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Newbie DarkRadiant Questions


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1. Hard to tell though it sounds like the room is not sealed properly. You might look at the wiki visportals tutorial; I think there is something on testing internal leaks. But I think this is probably more than just that. You might upload the map somewhere and we can take a look at it unless someone else comes up with some ideas first.


2. is, as you say, kind hard to see so I'm guessing without the map. It might be you just need to go into vertices mode and drag the vertices, or it might need gridsnapping. Or try menu > view > patch inspector and at the bottom set Fixed Subdivisions and set both horizontal and vertical to say 2. Do that on both patches. Probably try that first and if it doesn't work then undo it.

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On #1, I'm still not sure exactly what went wrong, but I fixed it.

For the record (maybe it will be instructive to others): Apparently, it had to do with this angled brush. The ends of it only partially went into the 90-degree brushes, leaving tiny, long triangle grooves and peaks (when you zoomed in). When I lengthened the angled brush so the ends went entirely into the walls and nothing was sticking out, suddenly the room started rendering properly again. I didn't think it was a "leak", but it was certainly messy brushwork.


It makes sense in retrospect because the blackness went right up to where this angled brush met the skinny near wall, everything behind it was rendered fine, everything in front was black in the whole room.


Fixed #2, too. Not sure why I even mentioned it except I already had a big question #1, so I went for a 2-fer. The thing about moving verticies I noticed is that either you have to plan it out to have clean seams, or if you get different shaped patches meeting (I have 5 patches here, originally all the same shape until I squeezed that top part), you have to do some creative moving to hide the seam, which may open up another seam you have to hide, but not sure you can get rid of them entirely. (Is there a vertex-merge function like with Lightwave? That's something I was looking for.)

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I'm in the process of drawing out the concept for a mission and was wondering what sorts of things I should avoid using while DR and the Mod are still in development. I was planning to just do brushwork for now (are they called "brushes" in DR?). Once the mod is released, I could go back through it with all the objects and textures and AI. Should I play it safe like this, or it is unnecessary?



--- Author of:


Tomb of Horrors (coming January 2011)

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As we progress they are less and less things that will break a map diminishing hopefully to zero at Release 1. So if I were you I would forget avoiding anything and go back and fix later if anything goes awry.


Yes, they are called brushes. Check out http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php/...Mod_Differences then work through the Beginner's Guide at http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php/...uide_Start_Here!

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I concur that at this point you can pretty much freely map and not worry about anything that might break, since no more large changes will happen, only small fixes and tweaks.


So perhaps some small things will indeed get broken, but they will be easy to back and fix, and are not worth worrying about or trying to avoid.

shadowdark50.gif keep50.gif
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You can get a better sense of scale by putting AI and models into your map. (Re)texturing and placing models is quick and easy so I would do that from the start. And even though some things will change you'll still learn the basics of darkmod/doom3 engine editing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a problem with a patrol route and the path-nodes and didn't find the answer in the wiki or on a (admittedly quick) search.


It's much easier to just make a screenshot of the issue:




The guard is taking an amazingly inefficient route from path_corner node-1 to node-2 around a building instead of just walking a few feet to it. There's nothing remarkable about the roadway in the "?" area I can tell.


It seems to have something to do with the Visportal (which I temporarily lowered so you can see it and what's going on behind it) as he'll go to any node on the near-side, but immediately takes the long route as soon as it touches the VisPortal, but that doesn't happen with any other VisPortal. And if I MosterClip the behind-the-building route as a test, he'll literally turn around and do the path backwards a fantastic distance to get to node-2 rather than go the shortest route.

I have a feeling this is a known thing, but a good question for a newbie-question thread.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Interesting. First try moving the visportal along the street a little to the other side of 1. If it won't fit there then at least remove the visportal as a test to prove that is the problem. It might be something else entirely that is causing the problem. It might be just a pathfinding complexity thing. For instance, that trim on the wall - probably pathfinding is calculating that along with lots of other details unnecessarily. Try making that func_static if you haven't already. So long as the visportal cuts through it to worldspawn it will be OK.

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That's actually the recently developed TDMergent AI. You see, the path entities are just a suggestion. The AI can decide on its own to try to confuse the player and spice up the gameplay by exploring and trying other paths, depending on current mood, hunger or fatigue, or suggestions by other AI friends.




Sorry, that doesn't help, I know. I have run into this numerous times, usually with them wanting to avoid stairways. If what the others are suggesting doesn't work, you can just try moving them around and seeing if you can get him to behave, maybe even adding a new node right on the visportal. When I get this, one answer is usually finding the "correct" spot to put the node, or just adding more of them.

