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Yeah, even though they said they got way more voice actors for this game they still didn't get enough. I don't know how many it would take, but after play a few dozen hours I'm hearing the same voices over and over again. Not as bad as Oblivion, thank god, but still repetitive.

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif

The worst is just the narrow selection of lines by the lady at the forge in Whiterun...


'I might not be the best blacksmith in skyrim, so and so holds that honor, all i ask....' blah blah, You think my dad makes all the choice, I...' GAHHH, just let me craft in peace!!!!



Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


"I am sworn to carry your burdens" is my worst. oh and also "Some call it junk. Me, I call them treasures."


Anyway: tip: don't waste any money buying a dog. I entered one dungeon and quickly got near-overloaded with loot so thought I'd exit quickly since I was only 60 seconds from the start. My horse was gone. Not been able to find it anywhere. Fast travelled to nearest stable. Still no horse. I'm down 1000 gold. So I went to buy a new horse. The guy lounging there wasn't working for the stable. He sold me a dog for 500. Thought it might be an interesting extra to keep down rats and wolves. Went back to the dungeon to test it. I was concerned about his barking but at least you can tell him to wait. Within two minutes of entering the dungeon he was dead. A trap I think unless a forsworn got him. So I'm down another 500. At least Lydia seems invulnerable.


Yeah, my companion got killed by a dragon pretty quickly and my horse was vaporized. So now I only get one of the mages to help me fight a dragon if one appears at the college.


I also ran into a lady in a ruin, she would help me if I asked, but everytime I cast a spell she gets burnt and pissed off. So I just did it alone.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


Yeah, the game sort of tries to be set up for having companions, but it never works well, ends up just being a crappy babysitting job. I let a guy come with me to the tree with the sap, but when I tried to hit the roots out of the way I accidentally nicked him and he wanted to fight, so I disarmed and he said he'd forgive me, but now I had a bounty! And after that he wouldn't follow me home, so when I asked someone else to accompany me they said I already had someone! So I went back to that grove and he was still there, so I just killed him, and the game told me all the witnesses were now dead so the bounty was removed, ha!

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif

Yeah, the game sort of tries to be set up for having companions, but it never works well, ends up just being a crappy babysitting job. I let a guy come with me to the tree with the sap, but when I tried to hit the roots out of the way I accidentally nicked him and he wanted to fight, so I disarmed and he said he'd forgive me, but now I had a bounty! And after that he wouldn't follow me home, so when I asked someone else to accompany me they said I already had someone! So I went back to that grove and he was still there, so I just killed him, and the game told me all the witnesses were now dead so the bounty was removed, ha!

Yeah that tree guy was non-interactive and useless and same thing happened to me when I nicked him. But I reloaded as I'd saved just before the roots. But whenever the spriggans appeared I always ran for it, not wishing to do any more harm to the place, so he always got killed by them.


Lydia at least is useful for carrying loot for you and she is also useful in many fight situations. Plus I kind of like the baby-sitting as you gives extra gameplay. Yesterday I was in a big Forsworn camp and she saved my back a few times and we worked together well in the fight. Other places you have to anticipate when she's gonna run forward and cause an alert when you want to be stealthy. One funny situation the other week was one of those spiky gates. I went carefully round the floor trap but she stood on it and was hurt and swept back by the spiky gate. Repeat ten times! I had to go back and try and guide her round the trap.


I think Bethesda have put most of their efforts into the terrain, dungeons, stories, and special features like dragons, and skimped over many smaller features that could have been improved without too much work - relative to their resources I mean. But the overall game is so good they can be forgiven if not forgotten.


1.3 was mainly to fix the bugs 1.2 created.


There really aren't enough 'game breaking' bugs to stop you from playing it now. It's just minor things here and there.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


... At least Lydia seems invulnerable.

Correction. For the first time ever she just got killed - overwhelmed by a horde of bandits at once. But in other situations I've seen her just exhausted down on her knees and the enemy have left her so she kept recovering only to get knocked down again. I've even tried to kill her myself with the same result - she just wouldn't die. I don't know what the difference is but she definitely can get killed in some situations though


Apparently 1.3 creates a bug that fortified skills past 100 just go back to zero and start counting up again! So if you had 90 smithing, and put on a ring that gives you +20 smithing, you now have not 110 smithing, but just 10. At least that's how I understood what I read about it.


