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Mission not ticking off the mission list when completed


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Hi all recently played through Penny Dreadful 1 : The Grail of Regrets


I've completed it but it hasn't ticked off on my mission list


The entry in missions.tdminfo for this reads

tdm_missioninfo penny
"last_play_date"	"2014-09-12"
"mission_completed_2"	"1"
"mission_loot_collected_2"	"875"


Any suggestions ?

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Hmm. I recall there was an Objectives bug in the initial release of this mission. Perhaps try renaming mission_completed_2 to mission_completed?

Other than that, uninstall and get the latest build from the downloader then replay?

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Bit more information, I scrolled through to the last page of missions and noticed a lone tick with no corresponding mission which judging from it's position matches the PD1 entry a few pages earlier, I'll see if I can get screenshots






Bigger versions of those images are http://www.boxtechni...13_17.38.31.jpg and http://www.boxtechni...13_17.38.40.jpg


I added the red circles for highlighting


The mission seems to be ticked off on the wrong page, it's not a huge problem, more of an oddity

Edited by esme
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The PD2's initial release had a typo where some objectives were not mandatory. To be on the safe side it may be best to get

the mission from Fidcal's mirror on the missions page:




since we know that Biker updated that one.


There may be other mirrors that aren't up-to-date.

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Wow. That looks pretty weird.

@esme: Could you upload your entire missions.tdminfo file - or post it ?

It would help to correlate what is going on on the last page.

(Like: should WS1-WS3 be checked as well as seen in the screen? Or is there an error as well?)

What screen resolution are you using? Is it the native resolution of your screen?

Which OS?

This looks pretty funny ... and all wrong.


The _2 (or _1) after 'mission_completed' and 'loot_collected' is quite normal.

It seems having been introduced in TDM 1.06 already and should not be a problem.

Something really funny must be going on.

Edited by gnartsch
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I had that problem on a couple of missions. Always thought it was a bug in TDM.

I can second this. I have seen this quite a few times from TDM 1.07 on, but it never bothered me. I guess this is more a TDM-related issue then a mission one, as the mapper cannot really do anithing to control this.

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I can second this. I have seen this quite a few times from TDM 1.07 on, but it never bothered me. I guess this is more a TDM-related issue then a mission one, as the mapper cannot really do anithing to control this.

I had it both with version 1.x and with 2.x if that helps. I never saw blank lines though, but i could have overlooked that.

Edited by chk772
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I am fairly certain that this bug exists since someone repaired the original bug (which I reported at that time - sorry but can´t remember anymore when that was) that exactly in that line there never appeared a check mark. Probably it was fixed by putting always a check mark in its place so if you have a whole list of checked FMs on the page you wouldn´t notice the difference. I hope my words make sense?

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Ah other people are getting it.


I'll post the missions file when I get on my PC but from memory those missions are ticked off ok


I'm playing at native resolution, two ticks I posted my spec somewhere ... found it

- Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64 Bit)

- Intel Core i7-4770 @3.4Ghz

- 8Gb Ram

- Nvidia Quadro K600 (192 cores, 1Gb Frame Buffer)

- Nvidia Graphics Driver 320.09

- Unzipped the AtomicGamer DarkMod_2.0.zip file, ran tdm_update.exe and TDM worked out of the box

Running with 16:9 aspect ratio 1920x1080res, fullscreen, no vsync, antialias off & texture anisotropy at 1x

Edited by esme
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I think this is an idividual FM issue. From memory, I played through "The Heart of Lone Salvation" and although I tossed the heart in the proper place and heard the sound that indicated the heart wAS placed, the mission objective didn't check off (its fixed now I believe) and so on finishing the mission, the title screen showed the mission as unchecked even though I completed it. The FM didn't tell Missions page backend that the mission was completed.


Because it only happens with certain FMs, I think it has to do with the objectives in the individual FM and how they're handled once the mission is complete. If the FM doesn't resolve the objectives correctly then the Missions page can't reflect accuracy either.


I could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time ;)

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the darkmod/fms/penny/savegames folder has a Mission_1_Final_save.save, .tga & .txt


I reloaded the save, the loadin screen shows the mission has been completed but the tick isn't there


full size version


I loaded the final save I took before the game finished, all objectives except the "return to start" are ticked off


Full size version


Ran tdm_update ( log file ) just in case, this updated the training mission and tears of saint lucia, checked the mission selection screen and PD1 still isn't ticked off despite saying it's complete, however the stray tick on the last page seems to have disappeared.


I'll try a complete fresh install of TDM just in case there's a corrupt file & get back to you

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OK completely reinstalled TDM from scratch, downloaded the missions, my apologies to server managers for the bandwidth, set the same resolution as before, turned notarget on and walked through PD1 to completion, looking in the mission list the summary says it's complete, but there's no tick next to the mission name, also the odd hanging tick on the last page seems to have vanished.



full size

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It appears to me that the phantom checkmarks on the last page are caused by missions listed in your missions.tdminfo file,

which are no longer available on your hard-drive.

I noticed that at least the Training Mission and Tears of Saint Lucia were missing, which was also obvious in the update logs.

Doing the same on my machine, that caused the phantom-checkmarks to appear for me as well,

I stepped back to older TDM releases and found that this happens since 2.0, but not in 1.08 or earlier.


Having your missions.tdminfo file in mind, it is quite weird that 'A Night to Remember' shows up as the first entry on page 3.

It should have been the last entry on page 2. So,..... it seems like you must have had something on your disk which was not added to the list of missions.

