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Hey all,


When I compile my map, I see some red "node without volume" errors appear as its compiling.


However when I scroll up in the console I don't see them. I've tried dumping the console to a .txt and haven't been able to find the error lines there either.


Is there a limit to how many lines the console will show? Is there a way to show all the previous lines?

Any help would be great!




Yes, there's a limit, and the condump command will only dump what's still on the console. If you want to capture the lot, you can set console command


com_logFile 1


before you start to dmap, which will spool console output to a file, qconsole.log, in your main darkmod folder. If you want to specify a different filename, you can use command com_logFileName.


I don't think I've ever done a dmap without seeing some of those "node without a volume" warnings. I'm not sure what they mean or whether they're a problem. I'll go take a look what's spitting them out.


They come from the dmap innards, and they're talking about something that dmap has done rather than something you can affect directly in your map. Dmap carves up the open space in your map into convex regions, and it does the same for any func_static made of brushes. This warning gets issued when one of those subdivisions turns out to be empty. I'm not sure why a warning gets issued.


Sounds more like a debugging warning to help make dmapping more effecient that never got dropped in the end.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.


Awesome! Thanks for the help Steve.


I definitely see a lot of node without volumes and most of the time they don't seem to affect anything.


However, once I checked the log, I did find some strange entities in my map that were invisible in the editor. They only show up as an origin point when I selected them. I deleted those and it seemed to improve performance in certain areas.


Awesome! Thanks for the help Steve.


I definitely see a lot of node without volumes and most of the time they don't seem to affect anything.


However, once I checked the log, I did find some strange entities in my map that were invisible in the editor. They only show up as an origin point when I selected them. I deleted those and it seemed to improve performance in certain areas.


That can happen -- or used to be able to happen -- when you "tab into" an FS to select individual bits of worldspawn and then delete all the brushes and patches out of the FS without deleting the FS itself. But I just tried to do it to see whether we'd get one of these warnings from it and I found I couldn't... when I delete the last piece of worldspawn, the entity vanishes too. Perhaps greebo fixed it in DR. I'm using DR 2.02.


Yes, there's a limit, and the condump command will only dump what's still on the console. If you want to capture the lot, you can set console command


com_logFile 1


before you start to dmap, which will spool console output to a file, qconsole.log, in your main darkmod folder. If you want to specify a different filename, you can use command com_logFileName.


I just tried these in the console, and it says 'unknown command'. There does seem to be an r_logFile, but it crashes TDM.

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying


You're right, the cvars I quoted are not valid console commands, and r_logfile looks like it's only partially implemented and causes the game to quit. It also looks like it's meant to do a different thing anyway.


Does anyone else know a way to spool console output to a log file? Surely that's possible? If not I'll fix up com_logfile so it does what I thought it did.


I've used com_logfile often myself for this purpose, and I know grayman does too because he told me about it in the first place, but I admit I've only done it by changing the cvar default value in the code, I hadn't actually tried activating it from the console, I just assumed it would work.


Apart from the logging code in TDM (which is different from the console ouput), you can also use "condump console.txt" to get the contents atferwards into a file. (But it doesn't stream them out as they appear)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

Posted (edited)

Hey guys, I found two console commands that work:



logFileName = yourfilename.log

Sets the name of the logfile that shows up in your fms folder


logfile = "1"

Starts dumping the console lines into the log file.


SteveL- Looks like you don't need "com" at the beginning.

Edited by kingsal
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