Guess I'll pass on this patch too!


But I'm loving the game still, very much!

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif

I was wondering how I was being seen while stealthing, as stealth is at 92, and I have a stealth amulet that should take it to 102, but if its at 2 then that would explain it.


people are really dumb these days...


So, "dumb people" = people who don't agree with you?


Also: Skyrim is amazing. First game in forever that properly surprises me from time to time. ;)


Hi all,


Whenever I can tear myself away from research and flume experiments, I regularly enjoy a DarkMod mission. The 'free' aspect sells me, and the dedication of the team to keep up with frequent updates is refreshing. Now that I've been able to delegate my workload more, I am starting to look into this barrage of good games from 2011. I've just played through DXHR, and now all my friends and colleagues talk about is Skyrim.


I generally play games with a more patient, thorough approach, and dislike games that demand a hectic pace. As Thief fans I think you all are better equipped to tell me whether Skyrim can be played with a modus operandi similar to Thief.

Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!
Posted (edited)



Hi there. :)


I'd just like to address your "hectic pace" example. I'll just add that there is nothing even remotely hectic about Skyrim, you can pretty much dilly-dally around forever, it's a very slow game if that's how you wish to play it.


And as you may know it does feature a storyline with the thieves guild that I, myself, found extremely much like playing the Thief games, except you can just run off into the opposite direction if you get bored for some reason.


So, I think so. I think you could play this game and enjoy it as a Thief series fan. I did. :)



Edit: Also I'll just add some stuff I have to say about Skyrim in general:


Since I, as much as anyone on this forum, like the Thief games. I must say that I especially like Skyrim just because the thieving and the shady business is well accentuated. (In comparison to the other TES games)

Ever since Morrowind I wanted to be able to play as a thief character and have that feeling, that special Thief-esque feeling which I, up until now, only saw in Thief games.

But now Skyrim is able to fit that bill in my experience, so I am extra infatuated with this game. (And yes, Stephen Russell as a voice actor for some thieves made me as giddy as a schoolgirl.)


So compared to the other games in this series this actually takes the price in many ways, even though I still think Morrowind is the best TES game experience I've had.


In short: Love it, just like the other Elder Scrolls games. :)

Edited by GameDevGoro

Yeah, you can farm vegetables and chop wood for money if you want, or you can jump right into battle.


That's really whats so cool about it, it's not just huge free roam, but there are so many options, it really fits just about any players style, unless that players style is running around with bat ears, a cape and a sidekick in spandex :D

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


Thanks, GameDevGoro, your explanations really hit home what I was hoping for in the game. One thing I have heard is that there is some sort of random side-quest generator that artificially keeps the quest list filled, so there's no real "end-game". But is there a point where the quests it generates start becoming repetitious cookie-cutter copies of one's you've already done, with just the elements changed around?


Yeah, you can farm vegetables and chop wood for money if you want, or you can jump right into battle.


OK, this intrigued me, so I had to search it on youtube. Best I could find was

showing a player "harvesting" cabbage, onions, and potatoes. I'm guessing the game doesn't go into the detail of tilling, planting, fertilizing, etc...
Loose BOWELS are the first sign of THE CHOLERA MORBUS!

Thanks, GameDevGoro, your explanations really hit home what I was hoping for in the game. One thing I have heard is that there is some sort of random side-quest generator that artificially keeps the quest list filled, so there's no real "end-game". But is there a point where the quests it generates start becoming repetitious cookie-cutter copies of one's you've already done, with just the elements changed around?


True. There's no real end-game, it just keeps going. There's a real chance that the quests will seem repetitive after a while, but we're talking about 50 or 60+ hours later. I've played it for like 40 hours and I haven't noticed the radiant story telling giving me the same quest again and again.

Of course it will vary from experience to experience, but me and some people I know have been playing it for extensive periods of time and we haven't noticed that much repetition. It does happen, however, that a similar quest happens and it sort of feels weird, but not often. Seriously.

I guess it depends on how much time you want to spend on this. I mean, if you're hell bent on finding every nook and cranny of this game, then yes, you will probably start noticing the borders of the world.

