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Fan Mission: A Night in Altham


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3 hours ago, staterathesmol said:

Does anyone know where the crown is so i can put the spooky scary skeletons back to bed? ive ran up and down the east sewers now found the dagger and scepter and honestly just godmodded to kill the skellies so i could run up and down easier looking for the crown. ive checked every possible route that rowe COULD have taken running out of the tomb and i honestly just cant find it. its not on any bodies of the skeletons as far as i can tell and not in any of the rooms. im afraid its somewhere in the horrible water recflecting jank water and ill have to crawl up and down for it. if anyone knows where it is im not afraid of spoilers i just wanna play more of this fun map. im a completeionist you see. 




Red is where it is for the two easier difficulties. Green for the hardest. Now, it's possible that if the skeletons got agitated and started running, they kicked it somewhere else...


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Are you new in town and you want to try The Dark Mod? Spend A Night in Altham. This mission shamelessly but masterfully throws at you almost everything this game has to offer.


Right at the beginning we are welcomed with a couple of clever puzzles and that felt like a great start. Big machinery looks and sounds wonderful. I am liking this place.

Sewer segment was fantastic. I stumbled across the Crown by pure chance upon stepping on something that sounded like metal. I would have liked an extra, hidden resolution when all skeletons are brought back to the tombs.

A good change of pace in the Town, with intricate but well interconnected areas. Very clever setup (and puzzles) with the peek holes. I thought the guard would have had the scroll with the code to the gates but no, I stumbled across the scroll on the floor by pure chance.

The Cathedral was simply perfect. Going full speed through large corridors and areas guarded with few AI makes me feel free and in full control. I loved the place. If anything, the guts of the cathedral felt a bit too clean and, in my opinion, this section would have improved if it was pitch black and you had to use the lantern to navigate it.

I found number two of the Arcane scrolls first so I knew there was at least another one. Found the third but didn't read it and I spent some time looking for a fourth. Naming scrolls 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 would have made the endeavor a tad more focused, I think. Anyway, magic eventually happened and I got very excited with my new assignment. The addition of the potion took the mission to the next level and everything up until the orb was a truly fantastic ride. I had a lot of fun. The potion mechanic is very well executed but the sounds are perhaps a little too loud for the many times the item is used.

The orb mechanic is exceptionally well executed and it should have been used more often! At this point I was looking towards to the big finale and I rushed through the fourth chapter. I admit the outcome left a sour taste in my mouth but hey, expectations were incredibly high!

I went back and returned the Numonian to its rightful place. The only deed I couldn't accomplish was finding somebody that went missing.

@joebarnin, you are the Master Riddler. Many thanks for almost five hours of pure joy.

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@snatcherThanks for the review! I'll consider some of your suggestions for version 2. Although, I might be pushing my luck if I make the mission even longer!

As for,

30 minutes ago, snatcher said:

The only deed I couldn't accomplish was finding somebody that went missing.


Back in part 4, as you were exploring the caves on your way out, you climbed down a hole (after the gas vent, just before you found your way up to the orb). After climbing down, there was a way to squeeze into a small area that contains the missing person. You can get back there from the starting point (it's a long way) and the gate to the orb is now open, so you can climb down from there.



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I just finished part 1. That was excellent -


very challenging getting through the sewers, I loved it.  Also, cool machines in the pump house.

A non-mission-breaking bug I ran into with the blackjack:


when knocking out Payne and also Jack, their bodies flailed around and they died instead of just going unconscious.
I ran into this problem with my own fm and it was solved simply by lowering the chair (or bed) they were sitting on by one or two notches. It seems TDM makes the ai sit too low, so they overlap with some of the chair colliders and that causes them to flail around and take damage when you club them. I've read elsewhere in the forum that it's possible for other nearby furniture to also interfere. 

Cheers, I'm off to tackle Part 2😀

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A big mission, this one! I kept playing and it kept going. What a ride.

It was something to look forward to since your missions always have creative and fun ideas in them. Imo the entire mission was really fun and packed with ideas, but it was the second half (once you reach the cathedral) where it really shined, and I enjoyed outsmarting the security systems and looking for clues/keys. The vision potion's effect was pretty neat! The forest section that followed was deliciously hostile, yet great at letting me make use of the arrows I had gathered earlier.  At times I was stuck and it took me a bit to find a way forward (mainly the warehouse), but most of the time the path was clear.

