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sleeping doesn't seem to do much, except you dont get the 'your looking tired' comment from ai's. also if you get ill you can use a shrine in a temple in a town to get rid of it for free. am guessing joining the dark brotherhood will be the same as oblivion where you kill an innocent.


Picked up my copy of SR yesterday, will start playing soon :-)


As far as I know, with the latest mini-patch the game is now fully locked to the Steam account, meaning you MUST start it through the Steam application (vs. the game executable .exe, as it was possible before). I have only a link to a German site, but I'll still post it.

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.


Seems to me 'unfair' if sleep has any effect but not mentioned in the manual nor easy to find any official info on the net.


Anyways, on another topic, I have a feeling there is no general ambient light anywhere. I've been tweaking the game setting and my monitor to find the best compromise so its reasonable night and day but you still get situations like now. There's light grey rock everywhere and its 11:00am and completely but thinly overcast. So bright light grey sky. The rock surfaces are reasonable - low contrast - in fact almost, but not quite, washed-out. No visible sun but the light is clearly from the sun at a slight angle from the vertical. I have two followers at the moment. If they turn away from the sun they are completely black on the front. If you go round them so they turn to the sun then you can see light on the foreheads but not much else. That is close to what I'd expect in bright sunshine if it were not overcast with clouds but then you'd get strong shadows everywhere.


This is Xbox btw. I can't really turn down contrast any more because the rocks will look washed out. It's not a biggy but I just feel there are a few niggles that reduce Skyrim from 96% excellent down to only 95%. hehe! Got to find something to grumble at ain't we?


Other things that surprise are like yesterday I slayed a dragon and went to claim the bounty from the town that had been terrorised by it. The guy didn't even look up from his dinner. I'd have expected hundreds of backslaps and a banquet or something - hey I just risked my arse slaying a dragon for you. The cash slips across with no animation but just this brief text top left you can miss if you blink. I get this with other stuff like the courier gives you a message. 'here's a message.' and sods off. Go ploughing through about 30 readables (several named 'a letter from a friend') to find what you've been given.


OK, enough grumbling. The blacksmith animations are superb. In Windhelm or Wind something he works outdoors and has a femal assistant. They both can work the bellows (excellent) to heat up the furnace, heat up the metal, hammer it on the anvil, quench it, repeat, douse it, pound the cold metal, use the grindstone, and also there is some leather they run the blades over which is ambigously defined but I think they are honing the edges like the old razor blades are honed on a leather strap. All this animation is just glorious to watch even fairly close up. They don't even get in each others way. Very impressive.


I've not figured out how to hone my blade yet. I've currently got a hammer anyway which is the best so far. Elven armour is best just as it was in Oblivion but I got to it faster than when I played Oblivion. Still broke though. I find loads of stuff but keep spending it. Now bandits have killed my horse while I was completing a quest so I don't want to reload. Damn. And I can't afford another horse yet.

Posted (edited)

there's hdr on pc, you can go into a dark area, and as the players eyes adjust to the darkness you can see the ambient light increase.


although I've spent a good three hours in the dwelmer dungeon under Markarth, there's a really huge spider in there you have to kill, then a corpse with another quest leading deeper into the city. also full of spiders and falmers.


grindstones are used to improve weapons, and forges improve armor, and workbenches make new armor, you can smelt ingots somewhere and prepare leather, you can also make jewelery if you have gold ingots and gems.

Edited by stumpy

I've been doing quite well with crafting so here's a quick guide. Good way to level up fast and get great armor for yourself.


Baddcog's Armor Forging Guide


First, the house in Whiterun is a really good storage location, but this still works everywhere. The whiterun house is good because it's only one house from the forge, I tend to load up with 1,000 lbs of metal and armor/weaps so it's a slow walk, but short. If you get the dining set upgrade you get a cabinet right inside the door to store all that stuff in. I keep my weaps/armor/ore/ingots/gems and 'smithing garb' in there.

Buy the house from the bald guy by the Jarl of Whiterun.


