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I think you need to go back and play Thief 1 again. I just tried this in Bafford's manor, and eating an apple replenished 1 shield.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


Posted (edited)

Eating food DOES replenish my health on my non-NewDark copy of TG. Just ate a deer leg that gave me one shield back. That doesn't work on my non-NewDark copy of TDP, however.

Edited by skacky
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Posted (edited)

Just for full disclosure, I have played Thief 1, 2, 3, TDM, and AC 1, 2, Brotherhood and Revelations, and 3.



assassin's creed also had that focus ability, you turn it on and it shows you who your current target is in bright gold, that stays that way even if you turn it off and you can still see your target through buildings. It also shows you places you can hide in in bright hilight, although they don't stay hilighted when you turn it off. But from whats been seen nuThief is just an assassin's creed clone, all the cutscene's (cutscene's that put you back in the world where you didn't start the cutscene from in AC, you can be in the middle of the jungle stealth killed your target, cutscene, when control comes back to the player, you are on the coast, or on your ship and you can't loot the corpse you just killed.) make it look like it is, the camera going off to show you where the target is, thats from AC, the focus from AC, cutscenes whenever they can from AC, kill cam on ammo from AC (but only when you get a critical hit kill).


Yup the "Eagle vision" (what focus seems to be a ripoff of), does highlight your target, and in a couple of instances in the later games it does show footprint trails to allow you to find a target who is not currently in your vision, I don't recall it ever highlighting loot MAYBE outside of a couple of the sidemissions in Brotherhood for the Brutus Armour set, so it seems Thiaf took and expanded that, which seems a bit silly, it would make more sense to me to go with something like minor loot sparkle instead, as some way to simulate Garrett knowing what is and isn't worth stealing, as opposed to just hanging a neon sign over the loot and screaming STEAL ME in your face every time you push that button.


As far as being moved to a new area mid mission as a result of a triggered cutscene, I don't recall that really happening in AC (end of mission yes, sometimes, mid-mission no), so if that happens in AC3 Liberation/AC4 then I'm unaware, as it isn't that way in my current experience with the series, and it's kinda dumb. By moving you around, I assume you mean cinematic plays, fades to black/white/(whatever colour to signify the end of the cutscene and the gameplay resuming) and you're magically somewhere else then no, if you mean cinematic plays, your character does something that moves him around, like sliding down a rock face or swinging on a rope and then control resumes once that has played out, with full player knowledge of the position change, then I don't see an issue with that (on the level of having an issue with just being teleported somewhere).



Xarg, just to pin down where people are coming from, you may notice here and there that what people are saying in general, in forums, articles, comments sections under vids and articles, since March, regarding Assassin's Creed, Dishonored, Mirror's Edge, Splinter Cell, and other non-Thief games, and I've stated it repeatedly in this thread myself, is that NuThiaf borrows from many games, borrows a lot of non-Thiefy concepts and mechanics from more games (and action films) INSTEAD of Thief, and of the trilogy, NuThiaf borrows most from TDS, and often those very things people have not been happy about that game since 2003. The comparisons are likely not what you are thinking they are, 'cause a slight shift in perspective makes it painfully clear. The comparisons are not favorable, except in the few instances where people are happy NuThiaf isn't like classic Thief anymore. Some people have gone through the trouble to make macros, break down the plot, etc., showing side-by-side comparisons of how NuThiaf seems to rip-off non-Thief games in no insignificant way. Hope that helps a bit.


I'm wondering if the AC movie in the works gets canceled.


I realise that, the point I was hoping to make was that it makes no sense to me that people keep slagging off AC in this thread, and hopefully my "barking up the wrong creed" comment and the sentences surrounding it made it clear that I understood they were borrowing concepts that didn't fit, concepts that weren't even from games that could claim any real inspiration from a previous Thief game, and instead seemed to be simply looking around for whatever looked coolest. If anything, they should have been locked on to Dishonored, to see where that game took Thiefy concepts and expanded/changed them a bit, to see whether or not people enjoyed the Dishonored version more than the Thief version, and if so, then why.


