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Fan Mission: The Warrens (by grayman) (2018/9/1)


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I must say this mission is one of the best examples on "How to build a huge multiple ways to go map but not confuse the player" I have ever played on TDM. It was a mix between so many opportunities and finding the right path to succeed. I don't know how you've done that but I was never really lost nor frustrated in this big city with so many hidden rooms to explore. Great job on this map!


I wonder if


he changes his costume on every replay or if he picks the same costume everytime ?



What I loved was:



  • the huge sunken ship intoxicating the water
  • the many short story lines when you read the books, which connect later on, the more you read
  • the different characters roaming the streets and houses (which you have to remember if you want to fulfil your mission
  • the hidden roof entrences
  • the new audio lines / conversations
  • the ambience, light and sound effects
  • the grave for Sir Taffsalot with the bell tolling




What I missed was:



  • the lack of detail in the interiors (I think it's because of performance issues or the story that makes most homes abandoned)
  • the lack of new textures (the previous maps always had something special which I did not recolonize in this mission, but maybe I was blind)
  • a readable text in the intro (the background is mostly blending with the yellow text which made it partly hard to read)
  • a nice ending cinematic (you did so well on that in your previous missions)
  • the EFX effects which I only noticed in the sewers




Thank you for this 4.99 stars master piece grayman :)

Edited by SeriousToni
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"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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I did have some trouble with the optional objective, though. No matter where on the desk I dropped the note, it never completed.


For me that worked perfectly! Did drop it onto the table with the candle and the letter. :)

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is my favorite TDM mission so far. Part open world, part mystery, part detective. This mission made me aware of city type missions, also searching beyond TDM and finding skacky's excellent city missions. I went from a casual "trying out a TDM mission every now and then" player to really getting hooked and wanting to experiment with DR as well.

That whole chain started with this immersive and inspiring mission. Thank you, grayman!

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5 hours ago, snowy said:

This is my favorite TDM mission so far. Part open world, part mystery, part detective. This mission made me aware of city type missions, also searching beyond TDM and finding skacky's excellent city missions. I went from a casual "trying out a TDM mission every now and then" player to really getting hooked and wanting to experiment with DR as well.

That whole chain started with this immersive and inspiring mission. Thank you, grayman!

Welcome to the forums and TDM, and thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it.

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  • 2 months later...

It’s been a few months since I beat it, but I believe


the theater is a good place start for info about the killer.


Edited by Jedi_Wannabe
added spoiler tags

As my father used to say, "A grenade a day, keeps the enemy at bay!"

My one FM so far: Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...

After the previous part overcrowded by guards I really really enjoyed this empty, quiet and a bit mysterious place.

The map design is really stunning, loved the 'unusual' (or better 'uncommon') places like piers, sea-coast or peninsula accessible by a path carved into huge rocks. Wow....

The atmosphere is very sad, empty, I literally felt how the people suffered from the plague.

Beautifully followed by that relaxing but still a bit mysterious music.


I'm really enjoying the story and have to appraise the disguise stuff, as well...perfectly fabricated....


And this was my first mission where I managed to collect all the treasures....:-)

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  • 2 months later...

OK, I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one. I must have wandered around this map for hours, but I still have no idea where I'm even trying to go, much less how to get there.

I've found the theater, which seems important and suspicious but despite looking in every room and reading the two or three readables, I couldn't find anything which advanced any of my objectives. I've also been inside a hotel, a couple of workshops, a builder chapel and a lighthouse but still, nothing.

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One of my favorite missions. Great content with a random objective, which ensures a much greater re-playability. You never know in advance who the murderer is.

13 hours ago, OrbWeaver said:

OK, I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one. I must have wandered around this map for hours, but I still have no idea where I'm even trying to go, much less how to get there.

I've found the theater, which seems important and suspicious but despite looking in every room and reading the two or three readables, I couldn't find anything which advanced any of my objectives. I've also been inside a hotel, a couple of workshops, a builder chapel and a lighthouse but still, nothing.


Take a good look in the theater basement in the last room, there is a hidden switch.


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Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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17 minutes ago, Zerg Rush said:

Remember, every time you replay this mission, the murder is someone other than the last one. 

Yes, the Ghost has favorite disguises, and you need to figure out which disguise he's donned for the mission you're playing.

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The first time I played this mission...


I missed the secret switch in the actor's dressing room and spent a lot of time exploring the other parts of the district, thoroughly learning where all the characters and points of interest were but I was completely dumb-struck about how to solve the objective. Finally I revisited the changing room, found the switch etc. and learned that in my playthrough, the killer was dressed as the pauper. So what did I do? What any good Agent 47 would do, I made a bee-line to the abandoned hotel where I knew the pauper frequently took shelter and lay in wait for him. I ended up waiting there, by the front door, on the stairs, in the bedrooms etc. for 5 to 15 minutes, banging my head against the wall before it donned on me that he was never coming. Apparently I had knocked out so many guards in the streets already that I failed to notice everyone was dead and by sheer dumb luck I did not hear the killer's voice or see him creeping around a new patrol route. I expected the revelation of his disguise to entail deducing where he would be based on his persona, but the real answer was supposed to be a shocking twist and I ruined it for myself with my over-zealous blackjacking!

So I fell in love with the mission's aesthetic, layout and concept... then my love soured pretty badly. But having replayed the mission and knowing the "rules" so to speak going into it, I have to say it's one of the better entries in TDM and it would definitely make any short-list of recommendations if I wrote one. I don't want to spoil anything for new players except to say that it might be in your best interest to go easy on the knock-outs.

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Having played Warrens several times already, I know to be careful who I knock out. For this reason, knowing where the hiding place is, it is the first way I take, to find out and be able to kill the Ghost. Afterwards it is also much easier to pluck the neighborhood, since the guards are all already dead, killed by the Ghost and they do not disturb my raids.

Edited by Zerg Rush

Sys Specs Laptop Lenovo V145 15AST, AMD A9- 9425 Radeon R5 - 5 cores 3,1 GHz  RAM 8Gb, GPU 1+2 Gb -Win10 64 v21H2

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