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Where do noobs start?


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Where does a nooby start? I haven't made a mission for anything since Half Life 1 and I was only the greenest of novices at that. I've played games forever and Thief has always been a favorite of mine. I'm inbetween games right now and am kinda waiting on Diablo 3 or Cataclysm for warcraft so I'd like to develop mapmaking as a hobby. I'm getting ready to google a downloadable copy of Thief 3 (my discs are garbage so I guess I'll buy a digital download somewhere I hope) and have downloaded DarkRaidant 1.0.2


I didn't land in a place that seems to be "Noobs start here" or obviously missed the thread somewhere I apologize. But here are a couple things I'd like to know;


-What tools do I need to begin?

-Any kind of a tutorial or a good beginner's read I'm missing here on this website?


I appreciate the time spent helping me, if my email isn't included on my profile and you don't want to reply here you can email me at "Mousewing84@hotmail.com"

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'm getting ready to google a downloadable copy of Thief 3 (my discs are garbage so I guess I'll buy a digital download somewhere I hope) and have downloaded DarkRaidant 1.0.2


You definitely need to start by understanding that Thief3 is not what this is about. You need Doom3.

"A Rhapsody Of Feigned And Ill-Invented Nonsense" - Thomas Aikenhead, On Theology, ca. 1696

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Definitely start with the A-Z tutorial. Also, play some missions if you haven't done so, then open them in Darkradiant to see how they did things (which may not always be optimal, or sensible, though).

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Definitely start with the A-Z tutorial. Also, play some missions if you haven't done so, then open them in Darkradiant to see how they did things (which may not always be optimal, or sensible, though).


A quick question, I couldn't figure out what version of Doom 3 I have. I click 'update' on the ingame menu and it says Doom 3 is up to date. Am I doing it right?

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You will specifically need the 1.3.1 Doom3 patch. You can find it, along with detailed installation instructions, on the Wiki. If you have any problem, feel free to ask here!


Oh yeah, and welcome! :)

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I'm also still a noob and finished my first mission a while ago. What I did is play some missions, think of something I'd be really motivated to create, read the A-Z guide and build my FM step by step with the guide. I also looked at how other people made some things but like Melan said that's not always the best way, because it's good to figure out some things on your own. Dark Radiant itself is really easy to use and the latest version is even easier IMO. The wiki almost has all the info you need but you can always ask here cause the community is eager to help you. Once you have released your first mission you'll get lots of feedback and with that you can improve yourself and it motivates you even more to continue building.




You haven't got the latest version of Dark Radiant I see by the way. The latest version is 1.4.0 the link can be found in the TDM Editors Guild.

Edited by Carnage
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The good news is that since you played with Half-life 1 Hammer, you are already one step ahead of the average first-timer around here. And a half-step in front of the DromEd-ers who have never used an Additive editor like Quake/Half-life/Doom 3. smile.gif

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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