I would like to help anyway I can, but after seeing some of the pro stuff going on around here, I'm not sure wether I'm any good. I'd still like to help anyways. I've been interested in this mod since I first heard about it. I have some experience with; Maya, 3DStudioMax, Wings3D, UVMapper Pro, Radiant (Most variations), Image editing software (Photoshop etc.), coding (C++, C#, Java, VB) I recently graduated with a 3 year diploma in programming and system design. Some of the stuff I've made is pretty amateurish though: http://www.lancersreactor.com/t/news/TLR_C...gory=Freelancer A randomizer for commodity location and price, ship location and price http://www.lancersreactor.com/t/download/d...oad.asp?id=1771 A ship I made for Freelancer (Modeled in 3DStudioMax, textured with photoshop, uvmapped with UVMapper Pro) I already applied for something, anything with this mod team. Some screens of something I threw together for this mod over the last 4 weeks. (I made all the textures in the screens)