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TDM 2.13 is ready for beta test

This is how to get beta versions:

Upgrade from any version (fast):
1 - Start tdm_installer in darkmod folder.
2 - On the first screen, check "Get custom version" and click "Next". Choose the first name in beta/2.13 list, should look like "beta213-NN".
3 - Click on "Refresh" button to ensure that it is not going to download too much stuff.
4 - Continue installing with "Next".

Fresh install (slow):
1 - Create darkmod folder anywhere you like.
2 - Download the TDM Installer from downloads section of the website. Extract tdm_installer executable from the downloaded ZIP and place it into your darkmod folder.
3 - Start tdm_installer (in case of Linux, first edit file permissions to allow executing it).
4 - On the first screen, check "Get custom version" and click "Next". Choose the first name in beta/2.13 list, should look like "beta213-NN".
5 - Continue installing with "Next".

In general, upgrade is recommended over fresh install. If you don't want to lose your current TDM installation, then you can copy the whole TDM directory and upgrade the copy. This way you can have both 2.13 beta and 2.12 at the same time.

At the end of installation, tdm_installer resets your config by renaming darkmod.cfg to darkmod_{datatime}.cfg. This is a recommended procedure on upgrade, otherwise you are likely to have issues due to old config. If you need your old config for some reason, you can always find it in darkmod folder.


1 - Please try to be specific when reporting a problem. What you were doing, where you were when the problem occurred, can you reproduce it, etc.
This wiki article provides many suggestions for good bug reports.

2 - Make sure to check every mission for update just before playing it. We expect to apply small tweaks to missions during this beta phase.

3 - This effort is to find out if we broke anything in TDM with our 2.13 changes, if a new 2.13 feature isn't working correctly.
We won't be trying to fix bugs that have been around for a long time. Instead, we will create an issue in bugtracker (if not yet present), to fix it after beta.

4 - If you find something wrong, it would be helpful if you report whether the issue happens in 2.12 too.
By the way, you can easily get 2.12 version: just copy your darkmod folder and run tdm_installer on the copy, selecting "release212" on the custom version screen.

Thank you for testing !

  • Like 2


g_lightQuotientAlgo --- which light estimate system is used by AI (0 = old system).
g_showLightQuotient and g_les* --- can be used for debugging of the new system.

r_envmapBumpyBehavior --- selects visual behavior of bumpmapped environment mapping (0 for the old behavior, 1 for the new one).

s_overrideParmsMode --- selects the behavior of zero value in sound emitter parameters (0 for the old behavior, 1 for the new one).

r_materialNewParse --- how are material stages grouped into interaction groups (0 for the old behavior, 1 for the new one).

r_shadowMapAlphaTested, r_shadowMapOnTranslucent --- enable some shadow effects which can only be implemented with shadow maps, and don't work with stencil shadows. See also this post.


r_lockView --- a debug cvar which freezes culling, so you can fly around and see what is rendered in the frozen frame (thread).

r_subviewMaxDepth --- limit on depth of nested subviews. Worth trying to lower this if performance is suddenly awful.

dmap_outputNoSnap --- control flag for the latest fix in dmap. Ideally, you never need to change it, unless you try to understand why dmap works differently in 2.13.

r_skipEntities, r_skipParallax --- new debug cvars, might be useful to detect performance issues.

s_levelLoadParallel 0 --- disables parallel loading of sound samples.

jobs_numThreadsRealtime, jobs_numThreadsNonInteractive, jobs_maxHddThreads --- various cvars to tweak parallelism across threads/cores, mainly affects level loading.


r_postprocess_compress --- controls the new compression curve for overbright colors in tonemapping. r_postprocess_compress*, r_postprocess_overbright_desaturation, r_postprocess_desaturation --- tweak the specifics of this addition. Please read this post!

r_tonemapOnlyGame3d 1 --- tonemapping is disabled outside 3D game (e.g. in main menus).

tdm_subtitles_volume* --- how volume of played sound is converted to opacity of the location ring on subtitles.


printPersistentInfo --- debug command that prints "persistent args" to game console. These arguments are used to pass information between missions in a campaign.

setm/unsetm --- commands that set mission override value for a cvar, equivalent to setting cvar value from game script.

