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Well, I don't want to seem ridiculos or anithing, but what is this game actually about? I have heard of it accidentally - when a guy on some other forum mentioned the two major DooM 3 mods - heXen Edge of Chaos and this one. I was really attracted by the screenshots and wanted to look into it. It seems to be a stealth action in medieval times or something? What can you do there, as a thief? Maybe you can lock-pick, and if you can - how? And what about pick-pocketing, or assasinating? The game seems kind of dark, does it matter whether you stand in a darkened section or not? That would be cool. And I saw a picture of three arrows - does it matter where you hit, body, leg, head? And will the enemy ignite if you hit it with a fire arrow?


I remember playing some old game long time ago... There it mattered if you were in the dark, and you could steal goods in there, and the higher the difficulty, the more goods you need to get. There were guards everywhere, with swords and bows and crossbows, and you could block sword attacks with your own sword. I lost that game though, never remembered it's name...


Just want to say - GREAT job so far!

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.

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the dark mod is inspiered buy the classic thief series. only the best video game ever. if you havent played it i suggest you do. Thief is a stealth/action game. vary adictive. its like a midevil/fantasy game. you brake in to castles and mansions, steal all the loot you can and complete you objectives. no other game comes close to the thief series. you have to play it to understand compleatly what the game is about.


this mod is a conversion that turns doom3 into a thief insiered world. play the originals. there old but still better then most games out. and they still look nice to :).


So it's called Thief? I'll look into it. I never heard of it for some reason.

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.


Hello :)


Yeah, as Slash said, this mod is Thief inspired, though its mostly inspired from Thief 1 & 2. Thief 3 was good, i played it, but personally i did'nt like it as much as Thief 1 or 2. That's also pretty much where the mod started, the fact that a lot of thief fans were upset with how Thief 3 turned out and so a few fans started making the mod, the founding father being Fingernail. Anyways, Doom3 was the logical engine choice because of it's dark areas etc (or capability to render them anyway). So here we are about one year down the track. Anyways, i do suggest you try Thief 1 and 2, I personally really enjoyed them. They're not exactly what i'd call a fps but more of a first person sneaker. Try it and you'll se what i mean. Alternatively you can try Thievery, which is a thief multiplayer mod for UT, however, even that is starting to show it's age. The devs of thievery are now working on nightblade for utk4, so that should be good. Anyways, enough of my blabbering, just try Thief and you'll see what i mean ;)

Posted (edited)

Well, it seems that SotSR and Thief are in alike positions - SotSR is dead and Thief 3 is not what is expected. I played something like Thief, or maybe even Thief itself, but I'm not sure, besides, it was a quest. Can you give a link to demo of Thief 1 and 2? I hope that game was Thief, I sure liked it, but lost it. I have no problems playing old games - I still can't gat away from Heretic I-II, heXen I-II, can't get them of my PC, even though my computer is powerful and I enjoy DooM 3 which engine you are now using. I'm happy you use it, not Source, I like the DooM III bamp and shadows. And, I'm glad you are not hiding, like X EoC.


And, another question - I don't want to be sued, bu does this mod requires a fully legal copy of DooM 3 bought in USA?

Edited by heXen

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.


Well, it requires a full copy of Doom3 yes.


If you don't have a full copy, i suggest buying one, not for the mod but for the fact that ID are a great company and have always been loyal to their fanbase, and have always been helpful too. Anyways, thats my 2 cents on it.


I would have gladly buyed it, but I'm not the owner of my families monty - just some 15 year old girl that likes games for some reason. Maybe, if I convince them that both the X EoC and DM are great, and require a full version of DooM 3, they will but it. Nevertheless, I have $50 of my own pocket money, but I wanted to buy The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. I did buy DooM 3, but back in Russia (I'm Ukrainian), and the Russian copies are usually illegal, with no working multiplayer and problems when installing patches or expansions - which DooM 3 proves - I can't put RoE, because it requires the original key - I enter the key, it says - invalid.

