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were those twitter messages all written by the same person with different twitter accounts.


I know a lot of women who play computer games so is that basically an insult towards them as well.



most journalists get there information from the same source, its a online company that sells the news directly to all the other news agency's that why you can read a story in one online newspaper, and read exactly the same story in another online newspaper, including all the spelling mistakes. some will go out and find it, while some others will take bribes, like sex and money and Doritos, then write what they are told to write.

Edited by stumpy
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were those twitter messages all written by the same person with different twitter accounts.

I wish. If you google the hash tag you get plenty of the same. The important thing is to remember that SJWs don't follow any sort of logical thought that conflicts with their hate train: there's literally nothing to get because it's all good causes twisted and bastardised beyond recognition. They will simply pick something, demonise it based on any real-world discrimination and ignore/threaten to hunt down and stab anything that doesn't echo them. Currently that 10 year old is having his information passed around tumblr asking for somebody to go make an example of him. It's scary how thick, bored teenagers who read an Angela Carter story once can band together into such an ignorant lynch mob the moment there's an effigy to be burning. It's so rare to see hyperbolic trolling almost perfectly match the real deal, pretty messed up.


lol, make sure to denote sarcasm!
I was sincere once, I had a headache for a week. Edited by Airship Ballet
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were those twitter messages all written by the same person with different twitter accounts.


Essentially yes. Twatter is a hive-mind of conformity where gangs of hystrionic brainless fuckwits go to scream in unison about some pathetic invented non-issue. You can find more intelligent debate by reading graffiti on the wall of a public lavatory.

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Well, in my experience there are plenty of different types of discriminatory dudes (male or female) on the internet as far as being a woman goes:

  • The "Me", someone who just talks like themselves (hopefully indistinguishable from a guy when not talking about something gender-specific) and, while doesn't hide the fact that they're a wimmens, won't correct people who call them 'he' but also err on the side of caution. While my voice has pretty much recovered, I still haven't touched a push to talk button outside of VOIP in years, because really it's best to let manchildren with little self-control hidden in the crowd think you're a guy.
  • The kind of woman who actually pretends to be a guy to avoid the attention both negative and quasi-positive. I think this is wrong because for one it's simply giving in to the few men who actively try to silence women on the interwebs, but for two, "No [wo]man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar" and that house of cards is without a doubt going to come crashing back down onto them in a one-of-a-kind shitstorm.
  • The attention-seeking woman who doesn't want another woman stealing her spotlight, usually found in circles where it actually matters what gender you are, so basically those comprised of a ton of under-20s. They tend to have a bunch of guys following them around and love it, and are usually insufferable themselves.
  • The woman who knowingly and intentionally exploits herself for the exploitation of men, which is a feminist's wet dream. They'll wear revealing tops and live stream games or whatever with their face tits taking up 75% of the screen, often "accidentally"
    to cause "controversy", garner views and make a decent income off gullible teenagers with raging libidos and/or creepy old men with those all-too-forward comments, you know the kind. This is becoming really common, in fact the livestream scene is becoming incredibly toxic. I've never bought into it, simply because I despise Youtube comments enough, let alone live ones imitating a clamoring crowd at a concert.
    (making fake calls about shootings and hostage situations at the homes/offices of streamers) has picked up recently, which is ridiculous in itself, and women like that are becoming the new targets. It used to be used to throw professional games, the kind that have money in the air once it starts, and leaving for any reason will not void it, so people would be swatted to allow another team to win. Lately it's just about being an insecure asshole with little man syndrome.
  • The generally male kind who do it inadvertently, changing completely upon discovering they're talking to a woman, usually conjuring cringe moments with awkward flirting out of nowhere (as seen on this forum with me). They can be intentionally flirting and not realise how out of place it is, or change without realising but be weird about it all the same. That kind of person will also usually speak out for an end to gender discrimination on the interwebs, which is ironic, but some people just aren't that self-aware.
  • The legitimately hate-filled Dark Ages misogynist, you can guess how that goes.
  • The weeaboo/furry/whatever girl who is just insufferably sickly sweet to the point of losing all sincerity of speech. Granted they're teenagers going through a phase, but it's a phenomenon I can just about tolerate. If I ever talked to somebody like that, my head would most likely explode from snark.
  • The sensible "tits or gtfo" kind of guy who either don't care that you're a woman or have had run-ins with guys in disguise before, and so have trust issues. No personal experience with these as I never disclose the fact in games, and only exist as a woman to select communities like this and as my real name (Meredith) on Steam. you can call me Meredith or Merry you know, I think Airship is a really awkward name to call someone by but can't stop myself from using it in places where I can't change my name
  • The very strange, repressed creature, usually male, who will be really kind until they know you're a woman, at which point they freak out. My best guess is that they've been scorned by a woman online or in person (probably the former) before, and thusly think either all women are horrible or all women on the internet are dudes in drag.
  • The white knight, you know how that is.
  • The straight guy or lesbian woman who will try to repress attraction thanks to all the negative mindsets above. It's not wrong to find somebody attractive, nor is it wrong to compliment them, and usually people with a way with words and a decent head on their shoulders are pretty sweet when it comes to flattery.
  • The human being, attracted to you or otherwise. Basically the only kind you can safely befriend, because they see gender and acknowledge as much, but either aren't attracted to them or are content enough to be a good friend without going full-friendzoned-fedoratrilby-tipper. Sometimes this even means quasi-flirting to the ends of the Earth, I've had pretty funny friendships like that.

There are probably more that I haven't seen first or second-hand, but I dare say these are the most prevalent. Some make me wish for a second plague, some make me uncomfortable and some make me wish the others didn't exist so I could just chill with people in public games. Alas, 'tis not to be for a few centuries yet, and even then will probably degrade shortly after it improves.