  • Like 1

Changelog of 2.13 development:

beta213-02 (rev 17281-10932)
* Fixed HOM-like artifacts in AT1 Lucy and trash frames on TDM start on Linux (post, post).
* Disabled tonemap compression curve and reverted settings to 2.12 defaults (post).
* Added menu options to disable volumetric lights and parallax mapping.
* Fixed varioius issues with largesquare01 materials (6579).
* Fixed several issues in the new parallax materials (6604).
* Deleted plain_redgreen_design_HD material which references non-existent textures (6601).
* Some main menu buttons during game start replaced with generic "Next" (post).
* Climbing sounds now depend on material (4991).
* Added shaded_lamp_with_grill model (6589).
* New fabric_ornate and fabric_fleur materials.

beta213-01 (rev 17262-10927)
* Improving the fonts continued (thread).
* Fixed unwanted mine deployment when player eats the last bit of food in hands (6598).
* Removed old hack to fix for scripted savegame crash (4967).
* Added a model ext_timber01_window01_empty.lwo (6600).
* Fixed missing skin for atdm:ai_revenant_spirit (6595).

* Added slowfall potion.
* Added invisibility potion.
* New tonemap settings are now default (post).
* Added Texture Quality settings in the main menu.
* Added pipes_industrial_modular models.
* Minor adjustments to colored versions of gen3 environment maps.
* Default value of inv_count is back at 1 to fix issues with inventory counts.
* Fixed rare crash on loading collision models (post).
* Refactored heatHaze shaders.

* Added many new high-res materials, half of them with parallax mapping.
* Implemented optional HDR compression in tonemapping + other improvements (post).
* Implemented interactionSeparator syntax in materials (post).
* Added new entityDef: atdm:radio.
* Added colored versions of gen3 environment cubemaps for metallic materials.
* Added new environment cubemaps: sparkles, studio, blurry.
* Added coat_commoner_hanging and coat_inventor_hanging models.
* Added mantle_clock_ticking sound.
* Improved lightgem calculations while leaning (post).
* Fixed regression with double-sided materials (5862).
* New sorting of inventory grid items (6592).
* Reduced font size of mission list, which allows to see more missions and longer names (post).
* Added scrollbar to "notes" of a mission in the main menu.
* Optimization: don't render interaction groups with black diffuse & specular.
* Improved "scepter" material (thread).
* Fixed normal map of ornament_relief_mold_eaglelshield (6585).
* More tweaks to starry2 materials.
* Made material noshadows: moon_full_shaded, shooting_star, moon_glow.
* Added "inv_count" "1" spawnarg to atdm:playertool.
* Gas mine now costs 125 instead of 75.
* Added min/max builtin functions to game scripts.
* Added script events about gravity, health, in-air movement.
* Added script events setUserBy, setFrobActionScript.

* Added entityDef archery_target01 with hit detection, it is now used in Training Mission.
* Fixed missing steam_pipe02_straight in Training Mission.
* Hiding mouse cursor during briefing in official missions (6576).
* Cleaned up the code for extracting interaction groups in material.
* Parallax mapping: supported "translate", self-shadows are disabled properly (6571).
* Fixed meshes generator_big, generator_small, generator2, warehouse_front_doorframe (6581).
* Fixed material on model stove_open02 (6580).
* Fixed decals on ext_timber01_window01 (5782).
* Improved largesquare01 materials with bumpmap and specular (6579).
* Added skybox materials clouds3 and clouds_4_small + prefabs.

* Major update of Training Mission, including vine arrows (4352).
* Added TDM version + engine revision in lower-left corner of main menu.
* Experimental implementation of parallax mapping (6571).
* Fixed frob interaction with candle holder that's initially extinguished (6577).
* Better icons for scrollbar thumb in menu, fixed author search (6339 6570 6449).
* Fixed hiding mouse cursor during video briefing/debriefing (6576).
* Fixed map immobilization not applied if opening map with inv use key.
* Forbid adding missions to download when download is in progress (6368).
* Skip disabled bump stages in environment mapping (6572).
* Disabled texture compression for light images: falloff and IBL cubemaps.
* Minor change in shadow map acne / blur radius computation (6571).
* Added banner01_edgar and banner01_viktor banners, along with long versions.
* Fixed UV map for longbanner_ragged model (6573).
* Added missing jack/drunk_idle13.ogg sample (6507).
* Fixed handle_curved02_latch prefab, deleted pull_handle (6286).
* Replaced normal map of cobblestone_blue_black with high-res version (6574).
* More detailed editor images of some materials (6575).
* Added small_dresser_openable prefab.
* Added banner_sword + tdm_bannerlong_sword materials.
* Increased size of secret message overlay GUI.

