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Blender rig for standard male NPC


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You can find here an animation rig in Blender for the male NPC. If one wants to make animations for TDM in Blender this will be very helpfull.


EDIT 2014.05.28: I also made a female version of the rig. It's a bit different than male version. See this post for details.
EDIT 2014.08.02: I did a small change to male rig. Link has been updated. Also added some new animations.

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It's only a model...

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Some basic things one has to know about it:


On layers 1, 6, 7, 8 there are different character models. On layer 3 there is a rig imported from the game. It looks like this:




It's very difficult to animate so I made second rig, which you can find on layer 2:




It's the same bones as the game model plus many more bones. Use this rig to make animations. Rig from layer 3 will automatically copy all of its movements.

To make it more tidy I hid most bones (you can still see them in edit mode). I also created custom models for some of the bones (those models are stored on other layer). This is how it looks with custom bone shapes:




Use round bones to position hands (I will post here animated gifs; open them to see animations):




Use cube bones to position elbows and knees:




Pelvis bone has disabled rotation (it's important). Use it to position upper body:




Use Pelvis 2 and Hips to rotate hips:






You can move and rotate foot_ik_main and rotate roll_main to position legs:




Spine bones copy rotation of previous bone in chain so if you rotate the first one other will also slightly rotate in the same direction. You can turn it off if you wish:




The same with fingers:




More advanced option - drivers. There are sliders that define whether sertain bones will follow other bones:




That's usefull when you want hands to stay in place e.g. when character tries to push something heavy. The same with neck:




In order to export the animation you will have to first bake it. Chose the rig from layer 3 and press space bar and type in "Bake Action".

It's only a model...

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It looks incredibly useful, but I don't have enough information how to use it.


I cannot export anything.

I made a simple test animation, I go to layer 3 and select the normal skeleton (looks like the one I've been animating previously).

Space, bake action, set the end frame, uncheck "Only Selected" to get all the data, Bake data: Pose. OK.

Select all the proguard* meshes. Select skeleton from layer 3. File/export/md5 exporter.


I get an error message "Object 'int' has no attribute 'animation data'."


Any ideas? The dopesheet shows all the movement information for the normal skeleton (layer 3) and exporting should work similarily to my workflow with the previous animations.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Running out of time now, but I have a feeling it might be related to that the normal skeleton is not visible in the dopesheet. Only your special rigging armature control is present there. That's the only big difference I am seeing between my working setup and your rigging blender.


-The mapper's best friend.

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I'm sorry, I have no idea why it doesn't work. MD5 exporter can be a pain in the ass. Anyway I packed a backup file I had which seems to work. Check the link in first post. One thing I know is important is to make sure that in both windows you have the same layers open. Even if in one window you have an action editor open it still matters (see animated gif):



It's only a model...

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Okay, now I got it to export... Not sure what I did, maybe adjusting the layers that are visible in the other window.


The anims seem to work ingame, but unfortunately the shadows wink off for the duration of the animation. Nothing seems to help with that.


What a shame. :(


-The mapper's best friend.

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Hooray! Got it to work.



1) Make anim with Arcturus' blender rig file (This runs in blender 2.63)

2) Export anim into md5anim. (If this animation file is now directly put into TDM, the shadows will be borked.)

3) Import the anim from step 2) into another version of blender that has an import script (blender 2.61). You need to have a md5 mesh open in the blender file, of course. Save the work into a blender file.

4) Open the blender file from step 3) in blender 2.63.

5) export.


Shadows are working, animation is working. I only need blender versions 2.63 (has an export script) and 2.61 (has an import script). Benefit is that one does not need to use much older versions of blender.


Theory: The presence of the Arcturus custom rig in the blender file somehow affects the md5 export, resulting in a shadow-defect in the animation file. One must import the animation and export it again from a blender file that has nothing else but the animation and the mesh. This generates a 'clean' animation file.


