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Everything posted by Fidcal

  1. Yes but worth mentioning it exists and the path as it is not in the DR folder. I doubt it will be needed much except for awkward soandsos like me. Another minor glitch. If the user maximizes the camera view then closes DR then the full size is stored so on reload if restore is selected it seems nothing happens because the restore size is the same as full screen. Don't know if any other child windows are like that. While talking about resizing child windows, there are a few that don't retain the user's size/position. This is a minor irritation I know which is why I've never mentioned it. It's probably mostly ones that are not used too often like key shortcuts. I see a tiny window that needs three drags for me to get a good look at the list comfortably. Since you cannot then test any change without closing that window and losing the settings I find my curse quota for the day is exceeded.
  2. Are there any double assignments that might cause a serious problem? I mean other than one would not work and the user would have to change it. I think either way but document the input.xml eventually anyway. Maybe if double assignments are allowed then just modify the current warning but allow the change so at least the user does not double assign without realizing. Maybe three 'change to new/allow both/cancel' options.
  3. Yes, that's true. Once the metaprop is in place you can add little extras. I had a guard who was guarding the entrance to some stairs. If you saw you passing by in the corridor or looking in the door he would come out and warn you. If you went inside a stim response removed the metaprop and he would attack. He would also attack if you did anything threatening anyway. I had another guard similarly would let you pass if you were walking with someone but attack if he saw you carrying her; he called out 'murder!' Fun with guards eh?
  4. There's something a bit odd about shortcut assignment. I had the left and right arrow keys turning left and right by default and at the same time the mouse left and right (in free move mode) also doing this. That's fine. But when I cleared the left right arrow keys, DR will not let me restore them [edit back to turning left and right I mean] without removing the mouse left and right even though they both were set that way before. I've set it in input.xml so it's OK now but might need a tweak in the input tests? If so, let me know if you want me to put it on the bug tracker. Think I've also got a note to put up that one about the texture browser filter and scroll bar prefs but not yet found time to check it out. BTW what I really was trying to do was to always strafe on the left right arrow keys. I've done that now using the input.xml. I've got to like the mouse control in camera view so much that I only really use that for moving and turning but when I come out of that mode I found it confusing that the left right arrow keys, that strafe in mouse mode now do a turn. So personally I prefer them to strafe only. I've put turn on the comma and period though I just don't think I'll need them much. It's amazing how you can drag stuff around and resize directly in camera view though it's a bit of a knack else you can move in the wrong plain.
  5. The Bafford front gate guards thing was done with a metaproperty that made AI disregard the player's team unless alerted or you entered the yard. The same was done in other T2 OMs and in part 1 of my own Nightwatch FM where the player is undercover working for the enemy. Arming the bow or raising a sword would automatically remove the metaproperty and it was business as usual! You could also turn it off with any other trigger, eg, a stim or room script so if the player went into a banned area then watch out. Mixed with that could be ordinary guards in other areas who didn't have the metaprop so the player could wander freely in some areas but had to use stealth elsewhere.
  6. Changed this to an asterisk. Probably reduce it in size later. Crossed my mind that an svn update would conflict/overwrite my modified func.def but it didn't seem to take any notice of it when I just updated. I would have expected tortoise to try to sync that. Anyway, surely any later changes to func.def up on svn would overwrite my copy? What would happen if I made a separate def file just for func_group? Which one would be used? I'm just looking for trouble but it does seem odd I can change a file that is common to everyone.
  7. OK, got this now. I have edited the entry in func.def to 0 200 255 to get a bright blue and made a group in the shape of a plus sign from any angle, top, front, or side and added a test comment. And saved it as a prefab Comment.pfb so I can insert it anywhere I need a comment. Maybe a better shape could be thought up than a plus sign but it wants to be the same from any view.
  8. Well I think it could be useful as it is. But for me only if I could change its colour from black as it does not show on my black background. I visualize creating a distinctive comment shape - perhaps an asterisk - which can be placed anywhere on the grid as a stand alone comment 'REMEMBER TO PUT TREES HERE' or 'PREVENT GUARDS ENTERING THIS ROOM SOMEHOW' without it affecting the game. One could even have letters of the alphabet to have short comments actually visible in the grid.
  9. So much packed into DR I doubt I'll ever learn it all. I'll certainly try to remember this one. I could have used it yesterday when I wanted to see the far slope of my wall better from beyond the sky box
  10. I didn't know about 'H' - presumably that filters out that one brush/entity? I'll have a look tomorrow if I remember.
  11. Mmmm... Just tried it and it shows in the editor but my brush is no longer rendered in the game. It still seems to me to be ideal as a stand alone comment marker in the editor but not to add a comment to something in the game as I described before.
  12. When I did it the first time it was a cube - but still very difficult to view the moon surface because there is only a tiny place from which you can see the inner surface and one touch on the mouse or keys and I'd overshoot by 50 units. But I did it eventually. The next time was after the texture realignment and there is no visible cube there now but only the one surface for that moon cube. It's possible at some point I have accidentally retextured it nodraw but certainly not intentionally. So long as it works I'm not bothered at this point but I might want to move the moon later to get good lighting. I assume I just move that cube.