Smithing garb is pieces of armor/jewelry that have improved smithing bonus. Once you find one you can destroy it to learn smithing and add it to 4 pieces: Necklace, Ring, Armor, Gauntlets. I suggest crafting the armor (to help level) then adding best sould gems you can find for best %. I have like 50% extra smithing which allows me to upgrade armors that are too 'high end' for me to upgrade.


Right up the street is a potion shop, she has 1 potion once a day (maybe every two days) called 'blacksmith potion'. Which increases your skill another 20-30%. This only lasts 30 seconds from the time you drink it, no pause for menu time, so be prepared to work fast. ONLY use it for the grind wheel or table. NOT the forge.


Find as much metal as you can, store it up at the house so you have everything you need. (Last night I fast traveled around to all major cities and bought Malachite, Moonstone and Conundrum, those are the hardest to find so buy them first)

You can mine all the ores, but you have to find them and carry a 10 pound pickaxe. And it is fairly rare to find veins in mines/caves.


OK, on to crafting, you don't need the house but that 5,000 will go a long way to making this process easier.


Purchase : OK, the people that run the smelter sell stuff under MISC. Ores and ingots mainly. All are useful, especially steel and iron at the low end. I don't think it matters what you craft as far as quality, it still adds up the same experience. So steel and iron are always good and cheap to level up. Even if you level up by smithing, you can still spend your points in whatever skills you want. But level up your smithing as early as you can so you can get better fast (it only takes about 6 points)


So buy all the ore and ingots you can afford. I recommend against dwarven ingots. Dwarven armor is hard to find, takes a long long time to get to be able to craft, is really heavy so you can't carry much. And it's cheap, so no profit margin. Don't buy the dwarven stuff.


I also recommend having armor/items with better buying %, the thieves guild good gives you 10% better pricing, I also found a necklace like that. And you can get potions that give you better speechcraft. equip them to buy and sell.


Tanning Rack : Stretched out hide. Used to make leather and leather strips. One hide (wolf, bear, fox...) makes 1 leather. Bear pelts are worth like 20-40 bucks. Sell them, buy leather. Fox and wolf are cheap, just make leather. armor and weaps can take leather and/or leather strips. It can be bought or stolen easily. craft some leather down into strips, but keep some leather too.


Smelter : Big round oven, put your ores in here, get ingots. Always buy ores first, it's cheaper. Some Ingots take 2 ores. potions DON'T help here.


Now we are prepared to make some stuff....


Using stolen ingots/ores and gems will 'clean' them. The made products will not be stolen.



Forge : Big pit of coals, air pump (forgot name, lol) and an anvil. This is were you craft armor and jewelry. It will show you what you can make due to the materials you have and you experience level. At first it will only be leather and some iron or steel stuff. Later with perks you can make glass, dragon (save those heavy ass scales and bones in your house)

Helmets are a good use of material and sell for good price. Do a lot of those, also, steel plate armor sells for best price.

Make a few of each, don't use all your materials.


Potions DON'T work here either.


Jewelry : can also be forged here, but make good stuff. A gold necklace sells for nothing, but a gold diamond necklace sales for a lot. So don't waste gold on cheap stuff. Try to only make good silver stuff too. The quality depends on the quality of the gems you have.

Jewelry CAN'T be upgraded, so make it good to begin with.


Workbench : NOW you can use a potion for more skill. The workbench improves armor. That depends on the materials you have and your skill. You take a steel armor and upgrade it with conundrum. If your skill is high enough you can take a steel plate armor that has an armor rating of 60 and is worth 650 and upgrade it to ' legendary armor ' with one conundrum ingot with has and armor rating of 105 and a price of 1500.

That too depends on skill and % upgrades on your clothing items. There are several stages of upgrading... flawless/epic/legendary... even after making something legendary, with more skill you can still bump up the price and armor rating later. I always upgrade the stuff I'm using first.

