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I would like a picture of the TDM logo with the website replaced with 2.03. You can see this in the screenshot on the news article on the release of 2.03 in the main TDM webpage. I need that logo for video intros as well as thumbnails. Can someone please send one to me? I can't post LPs of TDM on YouTube until then. Thank you!

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"


I don't have such a logo but, in my opinion, the logo looks as good without the digit numbers. Maybe it's enough to put the 2.03 into the title?


I don't have such a logo but, in my opinion, the logo looks as good without the digit numbers. Maybe it's enough to put the 2.03 into the title?

I want people to know which version of TDM the videos were recorded on.

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"


I don't have the original file, but I made you this:


Will it be sufficient?


"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

Posted (edited)

You're right! I'll see if I can recolor the background with PhotoShop. Sorry about that, the main thing I wanted was the logo anyway, so thanks.


EDIT: The image seems to be messed up when viewed with PhotoShop. What do I do?

Edited by Cambridge Spy

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"


This is a png with a transparent background so you can use it as an overlay for your videos. Whcih means, taht if you have a black background in your video, you also have an automaticly black background for the logo. You're really putting my nerves to the test, Cambridge Spy!


Very last commitment:


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"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


This is a png with a transparent background so you can use it as an overlay for your videos. Whcih means, taht if you have a black background in your video, you also have an automaticly black background for the logo. You're really putting my nerves to the test, Cambridge Spy!


Very last commitment:

Thank you! Sorry for putting you all under stress, but I just wanted to finish making the videos as soon as possible so I can remove the Fraps footage after saving it to the computer. Expect a playthrough of The Tears of St. Lucia tomorrow.

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"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

Posted (edited)

I'm glad you like it. Good luck with the videos! :)


Let's hope 2.04 doesn't come out too soon... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Edited by SeriousToni

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager


I'm actually waiting for the next DarkRADIANT to become available before trying my hand at making FMs...


Hopefully not TOO soon for 2.04. I'll have uploaded a few FM playthroughs by then, but I'm not going to upload EVERY FM there is. Some wouldn't be properly compatible with 2.03.


I'm currently waiting for updated versions of No Honor Among Thieves and the William Steele missions. They're the most favourite FMs I want to upload. I would also like to upload Merry's Bank Heist missions, but I'll wait till she makes them all (I'm guessing she'll go back and improve the first two while doing so).

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

Posted (edited)

Did you consider making a voice over for the Let's Plays? Tbh, i prefer Let's Plays with voice over.

Last time I checked, most people don't like LPs with voice overs. And anyway, I wanted these videos to look like you're watching a 90s TV program.

Edited by Cambridge Spy

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

Posted (edited)

AFAIK the definition of an LP is gameplay with commentary, though I could be wrong. I used to stream with voice, and it was popular, but your gameplay does invariably suffer if you're concentrating on talking. I never tried to be funny, rather talked about stuff in a lighthearted way, which was a formula people seemed to like. Nowadays LPs are all about shouting and giggling and making shitty jokes to incredibly young audiences, but back when I streamed (not very long after JTV started up, before popularity for streams really exploded) it was just like playing a game with a few hundred friends over. Uh, bit of a tangent. What I'm getting at is that people who do commentary for their videos will typically play the game poorly due to trying to be funny or interesting, so you have to be pretty talented to remain interesting and avoid frustrating video. It's not for everyone, certainly, and I'm perfectly happy to just watch entertaining gameplay, if it is entertaining.


That gameplay was entertaining, but a bit too slow. I think that if you want a better video, you need to skim-read readables and be a bit less cautious, otherwise it's a whole lot of standing still, waiting for guards to move or laboring over a note. It might not be how you play normally, and I certainly rush around more on video than I would if I was playing alone, but again there's that balance. Be entertaining and quick about it, but not dumb and reckless. Don't mess up all the time, but also don't try to ghost it in silence.


Last time I checked, most people don't like LPs with voice overs.

Most people don't like babble, I think is the general consensus.Some people just don't know when to shush. They'll try to fill all the silence with noise, even if it's completely meaningless nonsense. It's like 75% funny and 25% holy-shit-stop-to-breathe-dude commentary, but the 25% overrides the rest of it after a while and it all becomes annoying. It's hard to be interesting and funny but not boring and obnoxious, so it does take skill to provide successful commentary.

Edited by Airship Ballet

Yep, definitely. Not everyone is blessed to do commentary. :) But dunno, watching a Let's Play without commentary even, i keep wondering why i don't play myself. Of course, each to its like, and if you decide to do no commentary, because you feel like doing videos without it, perfectly fine. To me, when watching a Let's Play, i expect to hear the commentary's impressions, and experience with the game. Especially when it goes along with my impressions of the game i feel like "yeah, he/she is exactly on point there". But, as you say, there are a lot of Let's Player who try to fill gaps with useless and pointless babble, or try to make the Let's Play exciting, while the comments aren't at all exciting or interesting. Of they're just complete jerks. Still, there's some cool Let's Players outside, mostly people who passed 30 already.

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Last time I checked, most people don't like LPs with voice overs.



My experience is the opposite. Gameplay without commentary is basically just a walkthrough.


Though no commentary is probably preferable to bad commentary.

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