  13. OK, got it now. Firstly I didn't look closely but just saw the text overrun. Then when I looked again I could see the ellipsizing was taking place but some still overran. So I've tried different thumbnail sizes and different text ellipsizing and got it pretty good. I don't see how you can do any more. I set the thumbnails big - 360 so I just get one on a row (for the dialog width I want), even if there are two narrow ones (well, I don't know what the minimum is but probably) and set the text to max 100. I now see all the text and it works fine. And you can right click back to the texture in the media browser. I'm happy with that. Thanks also for the reduced minimum camera movement. I can now fine tune and creep up on that moon. I now see why it was even more difficult last time than the first time I did it. The moon box and that other box are not rendered except for that one face. So it's not even a tiny box but a tiny face close up to and facing another face! Maybe I inadvertently changed the textures to nodraw or something.
  14. Still not got the new feature. This snapshot I just downloaded says 0.9.2 June 212007 17:11:46. Is that the right one?
  15. No - I only want them in the editor. What I mean is if I have an actual item - any item - in the map whether it be a brush, an entity, a model, that exists on the grid, a wall, a door, anything, then I might for some reason occasionally want to add a comment to appear in its properties. This can already be done with any entity. A worldspawn brush needs converting to an entity first. The item has a purpose; the comment just makes a remark concerning the item it is placed upon. So on an oddly-placed cupboard I might add: Comment DO NOT MOVE BECAUSE... Your idea of a func_group entity presumably means create a new separate item in the map with a comment - a stand-alone comment with no other purpose than to be a comment. So that might be used with for example: Comment REMEMBER TO ADD STATUE X HERE WHEN AVAILABLE.
  16. I'm beginning to think my first guess was right. If you enter a single letter in the texture filter then it displays all textures where that letter appears anywhere in the full path and name! So it seems anyway. Entering V just showed visportal. Entering q just displayed 'square_pattern01_lit' and entering b displayed everything with b in the name including 'textures/darkmod/nature/skybox/starry1/clouds' where the b is in skyBox. [EDIT] Yes, definite. I just entered 'moo' and as well as 'moon' I got 'textures/darkmod/stone/flat/sMOOth/ceramic_tile_tan03' [EDIT2] and it's case sensitive so cer and not CER for ceramic. Makes more sense when entering a short distinctive string when you have a rough idea what you want but not a lot of use to show say everything beginning with P.
  17. You can just add a comment property to any entity so if it does not want to be a static or anything else for some reason, and if func_group is otherwise passive then it works fine on that. Though on mine a func_group is rendered invisible in the grid as black and I can't see how to change it. Just done a search for func_group and it seems it is nothing in the game at all so it is not of any use for this. The purpose of the comment (for me anyway) is to comment on a real item in the game not just a lone comment on the grid that isn't a part of the actual game.
  18. Yes, I see the comment appears on all brushes! Oh well. It should be OK for entities so that will probably cover most situations. It's not needed a lot and most mappers probably never. Unfortunately the odd case I have now will not work if it is an entity.
  19. greebo: They work but fail later. It's saved because they were still checked. I'll put it on bug tracker when I've looked again at exactly what happens. sparhawk: Every inch saved is good for me as my screen is absolutely crammed and I like to get the max useful space and min wasted space. At least with DR one can maximize orthoview and especially camera view as needed just by double clicking the title. But wish I had a 30 inch screen so I didn't have to. It's miles better than Dromed anyway. The title bar name sounds a possible solution. The name 'Texture Browser' could just be the default when nothing selected.
  20. I often found it useful in Dromed to use the 'editor's notes' property on objects to add a comment where there was something unusual that I would never remember in connection with that object. This was mostly something like DO NOT REMOVE! OFFSET MARKER FOR.... where an object performed some function that was not obvious and ran the risk months later of being casually deleted as obsolete or just a mistaken clone. Wished Dark Radiant could do this... Then I recalled accidentally misspelling a property name and it was accepted so I tried... Comment DO NOT REMOVE ELSE... Yes! And this even works on brushes, on anything. Is delete protection possible in DR to stop an item from deletion if it has say, a deleteLock property?
  21. Both Texture scrollbar and Texture filter re-appeared this morning even though still disabled in the texture browser preferences. But the scrollbar, although it had the back panel did not have the slider. I have re-enabled for now as if it is going to be there I may as well use it.
  22. Yes, increasing the size does allow the whole text to show - though it only works in the 'non-constant size' mode. In the preferences there is an option to remove the filter line. The filter line is very iffy. If I enter 'v' then it just shows visportal but if I enter c then it shows caulk, collision, clouds but it also shows others like shadow, rough_brick_grey. (maybe c is in the full path?) I removed the scroll bar and will probably just use the mouse wheel to save a bit of space.
  23. What is that white text input line at the top for? Can the status bar go at the side of the buttons at the top? I'm assuming there is no easy way to reduce the vertical space between rows of textures? It seems generous especially if one is stuck for room for one line for a status bar. If a status bar were included it might just or as well show the name of the selected instead of/or as well as hover.
  24. How do I tell which is clipper's operative side in DR? I can't see any difference and usually have to just try it and then undo and redo it.
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