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Translating missions: mission author consensus request


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Leading on from the old thread - http://forums.thedar...l__translations


Charisma and her russian team have made a start on translatiing all of our missions and as the mod has support for multiple languages etc. But before she and her team got to far into said projectect Spring suggested that it would be a good idea to get consensus due to the fact the briefing, readables, signs etc in each mission would need to be edited to support l10n. Said editing does not and will not change any other part of the mission, including the grammer or words used. Full a full breakdown of what l10n is see the wiki article


In a nutshell we just want to make sure mission authors are ok with the above before went ahead and did anything.


Curtasy of Jaxa - There are 42 mission on the mission page, crossed out should already have all missions as "I18N: yes" on this list: http://wiki.thedarkm...tle=I18N_Status

...or agreement on issue. I will update the list as I go.




buck28 (Lockner Manor)



Digi (Poets & Peasants)

Dragofer (One Step Too Far)

ERH+ (Crystal Grave)

Fidcal (Chalice of Kings, The Heart of Lone Salvation)

Fieldmedic (Reap as you sow, Not an ordinary guest)


Golchocobo (Nhat, The Gatehouse)

Goldwell (The Accountant 1: A Noble Home)

grayman (William Steele 1-3?) "Translators are free to do what they want with my missions (SATC and WS1-3), but they need to do it w/o my help. I believe all of my missions are I18n-ready."



Jesps (Builder's blocks?)



Kvorning (Lords & Legacy)

kyyrma (In a Time of Need 1&2)



Melan (Penny Dreadful 1&2?)

Moonbo (Requiem) "Totally fine with people translating my missions."

Mortem Desino


Obsttorte (Old Habits 1&2, The Builder Roads)



RJFerret (Inn Business, Window of Opportunity)




Sir Taffsalot


Sotha (The Beleaguered Fence, Lich Queen's Demise, Ulysses: Genesis)

Springheel (A Score to Settle, A Reputation to Uphold) "If someone wants to translate A Score to Settle they're welcome to do it, but it will have to be saved separately. I don't want the original mission pk4 modified by anyone other than myself."



Tr00pertj (Solar Escape)


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There are 42 authors on the missions page, and you. Want me to make a list?





buck28 (Lockner Manor) "You have my permission for translating Lockner Manor, and any other mission that I submit."


demagogue "I've already given permission for translating my FM somewhere, and in fact it's already been translated into at least French and Russian."

Digi (Poets & Peasants)

Dragofer (One Step Too Far)

ERH+ (Crystal Grave) "The only thing that could go really wrong in translation will be different text length, so translated text will be cut at end without adjusting font size or number of pages. A bit of aesthetic supervision and bug tracking imo. And I'm fine with modifications and reuse of any of my mission's content within Dark Mod."

Fidcal (Chalice of Kings, The Heart of Lone Salvation)

Fieldmedic (Reap as you sow, Not an ordinary guest)


Golchocobo (The Gatehouse)

Goldwell (The Accountant 1: A Noble Home) "I'm perfectly fine with people translating my FM's as well, if they want to replace the voice acting both narration and custom dialogues go right ahead as well."

grayman (William Steele 1-3?) "Translators are free to do what they want with my missions (SATC and WS1-3), but they need to do it w/o my help. I believe all of my missions are I18n-ready."



Jesps (Builder's blocks?) "Feel free to translate my maps if you like."



Kvorning (Lords & Legacy)

kyyrma (In a Time of Need 1&2)



Melan (Penny Dreadful 1&2?) "I have already given permission for the translation of my missions, but I request that the translation should not have an impact on the playability or aesthetics of the FM; if someone undertakes translation work, he or she should give his or her best -- I spent a lot of time writing those readables and briefings, meaning you should also do them justice... As I have already done, I happily consent, with the request that the translation should not have an impact on the playability or aesthetics of the FM; if someone undertakes translation work, he or she should give his or her best -- I spent a lot of time writing those readables and briefings, meaning you should also do them justice."