Either way, enjoy it if you want to. I fully recommend it. :)



... the game doesn't go into the detail of tilling, planting, fertilizing, etc...


Nah, it doesn't. The game is wide in what you can do, but not that wide... ;)


I stopped asking for "any work that needs doing?" from people like inn keepers and jarls because they end up being a ton of the same "kill these bandits at this camp" or "kill this giant" or whatever. I even got the exact same "kill the leader of this group of forswarn guys at dragonbridge overlook camp" - I was seriously dismayed that they were BACK and I had to kill them AGAIN.


I quit talking to the dumb mercenaries on the road who would say "there is a problem nearby, will you take care of it for me?" without any details, then some location shows up ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. Whatever.


But those are the negative sides. Otherwise the game is extremely excellent. TONS of high quality content. Tons of great storylines, subplots, exploration, battles, discovery, etc. Lots and lots of good stuff there.


I just finished the main questline today. I'm somewhat satisfied with it, but I wish the "ending" was a bit more dramatic/grandiose/something. I ended up walking my old nord character back to his home in Whiterun, sitting down in a chair by the fire, taking off his helmet, going to third person view, and doing a nice slow pan around as we contemplate the staggering events of late. Then, fade to black, exit the game, and shelve it for a while (months? a year? more?)


In the future I'll definitely do another play through with a totally different build, doing different quests, taking different sides (this time I sided with the Stormcloak rebellion, being a true-blooded nord myself), doing different "guilds", etc.


But for now it's goodbye to Skyrim for me.


Parting is such sweet sorrow

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
Posted (edited)

whats point of healing yourself from lycanthrophy ? how can i solve quest when i stuck in another dungeon and need to move crystals with spells to make them face right direction,if i cant see light rays on medium graphical settings ? why world is so dead ? why people talk to each other only when i visit town or village for a first time ? why same textures appears on every static mesh which is dungeons build from ? why Bethesda didn't learned their mistakes and keep using that dumb "NPC auto level scaling" system ? i cant understand,why people likes that game so much ? it don't let you be who you want to be like normal RPG game,yes you can join mages or thiefs,but how can i feel myself thief,when 70 % of their quest doesn't require to be stealthy at all.Even this way more roleplaying :


Morrowind wasn't that bad game,i must say that Morrowind was a good game.Oblivion was way worse,but it had good side quest which were much better than exploring Skyrim's dungeons.

Roleplay elements is pathetic if you compare it to Gothic or Deus Ex,combat is boring and pretty poor,side quest feels same and sucks

All i can say is Skyrim suxxorz

Edited by Shadowhide

Proceed with caution!

Posted (edited)



I really shouldn't engage in this, knowing that arguing about opinions is one of the dumbest things one can do. But damn it, I'm feeling kinda dumb today so let's do it anyway!


A lot of your "questions" are the type of questions one would ask when their not capable of playing a non-linear game. Why on earth would the thieves guild quests require you to sneak? It's not a game based on failure in that sense like thief would be, I'm not saying Garrett can't fight, but face it, if you aggro the entire castle you're going to get a new asshole pretty quick.


So I can't understand why you would think that the game would somehow force you to sneak? I played through the thieves guild quest-line and I avoided a lot of trouble for my character because I was able to sneak. Sound familiar? It's because it's the same functionality as in Thief, sneak and you won't be detected.



And really? You can't see it on medium settings? Really?

When did it ever get to the point where you can't run a game on your computer and you blame the game for it? Makes absolutely no sense. And don't give me that whiny story about how you can run Crysis this and Crysis that on what settings, every game isn't optimized the same way. That's something that should be obvious to people who've been around games before.


I've also played Gothic, Gothic II, Gothic III (I won't play Gothic 4 or whatever it's called, I have on good authority that it sucks), Deus Ex, Deus Ex 2 and Deus Ex:HR and I fail to see how they are any different in "roleplay", as you said it, than Skyrim. You're free to point it out, I'm just saying they work the exakt same way: Dialog, Q&A and you go do the quest to further the storyline.


So all I can say is: Enjoy "The Bitcher".

Edited by GameDevGoro

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