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38 minutes ago, lowenz said:

Why did Swiggy cancell all his posts here (I mean the all forum) ? 😐


That seems to be a pattern.  He/she did the same thing when he was Atomica and even earlier as Atomic.



Posted (edited)

Other than lots of beautifying and custom sound (who knows how long that will taffin’ take?) my map is almost beta ready. It’s in a state where it finally feels structured like an actual mission😁 

Testing my objectives now. 

edit: they work! I need to adjust values for loot and stuff per difficulty level, but it’s one step closer.

My goal tonight after work is briefing  and  starting equipment and hopefully apply func_peek to all the doors. So stoked it’s all coming together.

Almost a year long endeavor and something I’ve wanted to get in on for a decade, just didn’t have decent enough hardware for TDM til recently.

I ran through my map from start to finish on easy just to make sure my objectives worked and although I don’t have music or conversations in yet, IT FELT GOOD.

I’m a very Happy Taffer right now.

Edited by Jedi_Wannabe
More progress :)
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As my father used to say, "A grenade a day, keeps the enemy at bay!"

My one FM so far: Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day

  • 2 weeks later...

Here in Lombardy we're official in LOCKDOWN

STALKER mode on!

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Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

2 hours ago, Jedi_Wannabe said:

Cheeki Breeki!

It’s here on my turf too.

STAY CHEEKI BREEKI ! Boris protect us! :D

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Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.


In Germany we are nearing 1000 cases. Most of them in the west and south. E.g. the school, where my brother in law works is currently closed (Bavaria). On the other hand, iIn the federal state (and the small city state nearby) where I live, we only have a total of 34 confirmed cases, so it is pretty harmless. Shops also still have toilet paper and conserved food, so it is still pretty humane. Stay safe and healthy, you all!


Harmless? It's contagious like hell !


Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.


Worldwide case fatality rate seems to be around 3%, but it's heavily biased towards old people with pre-existing health conditions. If you're in the 30 - 39 age group your chance of dying is something like 0.3%, but if you're an 85-year-old grandfather with asthma you should be a lot more worried.

10 hours ago, lowenz said:

Harmless? It's contagious like hell !

It is. Still, we currently have around 1000 cases in Germany. Of these 400 in North-Rhine Westfalia (most likely due to the carnival), 200 in Baden-Württemberg, and 200 in Bavaria. This leaves around 200 cases for the whole remaining country. And these are only the number of confirmed cases;  we don't have numbers of people who have recovered already. The main institution for infections in Germany (the Robert Koch intitute) considers the risk to get infected with Corona in Germany as moderate, so for my region it is (at least currently) pretty harmless. If I understand the graph you posted correctly (I only had Latin in school, no Italian), around half the 4000 infected people have recovered already. It is still a strain on health care systems, the economy, etc., but I think it could have been much worse.

Posted (edited)

"Ricoverati" = hospitalized (can get better, can get worse)



2220 persons in hospitals.....only here in Lombardy.

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

10 hours ago, lowenz said:

"Ricoverati" = hospitalized (can get better, can get worse)



2220 persons in hospitals.....only here in Lombardy.

Ah, ok. That makes sense.



This is the situation in Germany. Currently 1188 confirmed cases. The first two deaths in North-Rhine Westfalia. Not surprising with the most cases so far. Still, the rist is considered "moderate".

Posted (edited)

phew, that a drastic measurement.
Its sad for your country, that it comes to this.

IMHO i accepted it, that im going to get the virus, but i dont know when.
When i look at the known symptoms, im going to prepare myself its like the annual Dutch Flu, but more/a bit severe and not on a standard time.
Got myself the standard (and stronger) flu medicines.
And created a little stock of things for a local lockdown(?)
Put some some bench/bed-watch apps on my tablet, like Netflix, Youtube and Kodi.
Going to get finally the time to watch those DR videotutorials and Fenn phoenix walktroughs!!

Until then, l trying to life healthy, which how i normally do.

Dutch Stats (for the world):
Dutch local map. (i live in the east of the country)

Its advised here to not shake hands in our country.
* gives everybody on TDM forum a shoulder bump *


Edited by freyk
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Info: My portfolio and darkmod graphical installer
Amnesty for Bikerdude!

38 minutes ago, freyk said:

IMHO i accepted it, that im going to get the virus, but i dont no when.


Damn straight.

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.

Posted (edited)

I hope when the nearest hospital is NOT congested with hundred of Covid-19 cases.

Here in Bergamo this behemoth is near the saturation!






Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.


Numbers are still pretty low around here, but slowly growing, 1 person every few days.

Not directly related to that, more because of personal reasons, I'm taking a long break from my modeling project. I went too far and exhausted myself, put a huge strain on my personal and family relationships as well. It became a borderline obsession instead of a healthy hobby. I'll be taking the spring and summer to get back into physical shape. I won't return to Builder Compound project, as it's way too hard for me to make such quality stuff in a reasonable time. This will take forever to make and I'll probably die of exhaustion first. It's just too much for one person.

I will post what I've made so far within few weeks or so. Then I'll take a long break, maybe as long as fall 2021, and after that I'll only be taking modeling requests.

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7 hours ago, peter_spy said:

Not directly related to that, more because of personal reasons, I'm taking a long break from my modeling project. I went too far and exhausted myself, put a huge strain on my personal and family relationships as well. It became a borderline obsession instead of a healthy hobby. I'll be taking the spring and summer to get back into physical shape. I won't return to Builder Compound project, as it's way too hard for me to make such quality stuff in a reasonable time.

So many people burned out on stuff like this, it is only natural and everyone around here understands what it's like. That's why we always recommend to aim low! Thanks for your contributions and I hope we won't lose you completely.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.


Covid-19 officially found its way to New Mexico now, with confirmed cases a few towns over. Now all state employees are essentially barred from out-of-state travel for the next few months, but our new governor actually seems pretty confident in handling this

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