* Massive improvements in mission select & download menus, added search (6339 6570 6449).
* Improvements and fixes for "builder priest" animated mesh.
* Improvements of idle01 animation.
* Improved newspaper01 model (6568).
* Added gas mine to "map start pack" prefabs (6559).
* Fixed text alignment in save/load menus.
* Minor CI/build fixes.

* Enabled the new system for tracking light value by default (6546).
* New light value tracking integration covers ropes and doors + optimized shadow rays (6546).
* Added atdm:playertools_gasmine (6559).
* Workaround for compiler bug which broke particle collisions with texture layout (post).
* Fixed r_showTris: color, values 2 and 3 (6560).
* Minor improvements to drunk vocals (6507).
* More tweaks to sculpted/girard_relief_pho.

* Major improvements in drunk AIs: setting "drunk" spawnarg is enough now; new sounds, animation improvements, greetings, etc. (6507). Fixed drunk women AI (5047).
* Incorporated stone font updates by Geep (thread).
* New footstep sounds for ice and broken glass (6551).
* Fixed light culling bug on elongated models with non-identity rotation (6557).
* Added new system for tracking light value of entities (6546). It is disabled yet.
* Technical change in loading of particle collisions (6546).
* Now AI follower settings can be set as spawnargs, added prefab (6552).
* Added proper dmap error message if map file contains an entity before worldspawn.
* Fixed water_medium_running sound (5384).
* Fixed window/metal_irregularpanes_moonlit material.
* Fixed wood/boards/rough_boards_scratched (4157).
* Fixed wall/ship_wheel model (6549).
* Fixed gaps in awning_cloth_01_large model (6550).
* Added weather particles with static collisions enabled (6545).
* Added a pack of new factory_machines models (6537).
* Added fabric/cloth_baize materials (red and purple).
* Added window/diamond_pattern01_moonlit_bright material (6133).
* Added AO and specular maps to sculpted/girard_relief material.
* Added musicbox sound, added prefabs for it and for victrola.
* Added wood/panels/mary_panel model.
* DarkRadiant now knows about parallelSky param (6496).

* Supported "efx_preset" spawnarg on location entities (6273, thread).
* Fixed rendering of volumetric light and particles in X-ray views (6538).
* Fixed rendering of particles in mirrors (6538).
* Improved volume estimation for subtitles, very quiet subtitles are hidden (6491).
* Fixed bug in idClip::Translation of non-centered models.
* Third-party integration greatly reworked for better integration with conan (6253).
* Stone/subtitle font improvements by Geep.
* Fixed sleeping sounds for drunk AIs (6539), and other sounds for them too (6507).
* Fixed missing shadow on endtable_001 model (6288).
* Added girard_relief material.
Known issues:
* Shadows of Northdale Act 1 does not start (6509). (mission has been updated)

* Supported mission overrides for cvars which are tied to gameplay state (5453).
* Fixed crash on start with 32-bit Windows build.
* Rebuilt all third-party libraries with conan 2 system (6253).
* Reverted improvements of capped FPS to fix video/audio desync (5575).

* Restored ability to create cvars dynamically, fixing bow in missions (5600).
* Fixed issue where .cfg files were saved every frame (5600).
* Added sys.getcvarf script event for getting float value of cvar (6530).
* Extracted most of constants from weapon scripts into cvars (6530).

* Support passing information between game and briefing/debriefing GUI via persistent info. Also changed start map & location selection, added on_mission_complete script callback (6509 thread).
* New bumpmapped environment mapping is now default (6354).
* New behavior of zero sound spawnarg is now default (6346).
* Added sound for "charge post" model (6527).
* Major refactoring of cvars system to simplify future changes (5600).
Known issues:
* Bow does not shoot in some missions: thread (only in this dev build)

* Nested subviews (mirrors, remotes, sky, etc.) now work properly (6434).
* Added GUI debriefing state on mission success (6509 thread).
* Sound argument override with zero now works properly under cvar (6346 thread).
* Environment mapping is same on bumpy and non-bumpy surfaces under cvar (6354 thread).
* Default console font size reduced to 5, added lower bound depending on resolution.
* Added high-quality versions of panel_carved_rectangles (6515).
* Added proper normal map for stainglass_saint_03 (6521).
* Fixed DestroyDelay warning when closing objectives.
* Fixed the only remaining non-threadsafe cvar (5600).
* Minor optimization of depth shader.
* Added cm_allocator debug cvar (6505).
* Fixed r_lockView when compass is enabled.

