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Posted (edited)

That’s awesome, peter. 
I’ve been way behind schedule on my FM’s beta testing. I started a new area and redesign, then the proverbial fecal matter impacted upon the cooling apparatus in RL. Once that cooled down I got distracted by an exciting new business venture that may prove lucrative and beneficial to my family; the logistics have been fun, albeit time consuming. I tour my potential new location on Wed and if it all goes well I’ll put a deposit down and sign a contract and give the bad news to my current boss. If this pans out I stand to make a lot more money to get out of debt and start looking for a house. And an improved workstation for better mapping and gaming pleasure. I’ve held off for a long time on branching out on my own, mostly due to time constraints with two little ones at home. I was super excited, but now I hear rumors our governor is going to make a statement this weekend and shut the state down again. A double edged sword, because I am in favor of that, but the opportunity for this space in the heart of downtown at a dirt cheap rate ( I could pay off my months rent with 3 full days of work and the rest of the month is pure profit, I have little to no overhead ) so I’m likely going to have to wait a week to make a decision.

Oh and nearly forgot to mention, the past weekend I did manage to get new working bats and fireflies in my map, courtesy of @STRUNK. Once I get ‘em tweaked just right I can begin to buckle down again.

Edited by Jedi_Wannabe
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As my father used to say, "A grenade a day, keeps the enemy at bay!"

My one FM so far: Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day


I feel somewhat bad for living in Australia. COVID-19 is basically a non-entity now; hell in my state it's been almost 100 days since the last locally transmitted case (all our new cases are the result of people from overseas who go into quarantine immediately). We've had 4 deaths in our state since the beginning of the pandemic. In fact, in total Australia has had 907 deaths since the pandemic began. The US recently reported 1,562 deaths in a single day. The US is a lot bigger but still. Europe isn't having much fun either though, so I'm not trying to gang up on the US alone.

On the plus side there seems to be multiple effective vaccines in the manufacturing pipeline, so an end is coming. Hopefully we can get this shit sorted by mid next year and international travel becomes viable again.

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A word of warning, Agent Denton. This was a simulated experience; real LAMs will not be so forgiving.


In comparison, looks like us in Moldova weren't hurt that badly as I thought. We're still on our peak regarding infection rate. Officially. In reality many among the elderly population died a long time ago from other preventable diseases. Not many left to die from COVID-19. The situation is similar in many other Eastern European countries.

Still I thought it was curious how Moldova, being in the top of the sharpest demographic declines in the world manages not to disappear during the pandemic.

But hey at least we're not in Nagorno-Karabakh. This war ended faster than the pandemic.

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.

7 hours ago, Xolvix said:

I feel somewhat bad for living in Australia. COVID-19 is basically a non-entity now; hell in my state it's been almost 100 days since the last locally transmitted case (all our new cases are the result of people from overseas who go into quarantine immediately). We've had 4 deaths in our state since the beginning of the pandemic. In fact, in total Australia has had 907 deaths since the pandemic began. The US recently reported 1,562 deaths in a single day. The US is a lot bigger but still. Europe isn't having much fun either though, so I'm not trying to gang up on the US alone.

On the plus side there seems to be multiple effective vaccines in the manufacturing pipeline, so an end is coming. Hopefully we can get this shit sorted by mid next year and international travel becomes viable again.

Don't feel bad; just be glad instead. I am from Germany and we currently appear to have passed the worst of the second wave of the pandemic. It was far worse than the first, but still we at least had enough beds in intensive care that we were not completely overwhelmed. Also, fortunately, I live in a region that wasn't hit as hard as others. We never passed the 100 new infections per 100 000 people per day. However, it is sad to see that there are a lot of covidiots here. We used to make fun of the US and how stupid they behave, but during the second wave had several demonstrations against the regulations (which completely ignored, of course). Not sure what these people are thinking 🤦‍♂️

I also hope that the vaccines will work without major side effects, but we will have to wait and see about that.