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Haha, okay, weird problem but I fixed it.


It was definitely the visportal. When I deleted it, the path worked fine. And no matter how I moved it, how many nodes, where they were, they wouldn't pass through that visportal to save their lives.


I took a closer look at it. The problem: One side surface of the visportal buried in that building had a plaster texture.


Switched that back to nodraw, and they walked through it again just fine.

Good to know.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I don't have any prior modding experience, but I wanted to try the DarkRadiant editor, since I'm a big fan of Thief and also FM's.


I've installed Doom 3 through Steam, and DarkRadiant. I have successfully downloaded and played through Saint Lucia's and Thief's Den.


Now, for the newbie question.

When I follow the newbie guide, and get to the part when I'm supposed to "paint" the room I've created, there are no textures available, it's just empty. And if I press RMB and choose "Create Entity" or "Create Model", there are no models or entities available either.


I've pointed DarkRadiant to use saintlucia as game (it is correctly placed in the Doom 3 folder).

I thought that DarkRadiant would load the resources from the mod?

Edited by Farsead
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In Dark Radiant's preferences did you set saintlucia in the mod fs-game box or the mod_base box? I forget for the moment which is right but try the other one and see if that fixes it. My guess is mod_base.There is a post somewhere on this I think.

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I have a newbish question concerning my ambient light, I can't get the brightness I want in my map and would like to know if it's any settings on my part, my monitor or something I'm missing when creating it before lighting the whole map :blush:


The setup as of now: My ambient light covers the whole map, is named ambient_world and has texture light/ambientlightnfo . I've tried some colour settings, watch the difference:


White light, value 1:



You can (well, at least I can) see the contures of some items in it, but it's dark.


White light, value 2:



Just a single point value increase of the brightness and everything can be seen quite clearly. There are no lights at all in that area. Another example, completely without lights:



I'd say thats's a mood killer, at least for me, so I don't really want to have it that bright. But here's a few more with value 1:



Can you see the chair to the right of the marked one?



That is next to a dark brown panel.


These are taken with default (I think) options ingame. Personally, I would like something in between the two values, but it feels weird. I remember from Isthvans Fidcals Thief's Den tutorial that the ambient should be set at most at 8 and he went with 4 for his mission, that's unplayable for my map. 2 shouldn't light up that much, right? Am I missing something completely? Would really appreciate some input on it.

Edited by peakish
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You will get more variation than that simply because of the player's gamma and brightness settings; for all we know your images look completely different on our monitors than what you are seeing in game, simply because of variations in monitor and environmental light.


Just pick a "reasonable" default and leave it at that, there is no point in trying to control your lighting to that kind of degree. Ambient lighting is only intended to stop the shadows from looking unrealistically dark; you should be focusing on your actual light sources to create mood and realism.

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We have a special calibration map setup which will be available eventually. But for now a rough way to calibrate is the following:


Play Thief's Den

Right near the start, move forward a few steps over the dark wet cobblestones and crouch down.

Esc back to the menus.

Go to settings > video and adjust your brightness and gamma settings until the light in the game is dark but you can just about see the details on the darkest textures.

If you have to push your gamma and brightness sliders right to the limit then it is likely you need to adjust your monitor or graphics card settings.


In your own maps you should set an ambient of around 4 to 6 generally. Ambient areas should be very dark but you should be able to navigate comfortably.

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In Dark Radiant's preferences did you set saintlucia in the mod fs-game box or the mod_base box? I forget for the moment which is right but try the other one and see if that fixes it. My guess is mod_base.There is a post somewhere on this I think.


Worked fine, thank you.

Since it said "optional" I thought it was superfluous.

Edited by Farsead
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OK, I have various versions of Saint Lucia but I'm now downloading the public version to see if I can nail this thing and be better able to answer questions in future.


Meanwhile, can you post your exact path (double check for typos, capitals, spaces, etc. copy and paste where possible.) for the following. Yes I know you've already done some but we're looking for typos, anything....


  • Your doom3 folder
  • Your Dark Radiant > menu > Edit > Preferences > Game:
    • Engine path
    • Mod (fs_game)
    • Mod_base (blank presumably)

    [*]Your Saint Lucia folder


Can you also post which version of Dark Radiant you are using.

