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Everything posted by AluminumHaste

  1. Right click on one ortho view, Create player start
  2. You can grab the door as it's closing, and if you do it right, the AI won't notice.
  3. That's awesome to see! I mean you could tell it was getting to be a lot of missions based on the mission downloader page in the game, but it's nice to see that 2024 was almost a banner year for the game.
  4. Seems more Meh from Spector. He needs to retire I guess, Underworld was an awful mess of a flop. EDIT: And I was a kickstarter on Underworld Ascendant too.
  5. Models are triangulated when exported from 3D program so engine doesn't need to optimize them in that way. So modeler should have done their job. Something that accentuates z-fighting would be helpful as it's not always easy to see. There is a rendering mode that I think colours faces based on # of lights hitting it, so something similar might be doable.
  6. Keep in mind, z fighting is a symptom. The underlying problem is misaligned and overlapping geometry. If you do this with brushes, the engine can't properly optimize triangles during dmap.
  7. If you make zfighting less obvious, how are you supposed to find it and correct the underlying cause?
  8. Are you reaching out? Alcohol is a poison and destroys lives.
  9. Is parallax even working in this image? It looks.....weird? Like something is off.
  10. I did a few of them and they had a lot of traction, motivation is hard to come by
  11. I like it a lot, is the Ambient really that high in the mission?
  12. That's what she said! -Michael Scott
  13. Tiling textures like this should avoid high contrast areas as it exposes the tiling nature very obviously in game on large surfaces.
  14. Welcome back to Morrowind EDIT: wasn't an insult, 2nd screenshot looks like morrowind in a good way. Looking great
  15. There's been a few daytime missions, but none with a day/night cycle
  16. 64bit really reduces color banding in gradients, like looking at soft shadows or skyboxes etc. There's almost no performance penalty so leave it on.
  17. https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=AI_Relations_(Editing) Definition of Relationship Types The three types of relationships are Friends, enemies, and neutrals. When assigning relations they take the values 1, -1, and 0. 1: Friends will come to the aid of another friend who is alerted. commence searching or attacking in that friend's vicinity or flee depending on AI type. Be alerted if finding a body of a friend. -1: Enemies will Attack other enemies they become aware of. Ignore other enemy and neutral bodies 0: Neutrals will ignore calls of distress from those they are neutral to. Ignore all bodies they are neutral to. Set the ragdoll AI to Neutral on a different team
  18. @Uncertain Title Copy the texture projection from a donor brush and paste it onto the inverted bevel. Middle mouse click and CTRL+Middle mouse click. Also, brushes have faces, patches do not. You don't select "a single face" of a patch as a patch is like all one face. You can select the patch like normal and use the texture inspector to adjust it's projection, or just do the easy thing and copy a projection from a brush and paste it onto the patch.
  19. lol, Shadows: STENCH! Stinky shadows!!!!!
  20. AI do notice doors, but only in certain situations. If you interact with the door when they are, they will become suspicious. If they close a door and start walking away, if you stop the door from closing all the way, the AI should turn around and toggle the door again and start getting suspicious. But keep in mind, while it's an immersive sim, there's always a tradeoff between realism and gameplay/fun. Having AI hear everything realistically or see or react realistically to every little thing is NOT fun and is very frustrating. Also I can't remember which dev said it (Grayman maybe?) but the code to handle AI and doors is already massive and complex.
  21. Oh that's funny, didn't realize that's your channel! I commented on a few of the videos.
  22. @nbohr1more@duzenko@cabalistic ------------- Warnings --------------- during The Dark Mod initialization... WARNING:Compiling shader file interactionMultiLight.fs failed: Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:15: error(#106) Version number not supported by GL2 ERROR: 0:85: error(#202) No matching overloaded function found textureGather WARNING: 0:85: warning(#402) Implicit truncation of vector from size 1 to size 4. ERROR: error(#273) 2 compilation errors. No code generated File indexes: 0 - interactionMultiLight.fs 1 - tdm_shadowmaps.glsl 2 - tdm_utils.glsl 3 - tdm_poissondisk.glsl WARNING:Failed to attach shader interactionMultiLight.fs to program interactionMultiLight. Might be the reason, have to wait for dev to take a look
  23. Try installing this: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/4618-gpu-caps-viewer.html It should tell you what openGL version your GPU drivers currently support.
  24. Also, that GPU might not have support for OpenGL version we're using. https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/opengl/device/Radeon HD 2600 PRO
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