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This is the new CVS thread. This first post will contain a list of all sounds currently on CVS, and the creator. Every time I upload new sounds to CVS I will make a new post with these sounds, and also update the main list.



alien01_loop - Muze

alien02 - Muze

alien03_loop - Muze

alien04_loop - Muze

alien05 - Muze

alien06 - Muze

alien_birds_loop - Muze

basement01_loop - Schatten

church01a - mrDischarged

church01b - mrDischarged

church_defiled - Schatten

church_kyrie01 - Schatten

church_kyrie02 - Schatten

city_night01_loop - Schatten

city_night02_loop - Schatten

city_night03_loop - Schatten

city_night04_loop - Schatten

city_night05_loop - Schatten

city_silentnight - UNKNOWN

city_sleeping_loop - schatt

city_streets01_loop - drewb50

city_streets02_loop - drewb50

darkmod_teaser - Tyrot

darknessfalls - Darkness_Falls

desolation_loop - Schatten

deviginti01_loop - drewb50

deviginti02 - drewb50

factory01 - drewb50

factory01_loop - drewb50

factory_clockwork_loop - Schatten

factory_distant - mrDischarged

forest01a - drewb50

forest01b - drewb50

forest_children - Schatten

forest_darkwood - Schatten

forest_darkwood_loop - Schatten

forest_outside_loop - drewb50

gregorian01a - Muze

gregorian01b - Muze

gregorian01c - Muze

gregorian02a - Saxmeister

gregorian02b - Saxmeister

gregorian02c - Saxmeister

gregorian03 - drewb50

gregorian03_loop - drewb50

haunted_cemetary - Schatten

haunted_eerie_loop - Schatten

haunted_revenants01a - Saxmeister

haunted_revenants01b - Saxmeister

haunted_spectral_loop - Schatten

haunted_voices01a - drewb50

haunted_voices01b_loop - drewb50

haunted_voices02_loop - Schatten

haunted_voices03 - Saxmeister

haunted_voices04_loop - Schatten

hit_high01 - Schatten

hit_high02 - Schatten

hit_high03 - Schatten

hit_low01 - Schatten

hit_low02 - Schatten

hit_low03 - Schatten

hit_low04 - Schatten

hit_low05 - Schatten

hit_low06 - Schatten

hum_intense01_loop - Muze

hum_intense02_loop - Muze

hum_intense03_loop - Muze

hum_intense04_loop - Muze

hum_intense05_loop - Muze

hum_medium01_loop - Muze

hum_medium02_loop - Muze

hum_medium03_loop - Muze

hum_medium04_loop - Muze

hum_subtle01_loop - Schatten

hum_subtle02_loop - Muze

hum_subtle03_loop - Muze

hum_subtle04_loop - Muze

hum_subtle05_loop - Muze

hum_subtle06_loop - Schatten

mansion_outside - mrDischarged

mansion_piano01 - mrDischarged

mansion_piano01_scratched - mrDischarged

mansion_piano02a - Muze

mansion_piano02b - Muze

mansion_tense01a - Muze

mansion_tense01b - Muze

mansion_tense02 - Saxmeister

musicbox01a - Muze

musicbox01b - Muze

nocturne01a_loop - Schatten

nocturne01b - Schatten

shadow_loop - Schatten

solitary_theme01 - Darkness Falls

solitary_theme02 - Darkness Falls

solitude_loop - Schatten

ticktack_loop - Schatten

trippystring01 - Saxmeister

trippystring02 - Saxmeister

twins01_loop - Schatten

twins02_loop - Schatten

twins03_full - Schatten

underground_buried_loop - Schatten

underground_caves01a - Saxmeister

underground_caves01b - Saxmeister

underground_caves02a - Darkness_Falls

underground_caves02b - Darkness_Falls

underground_caves03_loop - Darkness_Falls

underground_crypts_loop - Schatten

underground_darkness_loop - Schatten

underground_forelone_loop - Schatten

underground_horns01a_loop - Saxmeister

underground_horns01b_loop - Saxmeister

underground_labyrinth01a - pakmannen

underground_labyrinth01b - pakmannen

underground_tunnel_loop - Schatten

underwater - Theo



animal_bats01 - drewb50

animal_bats02 - drewb50/pakmannen

animal_crickets01_loop - LiquidBronze

animal_crickets02_loop - LiquidBronze

animal_crickets03 - drewb50

animal_dog01 - mrDischarged

animal_dog02 - mrDischarged

animal_frog01 - drewb50

animal_frog02 - drewb50

animal_grasshopper01_loop - LiquidBronze

animal_grasshopper02_loop - LiquidBronze

animal_wolf01_loop - Saxmeister

chains01 - Saxmeister

chains02 - Saxmeister

chains03 - Saxmeister

churchbell01 - Saxmeister

churchbell02 - Saxmeister

clock_tick01_loop - Saxmeister

clock_tick02_loop - Saxmeister

machine_distant01_loop - mrDischarged

machine_distant02_loop - mrDischarged

machine_distant03_loop - Saxmeister

machine_furnace01_loop - mrDischarged

machine_gears01_loop - mrDischarged

machine_hum01_loop - mrDischarged

machine_hum02_loop - mrDischarged

machine_hum03_loop - mrDischarged

machine_hum04_loop - Darkness_Falls

machine_hum05_loop - Darkness_Falls

machine_hum06_loop - Darkness_Falls

machine_hum07_loop - Darkness_Falls