Looking at the working and shadow-problematic animation files with a text editor reveals that they are the same, except the "bounds"-part are different. (Frame command data is omitted, because they are the same)





MD5Version 10
commandline ""
numFrames 30
numJoints 71
frameRate 24
numAnimatedComponents 426
hierarchy {
"origin" -1 63 0 //
"Pelvis" 0 63 6 // origin
"Pelvis2" 1 63 12 // Pelvis
"Hips" 2 63 18 // Pelvis2
"LeftHips_Dummy" 3 63 24 // Hips
"LeftUpLeg" 4 63 30 // LeftHips_Dummy
"LeftBackUpSkirt" 5 63 36 // LeftUpLeg
"LeftFrontUpSkirt" 5 63 42 // LeftUpLeg
"LeftLeg" 5 63 48 // LeftUpLeg
"LeftBackLowSkirt" 8 63 54 // LeftLeg
"LeftFoot" 8 63 60 // LeftLeg
"LeftToeBase" 10 63 66 // LeftFoot
"LeftToe_end" 11 63 72 // LeftToeBase
"LeftFrontLowSkirt" 8 63 78 // LeftLeg
"RightHips_Dummy" 3 63 84 // Hips
"RightUpLeg" 14 63 90 // RightHips_Dummy
"RightBackUpSkirt" 15 63 96 // RightUpLeg
"RightFrontUpSkirt" 15 63 102 // RightUpLeg
"RightLeg" 15 63 108 // RightUpLeg
"RightBackLowSkirt" 18 63 114 // RightLeg
"RightFoot" 18 63 120 // RightLeg
"RightToeBase" 20 63 126 // RightFoot
"RightToe_end" 21 63 132 // RightToeBase
"RightFrontLowSkirt" 18 63 138 // RightLeg
"Spine_Dummy" 2 63 144 // Pelvis2
"Spine" 24 63 150 // Spine_Dummy
"Spine1" 25 63 156 // Spine
"Spine2" 26 63 162 // Spine1
"LeftShoulder_Dummy" 27 63 168 // Spine2
"LeftShoulder" 28 63 174 // LeftShoulder_Dummy
"LeftArm_Dummy" 29 63 180 // LeftShoulder
"LeftArm" 30 63 186 // LeftArm_Dummy
"LeftArmRoll" 31 63 192 // LeftArm
"LeftForeArm" 32 63 198 // LeftArmRoll
"LeftHand" 33 63 204 // LeftForeArm
"LeftHandIndex1" 34 63 210 // LeftHand
"LeftHandIndex2" 35 63 216 // LeftHandIndex1
"LeftHandIndex3" 36 63 222 // LeftHandIndex2
"LeftHandIndex4" 37 63 228 // LeftHandIndex3
"LeftHandRing1" 34 63 234 // LeftHand
"LeftHandRing2" 39 63 240 // LeftHandRing1
"LeftHandRing3" 40 63 246 // LeftHandRing2
"LeftHandRing4" 41 63 252 // LeftHandRing3
"LeftHandThumb1" 34 63 258 // LeftHand
"LeftHandThumb2" 43 63 264 // LeftHandThumb1
"LeftHandThumb3" 44 63 270 // LeftHandThumb2
"Neck" 27 63 276 // Spine2
"Head" 46 63 282 // Neck
"RightShoulder_Dummy" 27 63 288 // Spine2
"RightShoulder" 48 63 294 // RightShoulder_Dummy
"RightArm_Dummy" 49 63 300 // RightShoulder
"RightArm" 50 63 306 // RightArm_Dummy
"RightArmRoll" 51 63 312 // RightArm
"RightForeArm" 52 63 318 // RightArmRoll
"RightHand" 53 63 324 // RightForeArm
"RightHandIndex1" 54 63 330 // RightHand
"RightHandIndex2" 55 63 336 // RightHandIndex1
"RightHandIndex3" 56 63 342 // RightHandIndex2
"RightHandIndex4" 57 63 348 // RightHandIndex3
"RightHandRing1" 54 63 354 // RightHand
"RightHandRing2" 59 63 360 // RightHandRing1
"RightHandRing3" 60 63 366 // RightHandRing2
"RightHandRing4" 61 63 372 // RightHandRing3
"RightHandThumb1" 54 63 378 // RightHand
"RightHandThumb2" 63 63 384 // RightHandThumb1
"RightHandThumb3" 64 63 390 // RightHandThumb2
"joint8" 27 63 396 // Spine2
"joint9" 27 63 402 // Spine2
"leftpad" 27 63 408 // Spine2
"rightpad" 27 63 414 // Spine2
"joint7" 24 63 420 // Spine_Dummy
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( -3.162487 -5.341778 -3.162487 ) ( -3.162487 5.129009 3.278248 )
