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I started looking into it, but don't hold your breath about it. :)


It definitely won't make it into DarkRadiant 0.8.0, maybe next release.

  • 2 months later...

I just posted this in the level editing forum but I will post it here too because I think it's a great idea:



Also I had a good idea today. Would it be possible for the Dark Mod to incorporate some kind of tool into the editor which allows you to adjust the tint, color levels, brightness or hue of a texture? Think of how great that would be, you could have thousands of different variations of a texture without having to make a new one every time you change a minuscule property. Perhaps you want dark brown wood instead of light brown ect ect just adjust the color or brightness in the editor instead of having to use photoshop and make a new texture. It would also save a ton of space in the mod in regards to texture storage. I've never seen this done before and I think it would be possibly the best tool for mappers yet in any mapping program.


There is no easy way of doing this, you would either have to autogenerate a series of material shaders to get the required variations, or write some sort of custom shader to do this at the point of rendering. Either way it is a lot of work for a feature that doesn't seem all that useful -- how often is it actually necessary to have several copies of a single texture with different brightnesses? I don't think I've ever seen this.


Gildoran has a method to achieve something similar, though at the moment I don't recall it - it had to do with setting parm values. Oh and the wall had to be a func_static, I think. I don't remember if it allowed the creation of new textures at the material level, or maybe even at the editor level, but I'm thinking it's the latter. Glad you brought this up jdude; we should look into this more.


See the texture stone/floor/brick_005_dark, _colored for an example of this (in game mode).


Fidcal already posted a similar option (for the context menu "Player Start here"), and it sounds ok to me. I'll open an issue on the Bugtracker.

Fidcal already posted a similar option (for the context menu "Player Start here"), and it sounds ok to me. I'll open an issue on the Bugtracker.

Ah, that's fine. Didn't know that.... :)



Ctrl + tab = cycles through top, front, side views AND...

moves view centre to selected item ELSE...

moves centre to camera if nothing selected.


Ctrl + Alt + Tab = View to camera on selected view

Crtl + Shift + Tab = View to camera on all views (I think!)


They ALL move the viewer to the camera or an object. I'd also really like to be able to just KEEP the current centre, whether there is a selection or not. I have often dragged the view off to one side and while examining it use Ctrl+TAB to see it from three views. This loses my view position to the camera or selected object which I find disorienting. I much prefer cycling through views of the same thing to be from the same position. The current choices might be fine for some situations but my preferred default would just be to keep my current position (EVEN if one view is widely far away!) In any event, I see no harm in having the option even if no default shortcut is assigned. I'd make it my default Ctrl + Tab I think.

They ALL move the viewer to the camera or an object. I'd also really like to be able to just KEEP the current centre, whether there is a selection or not. I have often dragged the view off to one side and while examining it use Ctrl+TAB to see it from three views. This loses my view position to the camera or selected object which I find disorienting. I much prefer cycling through views of the same thing to be from the same position. The current choices might be fine for some situations but my preferred default would just be to keep my current position (EVEN if one view is widely far away!) In any event, I see no harm in having the option even if no default shortcut is assigned. I'd make it my default Ctrl + Tab I think.

The reason why Radiant is re-focusing the views on Ctrl-TAB is that it needs a 3D point to hold on to.


Given you're viewing part of your map through the XY top view. Now hit Ctrl-TAB to switch to XZ. Which Z-coordinate should the view be centered on? That's why DarkRadiant either chooses the camera or the current selection to retrieve the the new view center.


However, it would be possible to retrieve just that one coordinate from the camera, which would mean that if you switch the views like in the above example, the Z-coordinate would be taken from the camera, but the X coordinate would stay the same (it still could result in the new center being far from the point you want to look at, if the camera is positioned very high or very low).


Would this be enough for your purposes?


My wishlist for DR:


- sound browser with play button for speaker.

- emiters browser with screen

- filter for clip textures

- textures replace

- full rendering wtih shadows in F3 render mode (and for all light textures - dont render light for biground1 for example)

- grouping brushes and patches - very helpfull when we create object with meny patches and when we want to copy that now we must select all pieces one by one anytime (it realy pi** me off :P)

- beter vertex editing - with moving selected one vertex (now with selected one editor moving all line)

- add decal texturing - textures with transparent background for some dirts and scraches put single on textured surfaces


For TDM:

- most important is to add more water textures with better properties like penetrability.