machine_noise01_loop - mrDischarged

machine_noise02_loop - mrDischarged

machine_noise03_loop - mrDischarged

machine_noise04_loop - mrDischarged

machine_noise05_loop - mrDischarged

machine_noise06_loop - drewb50

machine_noise07_loop - drewb50

machine_noise08_loop - drewb50

machine_noise09_loop - drewb50

machine_noise10_loop - drewb50

machine_noise11_loop - LiquidBronze

machine_noise12_loop - mrDischarged

machine_noise13_loop - Saxmeister

machine_start03 - Saxmeister

machine_steam01 - mrDischarged

machine_steam02 - mrDischarged

machine_steam03 - drewb50

machine_stop01 - mrDischarged

machine_stop02 - mrDischarged/pakmannen

machine_stop03 - Saxmeister

power_high01_loop - mrDischarged/pakmannen

power_high02_loop - mrDischarged/pakmannen

power_high03_loop - Muze

power_low01_loop - mrDischarged

rockslide_large - Darkness Falls

rockslide_medium - Darkness Falls

rockslide_small01 - Darkness Falls

rockslide_small02 - Darkness Falls

rockslide_small03 - Darkness Falls

rockslide_small04 - Darkness Falls

water_docks01_loop - mrDischarged

water_docks02_loop - mrDischarged

water_docks03_loop - drewb50

water_drips01 - Saxmeister

water_drips02 - Saxmeister

water_ocean01_loop - LiquidBronze

water_ocean02_loop - LiquidBronze

water_ocean03_loop - drewb50

water_ocean04_distant - Darkness_Falls

water_stream01_loop - drewb50

weather_rain01_loop - pakmannen

weather_rain02_loop - mrDischarged

weather_rain03_loop - mrDischarged

weather_rain04_loop - mrDischarged

weather_rain05_loop - Saxmeister

weather_thunder01 - pakmannen

weather_thunder02 - pakmannen

weather_thunder03 - pakmannen

weather_wind01 - pakmannen

weather_wind02 - pakmannen

weather_wind03_loop - mrDischarged

weather_wind04_loop - mrDischarged

weather_wind05_loop - mrDischarged

weather_wind06a_loop - mrDischarged

weather_wind06b_loop - mrDischarged

weather_wind07a - Saxmeister

weather_wind07b - Saxmeister



mission_complete - Saxmeister

mission_failed - Saxmeister

mission_objective - Schatten

mission_start - Schatten



human_carpet01-04 - Theo

human_grass01-04 - Theo

human_gravel01-04 - Theo

human_metal01-04 - Theo

human_snow01-04 - Theo

human_stone01-04 - Theo

human_tile01-04 - Theo

human_wood01-04 - Theo

movement_ladder01-04 - Theo

movement_water01-04 - Theo

  • 6 months later...


- basement01_loop - schatt

- city_sleeping_loop - schatt

- haunted_cemetary - schatt

- haunted_revenants01b - sax

- haunted_spectral_loop - schatt

- haunted_voices03 - sax

- haunted_voices04_loop - schatt

- hum_subtle06_loop - schatt

- mansion_tense02 - sax

- nocturne01a_loop - schatt

- nocturne01b - schatt

- ticktack_loop - schatt



- clock_tick01_loop - sax

- clock_tick02_loop - sax

- machine_distant03_loop - sax

- machine_noise13_loop - sax

- machine_start03 - sax

- machine_stop03 - sax

- weather_rain05_loop - sax



- frob_instrument_piano01 - sax

- frob_instrument_piano02 - sax

- frob_instrument_piano03 - sax

- frob_instrument_piano04 - sax

- frob_instrument_piano05 - sax

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    • Ansome

      I'm back! Happy new years, TDM folks!
      I brought with me a quick update for my first FM that fixes up a lot of small issues that didn't get caught in beta testing. I didn't exactly expect it to take me nearly 9 months to release a patch, but it's been a wild year to say the least. Teaching, finishing up my Master's of Education, and all manner of other events forced me to drop out of the anniversary FM contest and ate up all my time, but I'm back again in a comfortable position to start catching up on all the new FMs. I may even start work on another spooky project of greater length and difficulty in the coming year.
      Thanks again for the warm welcome to the community and have a happy new year!
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    • JackFarmer

      I got myself the apple tv trial subscription. I have to say, “Foundation” (season 1) is very exciting. Shall I read the books as well?
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      One more like..

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    • snatcher

      TDM Modpack v4.6 released!
      Introducing... the Forward Lantern mod.
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    • JackFarmer

      Where is the "Game Connection" element in the Linux version of DR? I could swear, I saw that in an older build (which I conveniently deleted a few days ago).
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