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Bergante last won the day on April 18 2024

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  1. (about : tdm_loot_stealth_stats.pk4 ) thanks for your comment --- hope you or someone else will put it on the teams " to be discussed - List " I have another suggestion : how about the possibility of locking a lock with the lockpicks that would be a way for ghosts / sup.ghosts to leave places without leaving a trace of their appearance ; while the other way around : a chest / door / box .... remains open , you would have to keep a key that you found in a room that you entered through a back entrance , and can leave through the door (which can only be opened with the key - could then be locked with a lockpick ) ???
  2. tdm_loot_stealth_stats.pk4 Why hasn't this been implemented in TDM ? Sure, it replaces the loot number - but - couldn't it be given as an additional inventory? As I recall, I came across it through Snatcher's Mod and tested both. I think I had both installed at the same time (later deleted Snatcher's Mod - sorry for that) And as I recall, they did not come into conflict ! It's pretty nice -because you learn when and why you are discovered and trigger suspicion. Sure - in reality you won't always know about it - so some players won't like it So my question is : Could it be implemented in the game settings - on or off
  3. Difficulty doesn´t need to be in relation to objectives ! (for me ..) it´s a way of playstyle - to make it more challenging . all ears ? : On easy - mappers could give keys - to open doors quickly - while on hard you need to picklock And besides, this place could be more illuminated (or you have less time before the next NPC comes) So there could be more or less shadows in every place to hide in or a carpet on the floor or not Maybe a window is harder to reach (on easy there is a box nearby - on hard not) ....... sure - this all has to be planned and is additional work for the mapper and will need different maps on different difficulties no-kill , no-ko (or kill/ko all of them/this team) is just a quick and easy way to give a different setting . Maybe you're just asking for objective solutions? --- there are always opportunities to set additional goals not to be heard or seen Find the secrets Don't go down this path Do not touch the ground Leave something in a specific place often No-Kill, No-Ko is just enough --- when it will really be harder to fulfill
  4. Yeah ... You´re right --- most npc´s in most missions don´t care for keys . there are some where it fits - but sorry i don´t remember . but my question is preferably for sup.ghosting - by this playstyle one doesn´t want to leave a trace of appearance - so to be able to lock a door one picked ... and would also be nice to leave a key in a room with a difficult entry - but so a easy way out - and close it again .
  5. ? --- ! it´s not part of your tip system !! but because of this --- Why can't the player lock a lock with the picklocks again ? (would be nice for supreme-Ghost)
  6. I really love this idea ! to give more atmosphere to the scenerie - just by those little comments mappers could bring pictures in the players mind in a simple way and without telling stories in long letter/books so i feel sad about : Maybe the mappers don't know anything about your project - yet ? Is your " mod " part of TDM or Darkradiant ? I think they're using what they know about - so maybe there's a need for a commercial - with instructions on how to use it - to train themself in how to use it saddly i´m no mapper no scripter no programmer - so of no use but hope you´ll get what you asked for :
  7. @kingsal Now it´s time (for the so long ago announced statement) a commentary I just wrote to Sotha´s “The last Offering “ reminds me to write my Resumee for Kingsals´s “HazardPay” as said there : the best Mission I ever played – for many and some private reasons ! In my opinion this mission should be a “ must know “ to all new and older mappers . What else to tell ? Nights In White Satin, Pt. 1 I used this at the ending of my video Walkthrough as a greeting dedication for you
  8. Ah . just to clarify : yeah ; your optional is just not to be seen the way i mostly use saves is to test the possibility of doing some thing (climbing to get to places - you may not used to go- ; testing an idea - and yes the best way to get around unseen ) and yes doing so sometimes needs a lot of quick-load ( like killing your special undead without suspicious ! ) Playing without saves : ? have you done HazardPay ? the best mission i ever played (for many - and some privat reasons ) with limited Save-Options , so you need to be sure if and where you want to save but your point of missed actions when alert starts --- mmm ?!? it´s mostly only going for a - run and hide - or - go for a fight for that - many players go for a BlackJack-Rally it´s very rare that i discovered something funny/interessting/extraordinary happen by alertness ( and often one has to wait a very long time to have people calm down ) P.s. is there a way to use mines when held in hand ? "U" place it where you are , when held in hand it gets back to inventory , layed down - they are inactive - so ???
