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Posted (edited)

It's time to release my entry for the Halloween contest; A Night To Remember


This one took me about one and a half month to complete. It would not be possible without the eminent assistance

of Ziggun and my girlfriend. Thanks a lot!


A thanks goes to Kimdawg for creating the pianomusic.


Thanks to my betatesters - Bikerdude, Xarg and PranQster


Also a big thank you to all the folks that keeps the mod alive and evolving!






Diary entry, 20th of October, 1721


Say one thing about Sir Henry Doyle, say he's a taffing idiot. Yes, I admit that. Only a taffing idiot would try to rob Lord taffing Cromwell, much less do it while being his honoured guest. I came out here to enjoy the quiet countryside and to study under the great inventor so that I could forget about all the troubles back in Bridgeport. But I suppose they didn't forget about me, nor did the Lady Terevaine. She must've found out I was staying at Cromwell's estate somehow, seeing as she had a letter delivered to me right in the middle of supper. Could barely keep a straight face as I read it. The nerve

of that woman... Thankfully, my fellow guest at the mansion, Father Tellam, had another heated argument with Cromwell about the whole Gottfried II project. Called it a great sin against the Builder and all that. Ironic, considering what

Lady Terevaine wrote to me, but it did give me the perfect excuse to retire for the night. Still, it seems I have yet another job to do for this little shrew. And like always, she promises that this one will be the last of them before she finally

helps me with my debts. For the life of me, I will never understand what she gets out of these oddjobs, but I suspect it might just be some form of deranged joy at seeing me stumble around robbing everyone I know. And this time, she wants me to steal Lord Cromwell's very passion, the blueprints for his beloved airship. That in itself will not be a hard task, given that Cromwell doesn't allow any guards indoors. From what he has told me, I suspect the blueprints to be in his study on the second floor of the east wing. I'll need to be careful, however. Cromwell is a dangerous man and should my hand in this be known, he will make my money problems seem like a pleasant afternoon stroll. I'll need to mask this theft as a robbery, so I should try and steal as much as I can, perhaps smash a window or two along the way. With any luck, I'll find enough goods to actually pay my debts and get free of that taffing Lady Terevaine..."



This is a mission with certain enemies that are extremely dangerous. There are a few known issues on them

but I will give you a chance to play the mission before spoiling the nature of the enemies.




Changes in ver 1.1



Reduced ambient light from the fireplace in tea room. Also expanded the radius of the fireplace light.


Added frobable 0 on all sections of the freezer lid.


Added supports under the balconies.


Removed some unwanted decoration on the exterior and removed misplaced caulk.










Are you sure you've played?



I have tried to remove the idle animations on the ghosts but somehow some of them coughs and sneezes.

This shouldn't be impossible to solve but I've had to prioritize more important stuff.


The ghosts will drain your health if you're nearby. This is achieved through the use of trigger_hurt boxes

that are bound to the ghosts. The innermost of these shall kill the player instantly but sometimes this fails

so the ghost will run blindly into you. This seems to be a bug related to the use of trigger boxes.

Sometimes they just refuse to work properly


If you use the sword on the ghosts, the sword will actually hit them, but arrows will go straight through.


If someone has a more slick solution to these bugs, please let me know! :)









Do not read past this line as spoilers may be present in the thread!

Edited by Springheel
added thedarkmod.com download link
  • Like 3

Haven't completed it yet, but...


This is definitely your best mission yet. It also delivers on the scares. I really like how it starts off kind of slow, but you find the ghosts later on. It kind of reminds me of the asylum from TDS.

The part with the creaking door made me jump, as did the parts where the hallway lights went out and the ghost came. I can see someone playing this on Youtube in the future and shrieking when the ghosts come... lol

The two opposing outdoor balconies were a great touch. Were you at all influenced by Resident Evil in the construction of this? The dining room reminded me of it, as did the main hall and a couple of the long hallways that connect these rooms.


--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.


Well done, Fieldmedic!



I like the scares that you used. It is a slightly different method than my FM used, so it was pretty darn effective on me, particularly when I first saw the wandering ghost. Holy crud, I actually shuddered when I saw her pacing the servants' quarters! The next one that I really jumped at was in the tea room, when the painting fell off the wall (seen through the mirror).


One frustration was at the beginning when you're asked to chase down the thief. You might have given the "running footsteps" speaker an actual direction (I.E. following a NURBS curve down the hall). I started getting confused over "Where should I go? Why am I failing the mission?"


The rest of the mission was a brilliantly tense mansion run. The maps were extremely helpful, and the map wasn't difficult to navigate at all. The occasional run-in with a ghost or poltergeist (E.G. the dropping paintings) kept things from getting too boring.