( -3.047082 -6.644264 -3.047082 ) ( -3.047082 3.826531 3.390336 )
( -2.863145 -8.197713 -2.863145 ) ( -2.863145 2.273074 3.569224 )
( -2.630548 -9.837322 -2.630548 ) ( -2.630548 0.633465 3.795498 )
( -2.380332 -11.475715 -2.380332 ) ( -2.380332 -1.004924 4.038601 )
( -2.148203 -13.046721 -2.148203 ) ( -2.148203 -2.148203 4.263330 )
( -1.964938 -14.465099 -1.964938 ) ( -1.964938 -1.964938 4.440373 )
( -1.850101 -15.582713 -1.850101 ) ( -1.850101 -1.850101 4.550866 )
( -1.811591 -16.087718 -1.811591 ) ( -1.811591 -1.811591 4.587713 )
( -1.905401 -14.763213 -1.905401 ) ( -1.905401 -1.905401 4.529615 )
( -2.186793 -11.493621 -2.186793 ) ( -2.186793 -1.022811 4.355058 )
( -2.642495 -7.121412 -2.642495 ) ( -2.642495 3.349375 4.071528 )
( -3.236079 -3.236079 -3.236079 ) ( -3.236079 8.198240 3.700773 )
( -3.906087 -3.906087 -3.906087 ) ( -3.906087 13.055408 3.281024 )
( -4.574428 -4.574428 -4.574428 ) ( -4.574428 17.565096 2.861506 )
( -5.163796 -5.163796 -5.163796 ) ( -5.163796 21.446479 2.491225 )
( -5.614556 -5.614556 -5.614556 ) ( -5.614556 24.464359 2.208110 )
( -5.892147 -5.892147 -5.892147 ) ( -5.892147 26.411111 2.033952 )
( -5.984530 -5.984530 -5.984530 ) ( -5.984530 27.098863 1.976068 )
( -5.893142 -5.893142 -5.893142 ) ( -5.893142 26.456024 2.033660 )
( -5.622073 -5.622073 -5.622073 ) ( -5.622073 24.760142 2.205950 )
( -5.186362 -5.186362 -5.186362 ) ( -5.186362 22.264922 2.484747 )
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( -3.306883 -3.306883 -3.306883 ) ( -3.306883 11.393378 3.680846 )
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( -0.000000 -0.000005 -0.000000 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
( 0.000004 0.000007 -0.000000 ) ( -0.000000 -0.053663 -0.000023 )
( 0.902703 -0.468248 -1.875062 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000213 1.000000 )
( 0.000005 -0.000001 -3.104001 ) ( -0.000366 0.007250 0.853108 )
( 5.870923 -9.559326 -0.121312 ) ( 0.016560 -0.000458 -0.191379 )
( 7.963395 5.721677 0.000009 ) ( -0.000000 0.000500 0.000500 )
( 19.400015 0.001051 0.000022 ) ( -0.001879 -0.026279 -0.071264 )
( 9.346616 -7.112814 0.000010 ) ( -0.000000 0.000556 0.000555 )
( 17.454760 -1.543316 0.018492 ) ( -0.039829 0.054905 0.334291 )
( 7.605113 -0.960038 -0.022030 ) ( 0.000174 0.000381 0.276035 )
( 5.820002 -0.000247 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 )
( 9.434180 7.159277 0.000010 ) ( -0.000000 0.000555 0.000555 )
( 0.902703 -0.469845 1.874648 ) ( 0.000213 0.000000 0.000000 )
( -0.000003 0.000004 3.104001 ) ( 0.019336 -0.004539 0.603239 )
( -8.026609 7.151020 0.000005 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( -7.957877 -5.645961 0.000005 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( -19.400003 0.001357 0.000015 ) ( 0.000754 0.006513 -0.187187 )
( -9.341839 7.131500 0.000006 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( -17.456787 1.521819 0.015533 ) ( 0.039505 0.019291 0.468873 )
( -7.588330 0.979129 -0.015287 ) ( 0.000267 -0.000986 0.582720 )
( -5.820028 -0.000180 0.000000 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
