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Fan Mission: Requiem by Gelo "Moonbo" Fleisher (2013/10/6)

Poll: Requiem (by Gelo "Moonbo" Fleisher)  

129 members have voted

  1. 1. Appearance

  2. 2. Gameplay

  3. 3. Story

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I'm actually not *too* burned out from the FM, but I've got to get back to writing a bit more, so my next project will probably be another novel...we'll see what the future holds though.


Next FM! Next FM! Next FM!

That's the same as a novel - just .. interactive! :)

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager




Hats off!


This should be included with st Lucia as an introduction to the steam punk stealth universe.

IMHO The story telling and immersive nature of the mission is AAA class.

To be honest I am awestruck with the feel and style of the story, Detail in mapping and methods used (Puzzles) that I'm depressed I can not come close:(


Has to be up there with Springheel's masterful missions from the Thief2 era. TAKE NOTE PEOPLE THIS IS THE SHIZNICK.


I wounder how it would look & play through Oculus rift.


Well done.

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.


Just want to say the rooftop traversing opportunities are fantastic! I've managed to get from the back entrance of the city guard station to the balconies in the cathedral grounds


(where you can visit that crypt place and get the gas arrow)

and then back into the requiem service without touching the ground. (It isn't easy, but it is possible.)


Also (and it took me a while), I think I have finally got somewhere I really shouldn't have (although Siyah probly got there before me):




:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Frankly, the rest of the mission could be rubbish and I'd still love it for this section alone, but it sounds like it keeps getting better as it goes on...


I think Moonbo's a bit burnt out from creating this one. Not too surprised really....

I got there too, Yesterday. Rope arrows lend a sense of possibility and then it's all up to the player. I'm a slave for investigation in TDM missions. Very cool mission to say the least. :D

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.


I got there too, Yesterday. Rope arrows lend a sense of possibility and then it's all up to the player.

It's possible to get up there without rope arrows. ;) So far, the only thing I've needed a rope arrow for is

getting into the greengrocer's

, but even there I think it may be possible to do it by mantling.


BTW, Moonbo, is there anything in

that Builder crypt off the cathedral grounds (with the note about carvings on a strange archway)

? Or is it just for atmosphere?


WOW simpln00b How did you get up there with out a rope arrow?

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

Posted (edited)

How did you get up there with out a rope arrow?

I'll put a video up sometime this evening (I hope). Easier than trying to describe it. :)


Just finished the mission, apart from getting back home (which I've got no idea how to do apart from noclipping, so I'm probably missing something obvious) - man. Definitely straight in the top five TDM missions (so far...). An artistic and technical triumph.


EDIT: Yes. I was. Missing something obvious. Durrrrr....

EDIT #2: And then i saw your answer Moonbo. Double durrrr.... :) (And, yes, it answered my crypt question.)


I did hope that

the blessing the ghost gave me would give me freedom to walk straight past the Builder guards for the last stretch.

It didn't.

Edited by simplen00b

Just go through the teleporter at the top of the final tower to head home. You'll miss some stuff if you noclip (including the answer to your question about the crypt :-))

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com


Wow. Wasn't expecting that. What's with the recent first-time mappers creating masterpieces? I liked the mission very, very much; it kept growing and growing and growing. In that sense, it reminded me of (slightly spoilerish comparison)


Three Crowns by bbb (for Thief), which also started with a city segment, and eventually turned into an immense underground trip.


To tell the truth, I am usually not a fan of epic stories, but credit where credit's due, this was pulled off very well. The pieces fit together, the main mystery is engaging, and the environments are both logical and gameplay-friendly (some instances of illogical Clip notwithstanding). I liked the nonstandard puzzles, in particular


the crowns - a small, but very tense area; and the semi-invisible necromancers, of course! If these types of enemies and their super-duper voicesets are not yet in the mod, they should be.


Praising the mission's appearance would be a bit too obvious, so I'll just note the use of fine detail is exemplary. Light shining through broken glass. Ceramic shards just where there should be ceramic shards. Wine cellars that look like proper wine cellars. That kind of thing. That deserves respect.


I ended up with ca. 8400 loot and a stealth score of 101. Not the most delicate business, but it worked. :)



And with all that, it even runs well. So, this is really, really excellent, technically accomplished, and let's see many more like it. :)

  • Like 2

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved


@Moonbo, when one our esteemed master mapper's gives such a glowing review, you can't get better than that! I'm glad I was able to help you with alpha testing and all the perf issue's you had :-D

Posted (edited)

Deleted as the problem is nothing to do with this mission


Just seen the post after this - will fix - thanks


I should have remembered

Edited by Oldjim
Posted (edited)

rename your folder to 'darkmod' and it will work - the main folder MUST be named darkmod


Edit: ninjaed by aluminium

Edited by SeriousToni

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


Can't really see what your screenshot says, since it refuses to zoom when clicking on it.

