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I have focused on building and haven't played any missions recently so this is probably an old issue since the release of 2.12 but I've noticed that the candle in holders is buggy with the lighting. Either the flame doesn't cast any light or there is a black box around it.

  • 1 month later...
On 10/17/2024 at 6:04 PM, nbohr1more said:

Please invoke reloadGLSLPrograms the condump graphics.txt and attach the condump file.

Sorry, tech noob here. How exactly do I do this?


I tried your Darkmod.cfg and couldn't replicate.

The condump shows you are running Windows, have an RTX 2070 with newish drivers.

I tested on Windows 10, latest Nvidia drivers, on an RTX 2060.

These should be the same system in terms of shader compiles.

Check your darkmod folder for a glprogs folder or any mod pk4 files that have glprogs folder in them.

I think you have an old version of the blendlight shader somewhere in your install.

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I looked at the shader, and all the types match.

Maybe you really have wrong shader somewhere, it is between two files:

  1. glprogs\stages\light_passes\blend_light.frag.glsl
  2. glprogs\tdm_lightproject.glsl

Here is the important contents in the first shader, it must match exactly:

uniform sampler2D u_lightFalloffTexture;
uniform sampler2D u_lightProjectionTexture;
uniform vec4 u_lightTextureMatrix[2];
uniform vec4 u_blendColor;

in vec4 var_TexLight;

out vec4 FragColor;

void main() {
	vec4 lightColor = projFalloffOfNormalLight(u_lightProjectionTexture, u_lightFalloffTexture, u_lightTextureMatrix, var_TexLight);
	FragColor = u_blendColor * lightColor;

Here is the important line in the second shader, it must match too:

vec4 projFalloffOfNormalLight(in sampler2D lightProjectionTexture, in sampler2D lightFalloffTexture, in vec4 texMatrix[2], vec4 texCoord) {

Maybe your driver cached compiled shader somewhere and still tries to use the old cache.

Maybe this is some driver-specific issue.

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