( -9.409002 -7.121773 0.000008 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( 0.948356 3.533717 0.000675 ) ( 0.706858 0.707202 0.011634 )
( 5.093743 -0.000013 0.006402 ) ( 0.000354 0.003743 -0.217187 )
( 1.849158 -0.000431 0.002009 ) ( 0.031407 -0.007936 0.150733 )
( 7.017838 0.352215 -0.035864 ) ( 0.030903 -0.004800 0.133040 )
( 4.552686 0.129046 1.439322 ) ( -0.682032 -0.731307 0.000051 )
( 2.037682 1.098719 -0.545100 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 )
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( 1.043778 -1.653400 -2.910003 ) ( -0.636262 0.709558 -0.157460 )
( 8.381277 0.000002 0.000529 ) ( -0.000021 -0.003582 -0.007828 )
( 3.907570 -0.000004 -0.000523 ) ( -0.000001 0.003278 0.007217 )
( 9.057851 0.000000 0.000006 ) ( 0.215734 -0.671950 -0.201478 )
( 1.963893 0.453930 -4.992186 ) ( -0.036636 0.731941 -0.071062 )
( 1.480304 -0.002538 -0.001266 ) ( 0.029349 0.035485 -0.208597 )
( 0.980041 -0.002601 -0.001057 ) ( -0.109056 -0.668820 -0.149218 )
( 0.000003 0.000004 -1.238340 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
( -0.098691 0.451704 -4.921853 ) ( -0.120393 0.688208 -0.169658 )
( 1.855383 -0.004890 0.000243 ) ( 0.034276 -0.007876 -0.290148 )
( 1.046404 -0.004932 0.000461 ) ( 0.034615 -0.006217 -0.243795 )
( 1.505553 0.000002 0.000002 ) ( 0.000000 -0.707107 -0.000000 )
( 2.186784 -0.935983 -2.336116 ) ( -0.021349 0.640528 -0.126916 )
( 1.674168 -0.003636 -0.004641 ) ( 0.012464 0.208984 0.058667 )
( 1.270736 -0.002597 0.000244 ) ( -0.001127 -0.707107 -0.000321 )
( 10.271386 1.335415 -0.013154 ) ( 0.999039 -0.041511 -0.006168 )
( 2.706240 -0.000000 -0.000002 ) ( -0.000000 0.000000 -0.707107 )
( 4.552369 0.131184 -1.466080 ) ( 0.731314 -0.682041 -0.000293 )
( -2.037682 -1.098706 0.545102 ) ( -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 )
( 2.507997 0.148793 3.552459 ) ( 0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 )
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( -3.907544 0.000000 0.000527 ) ( -0.000003 -0.058094 -0.083486 )
( -9.058269 -0.000001 0.000006 ) ( 0.279247 -0.661659 -0.255726 )
( -1.913437 -0.464124 4.959751 ) ( -0.036629 0.731941 -0.071055 )
( -1.477958 -0.005812 0.001135 ) ( 0.029185 0.035677 -0.208588 )
( -0.976236 -0.005743 0.000190 ) ( -0.109094 -0.668705 -0.149133 )
( 0.001132 -0.000005 1.238396 ) ( 0.000001 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
( 0.151570 -0.467378 4.892798 ) ( -0.120437 0.688282 -0.169597 )
( -1.858463 -0.007970 0.002721 ) ( 0.034150 -0.007645 -0.290144 )
( -1.046378 -0.008121 0.001448 ) ( 0.034591 -0.006008 -0.243787 )
( -1.505538 -0.000006 0.001181 ) ( -0.000011 -0.707101 0.000012 )
( -2.152306 0.936416 2.290548 ) ( -0.023211 0.640771 -0.127360 )
( -1.669061 0.004119 -0.015068 ) ( 0.012189 0.208897 0.059643 )
( -1.270785 0.000033 0.001167 ) ( 0.000000 -0.707107 0.000000 )
( 1.097790 6.556231 4.857023 ) ( -0.682036 -0.731305 0.000051 )
( 1.096676 6.563385 -4.873529 ) ( -0.516910 0.482115 0.517324 )
( 8.203233 -0.011055 8.318960 ) ( -0.682033 -0.731307 0.000051 )
( 8.201316 0.001188 -8.346774 ) ( 0.731314 -0.682041 -0.000293 )
( 3.531812 5.334029 0.004858 ) ( 0.706935 0.707279 0.000451 )







