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Hi everyone,


I first want to say I love this game. Congratulations for making it, and to the people making missions for it.


I however regularly run into a small but annoying problem. Npcs sometimes spawn completely immobile, in a T-pose, and stay in that state indefintely, unless I "wake them up" by getting them to notice me, either by making noise, getting spotted visually, or hitting them.


They function normally after getting them to notice me, but it is a little annoying having to do it to each and every one of them before being able to play the mission as intended, as they don't go along their watching route when unactive.

Here is what it looks like:




Also, strange things happen when I manage to get a headshot on them (their physical head seems to not be exactly where it is shown in that T-pose):




I hope this problem hasn't already been reported, I didn't find it in this section, although I haven't searched very thouroughly.


Thank you, hope this helps improving the game.


Weird, I've never seen a bug like that before. Can you give us more to go on? Has this always happened for you? Any consistency in the types of ai it happens to?


Ah, I think I found out how to reproduce it. It comes from a weird habit I have.


When you start a mission, you will be presented with this screen:




If you first quicksave on this screen, then press attack to start the mission, then quickload, the problem will occur. It happens at least in St Lucia for me.


So it seems to be more my fault for making a risky/glitchy save.


Anyway, it hasn't happened since I stopped doing this premature quicksave, so I can enjoy the game without any problems.


Thank you for investigating


One option would be to simply disallow quicksaves at this time. I'm not sure it is easily fixable otherwise.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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