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We have our share of covidiots here as well. There was a case of a drunk guy in the park, who was trying to pull down people's masks and attacked them with a stick. Sometimes I see stuff on walls like "Turn off TV and start thinking – covid is a lie!". At the same time, out healthcare is collapsing. People are dying in ambulances, bouncing from one hospital to another, because all beds are taken. Most of them die while being driven around the city. Those who get to hospitals die alone, because there's too few nurses, no oxygen or respirators, not enough doctors. Hospitals are giant virus coffins right now, and people dying there text their families and urge them not to come, even if they contract the virus, because the conditions are so dire that they actually have higher chance of surviving while staying at home.

  • Sad 1
5 hours ago, Destined said:

We used to make fun of the US and how stupid they behave, but during the second wave had several demonstrations against the regulations (which completely ignored, of course). Not sure what these people are thinking 🤦‍♂️

Yeah, they're complete idiots.

Everybody knows that the only safe forms of protest are Black Lives Matter or Extinction Rebellion. The super-intelligent Covid virus knows who the goodies and the baddies are, and specifically avoids infecting anybody on the left of the political spectrum. This is why BLM and XR rallies are perfectly safe and actively encouraged by the state, whereas anti-lockdown protests are dangerous super-spreader events which result in £10,000 legal fines.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OrbWeaver said:

Yeah, they're complete idiots.

Everybody knows that the only safe forms of protest are Black Lives Matter or Extinction Rebellion. The super-intelligent Covid virus knows who the goodies and the baddies are, and specifically avoids infecting anybody on the left of the political spectrum. This is why BLM and XR rallies are perfectly safe and actively encouraged by the state, whereas anti-lockdown protests are dangerous super-spreader events which result in £10,000 legal fines.

The first are political movements that have existed for years. The other is pseudo scientific conspirology. Any mass gathering helps spread the virus without caring about our politics. I think we need to be smart and stay out of trouble either way.

What's appalling is that people don't know any better until someone from their circle of communication gets in hospital. My cousin works as a nurse at a hospital and the situation definitely gets worse every day. Though our health system was a corrupt mess before as well. People frequently died before the ambulance arrived and such. That was every day statistics. Stuff like peter_spy wrote. But now, the scale is bigger. These days, people can just hang themselves in the hospital to avoid the pain. The doctors and close family will help cover it up to avoid quarantine of course.

The best damage control is to invest more in healthcare and dump other non cost-effective spendings (the military for example, unless you need more trucks to load corpses into).

Edited by Anderson

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.

7 hours ago, peter_spy said:

We have our share of covidiots here as well. There was a case of a drunk guy in the park, who was trying to pull down people's masks and attacked them with a stick. Sometimes I see stuff on walls like "Turn off TV and start thinking – covid is a lie!". At the same time, out healthcare is collapsing. People are dying in ambulances, bouncing from one hospital to another, because all beds are taken. Most of them die while being driven around the city. Those who get to hospitals die alone, because there's too few nurses, no oxygen or respirators, not enough doctors. Hospitals are giant virus coffins right now, and people dying there text their families and urge them not to come, even if they contract the virus, because the conditions are so dire that they actually have higher chance of surviving while staying at home.

It's really horrible. I wish those covidiots would see the danger in other countries and realize that it could happen easily elsewhere as well. If those guys continue their assholery, it's just a question of 'when' it will happen, not 'if'.

By the way, what country do you live in?

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3 hours ago, STiFU said:

It's really horrible. I wish those covidiots would see the danger in other countries and realize that it could happen easily elsewhere as well. If those guys continue their assholery, it's just a question of 'when' it will happen, not 'if'.

By the way, what country do you live in?

Poland, unfortunately. Apart from what happens because of the pandemic, there are tons of things to feel embarrassed for as a citizen here, both on domestic and international front. Unfortunately, 'embarrassment' doesn't seem like a word that would ever exist in far-right party vocabulary.


Second wave hit a bit harder here as well (denmark), case in fact as seen by other examples here we also made the error

by not taking it seriously enough, as seen when we discovered a variant of covid had mutated in local mink farming industries, leading to this enterprises demise as they now have to kill there entire mink population. Atleast our government stepped in early and took most of the problem areas of the grid again, though some stupid assholes still refuse to protect them self and others.