MD5Version 10
commandline ""
numFrames 30
numJoints 71
frameRate 24
numAnimatedComponents 426
hierarchy {
"origin" -1 63 0 //
"Pelvis" 0 63 6 // origin
"Pelvis2" 1 63 12 // Pelvis
"Hips" 2 63 18 // Pelvis2
"LeftHips_Dummy" 3 63 24 // Hips
"LeftUpLeg" 4 63 30 // LeftHips_Dummy
"LeftBackUpSkirt" 5 63 36 // LeftUpLeg
"LeftFrontUpSkirt" 5 63 42 // LeftUpLeg
"LeftLeg" 5 63 48 // LeftUpLeg
"LeftBackLowSkirt" 8 63 54 // LeftLeg
"LeftFoot" 8 63 60 // LeftLeg
"LeftToeBase" 10 63 66 // LeftFoot
"LeftToe_end" 11 63 72 // LeftToeBase
"LeftFrontLowSkirt" 8 63 78 // LeftLeg
"RightHips_Dummy" 3 63 84 // Hips
"RightUpLeg" 14 63 90 // RightHips_Dummy
"RightBackUpSkirt" 15 63 96 // RightUpLeg
"RightFrontUpSkirt" 15 63 102 // RightUpLeg
"RightLeg" 15 63 108 // RightUpLeg
"RightBackLowSkirt" 18 63 114 // RightLeg
"RightFoot" 18 63 120 // RightLeg
"RightToeBase" 20 63 126 // RightFoot
"RightToe_end" 21 63 132 // RightToeBase
"RightFrontLowSkirt" 18 63 138 // RightLeg
"Spine_Dummy" 2 63 144 // Pelvis2
"Spine" 24 63 150 // Spine_Dummy
"Spine1" 25 63 156 // Spine
"Spine2" 26 63 162 // Spine1
"LeftShoulder_Dummy" 27 63 168 // Spine2
"LeftShoulder" 28 63 174 // LeftShoulder_Dummy
"LeftArm_Dummy" 29 63 180 // LeftShoulder
"LeftArm" 30 63 186 // LeftArm_Dummy
"LeftArmRoll" 31 63 192 // LeftArm
"LeftForeArm" 32 63 198 // LeftArmRoll
"LeftHand" 33 63 204 // LeftForeArm
"LeftHandIndex1" 34 63 210 // LeftHand
"LeftHandIndex2" 35 63 216 // LeftHandIndex1
"LeftHandIndex3" 36 63 222 // LeftHandIndex2
"LeftHandIndex4" 37 63 228 // LeftHandIndex3
"LeftHandRing1" 34 63 234 // LeftHand
"LeftHandRing2" 39 63 240 // LeftHandRing1
"LeftHandRing3" 40 63 246 // LeftHandRing2
"LeftHandRing4" 41 63 252 // LeftHandRing3
"LeftHandThumb1" 34 63 258 // LeftHand
"LeftHandThumb2" 43 63 264 // LeftHandThumb1
"LeftHandThumb3" 44 63 270 // LeftHandThumb2
"Neck" 27 63 276 // Spine2
"Head" 46 63 282 // Neck
"RightShoulder_Dummy" 27 63 288 // Spine2
"RightShoulder" 48 63 294 // RightShoulder_Dummy
"RightArm_Dummy" 49 63 300 // RightShoulder
"RightArm" 50 63 306 // RightArm_Dummy
"RightArmRoll" 51 63 312 // RightArm
"RightForeArm" 52 63 318 // RightArmRoll
"RightHand" 53 63 324 // RightForeArm
"RightHandIndex1" 54 63 330 // RightHand
"RightHandIndex2" 55 63 336 // RightHandIndex1
"RightHandIndex3" 56 63 342 // RightHandIndex2
"RightHandIndex4" 57 63 348 // RightHandIndex3
"RightHandRing1" 54 63 354 // RightHand
"RightHandRing2" 59 63 360 // RightHandRing1
"RightHandRing3" 60 63 366 // RightHandRing2
"RightHandRing4" 61 63 372 // RightHandRing3
"RightHandThumb1" 54 63 378 // RightHand
"RightHandThumb2" 63 63 384 // RightHandThumb1
"RightHandThumb3" 64 63 390 // RightHandThumb2
"joint8" 27 63 396 // Spine2
"joint9" 27 63 402 // Spine2
"leftpad" 27 63 408 // Spine2
"rightpad" 27 63 414 // Spine2
"joint7" 24 63 420 // Spine_Dummy
bounds {
( -22.101011 -22.101011 -22.101011 ) ( -22.101011 79.885727 68.271729 )
( -22.100180 -22.100180 -22.100180 ) ( -22.100180 79.196638 67.611473 )
( -22.099054 -22.099054 -22.099054 ) ( -22.099054 77.718498 66.239357 )
( -22.096746 -22.096746 -22.096746 ) ( -22.096746 75.867723 64.558960 )
( -22.098732 -22.098732 -22.098732 ) ( -22.098732 73.844193 62.749058 )
( -22.099022 -22.099022 -22.099022 ) ( -22.099022 71.783930 60.924015 )
( -22.098907 -22.098907 -22.098907 ) ( -22.098907 69.826576 59.182152 )
