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Hi, I'd like to use the golden clock icon of this website, the one in the corner up there, as an icon for TDM stuff. Does anyone know where I can get a high resolution image of the full clock that I can use, or just attach one to a post here or something like that? I tried searching for it and couldn't find it actually, just either partial versions or versions covered with text, etc. Cheers.

Edit: This is the best version I can find but still has text in front of it.




Edit2: I found this version


which comes from this page:


That may work if I can't find one better. But if anyone knows where a better or more HR version is, let me know.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.


I think at this point it might be useful to rework the logo as a 3D model, so you can render it in any resolution you need. You could do the same for the TDM starting video too. Either that or maybe using vector app like Corel or InkScape, whatever is easier for you. This could be a fun little project in itself :)

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

So this one is probably best:


Maybe try a bit of (ai) upscale. I had recently somewhat good results using Upscayl, which is open source and multiplatform local software. I used it actually to upscale the tdm intro animation (but I seemed to be the only one liking the result).


Indeed maybe it's not too difficult to make a vector graphic out of the center part.

I used to resize images by converting them to vector (via Inkscape, then resize and then convert back and then edit the color gradient issues. Recently I read somewhere ai upscalers use a similar approach.

Edited by datiswous
Posted (edited)

You can do it in many different ways: use 3d modelling app only, do base image and add effects in 2d editing software, you can export it to modern engines like UE5 or Unity and apply materials there, you can use each of them to make cinematics (although with realtime engines it should be easier than with offline renderers). You don't need to obsess about one particular way of making things, as it would depend on experience of a person doing such task (their favorite tools and ways of work, etc.).

Edited by peter_spy

As a quick update, the one I found, which is basically what datiswous posted as well, does the job perfectly fine. The icon ended up looking great. Actually it's for Discord. We have a Discord emoji and sticker now if anybody else wants them. So I don't need anything more.

But I like the discussion y'all are having about a 3D version for future uses like this. It's not something I need now, so not something I'd work on, but if someone ever did make one, I'd be happy to see it.

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What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

12 hours ago, demagogue said:

We have a Discord emoji and sticker now

I didn't see them yet available in the Discord group, or am I too soon? Also I might be mistaken, but I never see you in both Discord groups.


No not our group, another Game Club group for playing and talking about games. They've been making icons for all the games they've played, and they wanted one for Darkmod, since that's one of the games we played, and I helped them find it. I was thinking, now that they've made it, we ought to give it to the Darkmod Discord group as well, or anyone else that may want it. I don't really know anything about Discord, but I figure I can just give an admin (or anybody else that wants it for any other reason) the raw file, whatever it is, and they can do whatever it is they do with it. Anyway I'll ask them for the file and attach or link to it here so anyone can just take it. I'll try to remember to do that at some point.

I've hung out in the Darkmod Discord sometimes, but I'll grant it's not often, it's been a while, and even when I visit I won't be really posting. But I'm not really spending much if any time on any Discord group I'm a member of, not just that one.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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