One thing I noticed, is that improving a base item to next teir uses 1 ingot and only bumps up experience a little bit. Whereas bumping it up to legendary only takes 1 ingot and gives a big bump in exp. So I think a full upgrade is only worth so many exp. points no matter how you do it, but doing small bumps wastes a lot of metal. So if you can only bump up all the way, of course this is easier later on and you have to 'waste' metal early to get there.

But it's better to fully improve a cheap piece for profit than to slightly upgrade an expensive piece 5 times over time.


When you use the workbench you will get a list of all the armor you have, greyed out means you are lacking materials or skill. White means you can upgrade. There will be a list of requires materials at the bottom when you mouse over stuff, so you know if you have all the stuff required you just lack the skill, which is why you need to craft cheap stuff.


Stolen armor will improve, but will always be stolen, hard to sell...


Grindstone : Same as the workbench, but it is for weaps, not armor.



Now re-equip your selling gear, and sell all that stuff back to the person you just bought the base materials from and get your money back and maybe a bit more.

If you have extra stuff store it at home or take it to another town to sell to another blacksmith and take all his metal/money.


Wait 24 hours or come back and do it again.


I suggest leveling up crafting all the way up the left side of the constellation. This gets you to glass, advanced (plate), elvin and dragon armor quickest. Also make sure to get the 'Arcane' perk as soon as possible. It lets you upgrade magic armors and they can fetch a pretty penny.


You can also enchant stuff up at the castle, but I tend to save the gems mostly just for expensive jewelry or nice armors.


Takes about 6 perks to get to dragon armor with arcane, but it's a good way to level up and make cash pretty quickly. Not to mention making your own armor bad ass. I think yesterday my armor rating was a little over 100, now it's 220 or so. (Light glass armor)

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

Posted (edited)

I got the same impression from vids. But they are just vids. I'll buy & play when its price downs.

this game didnt deserves money

it just booooring

other thing is new Assasins Creed : Revelations . I reccomend to buy it instead of skyrim

Edited by Shadowhide

Proceed with caution!


funny, I thought the first assassins creed menus were so horrible I never got past an hour in the game though I really wanted to. I literally would take 5-10 minutes just top get in and out of a game, hopefully they fixed that.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

Posted (edited)

Enjoy my Skyrim review ! :

This game sucks.Auto-traveling is fucking stupid ! it makes game simplified as hell and damn boring.Yeah,world is pretty big but solve of that problem is analog of Morrowind Silt-striders or riding the dragons.Why cant you ride dragons ? because you need to click on city gate to load it up and enter it.

Even making your character is goddamn boring and stupid.Don't matter who you playing for : you can be heavy armored and stealthy ork with huge two-handed hummer.You got same skills (instead of few spells) and same quests.

Why cant you cant play this game in stealth ? don't matter how thiefy you trying to be,you became a powerful mage or warrior.Yes,I know,this is RPG,not Thief,but there is one problem with combat : its boring.Hey RPG developers ! Learn from Deus Ex 1 ! You can complete DX1 without a single shot.

As for quests : As I said before quests is fucking boring.Even most of Thiefs-guild quests is based on exploring another boring and gay dungeon with zombies.Main storyline is annoying.

Mages,Thiefs,Assasins,Warriors,its dont matter which guild you working on right now.Your job is walking trough the dungeon and killing things

25 % from 100 %

as you can see,my review is much better and honest than sold game-review magazines

Edited by Shadowhide

Proceed with caution!


LOL is all I can say. If you hate the game o much put it away, and stop telling us how much you hate it.



I just realized I'm playing too much. Right when I got all my Elven gear crafted and enchanted I was almost done collecting Glass armor. I just finished that set, no I can craft dragon armor. There are two choices (plate -heavy) and scale (light).


So yeah, there is one more set above what MW and Oblivion had. Looks pretty bad ass. I'm going to craft it after lunch.


Also looks like the only way to obtain the armor is to craft it. I've been all over the map, have found every kind of armor. But the only thing regarding dragon armor I have found is the bones and scales off killed dragons.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


Mmm.. sounds like dragon armour is the best then. I was going to leave crafting until later.


