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Posts posted by Tels

  1. I judge from the pictures that you converted diffusemap into normalmap but for the shingles fake 3d effect practically doesn't exist. The line between tiles where one is on top of another should be more distinct. In shingles_red texture there's a shadow caused by a normalmap in this place so diffusemap doesn't need to have that line very clear.


    Yes, if you read my post, I explained that I had really troubles to bring out the bars - these ate up much of the difference the normalmap and there wasn't much left for the shingles.

  2. Diffuse texture, as opposed to Color texture should contain some subtle diffuse light shadowing. Otherwise it looks flat, especially in ambient light only (no direct light). It shouldn't be too strong though, so direct light computed in game still would be stronger.


    I have no idea what you mean by "color" texture, as the diffusemap contains basically only the color information.


    You are right, tho, that it should contain a few (very light and subtle) differences, otherwise regular brickwalls etc look too clean and uniform.


    Looking at your texture - you're on the good way, I think. But if you want to be realistic, that shadow should follow the shape on shingles - now it's still flat :) I know - it means a bit more work to do... :wacko:;)


    Oh yeah you are right... but right now I feel I don't want to much around with it anymore :P

  3. The size seems fine to me, but the hooks are separate models, so you could hang them from something else. I actually have a few variant hooks in the works, so I'll add a smaller version while I'm at it.


    Very nice stuff, I especially like the new variants for indoor lighting :)

  4. Added the shadows:








    Hm, I had the idea that if I made only the wood strips as half-transparent texture,thenyou could apply these to different "base" textures, and the base texture could have still the normal normal map. Worth trying I guess :)

  5. You didn't use normalmap of shingles. Diffuse map is just a colour without shadows and contours and without a normalmap it looks a bit flat. I plan to make a better version some day. You could paste beams from your normal onto shingles normal and maybe it would look better?


    Yes, I did :)


    I am using XCF (Gimp native format) to store layers and layer alpha masks, so you can combine and recombine them in many ways:




    The resulting heightmap here was then run through the Gimp Normalmap plugin:




    The settings I used were 9x9 and a height of 25..85 (I forgot which exact setting I used).


    First: the shingles should look flat, as the strips are essentially covering the "dips" of the shingles. If the strips didn't cover them, the shingles would be suspended in mid-air :)


    Second: The normalmap seems only be able to simulate a certain maximum height - and even then not really step steps. Basically, it only goes from 0 to 255, where 0 is down and 255 is up, but the height difference between these values is quite small.


    And I am using almost all of the available height difference to make the strips stand out fom the shingles, this leaves very little left for making height "bumps" on the shingles or the wood.


    If anybody knows how to do this better, he, go on and improve it :)

  6. Certainly, you can save a lot of polys with proper texture. And you can go even farther and bake some ambient light soft shadows between wooden beams and shingles - that gives much more depth and nicer effect and makes texture looks interesting even when in shadow.


    Usually the diffuse does not contain light and shadow, as this would look wrong under different lights - but in this case, it could really help to add a "slight" shadow around each beam. God, I thought after 2 days I was finally done with this texture :D

  7. Yeah but even that's still limiting your view, even if only for a short time. Plus for me it wouldn't add anything. So for me it's no plusses, and one small minus.


    It is quite easy, go and buy this or a similiar shirt (Warning! Comes without the grinning monster in it!):




    and then drap it over your monitor.


    Hell,we could even open up a TDM shop were we sell branded hoods and action figures and so on.

  8. There are red bricks already, but I wanted something suitable for older buildings. Redbrick_dull_small looks very new and clean: so I added some really old red bricks:


    Very nice! :) We probably could also some more variants of the shingles, oh and speaking of that, do you have a more hires version of the red shingles?

  9. wow! :) I'm goign to have to retexture my map using some of these much cleaner textures :)


    Glad someone likes them :)


    Anyway, on the quest optimizing my Old Mill map, I got the idea that I can make a "combined" texture for the roof underside. In normal buildings you have usually some sort of "paneling", but if it is a poor house, or a stable or some roof that isn't used too much (and maybe the winters aren't that hard :), then often you can just see the underside of the shingles.


    However, not *just* the underside of the shingles, as there needs something to support them. My first attempt were just some brushes as "strips". That, however, creates a lot of triangles. Really a lot :)


    The second option I tried was converting these into an entity. That improved the situation some what, but my map was still lagging and I hadn't even added strips to the two other attics. Ouch.


    So the last two days I made a combined texture of shingles and wood, and painted a heightmap for it, then made a normal map out of this.


    Here is an ingame shot of world-spawn brushes, func_static brushes, and my new texture (checked in as shingles_red_plus_strips under roof):




    And here is a shot showing the triangles generated by each method. Quite a difference :D




    A couple notes:


    * The texture is set as "shingles", so rope arrows will not stick in the wood strips. That's ok, as these are way to small to support a human, anyway.

