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Posted (edited)

Heyo All,


JUST TO BE CLEAR! I'm looking for a game model, not a real statue.


I'm looking for a life size statue of Neptune [Game Asset], preferably with Trident and snake coiling around his lower half. Anyone

have anything similar to that? Doesn't have to have the snake.

Edited by NeonsStyle

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game





Heyo All,


I'm looking for a life size statue of Neptune, preferably with Trident and snake coiling around his lower half. Anyone

have anything similar to that? Doesn't have to have the snake.


Are you talking about a game asset or an actual statue? If the latter, this probably belongs in off-topic.


LOL I game asset Spring.

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




Posted (edited)

Without knowing you, if you have one of the Ancient Gods statues at home that you can stand near roughly the same height - you're evil.


Seriously though you can buy a cheap Chinese copy off of Aliexpress or some such thing. But the shipping costs for the weight...


Or if you have any museums nearby take a Wax made copy of it if you can find one. Looks just like the real thing, but not sure if they made wax figures out of sculptures.

Basically, isn't it easier to go to/travel to wherever (probably museum) there is a copy of that statue and make photos off of it?

Edited by Anderson

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.


life size, or human size, gods were basically giants so a life size statue would be huge, and the ones in roman and greek temples usually were so huge their heads would be very close to the ceiling.


life size, or human size, gods were basically giants so a life size statue would be huge, and the ones in roman and greek temples usually were so huge their heads would be very close to the ceiling.

Size does not matter - just scale the model up. ;)

Posted (edited)

I mean AI sized model for the game. I wanted a Neptune (man pointing out to sea holding a Trident with a snake coiled around his legs and hips). Definitely

don't want the real thing lol It's for my level.

Edited by NeonsStyle
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I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game





I mean human sized model for the game. I wanted a Neptune (man pointing out to sea holding a Trident with a snake coiled around his legs and hips). Definitely

don't want the real thing lol It's for my level.


Definitely excuse to go for a museum than! Or rent from some art collectors. Search for announcements wherever you live. They usually gather old chairs, clocks and things like that. Might have the statue too.

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.



Definitely excuse to go for a museum than! Or rent from some art collectors. Search for announcements wherever you live. They usually gather old chairs, clocks and things like that. Might have the statue too.


As I said in the message you quoted, I'm looking for a game asset, not the real thing lol

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I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game





This is completely new to me. I know nothing about this, or making models. How do I use these scan .obj files?

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game





Its not that that easy, actually. You import it to blender and from there you can resize it and, most importantly, duplicate it so you can decimate to a reasonable tris count. That will be the model you will be exporting in game. By keeping the high poly copy in blender, you can use that to "bake" a detailed normal map. I havent had much luck with this process, as 3d scans and decimating in general do not really create very good meshes, and the normal maps and vertex smoothing that result from it are not perfect.


Seen anything you liked? I might be able to take a look for you.


Its not that that easy, actually. You import it to blender and from there you can resize it and, most importantly, duplicate it so you can decimate to a reasonable tris count. That will be the model you will be exporting in game. By keeping the high poly copy in blender, you can use that to "bake" a detailed normal map. I havent had much luck with this process, as 3d scans and decimating in general do not really create very good meshes, and the normal maps and vertex smoothing that result from it are not perfect.


Seen anything you liked? I might be able to take a look for you.


There isn't anything like Neptune there. What I wanted was a neptunian statue pointing out to sea. The place I'm working on is very decrepid, so I think since I can't find

that, maybe this might suit? This isn't from that site though. Failing that, I guess the other one would do, though it doesn't have the same feel. I've been searching for

a model of a neptune statue, but knowing zero about modelling, I have no idea what I can use and what I can't. lol





I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game





At 200K, you'll never get this into TDM in a way that won't affect performance unless it's in a closet where that's the only thing in the scene.

That's why I recommend looking into MeshLab, because you stand a chance of performing decimation (which is much better than anything Blender can do) and bring it down to a reasonable polycount for real-time rendering, then bake all the details back into it from the original high-poly mesh.


As I said, I know nothing about models. I only know how to use them. I guess this is why our statue models are such low poly.

I don't really mind on the poly count, it's cause the level I'm working on is a fishing village, and it would really benefit from

an icon of the sea in the main part of the town.

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game





The unprocessed scale model of my barque ship comes in at 120k tris currently and runs fine with a shadowcasting light casting the silhouette in all its details on the wall behind. FPS-wise you notice it's there, but a plain room with this ship casting 1 shadow gives me the same FPS as a normal TDM scene. I'm using a generic, newer pc with integrated graphics.


the level I'm working on is a fishing village, and it would really benefit from an icon of the sea in the main part of the town.

This called back to mind this particular scene from a game I liked quite much. Here you are in the old harbour of Nostria.





As I said, I know nothing about models. I only know how to use them. I guess this is why our statue models are such low poly.

I can only recommend this step-by-step guide to making a tea cup, which is what allowed me to get a foothold in Blender. Especially if you're interested in making use of special custom assets unique to your mission, it'd very much pay off to have some basic modelling literacy.



  • 3 weeks later...

If you are still thinking about this, you could make a stone block and apply a normal mapped or even better parallax occlusion mapped image of a neptune into it, it will not look has good has a real 3D statue but at least you will have some kind of "sculpture" of him there. It has the potential to look bad tho if the normal map is not of suficient quality.


Something like this:



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