- menu should have faster animations for text. First i can select ivisible menu option before it will be shown by animation fade-in.

- still when i change weapons i have little lags.

- climbing is to much. I cant jump even on below steps becouse i start to climbing. Set the start climbing 0.5 meter of higher


Thats all for now.

Please, use simple english when you answer or asking. My language is realy poor like you se :)

- sound browser with play button for speaker.

- emiters browser with screen

Particle Editor and Sound Selector are already on the ToDo-List, but work has not yet begun on them.


- filter for clip textures

The filters can already be defined via the doom3.game file. It's not documented yet, that's probably why hardly anyone is using them.


- textures replace

This feature exists but was broken in the 0.8.1 release. I already fixed that in the development version. You will find it in the Toolbar of the Texture Browser.


- full rendering wtih shadows in F3 render mode (and for all light textures - dont render light for biground1 for example)

This is also a common request, we've got that on the list. Don't hold your breath on that one, it means a LOT of work.


- grouping brushes and patches - very helpfull when we create object with meny patches and when we want to copy that now we must select all pieces one by one anytime (it realy pi** me off :P)

Already on the list as well, this may be implemented in the not-so-far future, but it's a considerable amount of work, so don't hold your breath either.


- beter vertex editing - with moving selected one vertex (now with selected one editor moving all line)

I'm not sure what you mean here exactly. Have you tried selecting the vertex in the camera view, so that only one of the vertices gets selected?

- add decal texturing - textures with transparent background for some dirts and scraches put single on textured surfaces

I don't understand. What do you mean here?


For TDM:

- most important is to add more water textures with better properties like penetrability.

- menu should have faster animations for text. First i can select ivisible menu option before it will be shown by animation fade-in.

- still when i change weapons i have little lags.

- climbing is to much. I cant jump even on below steps becouse i start to climbing. Set the start climbing 0.5 meter of higher

These should go into another forum, as this is the wrong place for general TDM requests. They should be entered on the bugtracker so that they aren't forgotten: http://bugs.angua.at

I don't understand. What do you mean here?


decal textures are in Hammer HL2 editor and it call blend texture.



I have a metal floor and next to it i have some gravel texture. In Doom3 it just change from one texture to other. But in HL2 i can put some texture with transparent on that place like new layer, texture with gravel to ad some fade-out for that gravel part of floor.

Its working like a decal add on wall when you shut firearrow - this kind of texture i mean.

will be great to do something like this i DR.

Given you're viewing part of your map through the XY top view. Now hit Ctrl-TAB to switch to XZ. Which Z-coordinate should the view be centered on?
IMO all three view coordinates should be stored (and saved when the program exits for restoring when DR is re-opened IF the user has set to load the last used map - and BTW again IMO, the zoom position and last view too so the view is exactly as left by the user to continue working.)


In the top view the Z coordinate is not needed but if it is stored then when one flips to side view the Z coordinate is used to place the view position.


I only show one view pane at a time but if more than one view pane is displayed then all three view coords must already be stored somewhere surely? Hang on... now I see if I open another pane it is creating another pane with its own two coordinates?


If so, then if instead of multiple pairs of coordinates, all three coordinates are stored once then every view pane can access and update those same three.


I see. Hm, I don't think that it's wise to let DarkRadiant create your textures. You'd have to create a blending of the one texture to the other and automatically create your shader file as well.


I do understand that this is a nice-to-have feature for some situations though, but I'm afraid that you would be better off with Gimp or Photoshop in that case.


Additionally, wouldn't this clutter your project with specialised textures that only fit to one distinct location in your map?

You can already create decals -- you have to create a patch which is placed on top of the floor, and textured with a suitable decal texture. It is not specifically a DR function, just a general Doom 3 mapping technique.

Yes, true, this is some idea :).

So, now i just need more textures or tutorial how to create textures with background transparent :)


angua has already made a few dirt decals, you might want to ask her for details.


This is the material definition:

  qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/bonehoard/dirt_001

  blend filter
  map textures/darkmod/bonehoard/dirt_001


And this is the according TGA file:

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