    * the texture looks a bit softer than the brush-work, but I actually like this more (increasing the texture from 1024x1024 to 2048x2048 would make it a bit better but is probably not worth it)

    * I spent quite a lot of time to paint a central support beam in, too. However, this does not work for two reasons:


    * the beam is not wood, so you can't shoot rope arrows in it - big restriction

    * the beam looks fuzzy due to the texture size. A real brush beam can have a much smaller texture scale and looks better (plus you can decide on what wood it should have)

    * the normalmap has a certain restriction on how much depth it can simulate. It is ok for the strips, but the beam will appear not much thicker, and quite flat and unbelievable.


    So to add a support beam just use a brush like I did in my example above.


    The attic is far from complete, but just changing the texture on the roof underside adds already a lot of detail and atmosphere:




    (The new texture works even better when it is not in full light :)

  10. In other words, there are problems.


    It was my impression Dram already knew why this is happens and a fix should come "any minute now". But maybe I misinterpreted his post.


    If they can be addressed and fixed, then great, we can add it as an option. Until then, it should be left out.


    While I generally agree with this direction, we have so much half-finishes stuff in, that I wonder a bit why the sudden urge to throw away this nice work.


    For instance, there is still the broken imp coins and a map that no longer works, and my pleas to remove this have ended somewhere in a discussion...


    So can we leave this in please, so someone can have a stab at fixing them? For unmoving candles on a wall, they look great so far. :wub:

  11. Well, with TortoiseSVN browsing the logs is really smooth. Anyways, I'll try to remember it next time I fix a bug.


    On my side, "svn log" seems to connect to the server and always takes an awful long time to do anything. (it takes several minutes for the full log to be redirected into a file..)


    Plus, unless the bug ID is mentioned in the log, it can be quite hard to find out that revision 1234 fixed bug 6543 :)

  12. The roq atm isn't fully workable, as I understand it (I still see only the glow, no flame at all). We don't want to leave stuff in that's only half-finished.


    They work fine for me. (except the problem that extingushing the candle did leave some after-effect for a random while)

  13. So if I get this right, it is normal that I have to call the InstanceSet::boundsChanged() before the bounds are updated. Then there is no bug in there at all, I simply didn't call anything like that. So the only question left is, how to call that thing best. Do I have to add a callback?

    btw. I nearly forgot, in order to get the allowance to work on DarkRadiant, I have to inform the guys I "work for" that I am an IBM employee. I guess posting in here should suffice ;-)


    Welcome, oh slayer-of-SCO :D

  14. I suspect that is a result of creating a CM out of brushes without applying the correct texture first (textures/common/collision IIRC).


    I don't use collision brushes in my map, so is this an issue in the model and can I fix it by editing the model file (if it is plain text) by myself?

  15. That will definitely work. I also used this hack for some models where the collision doesn't matter to me, like some book or papers strewn around, or differently sized pillows, which I made out of a big straw roll. :)


    That's a really good idea. In the long run, it would of course be better just be able to scale the model in the editor with the mouse, but for now the hack will work without requiring someone with access to a modeller :)

  16. I get "too many verts for a poly" for models/darkmod/nature/trees/tree_dm.lwo. Also, D3 complains about not being able to load "_emptyname".


    Not sure if this is from the tree, too, but a grep showed that only models/darkmod/kitchen/wbottle01.cm seems to reference it, but I am not even using this model in my map.


    Could some modeller please have a look? :)


    Likewise, is there anyway to scale down a tree? I'd like to have some small (young) trees in my garden :)


    Speaking of scaling model - I gather this isn't really possible with the current setup in the editor/engine? Is this a limitation of D3 atm?

  17. To quote Renzatic from a while back: One big punch-up :D


    Well, I guess we wouldn't even reach the meeting, I guess, instead getting arrested on charges of terrorism. I mean, dark-hooded, bow-concealing, blackjack-toting shady figures that jump from dark corner to corner - yikes! :D


    PS: I agree with greebo here that at least some outline is necessary. But a lot of time is spent on discussion and explaining minor details, or what a fix could be, instead of just fixing it on way or another.

  18. Better yet, wear a real hood & turn your head when you turn in the game :laugh:


    That hood doesn't really go to well with my shortbow, last time I tried to shoot an arrow into my door (again!) to simulate the arrow sound, I got the hood tangled into the bow, then snapped the bowstring on my nose, and dropped my shortsword (steel) on my feet, and while frantically trying to catch it so it doesn't alert the teddybears posing as guards, I hit my forehead on the desk....that hurt! Plus, then the muffled cry and moan made my mother (posing unwittingly as civilian in the other room) look in and say out loud "What was that?" At that point I got an heart attack because I thought I was really in the game...

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