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Doom 3 folder: E:/Games/STEAM/steamapps/common/doom 3

Saint Lucia folder: E:/Games/STEAM/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia


Dark Radiant:

Engine path - e:/games/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/

Mod (fs_game) - saintlucia

Mod (fs_game_base, optional) - saintlucia //when it was empty it didn't work


DarkRadiant version: 0.9.12 x86

Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate x86

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Started logging to C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/darkradiant.log
Today is: Fri Apr 17 11:08:46 2009
This is DarkRadiant 0.9.12 x86 
GTK+ Version: 2.14.5
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/archivezip.dll'
Module registered: ArchivePK4
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/commandsystem.dll'
Module registered: CommandSystem
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/eclassmgr.dll'
Module registered: EntityClassManager
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/entity.dll'
Module registered: Doom3EntityCreator
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/entitylist.dll'
Module registered: EntityList
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/eventmanager.dll'
Module registered: EventManager
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/filetypes.dll'
Module registered: FileTypes
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/filters.dll'
Module registered: FilterSystem
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/grid.dll'
Module registered: Grid
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/image.dll'
Module registered: ImageLoaderTGA
Module registered: ImageLoaderJPG
Module registered: ImageLoaderPCX
Module registered: ImageLoaderBMP
Module registered: ImageLoaderDDS
Module registered: ImageLoaderGDK
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/mapdoom3.dll'
Module registered: Doom3MapLoader
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/md5model.dll'
Module registered: ModelLoaderMD5MESH
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/model.dll'
Module registered: ModelLoaderMD3
Module registered: ModelLoader3DS
Module registered: ModelLoaderASE
Module registered: ModelLoaderMS3D
Module registered: ModelLoaderMDC
Module registered: ModelLoaderMD2
Module registered: ModelLoaderFM
Module registered: ModelLoaderLWO
Module registered: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN
Module registered: ModelLoaderOBJ
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/particles.dll'
Module registered: ParticlesManager
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/scenegraph.dll'
Module registered: SceneGraph
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/shaders.dll'
Module registered: ShaderSystem
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/skins.dll'
Module registered: ModelSkinCache
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/sound.dll'
Module registered: SoundManager
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/uimanager.dll'
Module registered: UIManager
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/undo.dll'
Module registered: UndoSystem
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/vfspk3.dll'
Module registered: VirtualFileSystem
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/modules/xmlregistry.dll'
Module registered: XMLRegistry
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.conversation.dll'
Module registered: ConversationEditor
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.difficulty.dll'
Module registered: DifficultyEditor
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.objectives.dll'
Module registered: ObjectivesEditor
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/dm.stimresponse.dll'
Module registered: StimResponseEditor
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/eclasstree.dll'
Module registered: EClassTree
ModuleLoader: Loading module 'E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/plugins/script.dll'
Module registered: ScriptingSystem
Initialising module: ArchivePK4
ArchivePK4::initialiseModule called
=> Module ArchivePK4 initialised.
Initialising module: Camera
Initialising module: EventManager
Initialising module: XMLRegistry
XMLRegistry::initialiseModule called
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/user.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/colours.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/input.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/menu.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/commandsystem.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/user.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/input.xml
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant\/filters.xml
=> Module XMLRegistry initialised.
EventManager::initialiseModule called.
EventManager: Modifiers found: 3
MouseEventManager: Buttons found: 5
MouseEventManager: XYView Definitions found: 6
MouseEventManager: Observer Definitions found: 11
MouseEventManager: Camera Definitions found: 2
EventManager successfully initialised.
=> Module EventManager initialised.
Initialising module: ShaderCache
Initialising module: OpenGL
OpenGL::initialiseModule called.
=> Module OpenGL initialised.
Initialising module: OpenGLStateLibrary
=> Module OpenGLStateLibrary initialised.
Initialising module: ShaderSystem
Initialising module: PreferenceSystem
Initialising module: Radiant
Initialising module: Clipper
Initialising module: CommandSystem
CommandSystem::initialiseModule called.
=> Module CommandSystem initialised.
Clipper::initialiseModule called
=> Module Clipper initialised.
Initialising module: EntityClassManager
Initialising module: UIManager
UIManager::initialiseModule called
Found toolbar: view
Found toolbar: edit
Found toolbar: texture
Found toolbar: textool
ColourSchemeManager: Loading colour schemes...
=> Module UIManager initialised.
Initialising module: VirtualFileSystem
Initialising module: GameManager
GameManager: Scanning for game description files: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/games/
XMLRegistry: Importing XML file: E:/Kreativt/Modding/DarkRadiant/games/doom3.game
GameManager: Found game definitions: doom3 
GameManager: Selected game type: doom3
GameManager: Map path set to e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/maps/
GameManager: Prefab path set to e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/prefabs/
VFS Search Path priority is: 
- e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/
- e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/
- e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/
