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Well I just played again and I'm happy to say everything worked perfectly. No squiffy screen resolution, no freezes, no problems with the water. I even got the debriefing screen at the end of the mission.


It was rad as hell.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

No squiffy screen resolution, no freezes, no problems with the water.


I have some problems with the water. In fact with r_skip_postProcess set to "0" the game is not playable (2 fps). If i set the variable to "1" the game is fluid like a charm (but there is no cool water effect :-( ).


I'm in Ubuntu Linux 9.04 and an ATI HD2600 with latest proprietary Catalyst driver. Doom3 is super fluid with all effect active.


Of course i presume this is a problem with the pre-alpha version of TDM that was released with Saint Lucia a lot of month ago (maybe 1 year?)

Edited by Ladro

I have some problems with the water. In fact with r_skip_postProcess set to "0" the game is not playable (2 fps). If i set the variable to "1" the game is fluid like a charm (but there is no cool water effect :-( ).


I'm in Ubuntu Linux 9.04 and an ATI HD2600 with latest proprietary Catalyst driver. Doom3 is super fluid with all effect active.


Of course i presume this is a problem with the pre-alpha version of TDM that was released with Saint Lucia a lot of month ago (maybe 1 year?)


Ladro, maybe you want to join our beta tester team? I am myself on Ubuntu, but my PC has NVIDAI, and is currently sitting in a box in the new apartment, so I cannot test (my laptop doesn't run TDM :(


Having somebody testing on Linux and ATI sounds usefull, and maybe if there are problems we can figure them out before release?


If not, you could always wait for v1.0 and hopefully it works (but I don't remember any changes relevant to ATI and water :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax


Ladro, maybe you want to join our beta tester team? I am myself on Ubuntu, but my PC has NVIDAI, and is currently sitting in a box in the new apartment, so I cannot test (my laptop doesn't run TDM :(


Having somebody testing on Linux and ATI sounds usefull, and maybe if there are problems we can figure them out before release?


If not, you could always wait for v1.0 and hopefully it works (but I don't remember any changes relevant to ATI and water :)


I accept with pleasure! :laugh:


I have to contact someone with a private message?


I accept with pleasure! :laugh:


I have to contact someone with a private message?


I'll ask in the internal forums, and someone will contact you (imagine a dark and rainy night, a knock on your door, and a well, we leave that to your imagination :D

  • Like 1

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax


I'll ask in the internal forums, and someone will contact you (imagine a dark and rainy night, a knock on your door, and a well, we leave that to your imagination :D




Ok, I'll wait for Boogeyman B)


Inventive! I like it! :D


It doesn't have any greater effect than putting the torch out with a water arrow does (except that guards won't be able to relight it), and it's harder to pull off, so personally I'm not too concerned. Maybe one day someone can change the collision models of the torch brackets so that their top is pointy or sloped (so you can't balance objects on them).

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.

This is just an old bug in which the big tome book had a nonsolid center (like a doughnut) if its physics was active.


You could slide the book over a torch or right through candles. A neat effect for skewering sheets of paper, but not for books. ;)

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair


This is just an old bug in which the big tome book had a nonsolid center (like a doughnut) if its physics was active.


You could slide the book over a torch or right through candles. A neat effect for skewering sheets of paper, but not for books. ;)


Yeah you can also stick a carrot through these books. Annoying..

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax


Ah, OK, that's a bit different from what I thought. That's an annoying exploit, for sure.

My games | Public Service Announcement: TDM is not set in the Thief universe. The city in which it takes place is not the City from Thief. The player character is not called Garrett. Any person who contradicts these facts will be subjected to disapproving stares.

Maybe objects being manipulated by the player, should have shadows disabled, just like player. Maybe manipulated objects can just inherit the player's shadow properties?

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.



I'm not exactly sure what the exploit is if the book is being set on the flame. In real life, if you set a book down on top of a small flame like that, it would put it out.


If the book is creating a shadow while being carried, that's different. I think we already addressed the problem of players holding things in front of them to create a shadow, didn't we? (we talked about it, at any length). If we didn't actually fix it, then yes, it does need to be addressed.

Posted (edited)

I think he has set it down in the candle itself. Oszkár?



Actually I created a big enough shadow with the book for the player model to hide in it. But the room was still lit. It is something when an elephant tries to hide behind a very thin tree. :)

Edited by Oszkár Winkler
  • Like 1

Winkler Studio: youtube.com/user/woszkar

Posted (edited)

I just finished playing it, beat the map in 52 minutes with 0 kills and 0 times being spotted

(Except when I dropped the hammer on the statue)

2002 loot (Apparently there's another 500 I missed somewhere) .


Overall I think the mod stays faithful to the thief series much more than Thief 3, it feels like I am playing an updated Thief 2 (or Thief 1) with newer graphics and nifty additions. The physics interactions are very good and convincing. The way the character moves especially the mantling is probably the best I have seen, its very fluid and intuitive making climbing things much easier. Definitely an improvement over the original climbing. The AI seemed to do everything it should and the patrols were again an improvement over the original Thief 1 and Thief 2 - the guards seems to glance around more often and had more unpredictable movement patterns often turning around to close a door (That caught me off guard) , they also seemed to react to motion very well, that is I had to stay perfectly still for them not to say anything. Their reaction to sound I am not so sure about, at first I wasn't sure how quickly I could traverse terrain but found that crouch running generally didn't alert anyone if it was stone floor, that seems fair enough but dropped objects seem to be a different manner. I was fiddling around trying to pick up a golden plate and accidentally knocked it off with a candle, there was a loud CLANG and a guard like a few feet away, he didn't seem to react at all. Kind of odd especially how loud the thing was. The combat seems to be good because enemies are a very actual threat, more so than in the originals but I still haven't figured out how to work it, I always get killed in a fight (Not that I generally do but its definitely tough). The story was also pretty convincing (as well as thiefsy) and made me feel like a complete dick especially when I read that the statue is meant to give hope to the disillusioned masses and I ruined it all .

Overall the mod felt very intuitive to me and easy to get into as well as being professional and faithful to the originals.


Also, is it just me or do the Hammerites sound almost exactly like the Black Guards in Dark Messiah? Lol!

Edited by DingDong

Thanks DingDong. Glad you enjoyed it. There's a lot more fun on the way!


Combat wasn't finished in St. Lucia but you'll find in the new training mission that it is much advanced.


Also much improved are the collision and footstep sounds. The player scraping objects against hard surfaces still needs fixing but generally they are very good now.


btw you should put a spoiler around the cause of the alert you mentioned. ;)


Thanks DingDong. Glad you enjoyed it. There's a lot more fun on the way![/Quote]

Glad to hear it!



Combat wasn't finished in St. Lucia but you'll find in the new training mission that it is much advanced.[/Quote]

Very good, I saw a video of it so I was kind of surprised that there wasn't much to it in this one. It seems nearly impossible to melee hammers to death, even in a 1 on 1 fight.


I was screwing around with it some more and was trying out the arrows, shooting a noise maker arrow into someone's head is hilarious. Two odd things that did happen though - when I shot from above I hit the guard in the head and he backflipped from the arrow hitting him, the master thief must be real strong! Also firing moss arrows at a guard's face slows him down tremendously, is this on purpose?



btw you should put a spoiler around the cause of the alert you mentioned. ;)

Done :P


By the way, I also wanted to ask:


1. Saint Lucia seems incomplete without the crypt added. Is it going to be added?

2. Even this map seems to be larger than the standard Thief 3 maps, how large are you capable of making maps? I played Doom 3 a bit and their maps seem to be pretty big.

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