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Fan Mission: Iris by WellingtonCrab [TDM 2.11 Required] (2022/02/13)

Iris - Connections Contest Scoring  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Story Quality and Theme (Stars)

    • 5
    • 4
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    • 2
    • 1
  2. 2. Gameplay Quality (Stars)

    • 5
    • 4
    • 3
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    • 1
  3. 3. Visual Quality (Stars)

    • 5
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    • 3
    • 2
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Is this a contest mission?

If so, please let me know if you need assistance adding a poll to the thread ( etc ).

If not, please let me know if you want this added to the mission database early or if you prefer to wait until 2.10 official.

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


Congratulations on the release!

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My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                The Wizard's Treasure                             A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  



30 minutes in the mission and I have to say:

If Looking Glass Studios decided to make "thief 3" it would look like this fan made mission. Congratulations you are a true artist.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
On 2/14/2022 at 2:29 AM, Amadeus said:

This is gonna rock people's socks off!

Congratulations on the release! My socks are still on but this mission definitely doesn't look like crap from WellingtonCrab. :D

Edited by id3839315
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Posted (edited)

@kin Thanks for playing! Let’s see if I can string you along for at least another half hour!

35 minutes ago, id3839315 said:

My socks are still on

Player choice was a guiding principal in the design of Iris, so I am pleased to announce as of patch 1.1 it will become fully playable with your socks either on or off.

@JackFarmer Thanks for being one of the first testers! Not sure if you have ever had the pleasure of using a 1650 mobile, but they basically come for the factory pre busted.

Edited by Wellingtoncrab
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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =


Played it for a few hours last night and hopefully I can finish it tonight after the kids go to sleep.

I must say, hot damn! This is one fun mission. Exploration and map design are top notch. It all interweaves and connects so well!

Your storytelling and narrative style are awesome, all the readables are fantastic!

This must be an alt account or something, there's no way it's your first map, its just too good! 🙃

Brilliant job. Definitely gave me Life of the Party vibes.

  • Like 3

As my father used to say, "A grenade a day, keeps the enemy at bay!"

My one FM so far: Paying the Bills: 0 - Moving Day


@Jedi_Wannabe thank you so much for playing! I hope you enjoy through to end.

I would definitely describe this as more my first finished release than my first map. The road there is paved with many abandoned attempts and reworks. 

Given I had been so bad at releasing anything over the span of really my entire life, I had no idea how many releases I realistically had in me. So for this one, for all its lingering faults, I hope I made it count.

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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =

Posted (edited)

I had some catching up to do but figured I'd give this one a try, thinking it would be a small, short map. An appetizer before going through larger missions. I start the mission, leave the apartment, and immediately know this one is going to be special. 7 hours later, the mission completion screen greets me and I feel a bit sad the ride is over. This FM is that good.

I'm a huge sucker for tight alleyways and verticality so I was instantly hooked. The district is huge, with many paths to take, places to rob, and even more secrets to discover. It's really well made and feels like a real place. Speaking of which, informing the player where he is and whether the place is hostile or not when entering a new area was a neat addition. It really helped a ton and prevented me from getting hopelessly lost. Going about the streets without the need to hide was a pleasant change of pace and gave me a chance to admire the architecture.

The ambiance and lighting further highlight the creativity that went into this. To me it seems like a passion project, there is so much care and attention to detail! Colour me surprised. Going into this and seeing it was the author's first mission, I expected an okay mission, not a masterpiece that instantly made it among my top 5 all time favourite TDM missions. Another surprise was the performance. Dunno what sort of magic you did but it runs great in all areas. 


Got a bit over 13k loot and I think I may have found all the mementos. The sky turned red and there was no rest for me anymore. I did what had to be done. What a way to end the mission.

A huge thank you to @Wellingtoncrab and all others involved in the map's creation, you have made a piece of art.

Edited by Kopfrkingl
  • Like 3

Just finished. What a brilliant mission! I'll hide comments just in case they spoil things for people.


The design and layout are outstanding - so many levels, and so many paths. I'm just astounded by the complexity and interrelationships of the buildings and rooms.

The progression was spot-on too, in a couple of ways. First, having to earn your tools (despite not having them). You start out scrounging for every penny, trying to afford the picks and a few arrows. But over time you end up with tons of loot and equipment (rarely had to use arrows, as it turned out). Second, the progression of exploration - at each step, just when I thought 'how in the world am I supposed to get there?', I'd soon figure it out. Very sophisticated map design. 

The hostile/non-hostile thing was a nice change of pace. But it threw me for a loop a couple of times: I could be recalling this wrong, but people I thought were non-hostile got upset with me for just bumping into them. Could that be possible? Or am I mis-remembering? I might go back and load a save to see if I can get it to happen again.

I'm not a completionist, so I left a large majority of the loot out there. But that's okay; I'll go back and explore some more, just to be in that world.

And I haven't even mentioned the clever use of 2.10 features (xray, volumetric lights). And the quality of the readables/stories.

A sincere Thank You!

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@Kopfrkinglthank you for playing! It is incredibly gratifying to hear your feedback.

32 minutes ago, Kopfrkingl said:

Another surprise was the performance. Dunno what sort of magic you did but it runs great in all areas.

While I was always keeping this mind, as well as developing the mission itself on what I would describe as under powered hardware, I must say a huge credit for any success here goes to the development team. I do not know the extent of the changes, but I do know after I switched to 2.10 by the end I was adding content I had cut in 2.09 for performance reasons back to the map and not seeing much of penalty. There are also huge workflow enhancements in this version of TDM and DarkRadiant.

I have to say:


You are the first player to report achieving the alternate ending, which while I would not describe it as necessarily the “true” one, I personally feel it is the fitting one. I wasn’t sure if anyone would see it and I am more pleased than anything to see I was wrong.

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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =


@joebarnin another emphatic thank you for playing! I really appreciate it and I am glad to hear you enjoyed the mission

5 minutes ago, joebarnin said:
  Hide contents

The hostile/non-hostile thing was a nice change of pace. But it threw me for a loop a couple of times: I could be recalling this wrong, but people I thought were non-hostile got upset with me for just bumping into them. Could that be possible? Or am I mis-remembering? I might go back and load a save to see if I can get it to happen again.


Thank you for mentioning this - I think your memory is quite intact, as I have been hearing some reports of this and it was an issue with what I thought were select AI in testing but may be wider spread. Will definitely be looking at this closely in the first patch.

Thank you again!

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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =

On 2/15/2022 at 6:13 PM, Wellingtoncrab said:

@kin Thanks for playing! Let’s see if I can string you along for at least another half hour!

This is your first mission release? You got to be kidding me. I have never seen something like that in darkmod

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