=> Module GameManager initialised.
VFS::initialiseModule called
[vfs] searched directory: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/game01-base.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/darkmod.pk4
[vfs] searched directory: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/saintlucia.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/game01-base.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/saintlucia/darkmod.pk4
[vfs] searched directory: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak008.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak007.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak006.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak005.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak004.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak003.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak002.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak001.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/pak000.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game03.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game02.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game01.pk4
[vfs] pak file: e:/spel/steam/steamapps/common/doom 3/base/game00.pk4
filesystem initialised
=> Module VirtualFileSystem initialised.
EntityClassDoom3::initialiseModule called.
searching vfs directory 'def' for *.def
[eclassmgr] attribute inherit already set on entityclass atdm:moveable_wearables_helmet_elitecity
[scopedDebugTimer] "EntityDefs parsed: " in 1.189 seconds
model intro_scientist inherits unknown model char_npc
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_belt_small_mp specifies parent ammo_belt_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_bullets_large_mp specifies parent ammo_bullets_large which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_bullets_small_mp specifies parent ammo_bullets_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_cells_large_mp specifies parent ammo_cells_large which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_cells_small_mp specifies parent ammo_cells_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_clip_large_mp specifies parent ammo_clip_large which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_clip_small_mp specifies parent ammo_clip_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_grenade_small_mp specifies parent ammo_grenade_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_rockets_large_mp specifies parent ammo_rockets_large which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_rockets_small_mp specifies parent ammo_rockets_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_shells_large_mp specifies parent ammo_shells_large which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class ammo_shells_small_mp specifies parent ammo_shells_small which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class atdm:moveable_cannonball specifies parent tdm_moveable_base_fixed which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_bfgfreq_cinematic specifies parent damage_bfgFreq which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_bfgsplash_cinematic specifies parent damage_bfgSplash which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_bfgsplash_mp specifies parent damage_bfgSplash which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadedirect_mp specifies parent damage_grenadeDirect which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadesplash_inhand specifies parent damage_grenadeSplash which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadesplash_inhand_mp specifies parent damage_grenadeSplash_mp which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_grenadesplash_mp specifies parent damage_grenadeSplash which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_rocketdirect_mp specifies parent damage_rocketDirect which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_rocketsplash_mp specifies parent damage_rocketSplash which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class damage_soulsplash_mp specifies parent damage_soulSplash which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class intro_scientist specifies parent char_labcoat_young which is not found.
[eclassmgr] Warning: Entity class prop_elemental_light specifies parent light_elemental which is not found.
=> Module EntityClassManager initialised.
Initialising module: FileTypes
FileTypeRegistry::initialiseModule called.
=> Module FileTypes initialised.
Initialising module: SceneGraph
SceneGraph::initialiseModule called
=> Module SceneGraph initialised.
Initialising module: SelectionSystem
Initialising module: Grid
GridManager::initialiseModule called.
=> Module Grid initialised.
RadiantSelectionSystem::initialiseModule called.
=> Module SelectionSystem initialised.
RadiantModule::initialiseModule called.
EventManager: Warning: Event ToggleClipper is not a Toggle.
EventManager: Warning: Event MouseTranslate is not a Toggle.
EventManager: Warning: Event MouseRotate is not a Toggle.
EventManager: Warning: Event MouseDrag is not a Toggle.
=> Module Radiant initialised.
PreferenceSystem::initialiseModule called
=> Module PreferenceSystem initialised.
Doom3ShaderSystem::initialiseModule called
[scopedDebugTimer] "ShaderFiles parsed: " in 2.018 seconds
8205 shaders found.
=> Module ShaderSystem initialised.
ShaderCache::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ShaderCache initialised.
GlobalCameraManager::initialiseModule called.
=> Module Camera initialised.
Initialising module: ConversationEditor
ConversationEditor::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ConversationEditor initialised.
Initialising module: DifficultyEditor
DifficultyEditor::initialiseModule called.
=> Module DifficultyEditor initialised.
Initialising module: Doom3BrushCreator
Initialising module: UndoSystem
UndoSystem::initialiseModule called
=> Module UndoSystem initialised.
BrushModuleClass::initialiseModule called.
=> Module Doom3BrushCreator initialised.
Initialising module: Doom3EntityCreator
Initialising module: Map
Map::initialiseModule called.
Cannot register command SavePosition1, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition2, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition3, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition4, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition5, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition6, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition7, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition8, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition9, this command is already registered.
Cannot register command SavePosition10, this command is already registered.