The mansion felt suitably spacious, so that the occasional claustrophobic areas (like the servants' quarters) felt...well...claustrophobic. The murder scenes were macabre, but not to the point of seeming comical. Props for pulling that off.


Maybe it was just me, but I had a bit of trouble finding loot just in this FM. Maybe it's worth a second playthrough.


yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair


Haven't completed it yet, but...


This is definitely your best mission yet. It also delivers on the scares. I really like how it starts off kind of slow, but you find the ghosts later on. It kind of reminds me of the asylum from TDS.

The part with the creaking door made me jump, as did the parts where the hallway lights went out and the ghost came. I can see someone playing this on Youtube in the future and shrieking when the ghosts come... lol

The two opposing outdoor balconies were a great touch. Were you at all influenced by Resident Evil in the construction of this? The dining room reminded me of it, as did the main hall and a couple of the long hallways that connect these rooms.





Yes, my fellow designer, Ziggun is a freak for RE so we pulled a lot of inspiration from that one :)




Holy cowz!


Did you visually upgrade this since the first beta?


It's a beauty!




Yes I did. I felt the time was running out so I decided to fix all gameplay stuff and leave a lot of places quite barren. When I had sent out the beta I could concentrate more on the visuals as I had more concern about gameplay. Actually I learned how to create ghost textures/skins the last week of the competition :o . Springheel helped me a year ago when I started this (the prior work include the untextured hall and some boxes for the two wings) and gave me a skin and textures for a noble man ghost. I tried a lot from there to create my own but the folderstructure of TDM is a pain when you don't have a clue, but now I'm more confident about how the different files collaborate. LOTS of trial and errors :)




New changes?! Redownloaded, will play through after dinner... gotta get that tick next to it on the mission list :P (and about 20 others I've already done pre-ticklist)

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080


I just finished the mission (on the highest difficulty, about 600 short of max loot) and I don't even know where to start listing all the elements that were so amazingly well done! It's all just jaw-droppingly good. The only category where I docked one point was the Halloween element, since it didn't really give me a Halloween vibe per se, although it was generally pretty creepy.


Beautiful architecture, great scripted events, just all around hugely fun. Thank you for this gem!


Downloaded - gonna give it a go now. =-)

"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling


Man I am an idiot



I've just found his beheaded body and been told to chase the thief but whichever way I go it says mission failed and I "die". What am I missing here?




"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling


Man I am an idiot



I've just found his beheaded body and been told to chase the thief but whichever way I go it says mission failed and I "die". What am I missing here?






Tcha, no need to feel so glum! Just...



Follow the footsteps. From the study, go left. Then left down the hall. Then left down the door that opens.


- Writer Ascendant >


This is a mission which deserves top ratings. It is graphically pleasing, technically well-realised and often genuinely hair-raising. It plays a lot like a Victorian ghost story (I recently read a collection of tales by M. R. James, and this one reminded me of them), and the backstory establishes it very nicely - you are a well-rounded character who has a reason being where you are, without getting overwritten. The challenge level and the puzzles are consistent; logical and imaginative. And the little grotesque touches are to die for (heh).


If I were to have a suggestion, I might recommend


...that the ghosts, when the bugs are ironed out, should be submitted as official AI. They look great, their sounds are great, and their area of effect mechanic is both appropriate and it adds its own special gameplay challenge.



Again, outstanding. I gave this FM a 5/5/5 rating.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved


Is there a health poison on this mission or do I have to reload a save every time a ghost goes past me. They even kill me through walls :wacko:


There are health potions, check your inventory. However, bear in mind that...



the ghosts insta-kill you if they come too close



I know it's hard, but it was meant to be so.

- Writer Ascendant >


But through walls is a bit to much :o


'tis coding, friend, 'tis coding. As far as I understand, there is no way to distinguish between wall or no wall when it comes to damage auras. Or at least that's what Fieldmedic tells a simpleton like me. For all I know about coding he could be a wizard working magic

- Writer Ascendant >


Wow, another fantastically unique mission. Is it just me or does the bar just keep getting set higher and higher?

I had a great time with this one. The ghosts added just enough difficulty. The lightning effects were great. All the scripted events worked well.

Great atmosphere overall.


One thing I couldn't figure out,

what the switch in the master bedroom did.



Finally casted my votes. I went with 5, 5, and 4 respectively. The only reason I gave a 4 in the last category was that there were

a couple of rooms on the first floor that were inexplicably bright. I guess the ambient light was set higher here than other rooms and it looked slightly out of place.

Still, I think this has a high chance at winning the contest. Also, who *didn't* pick up the pool queue and try to knock a few balls around? Maybe we'll see that momentum transfer bug fixed soon and things like this can be done.


--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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