  • Sad 1
11 hours ago, revelator said:

Second wave hit a bit harder here as well (denmark), case in fact as seen by other examples here we also made the error

by not taking it seriously enough, as seen when we discovered a variant of covid had mutated in local mink farming industries, leading to this enterprises demise as they now have to kill there entire mink population. Atleast our government stepped in early and took most of the problem areas of the grid again, though some stupid assholes still refuse to protect them self and others.

I heard about it in the news. Horrible! But good thing, the government took action quickly before we deal with a second pandemic!

Posted (edited)

So ummm... you know how I posted a few days ago how COVID was basically a non-entity in my state and we had no community transmission for about 100 days?

Well, we went from 0 -> 3 -> 18 cases in the span of two days. That's not much and fortunately we're enacting restrictions and can hopefully stomp on it quickly (with lessons learnt from Melbourne/Victoria), but still, unfortunate.

And it's all because I opened my big mouth! Not literally mind you, but... you know what I mean.

Edited by Xolvix
I didn't literally open my mouth and give people the rona, I think
  • Sad 1

A word of warning, Agent Denton. This was a simulated experience; real LAMs will not be so forgiving.

Posted (edited)

Somtimes I dream of a happy place somewhere on earth where there's no Covid-19, no BLM, no #metoo, no #worldextinction, none of that crazy wealth generated, degenerated crap which is all over the place in modern socities these days. Doubtful such a place still exists though, at least if you're used to a certain standard of living.

Nothing against you guys, it's just that I'm so fed up with those first world problems. You may also rip me to pieces now because I said all that. Fair enough.

BTW, Elon Musk got tested on Corona 4 times while he was in Germany. 2 tests were positive, 2 were negative. What a complete unscientific crap.

Edited by chakkman

Sometimes I dream of a happy place somewhere on earth where there's no Covid-19, no BLM, no #metoo, no #worldextinction

You're not wrong up to this point.

Otherwise, I have no time or pejorative words that would deal with the rest of that post. You're not outlooker, that's for sure, but it's still a close second.

10 minutes ago, chakkman said:


BTW, Elon Musk got tested on Corona 4 times while he was in Germany. 2 tests were positive, 2 were negative. What a complete unscientific crap.

Sadly, it's scientific. I had tests for Hepatite C and occasionally it turned out negative. After testing more it was actually positive. Just so you understand I have it for 19 years. Sure, a remission is realistic, but better stay sharp. There's always a margin of error to any test.


13 minutes ago, chakkman said:

Somtimes I dream of a happy place somewhere on earth where there's no Covid-19, no BLM, no #metoo, no #worldextinction, none of that crazy wealth generated, degenerated crap which is all over the place in modern socities these days. Doubtful such a place still exists though, at least if you're used to a certain standard of living.

Nothing against you guys, it's just that I'm so fed up with those first world problems. You may also rip me to pieces now because I said all that. Fair enough.

Welp, 1'st world problems are bound to become problems for all countries on Earth once they reach the same development level.

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.


When put in perspective though, I'd rather deal with first world problems than third world problems. Of course I'd rather deal with no problems at all, but that ain't gonna happen until I'm dead. Or the king of the world. Working on that goal.

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A word of warning, Agent Denton. This was a simulated experience; real LAMs will not be so forgiving.


When i become the illusive man cerberus has your number :P, and no you are not crazy for having those thoughts,

i think many of us do. 

Only thing i can propose for 3'rd worlders are ("do better") atleast they have some glaring examples of what not to do ("looking back at us"). Technology like anything can be used for good or like it turned out for many things worse, its not the fault of the level of development we can only give ourselves the blame for how it is used (unfortunatly).

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Anderson said:

Welp, 1'st world problems are bound to become problems for all countries on Earth once they reach the same development level.

I don't think that's an argument really. It's all happening in the head. Everyone has the power to change things for himself, which will change the world around you. If none of the first world people would be so prone to disaster, panic and hysteria, then better coughs and sneezes wouldn't be made into catastophic pandemics. And noone could pre-judge cops or men, tie a #metoo or #blm badge around the arm, and go witch hunting. Exceptional times, yeah, at least if you make a deal out of everything.