But it looks like you have installed TDM in some other folder then 'darkmod'.

And make sure to not have any spaces in your path.

Moving TDM into a folder like C:\Games\darkmod should make those issues go away.


@Tr00pertj: I've put a video up showing how I get from behind the guard station to loads of places without touching ground level (except for when I bork the jump). If you can't be bothered to watch the whole thing, skip to 9:00 where I get to the place I shouldn't be :) : -

Posted (edited)

@Melan: Those words really mean a lot to me, especially since your and Bikerdude's maps were my TDM role models when I was making Requiem :smile:. Probably LadyRowena is the only person I might even be more humbled by if they liked it. Thanks again, I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed write up!


@Biker: You did a lot more than just help out with performance. The biggest thing was that you kept pushing me to improve on the visual quality of the map. It was a little annoying at the time, but it made me a better mapper :smile:.


Btw, did both of you guys find the little easter egg references with your names on them?




Read all the plaques in the church crypt. Might need to noclip to read the ones on the top row though... I think I spelled your name backwards Biker, as it didn't sound ye-oldy enough :P.



Edited by Moonbo

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

Posted (edited)

To be honest I am awestruck with the feel and style of the story, Detail in mapping and methods used (Puzzles) that I'm depressed I can not come close:(


Don't think that way Tr00pertj - I liked Solar Escape! Really, a lot of it is feeling out your strengths and playing to them. So, for instance my initial plan for Requiem was to have a much more classic non-linear hub flow. But I realized pretty quickly that because I'm still a beginner, I wasn't able to make something as complex as, say, Melan's Disorientation. Instead I opted for the "string of pearls" layout that the map has now, with relatively separate sections that I could build up and make interconnected in isolation without getting overwhelmed.


Same thing with graphics: they key thing is consistency. A lot of very well done Thief maps look awful or average, but after a few minutes player will sort of phase those things out as long as the play is engaging enough and everything is at the same level of quality (whatever that is). If you open up darkradiant and compare Requiem with one of Melan, Bikerdude, or Grayman's maps you'll actually notice that it's in some ways much more graphically simple (they're the masters). There are really only one or two places where I do anything more complicated with patches than the standard arch/bevel/cylinder/bulged patch. Simple things like using trim on your brushes, and having a complimentary lighting/texture scheme can really go a long way.


For storytelling, I thought that was a strong point in Solar Escape. The key things are to always try to make the readables feel like part of your world (so if it's raining in your map, or the flowers outside a mansion are pretty, have people mention that in the readables and how they feel about it) and to try to maintain a human element in them all (so instead of just having a text say "the key is behind the stairs", you can make a small tale about why the key is there, and what the guy who put it there was feeling when he did that, or have them recall a previous episode in their life that their current situation reminds them of, etc.).


Keep going man. Definitely feel free to ask me how I did anything in Requiem, I'm happy to share (and hopefully before I begin to forget what I did :P).

Edited by Moonbo

But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com

Probably LadyRowena is the only person I might even be more humbled by if they liked it.

There is an unquestionable thematic resemblance to her work in the mission!

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved


G'day Moonbo


Could I get a hint please?


To steal a soul one must. I can not seem to figure out the hints in the ancient hammer letter?


Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.


Hey Tr00pertj,





You need to have 4 of the shrines turned on, and the rest off. The ancient hammer letter tells you which ones to activate.







Turn on Ice, Earth (green one in the center), Cup, and Skull.


Some people have a hard time identifying Earth since while the symbol on that shrine is the closest to "Earth" I could find, it's rather abstract. Just look for the one with green lights, or specifically the one on the ground floor directly in the center of the temple.



But you should walk having internal dignity. Be a wonderful person who can dance pleasantly to the rhythm of the universe.

-Sun Myung Moon


My work blog: gfleisher.blogspot.com


Thanks Moonbo

I have not read your answer yet, Just the hint. I think it's all the verbs messing me up:


Grab the heart and dig the grave. Am I right thinking the first one is the snow flake icon or is it the ice like lightning strikes sort of icon? The face of death one has to be the skull icon and the cup icon is no doubt the drink deeply hint. Am I on the right track?


Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.


Thanks I'll work it out from here.


Excellent mission

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

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