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Python/C++ plugin for building map out of prefabs ?

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Erm.. yes now you come to mention it, I think that that can be done. What I think you can't do is create, resize or cut brushes using the python api. But you *can* move selections, which is probably enough. I'm not sure about loading the prefabs though.

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Erm.. yes now you come to mention it, I think that that can be done. What I think you can't do is create, resize or cut brushes using the python api. But you *can* move selections, which is probably enough. I'm not sure about loading the prefabs though.


Yeah, I wouldn't need to do anything with brushes, except moving them. Who would be able to know more about Python API in DR to tell if prefabs can or can not be loaded (or .map files imported). The idea is to have modules saves as either prefabs or .map files, and then Python scrip would load each into each layer, properly name layer, use sorting by name to select certain pieces and then duplicate one of the modular pieces, move them to a "construction" layer, move them on the grid to match other pieces, etc.

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