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RPGista's mapping and modeling thread


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I dont think I would be able to advance the model in any other meaningful way in the foreseeable future


It's a good lowpoly mesh, but without a texture or normalmap it's of limited usefulness, I'm afraid.

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Looks great!

I wonder if an ornamental loot hammer could also be made by simply changing the shiny metal part into gold color? You know, simply grabbing the texture and using a image manipulation program to turn the color yellowish?


-The mapper's best friend.

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Created the "noble" war hammer texture, with fine wood and engraved polished steel parts.




More pictures:


Wow, great :wub: They look so life-like! Keep up that work!

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Neatness! The stamp in the noble version serves well to distinguish it.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Thanks guys, glad you like it, they took quite a while to texture correctly. ;)


Sotha: wouldnt be a problem at all.


Melan: Indeed, the stamp was supposed to be be either a religious symbol of some Order or a coat of arms thing. It was actually taken from a medieval coin.


Grayman: Hopefully I'll be able to look into making them wearable weapons soon, then the player is really going to have to lock swords against these things. ;) Im curious to see how they work in game.

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Wow just peeked in on this thread, amazing work going on in here. Very inspiring. Now that I got my new PC rig, I think i'll go back and try to finish up my cave models.


However, I have a question for you RPGista - how did you get the seams to meld on the hammer shafts? Are you using custom diffuses that are tileable 256 x 2048(or something), or is there some trick I'm unaware of? maybe there's a seam that you're just not showing anyone in the screenshots?

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The new one does have a "seam" but its so subtle i didnt even went back for it. The other hammer and the benches models have no seams - after you finish creating the uv texture, what you have to do is to 3D hand paint over the seam edges with the clone tool, I do that inside modo. You then use that modified texture to get the normals, etc.

Edited by RPGista
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Progress on the skull model for the open game effort:




Was able to successfully map the normal from the highpoly to the low poly mesh, a test only as I still need to sculpt the mouth, but the rest of the head is probably going to stay like that, no point in loosing too much time on just one model. I still have all the texturing to think about, never really done a bloody organic one before... 350 tris by the way, is that ok?

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As a skull, it could use a few more tris at the top, the silouette is ruined by the few tris sticking out and spending only 10..20 more there will improve that a lot.


Also, wouldn't it not have a lower jar (as this is not connected to the skull and falls dwon)?

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I see what you mean, but it is quite a small object inside the game, and the original only has around 90 tris, so I didnt want to go a lot higher than 350. And actually in this case the skull is complete, it is that model where there is still muscle attached to the bones (there's is another, a hollow cranium, that is probably what your thinking of).

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Ah ok, from the untextured version its not clear if this was a bone or a flesh skull :) And yeah, 350 to 90 is a lot of improvement right there - I'm just saying that if you do it you might as well do it right - a few tris more won't kill the engine (esp if there are never more than 10 visible at a time). Getting a shadowmesh in or a LOD version is probably more worth for performance than saving 20 tris.


But it is your decision and I trust it :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Just an update, solved the normal map seams the highpoly was giving me, and finished the skeleton base texture (will probably save this as an alternative skin), having to tweak constrast and color levels before putting the bloody parts over it... Man do these things take work.




I was able to make the warhammer a moveable entity and throw it around and all, but just noticed neither hammer models are making any sound when you step over them or hit them around, what could be causing that?


Also, what texture size should I aim for with this model (the one shown is 1024x1024)?

Edited by RPGista
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Looking good so far.



noticed neither hammer models are making any sound


If you post the entitydef I can probably offer some insight.


Also, what texture size should I aim for with this model (the one shown is 1024x1024)?


Probably 512x512 is enough for something this small.