The reason I bring up the hatred of AC repeatedly, is because EM mistakenly/wrongly borrowing concepts from AC, doesn't make AC a bad game series, it makes whoever is borrowing those concepts look clueless. I don't mind at all if people don't like AC, I'm getting a bit shitty with Ubisoft and how they've turned the series into a shit-one-out-every-year franchise and are relying on people being too invested in the franchise to stop buying. I pre-ordered AC Revelations and AC3, and after Revelations being short and a bit disappointing, and 3 being (imo) pretty bad, my loyalty (if that's what it was) to the franchise has waned to the point where I'll only be getting Liberation and 4 when they're on heavy discount (which will probably be when AC5 release is imminent, but so be it). However, to talk down on AC and imply it's a bad game because EM is borrowing gameplay concepts from it? That's mistaken attribution of fault. Keep the bile and vitriol for where it belongs, in a burning bag on EM's doorstep, AC has nothing to do with this discussion beyond taking note of how *groan* they're borrowing *what* concept from it??


I mostly made that short list of Thief vs AC comparisons as a way of highlighting that they are quite dissimilar games, that not too many concepts can easily cross-pollinate between, and acknowledging that I do know what the differences between them are as far as gameplay goes at least.


I get the feeling we're in agreement on some of the core concepts of what you typed to me earlier, but looking at it from different angles, if they are borrowing heavily from AC (and I'll admit I'm somewhat ignorant of what/how they're doing it, as after seeing initial media about Teef I wrote it off as junk and stopped paying attention, and only the travesty of Dungeon Keeper mobile has brought me back to this thread), then they shouldn't be, it'd be like Gears of War looking to Doom for inspiration, it just doesn't fit and people who know better, I trust many of them are found in this thread, will notice and call it out, and rightly so, as you've been doing for the majority of this thread.


Hopefully we both understand each other's positions a little more clearly now :)



Edit: As far as an AC movie goes, beyond knowing one was apparently in the works, is there anywhere to find out any details about the period? I believe that a good movie could be made from the earlier games, provided the right cast and director are given the job, but chances are we'll get another Doom/anything by Uwe Boll and that'll be the end of any AC movie sequels.

Edited by Xarg
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Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080


I can't quite make out what that says on the lower right of the map. I think I've got the second word but not the first.




Bottom right: Moira Sanitarium

Top center: Cinderfall (?)


Some spoilerific stuff about the Old Quarter:




"The Old Cathedral is here from events in the last game. So it's all abandoned - you go there and there's a lot of stuff relating to the old game, and you think "Hmm,maybe I've been here before." "





Posted (edited)

That name makes some sense. And that's what I read top center to be.


References to the old games still bother me. Guess it depends on a person's attitude toward the game generally, but to me they seem more like sops than homage.

Edited by Maijstral

I've stopped posting over there, at least until the game has been released and people have gotten a chance to play it. I've been pretty critical of the new game, and I thought I'd give the people there who are genuinely excited about it a break from my negativity this final month before it comes out.


I was always more of a reader of the TTLG forum than a poster until the Stephen Russell bombshell was dropped, but I really enjoyed the discussions there over the years. I still consider it to be the authentic Thief forum even if it's not the "official" one. Did you see the audio file I attached to my goodbye on the EM forum? Heheheh

Posted (edited)

I don't have PM's turned on over there, so I probably missed a lot of what was going on. Now that I'm thinking about it though, I'm beginning to remember more of what was posted on the board. I have some recollection of the posts that must have started what you're talking about, but I didn't even know that turned into a campaign.

Edited by Maijstral



Well, TTLG used to be the prime spot, but now that's only in the archives, ended a couple years back. The FM fora are the remaining bright spots in that taffin' desert. Subjective Effect and others may actually buy extra copies of Thiaf to nullify my boycott, and maybe more, under the guise of a gift that some dunderheads believed to be real compassion. Gifting me the exact opposite of what I've needed and wanted consistently and evermore. :( Glad I left. Necrotic and pathological place, now. Allowed to fester with zero moderation.


Tell them to send me a copy, I don't want to spend money on it.

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