Truth is I've not acccumulated much wealth yet. You're a few days ahead of me. This is how it was in Oblivion. First week spending so much to get the best stuff I never have much cash left then in later weeks have huge amounts in reserve and lots of spare stuff in a house. I've found and spent thousands but I rarely have more than a few hundred left so I can never afford the house yet. Earlier after one trip I had like 7 gold left (yeah single 7) because I just had to buy some good armour and myhorse got killed so I had to get another.


I went in Whiterun stables house in the evening and couldn't see the guy straight away. I found his miserable assistant who delayed me. Then I found the boss asleep. Woke him up but I only had 700 and the horse was 1000. So back to stores but found a Khajit (cat man) in a tent outside city which was handy. He brought some stuff from the other guy wouldn't. So now I had enough so went back to stables.


I went in Whiterun stables house just after 11:30pm. I had just completed the transaction and he said it's the horse that is saddled outside. Then his miserable git of an assistant pushed himself between us and said 'you shouldn't be here!' before I could do much the boss was screaming at me and calling for the guards. Misery guts put up his fists. Then my lovely assistant Lydia killed the bastard. Then the old woman attacked me like a hag. Lydia killed her. Then ran outside and killed the boss. My horse which I'd just bought bolted before I even got to ride the f*!ing thing and I'm now 1000 down plus 1000 bounty on my head plus probably responsible for three murders. LOL.


Reload way back and repeat. This time I stuffed the 1000 in his hands and ran out the door before they could accuse me of being in their house after midnight. Good fun. :)


lol. yeah the ai can be touchy.


I was fighting a dragon and several guards kept getting into my fire, then attacking me. Took several tries to kill the dragon before they ran me out of town. Never did get to loot that dragon. :(


I never buy armor. I always find it in dungeons and whatnot, upgrade as I go that way. allows me to save cash.


Gave up on horses to. Was cool for a little while, but you always have to get off to fight, pick stuff. I jumped off in front of a cave, we got attacked by a bear or something and my horse just vanished into thin air.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


The most important thing is to get the dragon's soul which you need to enable the shouts.I don't know if you can go back later to the dragon corpse and get it. Usually what happens is: kill dragon (I usually jump straight in and search it and get stuff like dragon scales etc. but I'm sure you can do that later) then stand nearby for a few seconds and you absorb its soul and the dragon decomposes to bones. I've never tried fleeing the scene before that happens so I don't know if you can sneak back later and get its soul.


[edit] actually rethinking this I'm sure you already know all the above so you've probably got its soul.


So you have these fantastical creatures flying around and all you can think of is to kill/wipe out all of the world's fauna? :D Don't you guys have a realm or a princess to save or something? Joking, but I remember when I bought Dragon Lore 2 and what you actually wanted was to earn the respect of everyone and the right to have a dragon ally (to be chosen by him). My beef with most free roam RPGs is that the whole point is to go from this lowly squire to "the meanest m*f* in the valley" (trademark - Sean Penn in Causalties of War), killing for points, and finally, sporting the uber sword twice your size and the black magical armor (like the WoW Simpsons episode spoof), rule the land by force. It's kinda pointless for me, I really like tight storylines and the npc interaction a lot more. But yeah, I finished my rant! :) I should check some more videos to see what's this game all about.


So you have these fantastical creatures flying around and all you can think of is to kill/wipe out all of the world's fauna? :D Don't you guys have a realm or a princess to save or something? Joking, but I remember when I bought Dragon Lore 2 and what you actually wanted was to earn the respect of everyone and the right to have a dragon ally (to be chosen by him). My beef with most free roam RPGs is that the whole point is to go from this lowly squire to "the meanest m*f* in the valley" (trademark - Sean Penn in Causalties of War), killing for points, and finally, sporting the uber sword twice your size and the black magical armor (like the WoW Simpsons episode spoof), rule the land by force. It's kinda pointless for me, I really like tight storylines and the npc interaction a lot more. But yeah, I finished my rant! :) I should check some more videos to see what's this game all about.