( -22.099144 -22.099144 -22.099144 ) ( -22.099144 68.106455 57.634583 )
( -22.099567 -22.099567 -22.099567 ) ( -22.099567 66.807358 56.443336 )
( -22.098434 -22.098434 -22.098434 ) ( -22.098434 66.241159 55.917725 )
( -22.098257 -22.098257 -22.098257 ) ( -22.098257 67.639111 57.258846 )
( -22.098774 -22.098774 -22.098774 ) ( -22.098774 71.154116 60.599678 )
( -22.098574 -22.098574 -22.098574 ) ( -22.098574 75.929728 65.115746 )
( -21.777700 -21.777700 -21.777700 ) ( -21.777700 81.338593 70.178802 )
( -20.142220 -20.142220 -20.142220 ) ( -20.142220 87.011372 75.297386 )
( -18.974123 -18.974123 -18.974123 ) ( -18.974123 92.301411 80.078720 )
( -18.194937 -18.194937 -18.194937 ) ( -18.194937 96.993309 84.202827 )
( -17.709404 -17.709404 -17.709404 ) ( -17.709404 100.587067 87.404816 )
( -17.441986 -17.441986 -17.441986 ) ( -17.441986 102.869244 89.462067 )
( -17.354372 -17.354372 -17.354372 ) ( -17.354372 103.667976 90.185349 )
( -17.434942 -17.434942 -17.434942 ) ( -17.434942 102.916164 89.505936 )
( -17.658669 -17.658669 -17.658669 ) ( -17.658669 100.886101 87.693779 )
( -18.034744 -18.034744 -18.034744 ) ( -18.034744 97.828880 85.003006 )
( -18.607647 -18.607647 -18.607647 ) ( -18.607647 93.930126 81.615425 )
( -19.449245 -19.449245 -19.449245 ) ( -19.449245 89.455315 77.672722 )
( -20.646879 -20.646879 -20.646879 ) ( -20.646879 84.563957 73.297356 )
( -22.101091 -22.101091 -22.101091 ) ( -22.101091 79.433207 68.613258 )
( -22.099884 -22.099884 -22.099884 ) ( -22.099884 74.338743 63.780464 )
( -22.098988 -22.098988 -22.098988 ) ( -22.098988 69.489613 59.104584 )
( -22.098434 -22.098434 -22.098434 ) ( -22.098434 66.241159 55.917725 )
baseframe {
( 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 ) ( -0.489916 -0.512917 -0.509884 )
( 41.092396 1.108836 -0.410876 ) ( -0.690601 -0.723230 0.002010 )
( -0.000000 -0.000004 -0.000000 ) ( -0.000000 0.000000 -0.000001 )
( 0.000004 0.000006 0.000000 ) ( -0.000000 -0.053663 -0.000024 )
( 0.902703 -0.468247 -1.875062 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000213 1.000000 )
( 0.000005 -0.000000 -3.104001 ) ( -0.000366 0.007250 0.853108 )
( 5.870921 -9.559323 -0.121311 ) ( 0.016560 -0.000458 -0.191379 )
( 7.963395 5.721679 0.000009 ) ( -0.000000 0.000500 0.000500 )
( 19.400013 0.001051 0.000021 ) ( -0.001879 -0.026279 -0.071264 )
( 9.346618 -7.112815 0.000010 ) ( 0.000000 0.000556 0.000555 )
( 17.454760 -1.543316 0.018492 ) ( -0.039829 0.054905 0.334291 )
( 7.605114 -0.960037 -0.022030 ) ( 0.000174 0.000381 0.276035 )
( 5.820004 -0.000247 0.000000 ) ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 )
( 9.434183 7.159275 0.000011 ) ( 0.000000 0.000555 0.000555 )
( 0.902703 -0.469843 1.874648 ) ( 0.000213 -0.000000 0.000000 )
( -0.000003 0.000003 3.104001 ) ( 0.019336 -0.004539 0.603239 )
( -8.026607 7.151020 0.000005 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( -7.957885 -5.645960 0.000005 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( -19.400007 0.001357 0.000015 ) ( 0.000754 0.006513 -0.187187 )
( -9.341841 7.131500 0.000006 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( -17.456789 1.521817 0.015533 ) ( 0.039505 0.019291 0.468873 )
( -7.588328 0.979129 -0.015287 ) ( 0.000267 -0.000986 0.582720 )
( -5.820027 -0.000180 -0.000001 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