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.


heXen - In your first post above you describe a game that is very much like Thief. You really should try Thief 1 and/or Thief 2. They are inexpensive and can be bought on eBay or wherever. I personally started with Thief 2 and like it a little better than Thief 1 because it was my first exposure to the series. It's graphics are a bit better than Thief 1's, so I'd recommend starting with it. (It's sometimes hard enough for people to try games that a like 5 years old, so this will ease you back. After Thief 2, it's totally easy to go to Thief 1. They hold up very nicely next to each other and are both very good quality products.) But that's just me. Other people's first exposure was Thief 1, so they like it better. I'm just speaking from my experience and the fact that the Thief 1 and 2 games have been out a long while now.


The less you read or know about the games, the better. So stop reading this and any other forum or website until you've experienced Thief. And then come back to learn about this project. Everyone in the Thief cult remembers their first time with Thief and I want you to experience the same. Just put some nice headphones on, turn out the lights and wrap yourself up in the Thief atmosphere and experience. I played it every night for a month or two when I first got Thief 2. It was really a great experience. Let us know if you plan on doing this, or if you have other plans. I'm curious...


Of course, that's Thief: The Dark Project (Thief 1). Thief: The Metal Age is Thief 2. New Horizon's link might be a good start anyways. Either way, I hope you have fun with it :) Actually, I think there is also a way to make Thief 1's textures be higher-resolution, like Thief 2's. I've never tried it, but if you ever get the full version of Thief 1, you might give it a try before playing: http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/patches/. For example, on that site:

Thief 1 & Gold AI Mesh & Skin Patch (GIF Version) - 4.83 Megs - readme.txt

This patch will equip your Thief 1 or Gold game with Thief 2 style meshes and skins. The GIF version offers skins with 256 color. Made by Daemonoite.


Note: There is a known issue that the cutscenes sometimes won't work in Thief 2 on Windows XP. Might be the same for Thief 1, not sure. The cutscenes are very necessary for the story and atmosphere. You can test this each time you play by clicking the "Intro" button on the game's main menu before actually starting your playing. If no game intro movie plays, then you'll need to do a workaround which is posted on some Thief-related sites (like http://www.ttlg.com's FAQ Technical Issues section). We're pretty knowledgeable here, too... so if nothing there works, you can try us. A cutscene should play after practically every mission you beat, if not every one. So if you ever notice a cutscene movie not playing after completing a mission, that's another way you'd know things are screwy.

Posted (edited)

You are offending me. Thief is 5 years old? My favorite game is 12 years old on the much more older DooM 1 Engine - I don't care about graphics, I care about how game looks, and the game I was talking about looked good, so I will still start from the Thief 1, if I don't like it, I'll try Thief 2, then Thief 1 again. I just always play games in the right order, if the game has fans that can make a proper mod, it's worth it. But I won't get to play at night - I must go to sleep by 11:00, I'm out of bound right now - if someone sees me...


ebay - page not responding.


And what am I supposed to click? There is a file, but a click sends me nowhere, there are media, abut they are "can't find anything suitable!".


Found it. Thief Dark Project Gold Edition Full Game.

Edited by heXen

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.


Ha! Sweet. I'm glad you're offended by my comments; I wish more people were. Too many people rely on "cutting edge graphics" to judge whether or not a game is any good. That is faulty logic, imo. I was just playing it safe with you, but if you're down with starting with Thief 1, then more power to you. Good luck


PS: I'm not sure why my eBay link didn't work. Oh well. It's on eBay, that's the important thing.


I have nothing against cutting edge graphics and I love it, but I don't like that people think bad graphics are a reason to forget games.


But speaking of judging - usually a good game has cutting edge graphics anyway. Like Oblivion - tends to be great game and graphics, DooM 3 - good game and best engine; ahem, Heretic - one of the first games on DooM engine, good graphics and design, what's funny I never liked DooM for its dirtiness and bloodness. My childhood games still, but I never got a hang of DooM, maybe because I had both together, not just first DooM, then Heretic, then heXen, just a box with 50 games on it, I was 6 years old then... What am I talking about?


Sorry, dosed of, I'm an overreacting fan of SotSR and can't stop talking about it.


I'll check Thief out tomorrow, and if you don't mind I'll tell you the pros and cons I will find there, if it finishes downloading.

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.


Jeez. You are developer - you are in the team section. I thought "Concept Artist" was a joke. No one from heXen tema likes to talk at all. What concepts did you make? And how do you make them? Do you scan them, or make them in photoshop?

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.