Edited by chakkman
10 hours ago, chakkman said:

If none of the first world people would be so prone to disaster, panic and hysteria, then better coughs and sneezes wouldn't be made into catastophic pandemics.

Ok, I can accept opinions and if you don't like the #metoo or #blm movements, this is up to you, but calling a global pandemic, that has caused 1.3 million (reported) deaths in less than a year and appears to have severe long-lasting effects that cannot be foreseeable, yet, "better coughs and sneezes" is simply ignorant. And not forgetting hospitals and intensive care units reaching the limits of their capacities. Apparently, you yourself have been spared so far and I am glad for you that you have, but this disease is not a "first world problem" that people make up, because they have no other problems. It is a global problem that affects each and every country. Downplaying it like you did is almost as bad as protesting against the restrictions that may have already saved millions of lives and will futher do, if people adhere to them. But you are not far behind...

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Posted (edited)

Not to mention that "you have the power to change yourself" is a privileged self-made-man type of bullshit. Everyone coping with depression or any mental illness, anyone who was born into war, slavery, poverty, abusive parents or any unfavorable conditions really, would extend a friendly "fuck you" in response to such crap. And that's like 90% of the world population.

And "making deal out of everything" is nothing but cultural evolution of manners. Otherwise, all of us would still sit quietly and not make a deal out of prima nocte.

Edited by peter_spy
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21 hours ago, chakkman said:

BTW, Elon Musk got tested on Corona 4 times while he was in Germany. 2 tests were positive, 2 were negative. What a complete unscientific crap.

I recently learned that it was 4 quicktests rather than PCR-tests. Those tests only react to very strong viral load, i.e., when you're very infectious, and are therefore not so accurate, whereas the PCR-tests also find the slightest indication of the virus.

Elon Musk really is to blame for concealing that information in his tweet. As we can see here, it sows distrust in science in a time where we desperately need MORE trust in science. As an engineer himself, Musk should really know better.

Source (in German): https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000121680757/elon-musk-gleichzeitig-positiv-und-negativ-auf-covid-19-getestet

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Destined said:

Ok, I can accept opinions and if you don't like the #metoo or #blm movements, this is up to you

It's not that I don't like them, I don't like pre-judgment. A man is killed while a police officer practices a pretty standard police technique for pacifying people who resist arrest (which has gone horribly wrong, of course, and the police officer should be punished for that, of course), and, because the victim is black, it's immediately racism, and the thrust is that the police officer believes that black lives don't matter. That's just as stupid as believing every woman who claims she got sexually harrassed, or abused, and, without any real evidence, or a court decision based on it, you condemn a man, and make a public example for him, probably ruining his whole life. That's not cool. I believe in facts, evidence, and in fair court rulings. Otherwise we act like monkey, when we resort to lynch mob mentality.

Regarding the 1.3 million Corona victims: Be careful with such numbers. There were lots of cases of countries counting "deaths with Corona". It's not a coincidence that the yearly deaths by influenza are counted in dimensions like 200.000 to 600.000 (in Germany for example), because obviously they can't do a post-mortem examination for every case, just like they can't with Corona. 1.3 million world wide is also not very much, I just stated the deaths by influenza in Germany alone. And, the WHO already corrected the mortality rate a lot downwards.

Anyway, that's all I have to say to that really. I know, as hysteric as this topic is, that a lot of people are very easily offended, insulted, disgusted, whatever really, when you state a uncomfortable view, so, I'll just leave it at that. I don't want to be part of this mass hysteria/hype/whatever thing. And, I don't trust the people in charge that they handle it with the necessary procedures, at all. Too many strange things happening, too much excercise of power, and too many people with some kind of agenda (there were very weird TV ads here... almost as if some forces want to force a complete system change). 

You know what shocks me the most these days? That people are so damn gullible these days, as if all these people who create all this hype only have the best intentions. That's scary. Especially when you consider how people already managed in the past to lure people into wrong ideologies, and get them to follow them on their path. Think Hitler, think Stalin, think religious zealousness. Instead of progress in that regard, I'm afraid that nowadays it's as easy as it was never before to form people, and get them to follow you wherever you say they should go. Scary.

Edited by chakkman

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