( -9.409002 -7.121774 0.000008 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000500 -0.000500 )
( 0.948356 3.533720 0.000675 ) ( 0.706858 0.707202 0.011634 )
( 5.093746 -0.000013 0.006402 ) ( 0.000354 0.003743 -0.217187 )
( 1.849152 -0.000432 0.002009 ) ( 0.031407 -0.007936 0.150733 )
( 7.017834 0.352216 -0.035864 ) ( 0.030903 -0.004800 0.133040 )
( 4.552683 0.129044 1.439322 ) ( -0.682033 -0.731306 0.000050 )
( 2.037683 1.098718 -0.545100 ) ( -0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 )
( -2.507989 -0.148768 -3.552460 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000001 )
( 1.043779 -1.653392 -2.910004 ) ( -0.636262 0.709558 -0.157460 )
( 8.381274 0.000005 0.000528 ) ( -0.000021 -0.003582 -0.007828 )
( 3.907571 -0.000003 -0.000524 ) ( -0.000001 0.003278 0.007217 )
( 9.057852 -0.000007 0.000005 ) ( 0.215734 -0.671950 -0.201478 )
( 1.963893 0.453931 -4.992188 ) ( -0.036636 0.731941 -0.071062 )
( 1.480310 -0.002542 -0.001264 ) ( 0.029349 0.035485 -0.208597 )
( 0.980037 -0.002603 -0.001059 ) ( -0.109056 -0.668820 -0.149218 )
( 0.000001 0.000000 -1.238337 ) ( 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 )
( -0.098690 0.451710 -4.921850 ) ( -0.120394 0.688208 -0.169657 )
( 1.855380 -0.004888 0.000241 ) ( 0.034276 -0.007876 -0.290148 )
( 1.046402 -0.004927 0.000460 ) ( 0.034616 -0.006217 -0.243795 )
( 1.505559 -0.000007 0.000003 ) ( -0.000000 -0.707107 0.000000 )
( 2.186783 -0.935987 -2.336111 ) ( -0.021349 0.640528 -0.126916 )
( 1.674169 -0.003636 -0.004639 ) ( 0.012465 0.208984 0.058667 )
( 1.270738 -0.002600 0.000245 ) ( -0.001126 -0.707107 -0.000321 )
( 10.271389 1.335413 -0.013154 ) ( 0.999039 -0.041511 -0.006168 )
( 2.706237 -0.000000 -0.000002 ) ( 0.000000 0.000000 -0.707106 )
( 4.552359 0.131182 -1.466080 ) ( 0.731314 -0.682041 -0.000293 )
( -2.037681 -1.098709 0.545102 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 )
( 2.507996 0.148798 3.552459 ) ( -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 )
( -1.043772 1.653445 2.910001 ) ( -0.671657 0.611090 -0.173333 )
( -8.381293 0.000011 -0.000515 ) ( -0.000034 -0.125025 -0.179746 )
( -3.907538 0.000003 0.000526 ) ( -0.000004 -0.058094 -0.083486 )
( -9.058272 0.000002 0.000010 ) ( 0.279247 -0.661659 -0.255726 )
( -1.913441 -0.464114 4.959753 ) ( -0.036629 0.731941 -0.071055 )
( -1.477958 -0.005813 0.001134 ) ( 0.029185 0.035677 -0.208588 )
( -0.976240 -0.005745 0.000192 ) ( -0.109094 -0.668705 -0.149133 )
( 0.001133 -0.000011 1.238388 ) ( 0.000001 -0.000000 0.000000 )
( 0.151568 -0.467383 4.892804 ) ( -0.120437 0.688282 -0.169597 )
( -1.858466 -0.007980 0.002721 ) ( 0.034151 -0.007645 -0.290144 )
( -1.046378 -0.008118 0.001444 ) ( 0.034591 -0.006008 -0.243787 )
( -1.505543 -0.000009 0.001179 ) ( -0.000011 -0.707101 0.000012 )
( -2.152307 0.936417 2.290552 ) ( -0.023211 0.640771 -0.127360 )
( -1.669063 0.004128 -0.015068 ) ( 0.012189 0.208897 0.059643 )
( -1.270787 0.000037 0.001169 ) ( 0.000000 -0.707107 -0.000000 )
( 1.097790 6.556228 4.857023 ) ( -0.682037 -0.731304 0.000050 )
( 1.096676 6.563384 -4.873529 ) ( -0.516910 0.482115 0.517324 )
( 8.203231 -0.011057 8.318958 ) ( -0.682034 -0.731306 0.000052 )
( 8.201308 0.001185 -8.346772 ) ( 0.731314 -0.682041 -0.000293 )
( 3.531810 5.334030 0.004858 ) ( 0.706935 0.707279 0.000451 )