* Enabled shadow features specific to maps implementation (poll).
* Auto-detect number of parallel threads to use in jobs system (6503).
* Improved parallel images loading, parallelized sounds loading, optimized EAS (6503).
* Major improvements in mission loading progress bar (6503).
* Core missions are now stored uncompressed in assets SVN (6498).
* Deleted a lot of old rendering code under useNewRenderPasses + some cleanup (6271).

* Environment mapping supports texcoord transforms on bumpmap (6500).
* Fully disabled shadows on translucent objects (6490).
* Fixed dmap making almost axis-aligned visportals buggy (6480).
* com_maxFps no longer quantizes by milliseconds on Windows 8+.
* Now Uncapped FPS and Vsync are ON by default.
* Supported Vsync control on Linux.
* Added set of prototype materials (thread).
* Fixes to Stone font to remove stray pixels (post).
* Loot candlestick no longer toggle the candle when taken.
* Optimized volumetric lights and shadows in the new Training Mission (4352).
* Fixed frob_light_holder_toggle_light on entities with both skin_lit and skin_unlit.
* Now combination lock supports non-door entities by activating them.
* Added low-poly version of hedge model (6481).
* Added tiling version of distant_cityscape_01 texture (6487).
* Added missing editor image for geometric02_red_end_HD (6492).
* Added building_facades/city_district decal material.
* Fixed rendering with "r_useScissor 0" (6349).
* Added r_lockView debug rendering cvar (thread).
* Fixed regression in polygon trace model (5887).
* Added a set of lampion light entityDefs.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having trouble installing this. I've tried two different mirrors but I keep getting "minizip errors", whatever that means.

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                The Wizard's Treasure                             A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


2 hours ago, thebigh said:

I'm having trouble installing this. I've tried two different mirrors but I keep getting "minizip errors", whatever that means.

I did update from last dev build to bveta213-01 fine.
Just now I also did fresh install in empty directory. It also works fine.

Could you please try again?
And if it still does not work, can you attach the last tdm_installer_xxxxxxxxxx.log?


It's working again now. Must have been some temporary glitch.

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                The Wizard's Treasure                             A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


Posted (edited)
On 1/2/2025 at 7:31 PM, stgatilov said:

Several new player tools have been added:

  • slowfall potion (thread)
  • gas mine
  • invisibility potion (from @kingsal missions)

These are great additions! Finally something new from the gameplay side, and now I can remove my own invisibilty potion.

I noticed something about the font though, don't know if it's 2.13 only: in the mission list the lower pixels of letters are cut!

Edited by wesp5
Posted (edited)

I noticed that in the training mission, the Better and higher LOD settings are making the scene brighter. It's not (always) an improvement. I assume this is because of cubemaps and/or VL-light. Not related to the new tonemapping.






Edited by datiswous
On 1/2/2025 at 7:32 PM, stgatilov said:

* Removed old hack to fix for scripted savegame crash (4967).

Nice! @kingsal's Hazard Pay does not crash anymore while saving using a save room in Expert mode under Linux.

Just tested.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

See attachment, I marked some red. And can someone please increase the attachment file size here! It's ridiculous.


Edited by wesp5
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
On 1/2/2025 at 7:32 PM, stgatilov said:

* Added scrollbar to "notes" of a mission in the main menu.

Is it currently possible to add such a scrollbar to a (custom) briefing gui? Or maybe it's activated by default for longer briefing texts?

Posted (edited)

There's still this (briefing) bug that I think I mentioned, but can't find it:

When you write in mainmenu_custom_devs.gui for your mission


It still shows the "Buy equipment"-button for it on the difficulty screen of the briefing, although it does skip the shop if you click on it. I know there is the option to set it in the worldspawn of your map, but still the above setting is almost useless.

Or should I make a bug report for this instead?