Too bad that you have reinstalled TDM from scratch.

Hence all proof is gone.

I would have loved to see a listing of your entire 'fms' folder, but that chance has passed, it seems.


At any rate it seems like there are some issues correlating the missions.tdminfo file versus the list of missions that are actually (still) availlable on disk.

That would deserve a deeper look indeed. There is something going wrong.

PS: I wasn't able to reproduce the checkmark from PD1 to disappear, but I have met a situation where the checkmark for 'WS2 Home Again' disappeared for absolutely no reason.

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Well on the fresh install there is no tick for the completed PD1 mission so I'd say missing missions are probably not the root cause of that


Also I have a backup of the game from before I did the fresh install but after I ran tdm_update, I can switch between the two in seconds, what information do you need ?

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So is this the root cause of the issue..?

I guess so. But it will require a little debugging session to make sure what exactly is going on.

And I won't get to it before friday.


Well on the fresh install there is no tick for the completed PD1 mission so I'd say missing missions are probably not the root cause of that


Also I have a backup of the game from before I did the fresh install but after I ran tdm_update, I can switch between the two in seconds, what information do you need ?

Hmmm.... your last screenshot shows the very same missions as before your fresh install.

Did you keep the previous fms folder ? That would explain why the behaviour is still the same.

What I would like to see would be a listing of all files in the folders 'darkmod' and 'darkmod\fms'.

That should shed some light into what missions are actually still on your disk.

Could you open a 'Command window' (by clicking on the Start-Button and typing cmd.exe at the very bottom into the editable text field reading something like 'Search programs and files')

and then type the following:in the command window:


cd C:\games\darkmod (or whereever your TDM is installed)


dir > darkmod.txt

dir fms > darkmod-fms.txt


And then, please post the files darkmod.txt and darkmod-fms.txt over here.


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For the new installation, I renamed the original TDM folder as a backup, made a new TDM folder, downloaded tdm_update into the new folder & ran it, then used the in game mission downloader to get the missions.


For the original installation, I downloaded the AtomicGamer DarkMod_2.0.zip file (which I hung on to as I'm a pack rat), unpacked it and ran tdm_update, then manually downloaded missions directly from the downloads page however I found this was giving problems with versions not being up to date so I blew the contents of the FM's folder away and used the in game downloader to repopulate, aaaahhhh that may be why the training mission & St Lucia went missing on the original, doesn't really help with the missing tick on the new install though.


Original TDM installation


TDM folder, FMS folder, missions.tdminfo


Newly installed TDM


TDM folder, FMS folder, missions.tdminfo

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I am fairly certain that this bug exists since someone repaired the original bug (which I reported at that time - sorry but can´t remember anymore when that was) that exactly in that line there never appeared a check mark. Probably it was fixed by putting always a check mark in its place so if you have a whole list of checked FMs on the page you wouldn´t notice the difference. I hope my words make sense?


Why so complicated? Why not just find the one who repaired the bug with the disappearing check mark I reported several months ago? There was even a bug report for it. I am sure that the new bug started after "repairing" the original bug. There should also be a thread somewhere on this forum... It probably was fixed in version 1.08 or 2.00 so the timeline of the bugs appearance fits exactly...

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Thanks for the hint, Florian!

Yeah indeed the issue is always on the same line.

Both in the old bug and in this new report.


And I see the same if I drop a few missions so that a mission which should have a checkmark gets moved to line #11.

And the phantom check marks also appear on that specific line.

Pretty weird.

I hope Tels recalls the fix. I suspect that his fix got lost at some point.

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Actually, yes, at elast one more bug is in the main menu gui in the file mainmenu_newgame.gui:


			windowDef iconModCompleted9
					rect			MOD_LIST_TEXT_WIDTH, 3 + MOD_LIST_SPACING*9, 16, 16
					visible		 ("gui::modAvail9" == 1 && "gui::modCompleted9" == 1)
					matcolor		1,1,1,0.8
					background	  MOD_COMPLETED_ICON

			windowDef iconModCompleted10
					rect			MOD_LIST_TEXT_WIDTH, 3 + MOD_LIST_SPACING*10, 16, 16
					visible		 ("gui::modAvail3" == 1 && "gui::modCompleted3" == 1)
					matcolor		1,1,1,0.8
					background	  MOD_COMPLETED_ICON

			windowDef iconModCompleted11
					rect			MOD_LIST_TEXT_WIDTH, 3 + MOD_LIST_SPACING*11, 16, 16
					visible		 ("gui::modAvail11" == 1 && "gui::modCompleted11" == 1)
					matcolor		1,1,1,0.8
					background	  MOD_COMPLETED_ICON


See the definition for windowDef iconModCompleted10? it queries gui::modCompleted3, which should be gui::modCompleted10 and gui::modAvail10 instead.


It might be that when I fixed the bug, I missed the second broken line. My apologies if that is the case.

Edited by Tels

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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This one:


visible		  ("gui::modAvail3" == 1 && "gui::modCompleted3" == 1)


should look like this afterwards:


    windowDef iconModCompleted10
            rect					MOD_LIST_TEXT_WIDTH, 3 + MOD_LIST_SPACING*10, 16, 16
		    visible		  ("gui::modAvail10" == 1 && "gui::modCompleted10" == 1)
		    matcolor				1,1,1,0.8
		    background		MOD_COMPLETED_ICON


The number 10 must match the 10 from the iconModCompleted.

Edited by Tels

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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