N.B. that last post exploded into BBcode, so if there are still tags left over you know why.

Quoted for truth and eloquence.


Most people seem to assume I'm male despite my username and unless they actually say something I don't correct this impression as I find it saves dealing with crap, I never really thought of myself as fearful but I guess that's what it is.

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Well, the social media is full of this kind of stuff. Not a big shock to see loud people yelling their empty-headed comments. Like in that Spielberg dinosaur poaching photo.


It is a bit weird in the sense that the anonymity of the internet should make this a safe haven for equality between the genders. Nobody will know whether you are a Male, Female, or Other, unless you bring it up.


Airship talked about cringe moments with awkward flirting, but your actions could have easily seen as an invitation. The standard seems to be that people enjoy the anonymity. Then, against this background, if someone announces that they are a girl and begin posting images of themselves, it looks like they really want and need the attention.


We were once playing Dayz with my friends, and one of them was wondering whether it is a good idea to reveal your gender in ingame voip if you were a girl. Given the player base (steam release for sociopaths), I voted against it, unless one was prepared for a "unique adventure."


The standard pronoun of the internet seems to be "he," although "they" would be maybe better.


-The mapper's best friend.

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Then, against this background, if someone announces that they are a girl and begin posting images of themselves, it looks like they really want and need the attention.

Would you say the same about the large collection of (mostly) male faces over at TTLG? Would you say that's people just appreciating the opportunity to put names and voices of people they get on with to their respective faces? I get that it's a primarily male community and the odd anomaly garners attention, but that shouldn't matter unless I'm encouraging and rolling in it. I didn't feel compelled to go flirt with JTR or New Horizon after seeing what they look like (not based on looks, don't worry), so why should it be different the other way around? Announcing that you're a male and posting faces receives a "hey, nice to see your face, you look like X actor". What I get is creepy flirting and the implication that I want to feel like a special little flower because I have a vagina. Guy does it, "hey man", girl does it, they "really want and need the attention." Actually pretty surprised to hear that from you. Like I said, I rarely reveal it anywhere, and reserve it for communities I consider mature. Maybe my faith was misplaced.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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Well, the genders are not equal, surely we all know that. Often it appears that the survival of the species is dependent on the Male Initiative, which -I believe- is the source of the awkward flirting. I, of course, not support creepy flirting, which is the reason I adviced you against posting image, name and home city in the same place.


I've been around long enough to be aware of the asymmetric girl-photo-boy relation. It is sort of internet sibling of real life sexual activity: if a boy is active, he is a playboy (positive connotation). If a girl is active, she is a slut (negative connotation). Why is it so? A sort of remnant from the past when gender roles were more accurately defined and dictated.


The tensions are real. The invisible barrriers are tanglible. I wish they weren't, but they are. The internet interaction is asymmetric for the genders, and suppose the fact you get creepy flirtation and New Horizon doesn't is proof of that, right?


It may change in time, though.


-The mapper's best friend.

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We'll have a chance, when people stop treating it like a zero-sum game. A rising tide lifts all boats, instead of boring holes in one boat so that when it sinks, other boats get a slight boost.

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Often it appears that the survival of the species is dependent on the Male Initiative, which -I believe- is the source of the awkward flirting.

It tends to be either people who think they're more than they are, or those used to getting their way. Sure there's a primal urge to reproduce, but over the internet it's just a case of being a touchy-feely man-child.


Also the image, name and location thing isn't anything special. Nowadays, if I'd irked someone enough that they wanted to find me, they'd find me with or without my help. Without all that I'd still get flirted with anyway. I don't plan on leading any campaigns to irritate a particular group of computer-literate people, so I'd imagine that I'm safe from doxing for the time being.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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It's political correctness gone mad!


You can't even make murder and rape threats to someone and their parents anymore without the "PC Brigade" coming in and spoiling all the fun. =-<



"No proposition Euclid wrote,

No formulae the text-books know,

Will turn the bullet from your coat,

Or ward the tulwar's downward blow

Strike hard who cares—shoot straight who can—

The odds are on the cheaper man."


From 'Arithmetic on the Frontier' by Rudyard Kipling

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You can't even make murder and rape threats to someone and their parents anymore without the "PC Brigade" coming in and spoiling all the fun. =-<


Apparently I missed the part where anyone attempted to justify murder and rape threats.

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This Maya character is far more interesting than Zoe...


Fostering nepotism with clients of her PR firm and IGF judges... I wonder if even if even Hollywood was this farcical with it's awards...


Though some of this reeks of Bohemian Grove type conspiracy talk...




I wonder if she's a hired gun from a AAA publisher meant to discredit the whole indie dev movement...

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Does this Maya have her own Game Jam, with no start date, location, or judges, and the paypal donation link for it goes to her personal paypal?

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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In other news the IGF has no sponsors anymore on their sponsor page (at the time I'm writing this): http://www.igf.com/05sponsors.html

The IGF story would be amazing on its own, but being connected to this scandal makes it incredible. It is also really dumb, because fixing a for-money award in such an amateurish way (through a PR outfit no less) was bound to get discovered eventually. This is not even a smart scam, just petty and stupid.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I wonder if she's a hired gun from a AAA publisher meant to discredit the whole indie dev movement...


If it does discredit the "whole indie dev movement" (which I doubt) then I really would be blaming "gamer culture" for that.


The vast majority of "indie devs" don't even participate in IGF nor have much to do with any of the people involved. Most are probably not even aware of what's going on and may not even know who half these people are in the first place.


To even call "indie dev" a "movement" is arguably misleading as that implies connections and cohesion that largely doesn't exist. Sure certain "cliques" like this exist, but they are an exception and not the norm. Most "indie devs" have very little to do with each other beyond seeing each other's games on Steam/GOG/Desura/whatever.

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