  9. puh-ha Okay @Sotha i´ll have to give my response before having it done like i want to sadly i have to tell about my only but sure the most innocent victim in my supGhost-Run your demanded : o-Save run should be possible ! your on difficult expected Ghost-Run is possible ! a Supreme-Ghost-Run is randomly possible !?! a Zero-Save + Supreme-Ghost is impossible !!! i will go on to do a 1-Save Sup.Ghost-Run and maybe there will be only one (but the right) undead´s victim - or better none and i´ll bust my run by using one water-arrow to escape ahh - a nice hiding place if timing gets wrong
  10. seems you´r finished about that ?! a question for my own interests ? --- does Sound propagation work in TDM so that it gets quieter with more distance ( sound_loss spawnarg - mentioned by Peter_Spy ? ) ( maybe like the effect for visual-things - that can get less clear in the distance ) i ask because of an effect that appears time to time in missions ( maybe not related to this problem ) as supGhost , i´m usual very quietly , so i wonder - when i make a noise ( running/jumping/dropping something ) in areas where for sure nobody is around/near I suddenly get a suspicious count or worse . reminds me of the endless vision of the undead in HazardPay . < If you're a bit too lit, they'll see you from very far away . mmm : on sound they react very different - some sleeping wake up by the slightest noise - others you can just pass by ! not sure - i think you can adjust the Guards/NPC´s attention/distrust to react on things or you may douse sound in a specified area ?!? --- or what volume the floor emits P.S. : Why do other sounds in one area not affect how receptive others are to the player's sounds?
  11. would like to / too my looking is more about - playability (supremeGhost) design Consistency (so wood is wood - for arrows etc. ) climbable - you can go there if it looks like you can go there Searching for ways out into the void (which should not normally be banned) ( especially not through invisible walls ) and most of the visual stuff that interferes with the experience for sure - most of this will not be needed - but i like to know how one off your missions will look like - before you present it to the community
  12. @kingsal so this is also a Sequel to Hazard-Pay ?
  13. Apologies for interrupting your search for a solution I have an Idea in mind to test darkRadiant with building a River environment . so my first thought was - oh - water and wind may/can make similar moves !? at first i thought you want to give an Area/Room a wind script and the interior will be moved by this ? your later vids give animated Models ? are you looking for solutions for both or only one ? the animated grass could be perfectly used for underwater effects but my interest is more about a flowing river ( with effects like Water whirlpool / waves when rocks are hitted and changing flow directions ) would your stuff be of help - or do i have to try this with force fields ? and is here a thread or a vid anywhere about how to handle Force fields and what can be done with them ? also : is there anywhere an animated Boat that the player can handle i only remember them with a fixed path any hint is welcome
  14. a while ago MirceaKitsume posted an effect that happened to him in The Imperial Sword : I take this as an occasion to report more stuff like this ; because I have the feeling that things like this happen more and more ( since 2.10 ? ) in an older Mission I remember it happened in HiddenHands:The LostCitadel – in the tunnel connecting to the sea with the under-water compound : But since 2.11 / 2.12 I have encountered those quit often : A place that can get repoduced is in hhbam (hiddenHands:Blood&Metal) : second Capitel – in the area with two water-bassins an other effect happened during some experiments in : The Imperial Sword : the moment iplaced the HealingPotion on the Letter – they start to lift up high into the sky also in Kingsals : GemCutter : it happened once in the cargo area – when I climped up a great crate to replace a normal crate - in the same moment I climbed up I also climbed onto the normel one and we both lift up . I can´t imagine what code in DarkRadiant will be responsible for such and it´s normally not game-breaking ( if one has quick-saves if it produce sound-suspiciouses ) but if one of you finds out – and it can be repaired – this will be fine In addition : one could please have a look on the Physics of Wooden-Boards !? Handling them is difficult : while carrying them – they often turn around in mid-Air . when you lay them on the floor – it´s mostly difficult to walk onto them and they slip away . Shooting an arrow on them – sometimes does nothing and the next time they fly away 100 meters . And one has to lay them down VERY Careful cause they make sound like a BigBand .
  15. Hello kingsal as i said before : an other gem - cutted by kingsal one of my most beloved mappers i´m still not sure how to vote : but for sure - you now get some " - " sorry but you are kingsal - you get some extra expectation for you´re a profi . in the outside area of the ship - not everything is accessible as it should be . sorry - i understand it´s in addition to to the mission - to get a proudly atmosphere but since " Hazard-Pay " i expect that every thing is consistent and here one can´t climp everywhere where it looks possibele also - wooden stuff is not allways wooden stuff where rope-arrows fit . I´m sure you´l accept this as an minor critics - and i may ask you : is it you - who is a genius - to know what solutions are needed - to give a sup.ghost a chance to fulfill his ambitions ? --- or is it my genius to allways find one ? your secrets are very well done ! and the statues value and the second builders cross needed some extra ideas to get them unseen . By the way ?
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