Yeah, to a degree that's a pretty broad basis of all RPG's I guess. It's classic game design, there are good articles out there to read. It's about micro rewards, macro rewards, etc for the player.


But you obviously know nothing about the Elderscroll series. There are stories within stories. You're out to kill the dragons for a reason, but you'll have to play to find out, I'm not going to write the entire story down. There are many side quests that are all about gaining respect and noteriety. It's not all about killing dragons or just being a badass. You want the bigger and better swords and armor so you can actually fight the tougher opponents.

I've gotten far enough in now where I'm fighting Elder Dragons and they are quite a bit tougher than the first easy ones. (I still think they should be tougher earlier one but..)

I did try the Wow demo just to see what all the fuss was about and I don't remember any story line at all. I also tried Guild wars, same thing, was there a story?



@Stumpy - yeah, that's part of a story line too :)





OMG, are you STILL bitching about this game? Funny you said everyone should get Assassin's Creed instead, yet I can only imagine if there was a thread about that game you be bitchin about how horrible it was.

Misery loves company, but maybe this company doesn't want your misery.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


I agree at least with Shadowhide's complaint about "same"-y feeling quests & dungeons. But this is definitely an improvement from Oblivion's tiresome sidequests.



As an aside:



Aaaawwwwww She's so adorable, :wub: learning lessons about bullying from Skyrim.


"People don't want to be sword". That's wisdom.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair


has anyone seen the ghost riding around on horseback east of Markarth late at night.

Yes but I can't say where I saw it. I thought it looked like the headless horseman. I wonder if there is any interaction there?


Anyone seen the naked courier? Well, just a loin-cloth and a smile really. Dunno what that's about. I don't know where he keeps his letters but after he gave me mine I washed my hands three times.


Anyone done the Find Roggi's ancestral shield in Astilvund? I couldn't find the code anywhere even though I went through three times and scoured every surface. In the end I googled and found the code and it works but I still don't know where you were supposed to find it in-game. Anyone know? I'm guessing its on the shield itself but I've not got that yet. I can't even remember who gave me this quest. I've got so many now. Maybe it was the wall in their home but that was ages ago.


I've been to Astilvund but not for a shield. But I have noticed that they did a pretty good job of keeping the clues in the room you are in, or on an item (like a dragon claw) that you should have.


Funny, last night I got my dragon armor after saying how everytime I get armor I get a new better set right away, well... Guess what happened... Not necessarily a 'better' set. Not a higher armor rating, but great enchantments for a thief.

Still, almost as high ratings as glass.



Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


I've been to Astilvund but not for a shield. But I have noticed that they did a pretty good job of keeping the clues in the room you are in, or on an item (like a dragon claw) that you should have.

Yes, that's my feeling too. I focused on the room with the gate and the code input. I kept telling myself 'this is not some Thief FM where the clue might be in an old boot in a street on the other side of the city - it's likely something simple right in front of you!' But I never found it.


This also started me thinking how sparse some of the quest text is. There is nothing about what this quest is about. Why is the shield here anyway? No doubt there was a conversation that started it but I can't remember anything. The quest just says gets the shield, basically. It loses story atmosphere I think when they do this and it just becomes 'get object' kind of thing. Also, as I've said before, it's more and more noticeable that when you risk your neck on a long quest to save someone's long lost something that will save the city, when you've done it's just an anti-climax like you've just run an errand to the supermarket for them. No enthusiasm, no celebrations. Bethesda have got that wrong imo. They should maximize satisfaction on all quests.


Funny, last night I got my dragon armor after saying how everytime I get armor I get a new better set right away, well... Guess what happened... Not necessarily a 'better' set. Not a higher armor rating, but great enchantments for a thief.

Still, almost as high ratings as glass.