I have completed several good deeds and optional objectives, maybe except for one.


I found the crown, scepter, and dagger, but did not return them. The queen was dead, and so were her skeletons once I was done with them, so whatever, it's all mine.


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16 minutes ago, pax-downunder said:

Hi guys, 

I am playing it and I got stuck in the basement of this rich house. Help me please

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Near the pickaxe I found a movable block and, after I ditched it, there it is a passage but, even if I crouch, I cannot pass. Bug perhaps? Let me know please. Last resort is to noclip. 



If you grabbed and moved the brick piece of wall out of the way, you should indeed be able to pass through that hole in the basement while crouched. It worked for me during Beta 3, wonder if something could have broken since or it's behaving differently on your TDM settings or version, or I'm misunderstanding and this is something and somewhere else?


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10 minutes ago, MirceaKitsune said:
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If you grabbed and moved the brick piece of wall out of the way, you should indeed be able to pass through that hole in the basement while crouched. It worked for me during Beta 3, wonder if something could have broken since or it's behaving differently on your TDM settings or version, or I'm misunderstanding and this is something and somewhere else?


No, you got that right. I did exactly as you told me: moved the brick out of the way and crouched. I cannot pass through.  

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24 minutes ago, pax-downunder said:

Another weird behavior...

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Should you be able to see something when using the peep-holes? I only see black. I thought that was the way to get the safe's combination in room 1.



Yes, you should see something. Are you running on Linux? Beta testers reported problems with peeping on that platform. The safe combo can be seen from inside the room, but it's hard to see. The combo is:



As for the brick/crouch problem, did you move the brick so that it was completely out of the way? That's all I can thing of. (Edit: Also, make sure you are pressed against the wall, and inline with the hole)


Edited by joebarnin
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19 minutes ago, joebarnin said:
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Yes, you should see something. Are you running on Linux? Beta testers reported problems with peeping on that platform. The safe combo can be seen from inside the room, but it's hard to see. The combo is:

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As for the brick/crouch problem, did you move the brick so that it was completely out of the way? That's all I can thing of. (Edit: Also, make sure you are pressed against the wall, and inline with the hole)


Yes, running on Linux Ubuntu

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@joebarnin @pax-downunder I'm on Linux too (Debian 12 64 bit), and


while I've experienced the already known problem of seeing only pitch black in the holes on the wall, I could move that brick, crouch and pass through the passage without any problem.




check better the room with the big lion, and make sure to read completely the hints in the garden.


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Well, this has been quite the ride! Great map layouts and I loved the obfuscated clues in the cathedral. It was a huge gauntlet-run getting to where I must be close to the end of the mission. But now I'm stuck


in the cave after grabbing the Golden Buck. I've looked everywhere with and without the special vision, but no luck finding a way out. I even shot a rope arrow into the Golden Buck sign and climbed back up to the top of the shaft, but the entrance was too far to jump to and I think it was sealed anyway.

What did I miss?

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59 minutes ago, McPhisto2051 said:

I would also know the combination for the room with the lion, there seems to be no hint (or ofc I didnt found it), perhaps Ill need it later? 😉


so far, a really nice (and huuuge) mission!!!


Use the vision potion in the garden, look at the plaques. See any numbers?





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50 minutes ago, grodenglaive said:

in the cave after grabbing the Golden Buck. I've looked everywhere with and without the special vision, but no luck finding a way out. I even shot a rope arrow into the Golden Buck sign and climbed back up to the top of the shaft, but the entrance was too far to jump to and I think it was sealed anyway.


In the cave/labyrinth, go past the sign, follow the path to the left and down. At some point, look up and see that you can use a rope arrow. Climb up to a place you can't get to otherwise:

Then find your way to a flame vent.


Look around - there's a way to climb to a new set of paths. After a while you get to a grate that you can't open.


But it's over an inactive flame vent - ignite it with a fire arrow to 'melt' the lock, then douse it with a water arrow.


Climb  up through the open grate, then around a bit, then down (look around at this point for a 'good deed'), then around and up to the orb room.





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