Moonbo (Requiem) "Totally fine with people translating my missions."

Mortem Desino


Obsttorte (Old Habits 1&2, The Builder Roads) "I'm fine with people translating my missions. I would have to check which of those are I18N ready, though. I am not planning to do much on those missions, except that I may update the Builder Roads to fix some issues."



RJFerret (Inn Business, Window of Opportunity)




Sir Taffsalot


Sotha (The Beleaguered Fence, Lich Queen's Demise, Ulysses: Genesis) "No updates coming from me and I got same requests as Melan. This is a matter of trust since we have absolutely no means of controlling the quality of the translations. It would be unbearable if the mission broke due to translation work. Are the translated missions betatested to make sure everything is alright? The english version should be exactly the same that was originally launched."

Springheel (A Score to Settle, A Reputation to Uphold) "If someone wants to translate A Score to Settle they're welcome to do it, but it will have to be saved separately. I don't want the original mission pk4 modified by anyone other than myself."



Tr00pertj (Solar Escape) "Mark me down as agreed. Go ahead and make it I10n/I18n compatible, Or if charisma and her team want to convert and host I would be OK with that too, But It should really be done properly using the built in language system. Having said that I can understand why a simpler txt conversion hack would be appealing."



Crossed out should already have all missions as "I18N: yes" on this list: http://wiki.thedarkm...tle=I18N_Status

...or agreement on issue and quote




Edit: done


Edit: These remaining mappers are active on the forums: buck28, Dragofer, ERH+, Goldchocobo, Goldwell, Kvorning, Tr00pertj


Digi is on break. kyyrma and RJFerret have been off a month.


Fidcal had this to say: http://forums.thedar...post__p__277785


I'm guessing ERH+ will support: http://forums.thedar...post__p__317563



Edited by jaxa
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Translators are free to do what they want with my missions (SATC and WS1-3), but they need to do it w/o my help. I believe all of my missions are I18n-ready.


Edit: SATC is not I18n-ready. SATC was completed before I18n matured, so I never pushed it through the make-ready process.


WS1-3 are ready.

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Don't we already have a thread where mappers have given consent (or not) for this?


edit: yes, here. http://forums.thedar...l__translations A bit out of date but a good start.


My own opinion hasn't changed since then.

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I'm fine with people translating my missions. I would have to check which of those are I18N ready, though. I am not planning to do much on those missions, except that I may update the Builder Roads to fix some issues.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Worst case scenario, the translators can write a script that patches the PK4, the user downloads the PK4 and the script, executes the script, plays the mission.

Some parts (image based signs) have to be done my hand so this approach wouldnt work.

I'm fine with people translating my missions. I would have to check which of those are I18N ready, though. I am not planning to do much on those missions, except that I may update the Builder Roads to fix some issues.

You'll still be able to do this even after Charisma has worked on it.


And have updated the op with info from Jaxa and Springheel.

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Thanks Bikerdude and Springheel!


And thanks to all the authors who has given their permission. We're not doing it for ourselves (me personally and my colleagues can play TDM in English), but for the others. As you may know Russian Thief-related community is very big and after some quick research it seems that a translation of TDM will be greatly appreciated. That's just an enthusiasm to help others and to do something useful. This whole topic with Russian translation was started in 2009. But the most of translations we've done so far were completed in last 2-3 months just because there are some people who really want to do it. And as far as I see no one currently is interested in making TDM more 'translators-friendly'. And which idea is better: to make translation in current conditions or not to make it at all?


I understand that I might asking too much, so here's another way. We can upload edited *.pk4-files on DarkFate (which I guess well known here) so the Russian players can download translated missions from there. But the easiest solution is not always the best. We're open for all the comments and suggestions so feel free to tell us :)

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I understand that I might asking too much, so here's another way. We're open for all the comments and suggestions so feel free to tell us

The mod is already multi language ready, so it makes sense to do one once and do it right. As it is we are on tract to gettting consenuses, with almost all authors happy for thier mission to be made l10n compatible. Tels made a start on this (I beleive he did most of the l10n/l18n work) and with you and your crew willing to do all this work it makes its far easier to added other translations as time passes etc.