What this means, someone more wise can tell. Or then it is just a mystery that does not need to be solved, because we can sidestep it with some extra workflow.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Now, only one question remains:


I've noticed most of our animations start with the AI standing in a pose like this:



How can I get this pose as a starting point in Arcturus' rig? If I import an md5anim that has this pose into Arc's rig, I get a mess. If I open a blender file with this pose and copy the pose and try to paste it into Arc's rig, I don't get the same pose, but something incorrect.


How is the armature control linked to the normal armature in layer 3? Could one reverse the linking so that I could change the pose by pasting the starting-point-pose into the layer 3 skeleton and the armature control skeleton would adjust accordingly?


-The mapper's best friend.

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Possibly the best solution is simply to pose it manually as close as possible. It shouldn't be noticible in game if the difference is small since there's a couple of frames of blending between animations.

It's only a model...

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, the workaround for that I used was to import the md5.anim to Blender 2.49 and export again from there. That will fix the shadows.


Hey, it turned out my shadows are still borked during animations. The md5 exporter does something wrong with the newer versions of blender I am using.

One can analyze animation health with r_showskel 1, see below:


Healthy bounding box:



Bad bounding box during animation (is no longer a box, but a sheet, which probably causes the visibility problems for the engine):



Could you please write detailed instructions how I install the md5 import and export scripts to blender 2.49 and how I import and re-export the anims? I cannot use this version of blender at all, I cannot find even a way to install the scripts.


Thanks! If I don't figure this one out, I can as well quit my animation efforts as the results will be always borked because of the wonky md5 exporter. :.(


-The mapper's best friend.

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Fantastic news!


I found a md5 exporter script that works for Blender 2.68a.


The script is here:



Instructions here:



Quick guide:

1) In Arcturus' rig bake the action onto the bone system in layer three.

2) Properties editor / Scene / MD5 export setup

3) Set bone layer to 3. Choose all the bones in layer 3 and press the ADD SELECTED button.

4) select any part of the 3d mesh. (Part of the builder guard, the coat for example. Choose the mesh part ONLY, do not choose bones.)

5) File / export MD5. Remember to uncheck the REORIENT option.


Exporter works. It is seems to be more realiable than any exporter I've used thus far. Animation works. AI character bounds are correctly. No shadow anomalies.


All praise the Arx EOS Exporter!! This is truly heaven sent.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Arcturus was working on it a while back but was having exporting issues: http://forums.thedar...post__p__282407

The post you're referring to is old. Since then I managed to export mocap animations. The running and jogging animations are (highly) modified CMU mocap animations. The problem is, working with those mocaps is painful. Later in the same thread I struggled to get walk animations into Dark Mod. Since mocap has key frames on every frame, doing even simple corrections is very time consuming. Since then I created proper rig in Blender and I wouldn't want to use CMU library again. Much better would be to have a custom mocap system.

It's only a model...

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