Well, it seems that SotSR and Thief are in alike positions - SotSR is dead and Thief 3 is not what is expected. I played something like Thief, or maybe even Thief itself, but I'm not sure, besides, it was a quest.


What is SotSR???


Thief is a game where you play an expert burglar in a medivial fantasy setting. He has some weapons to his disposal like a sword, a bow, a blackjack, and some other stuff. Even though you can attack enemy AI with the sword it is usually not a good idea. If you are good at it you may be able to take on two or even three, but more than that and you are toasted. Instead you have to rely on sneaking. This means you have a lightgem, whcih tells you how bright you are currently lit. With this you can determine where shadoy areas are and stick to them. Addtionaly the AI can hear your footsteps, so it is better to move slowly, or use materials like carpets, because they don't make so much noise. If you get the AI suspicious, then it will start different behaviours and is also able to search for you. You also have different movment methods like swimming, or climbing up ropes and such. Thief 3 is rather limited though. Only crippled climbing and no water to swim in. So you can usually always find alternative ways to enter a house and avoid being seen.


Can you give a link to demo of Thief 1 and 2? I hope that game was Thief, I sure liked it, but lost it.


I don't know of a link offhand, but you can try on www.ttlg.com, which is a very good forum and hosts most of the Thief community. You can easily find the relevant information there.


I'm happy you use it, not Source, I like the DooM III bamp and shadows.


We discussed using Source, but there are much more advantages using D3, so it was never really in danger. :)


And, I'm glad you are not hiding, like X EoC.


Yeah. I know how that feels.


And, another question - I don't want to be sued, bu does this mod requires a fully legal copy of DooM 3 bought in USA?


Well, you don't need to buy it in the USA. But of course we can't tell you to use a pirated copy either. What you use it up to you, but if you say you like Doom 3 I would suggest buying it because it's well worth it's money and you are supporting a great company.


Here is a link that will let you download the full version of Thief: The Dark Project. It is a fully legal copy of the game but it only lets you play for 1 hour and then it requires you to pay $20 if you want to continue playing.


Uuuhm, you can get it for less than that on ebay. And then you have also a full version and legal. Well, wether something is legal or not depends on the country anyway, so I can't give you any advice there. But we would prefere not to much talk about pirated copies here, because we don't want to get the impression out that we are a warez kind of site, and some countries are rather easy to shut down a site because of that.


Posted (edited)

Excue me, if I need warez, I know where to go, not here, I just wanted confirmation of whether I need licensed DooM 3. I just want to say that Russia and Ukraine are corrupted countries who sell pirated copies masked as licensed ones. I cannot install RoE on my DooM - most probable that it was a pirated copy, even though it worked OK. In fact, I had to find a key for it.


I downloaded Thief now, I'll play it later - must go to school now.


SotSR is Shadow of the Serpent Riders, the Heretic/heXen series, if you ever heard of them. Started after DooM as a mid-clone Heretic, than a different game named heXen on DooM 2 engine, heXen II on Quake engine, and 3-person Heretic II on some engine I don't know, Quake II, maybe.

Edited by heXen

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.


I know of Heretic and Hexen. BUt it didn't catch so good with me. I played Doom at that time and we had a lot of fun. I carried my machine and my monitor over to a friend several times to have death match sessions over the weekend. :) And I downloaded tons of missions made from fans. Ah! Those were the times ... :)


Uuuhm, you can get it for less than that on ebay. And then you have also a full version and legal. Well, wether something is legal or not depends on the country anyway, so I can't give you any advice there. But we would prefere not to much talk about pirated copies here, because we don't want to get the impression out that we are a warez kind of site, and some countries are rather easy to shut down a site because of that.


It's not warez spar, the link is off of Eidos site. They sell Thief Gold there as a download. ;)


"This product cannot be installed on Windows NT due to DirectX limitations."


Now what..?

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.

Posted (edited)

Well, I think you know that, but actually, there are 95 Windows, and NT Windows, and 95, 98 are 95 version, closer to DOS, with excecution by turns, and NT - ME, XP, NT - are fully independent from DOS, so if a program says I'm NT, this does not mean I have NT, this means I have a NT TYPE Windows, but actually it's XP. I'll go try with that panel.




Problems again - I load it, when I start to play, it's just black screen, after I choose - training mission.

Edited by heXen

May the Abyss rule!


Shadow of the Serpent Riders fan.

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