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The only thing that could go really wrong in translation will be different text length, so translated text will be cut at end without adjusting font size or number of pages. A bit of aesthetic supervision and bug tracking imo.


And I'm fine with modifications and reuse of any of my mission's content within Dark Mod.

Edited by ERH+
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Are you planning on replacing all the audio language files with Russian as well? I've never understood how non-English speakers handle the fact that all the alert cues are in English, not to mention the custom convos in some missions.

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There was a rudimentary Closed Caption implementation in the works at one point....




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Mark me down as agreed. Go ahead and make it I10n/I18n compatible, Or if charisma and her team want to convert and host I would be OK with that too, But It should really be done properly using the built in language system. Having said that I can understand why a simpler txt conversion hack would be appealing.

I should have done it my self when I made it but was to lazy. My WIP at the moment is not Internationalizationed yet but I plan on making it I18n compatible. It's still only somewhere around 60% complete at the moment and yes I know it is better done as you go but as I wrote I am lazy.

Laptop:Metabox P370SM3- Intel Core i7-4800MQ- 2x GTX780M SLI- 16G 1600Mhz- 500G Samsung mSata-1TB Hitachi HDD- 120Hz LG 1080p.Desktops:i75930k-2x GTX980 SLI-16G 2133Mhz-Evo120GSSD-Swift PG278Q1440p Gsync.Spare:AMD A10-7850K-APU-8G 1866Mhz-seagate 4TB-120G ssd. LoL Old:P75-1:1FSB-8M ram 512MB Maxtor HDD-1MB Cirrus Logic video chip-still got the parts somewhere?First PC-Tandy 512K Color computer.

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I'm perfectly fine with people translating my FM's as well, if they want to replace the voice acting both narration and custom dialogues go right ahead as well.

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As I have already done, I happily consent, with the request that

  • the translation should not have an impact on the playability or aesthetics of the FM;
  • if someone undertakes translation work, he or she should give his or her best -- I spent a lot of time writing those readables and briefings, meaning you should also do them justice.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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About sounds: I didn't want to tell about that, but actually I do have a team that would make all the sounds. (Four guys from one local Internet radio station, they have some experience so I trust them). We even have the first samples. But it is much more work 'cause more people are involved and it takes more time to write down and translate all the lines (for example: the whole TDM by itself contains ~6500 sound files). The topic was started by me (more than a month ago) on the website where we're translating all the stuff: http://notabenoid.com/book/54012


So yes - we want the sounds translated. But it means that we're changing map anyway. But it is a good base for other translations. If we'll make it now (I guess Bikerdude already said that) it will be much easier for others to make the same work with another language. And for the modders themselves - they're only making a map. And the translators doing all the work that must be done for translators. And if the modder wants to be sure that we're didn't screwed something over he\she can always use something like notepad++ to compare original and edited map and check out which lines were changed and why. (In most cases we're only adding new "#str_")


I also wanted to say that every mission is tested minimum twice before we release it here. Every possible bug is tracked down (no matter if it misplaced character, orthographic mistake, not translated line or whatever) All is written down (via making screenshot directly from the game), shared with other translators, fixed, then tested AGAIN by a different player. If they find new bugs they make screenshots and the whole process begins again. Until that it is not allowed to tell that mission actually has a Russian translation.


So as I said before - we want to make things proper. TDM deserves that. And I have respect for people who make mods not for money or something, but because they love what they're doing. As I am love translating. I have experience. I've translated lots of interviews and articles and even some books + audio interviews (and even took a couple from my favourite musicians). Currently I'm living in Germany and can freely speak English and German here so people understand me. I think I have right to make some small mistakes when speaking these two while they're not my native languages. But not the backwards. Russian is a very rich and flexible language.

Edited by charisma
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