=> Module Map initialised.
Doom3EntityCreator::initialiseModule called.
=> Module Doom3EntityCreator initialised.
Initialising module: Doom3MapLoader
Initialising module: LayerSystem
LayerSystem::initialiseModule called.
=> Module LayerSystem initialised.
Initialising module: PatchModuleDef2
Doom3PatchDef2Creator::initialiseModule called.
=> Module PatchModuleDef2 initialised.
Initialising module: PatchModuleDef3
Doom3PatchDef3Creator::initialiseModule called.
=> Module PatchModuleDef3 initialised.
MapDoom3API::initialiseModule called.
=> Module Doom3MapLoader initialised.
Initialising module: EClassTree
EClassTree::initialiseModule called.
=> Module EClassTree initialised.
Initialising module: EntityList
EntityListModule::initialiseModule called
=> Module EntityList initialised.
Initialising module: FilterSystem
[filters] Loaded 15 filters from registry.
=> Module FilterSystem initialised.
Initialising module: ImageLoaderBMP
ImageLoaderBMP::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ImageLoaderBMP initialised.
Initialising module: ImageLoaderDDS
ImageLoaderDDS::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ImageLoaderDDS initialised.
Initialising module: ImageLoaderGDK
ImageLoaderGDK::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ImageLoaderGDK initialised.
Initialising module: ImageLoaderJPG
ImageLoaderJPG::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ImageLoaderJPG initialised.
Initialising module: ImageLoaderPCX
ImageLoaderPCX::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ImageLoaderPCX initialised.
Initialising module: ImageLoaderTGA
ImageLoaderTGA::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ImageLoaderTGA initialised.
Initialising module: MainFrame
Initialising module: MainFrameLayoutManager
MainFrameLayoutManager::initialiseModule called.
=> Module MainFrameLayoutManager initialised.
MainFrame::initialiseModule called.
=> Module MainFrame initialised.
Initialising module: MapResourceManager
MapResourceManager::initialiseModule called.
=> Module MapResourceManager initialised.
Initialising module: ModelCache
Initialising module: ModelLoaderASE
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderASE initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderASE initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderLWO
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderLWO initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderLWO initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderMD5MESH
MD5Model::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ModelLoaderMD5MESH initialised.
ModelCache::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ModelCache initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoader3DS
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoader3DS initialised.
=> Module ModelLoader3DS initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderFM
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderFM initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderFM initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderMD2
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMD2 initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderMD2 initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderMD3
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMD3 initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderMD3 initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderMDC
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMDC initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderMDC initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderMS3D
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderMS3D initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderMS3D initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderOBJ
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderOBJ initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderOBJ initialised.
Initialising module: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN
PicoModelLoader: ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN initialised.
=> Module ModelLoaderPICOTERRAIN initialised.
Initialising module: ModelSkinCache
Doom3SkinCache::initialiseModule called
[skins] Loading skins.
[skins] Warning: '}' found where shader name expected in skin: green_dchair
=> Module ModelSkinCache initialised.
Initialising module: NamespaceFactory
NamespaceFactory::initialiseModule called.
=> Module NamespaceFactory initialised.
Initialising module: ObjectivesEditor
ObjectivesEditorModule::initialiseModule called.
=> Module ObjectivesEditor initialised.
Initialising module: ParticlesManager
ParticlesManager::initialiseModule called
[particles] Failed to parse examples.prt: DefTokeniser: Assertion failed: Required "particle", found "material"
[particles] Failed to parse weapons.prt: DefTokeniser: Assertion failed: Required "particle", found "material"
[scopedDebugTimer] "Particle definitions parsed: " in 0.378 seconds
=> Module ParticlesManager initialised.
Initialising module: ScriptingSystem
ScriptingSystem::initialiseModule called.
ScriptingSystem: Python interpreter initialised.Cannot register statement Example, this statement is already registered.

Registered script file commands/example.py as Example
ScriptModule: Found 1 commands.
=> Module ScriptingSystem initialised.
Initialising module: SoundManager
SoundManager::initialiseModule called
[scopedDebugTimer] "Sound definitions parsed: " in 0.455 seconds
2824 sound shaders found.
=> Module SoundManager initialised.
Initialising module: StimResponseEditor
StimResponseModule::initialiseModule called.
=> Module StimResponseEditor initialised.
Default screen has 1 monitors.
Monitor 0 geometry: 1152x720 at 0, 0
ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: view
ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: edit
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
MainFrame: Activating layout Embedded
ToolbarManager: Instantiating toolbar: texture
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = 32bpp
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = noneDefinition not found: 
init.py executed
EventManager: Shortcuts found in Registry: 333


DarkRadiant is evidently installed in a folder separate from Doom, but I don't know if that is the cause of the problem.

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