Do these enchantments include invisibility? Some of my favourites in Oblivion where those. As I recall, the Thief's mask, amulet, ring etc and the percentage invisibility added up. I don't think I ever got 100% but it was good.


One thing I have got which is great and similar to something I relied on in Oblivion is a shout that highlights where living things are so you can check ahead for enemies and also, most important, it helps you find your horse and accomplice. Lydia got stuck on a hill yesterday. Only solution I could think of was teleport - but my horse turned up but not her. Then I remembered I told her to wait while I tried to push her down. So now I couldn't find her. I reloaded but the horse had wandered from where it had been so it was hard to find her. Then I remembered the shout. Eureka! There she is. I told her follow me then teleported again. This shout only highlights for about 10 seconds though. In Oblivion I think it was the thief mask or a ring or maybe several things did it but it was permanent while you wore that apparel. Of course you had to keep switching depending what effect you wanted: invisibility, radar, armour, whatever.


I think there were definitely cutbacks in enchantments from Morrowind/Oblivion. It was pretty easy to put multiple enchantments on an item in Morrowind. From what I understand now your enchanting has to be at 100 and then you can add two, but no more. Haven't got there yet but I do have a couple items obtained from quests with two.

Ah, actually as I look now it's the last perk AND you need 100, I'm at lvl 50 now so I don't think I'll get anymore perks.



The 'Nightinggale armor' doesn't have invisibility.

armor = +40 stamina and 50% frost resist (which is good since I'm dark elf, I naturally have 50% fire)

boots = muffled, make no noise sneaking which helps a lot.

gloves = 50% easier lockpick and 5% stronger one hand attacks

hood= 17% better illusion spellcasting.


So the hood helps, I have yet to find an invisibility spell though :( So I've become very good at making invis potions, though I only use them for really critical jobs.


Looks like invis spell is expert level, you buy it from a guy at the college, your illusion magic must be at lvl 75 to get it. So I guess I'll be leveling that today, lol. I never used any illusion because invis is the only one I wanted :(


The objectives do have a bit of text above them that describes the current goal, sometimes it's more in depth than other times. But it says more than the goal in the list which is short and to the point.

There can be a bit of anti-climax to goals for sure, but I wonder which goals really need 'celebrating'. They always give you a reward and there are so many things to do. Should there be a party in the streets everytime something is accomplished? It's really quite the same in thief/TDM... You have goals to heist a mansion, you heist, get out, end of story.

Typically in Skyrim you get a payoff depending on the job, and if it's bigger you get extra perks (ie guild leader of thieves - more cash, better prices, storage, kick ass weaps and armor...)


But yeah, I think that's the main problem with sooo many quests/options. I've got 20 tasks I need to finish and some I don't even remember starting them. I start after one thing, end up getting 5 more to do...


I know there is a potion/spell called ummm...h, dont have the scroll or spell/potion. I had to dump everything for my last job....


Which brings me to my biggest dissapointment regarding stealth so far.

Had to do a heist job, my inside man takes in all my weaps/potions. My contact gives me party cloths and party invite. Pretty cool so far, get to waltz in the front door, have a drink, chit chat, create a diversion and sneak out to raid the office.

But the 'office' isn't on the map and no pointer. and I don't have the magic for 'show current goal'. So I wander around, chugging invis potions. Lot's of reloads to get it right and find the office alive.

Badass mage guards everywhere.



So I go out the back door and there's another building in the compound. NOT labeled office like the goal says, but must be it... Only one door in the front. And a mage leaning back against it. Finally I realize so much for sneaking... I charge in, he moves away from door and starts throwing magic. I figure I'll run in and chug invis and try to hide. So I do, and the 5 guards outside never even come in.

So sneak through party, be all stealthy, then full frontal assault, then nothing :(

Then without much in the way of clues and reloads I figure I have to basically fight inside to 'finish the goals'




Ah well, that one was a bit buggy, not as well done as it could have been. Was looking forward to a pure stealth mission but that didn't happen.


The ghost rider has to do with a mage college quest


Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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