus support should be around the corner too. That said it's good to see the community keep improving the old hardware.

  25. It has to be said, I love the new sounds of the zombie footsteps and the Revinant set. (spelling) The new zombies sound more "rotten".

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