Edited by datiswous
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, datiswous said:

There's still this (briefing) bug that I think I mentioned, but can't find it:

When you write in mainmenu_custom_devs.gui for your mission


It still shows the "Buy equipment"-button for it on the difficulty screen of the briefing, although it does skip the shop if you click on it. I know there is the option to set it in the worldspawn of your map, but still the above setting is almost useless.

I guess the two messages should be merged into single "Next" button.
In general case, we usually don't know what would be the next page in the sequence.

4 hours ago, datiswous said:

Is it maybe possible to make some sort of if statement based on the setting #define ENABLE_MAINMENU_SHOP ?

It is possible.
It's just a wrong approach in general now.

When it was done, the sequence of menu screens during mission start was almost completely fixed.
Now when you click Back button in the shop, you might get to difficulty selection, briefing, briefing video, or straight to the menu. It has become rather impractical trying to set all button names depending on where you will arrive. The better approach is to simply have "Continue" and "Back" buttons everywhere.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, snatcher said:

An addition to my, never acknowledged (too much asking, I know), previous report:

  • AT1: Lucy's quest: funny things going on in the background during the briefing



dev17251-10920 on Windows

  • By Any Other Name: file maps\byanyothername.script, line 2075: endTime redeclared
  • The Heart of Saint Mattis: Press escape during the initial cutscene and the game freezes

Can anybody else confirm?

I fixed "By Any Other Name". Once the mission database fully processes the commit v5 will have the fix.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, nbohr1more said:

By Any Other Name: file maps\byanyothername.script, line 2075: endTime redeclared

I can confirm that and it was already mentioned before. My suggestion is to rename endTime in the Holy Water arrow script to holyarrow_endTime or similar, because otherwise this might happen again or already is happening elsewhere.

Edited by wesp5
On 1/15/2025 at 7:21 AM, wesp5 said:

I noticed something about the font though, don't know if it's 2.13 only: in the mission list the lower pixels of letters are cut!

This is due to the recent tonemapper changes. When r_tonemapOnlyGame3d is set to 1, the fonts are distorted. When r_tonemapOnlyGame3d is set to 0, the fonts look fine.

11 minutes ago, snatcher said:
  • Mandrasola: Some windows have lost their mojo






@Amadeus can you revert this and create new materials defs with the desired design eg: window_moolit_new (etc)?

Do your changes significantly improve existing missions so that only this mission is an outlier ( eg we would just include an override def in this mission ) ?

  • Like 1

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


re comparison screenshots of the windows: Could it be the difference in tonemappers rather than something wrong with the assets?


2 hours ago, snatcher said:

Mandrasola: Some windows have lost their mojo

What does it look like with:

r_postprocess_compress 0
r_postprocess_desaturation 0
r_postprocess_overbright_desaturation 0

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    • Ansome

      While updating my first FM, I noticed a lot of silly things I did because I was still new to DR. For example, there was a model for a wheel that I wanted the player to be able to turn that had its origin off-center. I didn't know I could just re-export the model inside DR to fix its origin, so instead that wheel triggers a func_mover it's bound to. A silly solution in retrospect, has anyone else made somewhat janky or roundabout solutions to technical challenges in their maps? I'd love to hear about 'em!
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    • datiswous

      If you use DarkRadiant in Linux while using a dark theme, a large amount of the icons are hard to see, because it's dark-color on dark background (wish DR darkmode was a little less dark). A workaround is switching to a light theme when using DR. I'm using XFCE as DE, so I made this script (mostly copied from this code), which works as a toggle. Then I set it to a keyboard shortcut. The switch works even when DR is already opened.
      current_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme) if [[ $current_theme == 'Adwaita-dark' ]]; then xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s 'Mint-X-Grey' xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s 'Mint-X-Grey' else xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s 'Adwaita-dark' xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s 'Adwaita-dark' fi This only works for the XFCE DE though.
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    • datiswous

      I just bought/build a new pc, so probably less performance related whining from my part from now on..
      Sorry in advance!
      Here are the specs
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    • jivo

      In case you missed it, I updated the Visible Player Hands mod to version 2.0. It now works while a weapon is selected and has a Linux version too.
      Check it out if you're interested: Visible Player Hands 2.0
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    • thebigh

      Starting a playthrough of the whole Dark Mod, from oldest mission to newest. I've knocked over the first few already and about to start Living Expenses. Only ~170 missions to go!
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