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Yes, the def, thank you:



entityDef atdm:moveable_warhammer_knight


"inherit" "atdm:moveable_weapon_base_animations"

"model" "models/darkmod/custom/warhammerB01.ase"

"mass" "12"

"spr_object_hardness" "hard"

"spr_object_size" "large"


"friction" "0.2"

"bouncyness" "0.03"

"snd_bounce" "tdm_impact_hammer"

//use "draw from back animation" instead

"replace_anim_draw" "draw_hammer"

"replace_anim_sheath" "sheathe_hammer"

"replace_anim_walk_alerted" "walk_alerted_hammer"

"replace_anim_run RightHand" "run_charge" // grayman #3074 "replace_anim_search1 RightHand" "search1_sword" // grayman #3074


"def_damage_overhead" "melee_sword_ovr_large"

"def_damage_slash_lr" "melee_sword_lswing_large"

"def_damage_slash_rl" "melee_sword_rswing_large"

"def_damage_thrust" "melee_sword_thrust_large"

"attacks_allowed" "0 1 2" // no thrust attack





And the material shader







qer_editorimage textures/custom/warhammerB01_ed

bumpmap textures/custom/warhammerB01_local

diffusemap textures/custom/warhammerB01

specularmap textures/custom/warhammerB01_s


// This is the code required for frob highlighting this texture


if ( parm11 > 0 )

blend gl_dst_color, gl_one

map _white.tga

rgb 0.40 * parm11



if ( parm11 > 0 )

blend add

map textures/custom/warhammerB01

rgb 0.15 * parm11


// The following two blocks are required for the ambient shading:

// TDM Ambient Method Related


if (global5 == 1)

blend add

map textures/custom/warhammerB01

scale 1, 1

red global2

green global3

blue global4



if (global5 == 2)

blend add

program ambientEnvironment.vfp

vertexParm 0 1, 1, 1, 1 // UV Scales for Diffuse and Bump

vertexParm 1 1, 1, 1, 1 // (X,Y) UV Scale for specular

vertexParm 2 global2, global3, global4, 1

fragmentMap 0 cubeMap env/gen1

fragmentMap 1 textures/custom/warhammerB01_local // Bump

fragmentMap 2 textures/custom/warhammerB01 // Diffuse

fragmentMap 3 textures/custom/warhammerB01_s // Specular






Biker: This is a very close approximation to the original mesh, so I had to keep some of the anatomical distortions to preserve the silhouete. Again, its a small object, Im confident it will look good enough in game.

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Some shots of the warhammer in action:
















A bunch of problems though:










You can see how they are in the wrong position both in the hip and in the back position, but they have the right orientation when the AI is holding it - how does that work? Im pretty sure I put it in the same position and orientation as the normal builder hammer...

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Hmm, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the entitydef. The object doesn't make any sound at all when you drop it?


What material is on the cm?


You can see how they are in the wrong position both in the hip and in the back position


You need to add a line like this to the entitydef:


"angles_hip_sheath_l" "180 10 -10"


The numbers above might even solve the problem; if not, play around with them until you get the proper angle.

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Thanks guys. ;)




*MATERIAL_NAME "collision"


*MATERIAL_AMBIENT 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000

*MATERIAL_SPECULAR 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000








*MAP_NAME "Map #1"

*MAP_CLASS "Bitmap"

*MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000

*BITMAP "//base\textures\common\collision"






*MATERIAL_AMBIENT 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000

*MATERIAL_SPECULAR 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000








*MAP_NAME "Map #2"

*MAP_CLASS "Bitmap"

*MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000

*BITMAP "//base\textures\custom\warhammerB01"






*MATERIAL_AMBIENT 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000

*MATERIAL_SPECULAR 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000








*MAP_NAME "Map #3"

*MAP_CLASS "Bitmap"

*MAP_AMOUNT 1.0000

*BITMAP "//base\textures\common\shadow"




Those are the material paths in the ase file, the first is the path for the collision mesh... Collision detection works fine, and I can hear the metal sounds when you block the hammer, but no sound when it is dropped.


EDIT: The builder works perfectly with the angle back 90 0 0, but the commoner character (Im assuming also the guards) have the wrahmmer placed automaticly on their hips, but draw them from their backs, which looks wrong.

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